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Author Topic: The RP Forum game; Terror of the Succubus.  (Read 18553 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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The RP Forum game; Terror of the Succubus.
« on: May 13, 2008, 01:04:00 pm »

The idea of this game is that you guys make a character, which will be taken through a dungeon. Character sheets should look like this:
Race: ( if it is an unusual race or a race you made up yourself, write something about them
Allergic to: ( leave this blank if you choose the non-allergic feat )
Items brought with him/her: ( do not overdo this )
Class: ( Everything from warrior to bananamerchant )
"Feats": Every character gets 5 standard feat points. These allow you to customize your own character with unusual abilities. If you want more unusual abilities, you will have to take on some negative feats aswell; these will grant you extra feat points.
Laser eyes ( 15 points ): Your character can shoot big red laserbeams out of his eyes. Pwns! ( TAKEN )
Can fly ( 15 points ): Your character can fly. ( TAKEN )
Magician ( 10 points ): Your character can casts spells.
Muscular ( 10 points ): Your character is stronger then the average person.
Attractive ( 5 points ): Your character is more likely to succeed in diplomatic situations
Stoic ( 5 points ): Your character is less likely to succumb to pain.
Smart ( 5 points ): Your character knows more then the average person.
Good with animals ( 5 points ): Your character will be less likely eaten by guard dogs and the like.
Medic ( 5 points ): Your character has a general knowledge about first aid.
Been in the war ( 5 points ): Your character knows a thing or two about war and its practice.
Polar Bear ( 4 points ): Your character can endure cold better then the average person.
Efficient ( 4 points ): Whatever your character does, he/she does it properly.
Dodger ( 4 points ): Your character is able to dodge blows properly.
Good aim ( 4 points ): Your characters aim is better then average.
Light sleeper ( 4 points ): Cannot be easily caught while sleeping.
Ventriloquist ( 3 points ): You can make your voice appear to come from somewhere else.
Moral ( 3 points ): You have no trouble with your conscience.
Speed reader ( 3 points ): You can read things very quickly.
Fast ( 3 points ): Your character is faster then the average person.
Well-spoken ( 3 points ): Your character is good with words.
Non-allergic ( 3 points ): Your character is not allergic to anything.
Experimental ( 3 points ): Your character can find his way out of things in original ways.
Zealous ( 2 points ): Your characters faith is unquestionable.
Smells good ( 1 point ): Your character smells good.
Organized ( 2 points ): Your character can function well in planned situations.
Used to chaos ( 2 points ): Your character can function well in chaotic situations.

Negative Feats
Schizofrenic ( + 10 points ): Your character has more then one personality.
Sees things ( +10 points): Your character sees things that do not exist.
Idiotic ( + 5 points ): Your character is dumb. Face it. ( Cannot use smart )
Slow ( + 5 points ): Slugs win races from this character. ( Cannot use fast )
Smelly ( + 5 points ): Your character is known for his/her unpleasant odeurs.
( Cannot use smells good )
Lady man/ Manly woman ( + 5 points ) : Your character is known to have certain traits of the opposite gender.
Antisocial ( + 5 points ): Your character rarely makes friends.
Reckless ( + 5 points ): Likes to act before he thinks.
Sickly ( + 4 points ): Your character easily gets sick ( or atleast thinks he/she is ).
Ugly ( + 3 points ): Your character is just ugly. ( Cannot use attractive )
Bad sense of humour ( + 3 points ): Your character laughs with lolcats.
Paranoid ( + 3 points ): Your character constantly thinks someone is out to kill him. Hairy ( + 3 points ): Many mistake your character for an ape.
Easy to trick ( + 3 points ): Your character is easy to trick.
Faithless ( + 2 points ): Your character has no religion to fall back on in bad times.
Unorganized ( + 2 points ): Your character has trouble functioning well in troubling situations. ( Cannot use organized )
Troubling secret ( + 2 points ): Your character has something dark to hide.
Narrowminded ( + 2 points ): Your character has trouble with thinking out of the box.
There are only a few stats which I will calculate when the need for them arises. Positive and negative feats influence them, so be wary in taking them.
You can create another character if you die. This is the premise: You stand outside of the front of an old building, in the middle of nowhere. The stones are humid, mostly overgrown by weeds. The buildling is flanked by hedges, blocking any entry or sight to the other sides of the house. There are no windows, and there is no garage. There is a door with a button next to it. The button says: do not press unless in danger.

« Last Edit: June 26, 2008, 11:47:18 am by Asheron »

Quote from: Toady One
Did you just post a bunch of vegi-dicks on my board?  I've been trying to combat forum devolution a bit, and that involves fewer vegi-dicks!
Quote from: Yahtzee
Yes, random is funny, isn't it? Sometimes I set up a random number generator when I need a good laugh.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The RP Forum game; Terror of the Succubus.
« Reply #1 on: May 13, 2008, 01:16:00 pm »

Name: Ludge
Race: Troll
Gender: Male
Height: 9'1" (about 2.8 meters)
Weight: 357lb. (about 162 kg.)
Allergic to elves
Items: Club, bear fur loincloth, dead rat x5 (yummm).
Class: Devourer (attains benefits by eating powerful corpses, levelups provide more benefits from eating)

Traits:  Good with animals, fast, smart, hairy, smelly.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The RP Forum game; Terror of the Succubus.
« Reply #2 on: May 13, 2008, 01:21:00 pm »

Ludge, you stand outside of the front of an old building, in the middle of nowhere.
The stones are humid, mostly overgrown by weeds. The buildling is flanked by hedges, blocking any entry or sight to the other sides of the house. There are no windows. There is a door with a button next to it. The button says: do not press unless in danger.

What do you do?

[ May 13, 2008: Message edited by: Asheron ]

[ May 13, 2008: Message edited by: Asheron ]


Quote from: Toady One
Did you just post a bunch of vegi-dicks on my board?  I've been trying to combat forum devolution a bit, and that involves fewer vegi-dicks!
Quote from: Yahtzee
Yes, random is funny, isn't it? Sometimes I set up a random number generator when I need a good laugh.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The RP Forum game; Terror of the Succubus.
« Reply #3 on: May 13, 2008, 01:40:00 pm »

I curl my fingers and knock on the door.  With my spare hand, I scratch my arse.

I thought you were going to be taking the characters through stuff.  What's the point of setting up feats that define our ways of handling a situation when we get to actually determine the actions?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The RP Forum game; Terror of the Succubus.
« Reply #4 on: May 13, 2008, 01:56:00 pm »

Well, you won't be able to choose EVERYTHING you do, only the real key decisions. And I figured the start was quite important.

The door opens, but Ludge sees nothing but a dark hallway.
Since there is nothing else left to do, Ludge carefully enters.
In front of him, the dark hallway splits the house in half. Numerous doors to both right and left lead to different chambers. There is no staircase to be seen yet.
Ludge picks his nose. He decides that in which nosehole he finds the most, will be the side of the house he enters. After a minute of thoroughly picking, Ludge decides to go to the right. Since he has picked his nose with three different fingers, he will take the third door.
He walks up to the door. It has blood on its handle, but Ludge courageously opens it.
He sees a round room with absolutely nothing in it but a staircase that leads both to the attic and the cellar.
But Ludge sees their is no source of light what so ever in the attic. He decides to go down the cellar.
The dimly lit cellar contains kegs and kegs of an unknown liquid and a small window.
Ludge peaks through the window, and he sees the house's garden.
It is in a bad shape, with the grass being as tall as Ludge's knees. There is a shed however.
Ludge decides not to try to break the window; it would be to small for him anyway.
Instead, he searches for anything useful or for something that can tell him where he is.

Ludge finds, after several hours of searching, a small paper with some undecipherable letters on them. He does not know what they mean, but he recognizes them as an old human language. ( Smart Feat )
Ludge continues deeper into the cellar. This part is even darker, but still their are some candles, lit, around. They look like they have been only burning for a few hours. Someone must have been here not so long ago. ( Smart Feat )
He decides to take a candle, and searches through the clutter, finding a small backpack, which he equips. He puts in the paper he found earlier, and a waterskin he found. It is awefully filthy, even for Ludge, but it is the only water he found so far.
The dust in the air is taking its toll on Ludge's lungs, and he is forced to go back up, leaving parts of the deeper attic unexplored.
As he comes up back in the round room, he notices someone placed a bed in it.
Will Ludge go to sleep here, risking to be caught asleep by the owner in what perhaps is a trap, or will he find another location to sleep in?

(When ( Insert Feat ) appears in the text, it means that situation is influenced by that feat.)

[ May 13, 2008: Message edited by: Asheron ]


Quote from: Toady One
Did you just post a bunch of vegi-dicks on my board?  I've been trying to combat forum devolution a bit, and that involves fewer vegi-dicks!
Quote from: Yahtzee
Yes, random is funny, isn't it? Sometimes I set up a random number generator when I need a good laugh.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Olive oil. Don't you?
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Re: The RP Forum game; Terror of the Succubus.
« Reply #5 on: May 13, 2008, 02:35:00 pm »

He's not sleepy, so he keeps looking around.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The RP Forum game; Terror of the Succubus.
« Reply #6 on: May 13, 2008, 02:41:00 pm »

I guess I can just join in?

Name: Rocc
Race: Elf (Tall, slender, quick, long hair)
Gender: Male
Size: Medium (Going by DND sizes)
Weight: 125 lbs
Allergic to: Wildflowers
Items: Small woven satchel (a few rations of bread an water, a handful of candles, some tea leaves and two cups) Elven robes (wearing) Knife
Feats: Medic (cost 5) Paranoid (adds 3) Unorganized (adds 2)  Fast (cost 3) Zealous (cost 2)

[ May 13, 2008: Message edited by: Helmaroc ]



  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The RP Forum game; Terror of the Succubus.
« Reply #7 on: May 13, 2008, 02:53:00 pm »

Ludge continues searching through the house. He goes back to the hallway and decides to take the third on the left.
This time, there is no blood on the handle, but he hears dim sounds. He prepares himself and silently enters.
The room is well furnitured, but is cramped with insects. Ludge steps forward, right into the middle of bunch of beetles.
The insects, clearly disturbed by the troll's arrival, start to run away through cracks and holes in the walls.
The furniture of the room is clearly damaged by the swarms of insects. But as the insects withdraw, Ludge sees the dead skeleton of a man.
In panic, he runs back to the door, making a bit too much noise then would be healthy in his matter.
He returns back into the hallway, trying to reobtain his calmness.
But then, he sees two rats approaching him. More food, he thinks.
The rats come leaping in, one of them missing blatantly, the other biting into Ludge's right leg. The rat's bite is vicious, and Ludge quickly bashes it on its head with his club. He hears something break, and the rat lets loose of his leg.
The second rat leaps in another time, but this time, Ludge takes care of him before he can bite in anything.
Using his knowledge of eating corpses, he starts cutting away the parts with the most nutrients. But these rats seem to be different, and he quickly finds muscles and bones that shouldn't be there.
He attempts to dissect them properly, but he fails the first time. The second time succeeds, and he quickly learns about the mutated rat's weak points. ( Smart Feat )
Ludge notices a light shining behind one of the doors, the first door on the right near the entrance. Intrigued, he goes closer.
But alerted and nervous because of the rats, he now first checks the room by the doorslit. Just to be sure.
He sees the light source is coming from a torch, hanging on the wall in front of him. There are a few shelves, but nothing else.
Then, he sees a part of the wall open. A small humanoid walks out of it, his face or clothes unclear, as if they were blurred.
Ludge shivers when he sees the humanoid take out a sword. Luckily he did not open the door. He would not want to know what that humanoid's intentions were.
But just as he finished thinking that, the humanoid vanishes.

Rocc stands disorientated infront of the house. Where am I?
He looks around him. There were no roads to be seen, only wilderness and the prospect of getting lost.
Carefully he approached the front of the house. He bended over to get a better look of the button. 'Only in case of danger'?
He sniffed. What a unoriginal way to attempt to lead someone into a trap.
They would know he was here... but Rocc was smarter then that! ( Paranoid )
Cautious, he opened the door.
Just infront of him stood a troll.
Both the troll and Rocc shouted out in terror.
"You go away, foul elf! You not kill Ludge!"
"Kill you?"
The troll calmed down
"You not kill me?"
The troll hesitated.
"You sure?"
"Not so loud!" the troll whispered.
"There are humies here, me thinks. They do evil things. They make us frightened."
"Why would they be here?"
"I donno. Why you here?"
"I don't know either. I remember falling asleep yesterday after drinking from a bizar tasting watersource. Next thing I know, I wake up here."
"That strange! So do I! Were you wake up?"
"Just infront of the door, actually."
"So did I! But... why I did not see you then?"
"Thats... odd. How long have you been here?"
"A couple of hours."
"Ah. And you haven't seen anything... hostile?"
"I did. Two rats, further up the corridor.' Ludge pointed to his leg.
"Aha. So... Ludge? Yes, would you mind if I stayed with you? Ya know, just in case..."
"Mesa not sure. Ludge allergic to elves."
"Comeone... We've got to stick together to survive this."
"Alright! But you stay silent, and no elvie tricks!"
Rocc trusted the troll. He could see he was afraid, and the wound in his leg showed that he was not an ally of whoever was in this house. His enemy's enemy was his ally.
"What now?"
"I map out house. Let me draw map."

[ May 13, 2008: Message edited by: Asheron ]


Quote from: Toady One
Did you just post a bunch of vegi-dicks on my board?  I've been trying to combat forum devolution a bit, and that involves fewer vegi-dicks!
Quote from: Yahtzee
Yes, random is funny, isn't it? Sometimes I set up a random number generator when I need a good laugh.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The RP Forum game; Terror of the Succubus.
« Reply #8 on: May 13, 2008, 03:16:00 pm »

I seem to like this more then I suspected. Looks like playing a sadistic dungeon master is still unbeatable fun.


"This rough map." Ludge proclaimed.
"I see. Have you counted the amount of doors on each side?"
"Have you counted howmuch doors their are?"
"You crazy? That hallway becomes darker every step. I do not have light. You do?"
"Actually, I do." Rocc took out his candles.
"We could count doors."
"I think we should spare these. They could be useful."
"I know where more of them are. They are in cellar, I left them on while looking."
"Let's go get those as well."
Ludge and Rocc walked to the round room, passing the two dissected rats.
"Ugh... what a stench. Why did you... tore those rats up into pieces?"
"I dissect them. I found weak spots. Hit them on the neck, you have to."
"Ah... ok."
Ludge and Rocc continued down the cellar.
"Ok, gather candles, I'll look for useful thingies in the meanwhile."
"Ah, be careful. Lots of dust in air. You faint if you stay to long."
"That will be alright."
But as the minutes passed, Rocc did feel how he his lungs forced him to cough to keep breathing.
"I think COUGH I need to get some fresh air."
Ludge and Rocc went back up.
"Wait. Rocc, was there a bed in here?"
"Uhm, no... actually. Weird."
"Very weird. First time I entered, there no bed. Second time, there was. Now this happens again!"
"Strange. But I wouldn't go to sleep in that bed. To risky. They might get us." ( Paranoid Feat )
Then, something drew the attention of Ludge.
He picked up a small silver amulet.
"That must be off owner bed."
"Yes. So?"
"That means owner bed's neck is about this size." Ludge made some gestures.
"That means owner bed be very strong or use magic." ( Smart Feat )
"You try lift bed up hallway without making noise?"
This made Rocc uncomfortable.
"That is... strange. Show me the amulet."
Ludge handed over the amulet.
"There are some human letters written on it."
Rocc looked closer.
"Yuicth, rise."
Troubled, Rocc looked up.
"Whoever owned this has some connections with the occult."
"Yuicth is a demon."
Ludge shivered.
"Demon bad. Very bad. Wait! I show you something."
Ludge takes out the letter.
"Ah. Some sort of a text from some sort of a occult bible. Something about Yuicth too."
"That bad."
"Yes. Were did you find this?"
"In cellar."
Suddenly Ludge grinned painfully.
"Whats wrong?"
"Wound hurts. That ok."
"No, no, let me have a look at it. I know something about wound treatment."
( Medic Feat )
"No! You not touch troll. Troll allergic of elves. You hurt Ludge more!"
"I promise I will be careful."
"Alright then."

[ May 13, 2008: Message edited by: Asheron ]

[ May 13, 2008: Message edited by: Asheron ]


Quote from: Toady One
Did you just post a bunch of vegi-dicks on my board?  I've been trying to combat forum devolution a bit, and that involves fewer vegi-dicks!
Quote from: Yahtzee
Yes, random is funny, isn't it? Sometimes I set up a random number generator when I need a good laugh.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The RP Forum game; Terror of the Succubus.
« Reply #9 on: May 13, 2008, 03:38:00 pm »

Rocc and Ludge go outside. Rocc goes away for a few minutes to look for plants in the vicinity. Luckily, he does not wander far and manages to find his way back.
"You not seen bad things?"
"No, we are alright."
Rocc covers his hands with his elven robes to prevent his hands from touching the troll's skin, then treats the wound with some of the plants he found and then bandages it with a improvised grass-made bandage. ( Medic Feat )
"That should take care of it."
"Mesa thank you much."
"Let's go inside. It is far too cold outside."
Rocc and Ludge go back inside.
"What now?"

What will Rocc and Ludge do? Shall they take another random door ( dice throw )or shall they go up the attic? Shall they go down the cellar again, or shall they go sleep in the bed? Maybe they will even dare to explore the wilderness.

[ May 13, 2008: Message edited by: Asheron ]

[ May 13, 2008: Message edited by: Asheron ]


Quote from: Toady One
Did you just post a bunch of vegi-dicks on my board?  I've been trying to combat forum devolution a bit, and that involves fewer vegi-dicks!
Quote from: Yahtzee
Yes, random is funny, isn't it? Sometimes I set up a random number generator when I need a good laugh.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The RP Forum game; Terror of the Succubus.
« Reply #10 on: May 13, 2008, 03:49:00 pm »

Rocc wants to go up to the attic.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The RP Forum game; Terror of the Succubus.
« Reply #11 on: May 13, 2008, 03:58:00 pm »

Ok, I'll give Ludge fifteen minutes, but I doubt he would disagree. Splitting up could end up giving... unfortunate results. *starts evil laughter*

Quote from: Toady One
Did you just post a bunch of vegi-dicks on my board?  I've been trying to combat forum devolution a bit, and that involves fewer vegi-dicks!
Quote from: Yahtzee
Yes, random is funny, isn't it? Sometimes I set up a random number generator when I need a good laugh.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Look in to my eyesssss.
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Re: The RP Forum game; Terror of the Succubus.
« Reply #12 on: May 13, 2008, 04:15:00 pm »

Ok, so, I hope Ludge wants to go to the attic to.
I will have to enforce this rule; if a member makes a choice, the members that are going with him have to reply in a decent amount of time, or it will take ages for a party to continue. This, however, can only happen twice to the same person in a row. Just to make sure people in other time zones don't get beeped. Sorry Kagus.

"What now?"
"I say we go to the attic." Rocc suggested.
"Yeah. Unless you want to go into a random room which might possibly be filled with insects or humans with swords?"
Ludge shivered again.
"We could go cellar again?"
"There is to much dust in there. We can barely stay there for a few minutes. To the attic!"
Ludge and Rocc returned to the round room. Disturbingly, their were now two beds in the room.
"Bastards. They are playing with our heads, aren't they? They are out to get me! They will not, oh no..." ( Paranoid Feat )
"You ramble... calm down."
"Ok. I am calm. Very calm."
Rocc took the old candle from the cellar, the only one he left burning, since they did not have a tinderbox.
"Ok, Ludge, it is very important this candle does not go out. It is our only fire for now."
"Rightie. Fire important."
"Good. Let us go up."
After some hesitation, they started to go up the stairs.
The steps of the stairs were surprisingly sturdy for being ridiciously worn and old. Ludge could swear he saw some insects crawling out of one of the countless holes in the steps. Not those buggers again.
The candle's flame barely created enough light to see, but as they entered the attic, they felt their was nothing hostile here. Even more, the attic emitted some kind of... dared they say it... hospitality?
"Good idea, Rocc."
"Go up attic, good idea. I feel safe for first time since we are here."
"Yeah, thanks. Wait! I bumped against something. It's a torch."
Ludge and Rocc had been shuffling forward, taking small steps while looking around to ensure nothing surrounded them.
"Lit it. Comone!"
The fire of the candle quickly sprang over to the torch, and soon the torch began to fill the whole attic with light.
The attic was in a much better condition then the rest of the house. The wooden planks looked like they were only freshly laid, with no hole to be found what so ever.
Different boxes and old furniture were heaped together in the corners of the attic, creating some sort of circle in the middle of the room.
"Look! Boarded up windows."
"Open them."
Rocc and Ludge each walked up to a side of the attic and began to remove the planks in front of the windows as silent as they could.
"Ludge! Look at this!"
"You see what I see?"
"You see what is happening outside to?"
Instead of the dark and badly maintained garden they expected to see, they saw a lush, vibrant garden with the most colourful flowers and exotic plants both of them had ever seen. And for an elf, that meant alot.
"This must be magic! This cannot be happening!"
"Yeah, look at the sun. Its shining! There is no wilderness to be seen, only lush grasslands at the horizon."
"What could this mean?"
A slow, but comforting voice suddenly spoke behind them.
"This means what happened in the past."
Rocc screamed in terror.
"Get off me. Don't try to kill me! I am armed!"
Rocc showed his sheathed dagger.
"I mean no harm."
"Then show yourself."
Ludge nervously tried to calm Rocc.
"Rocc, be silent. We don't want anything else to hear us."
"Do not worry. There is nothing evil that can hear you. You are safe."
"Show yourself!"
But then, a woman with a blue skin, dressed in white cloth, appeared.
"I am a nature sprite. This used to be my master's house. A peaceful house of a peaceful human druid, who dedicated his life to nature."
Ludge and Rocc remained silent in awe. The nature sprite was beautiful beyond comprehension. She emitted light that glinstered as if it was gold.
"But things have changed." they could hear sadness in her voice.
"My evil counterpart, the succubus, seducted my master and corrupted this house. Now, she tricks others into this house for her amusement."
"P-p-play with them?"
"She means harm to you, if that is what you want to know. She will not immediatly kill you if you are not a threat to her, unless you blindly run around, unapparent for any danger.
Instead, she will toy with you like a cat plays with its victim. She will play tricks on your mind. She will try to depress you, make you insane."
Ludge and Rocc still remained silent. But this time, out of fear.
"I sense your fear. But you must not panic. Since she is playing with you, their IS a small chance that you will survive; if you prove worthy to her.
If you are smart and cunning, and evade her traps, she will reward you.
But be wary, for these rewards may be poisoned ones. If she is truely reckless, more people such as you might wind up here. Find them, and make sure you stick together.
She will try to confuse you, and spread distrust between you. Do not fall for her scheme. If you find her magical source in this home, you may banish her and return everything to what is was."
"How can we do that? We stand no chance against evil magics." Rocc argumented.
"I shall try to help you, but only so that she will not notice. She may not know that I am still here. This attic is my magical source. Only come here when you are not followed. If she finds me, you are doomed to."
"And how..." Rocc tried to ask.
But then she disappeared, vanishing out of thin air, just like she came.
"That explains magics." Ludge said.

[ May 13, 2008: Message edited by: Asheron ]

[ May 13, 2008: Message edited by: Asheron ]


Quote from: Toady One
Did you just post a bunch of vegi-dicks on my board?  I've been trying to combat forum devolution a bit, and that involves fewer vegi-dicks!
Quote from: Yahtzee
Yes, random is funny, isn't it? Sometimes I set up a random number generator when I need a good laugh.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The RP Forum game; Terror of the Succubus.
« Reply #13 on: May 14, 2008, 04:54:00 am »

Rocc looked around him, puzzled by the recent events.
"Right. A succubus. Splendid."
"So, what we do now?"
"I guess we first get some sleep. This attic is the safest spot we can get over here, so I suggest we stay here."
"But first, let's eat!"
Rocc and Ludge make themselves comfortable, and soon they start a little fire with a improvised campfire.
Rocc takes out the some tea leaves and some bread and starts preparing the tea.
"You care for some tea?"
"No, thanks. I drink water."
Ludge showed his waterskin.
"Ugh, that looks downright filthy. I wouldn't drink that."
"It better then nothing."
"Here, have some of my water."
"Mesa thank you."
Ludge takes out some of his dead rat and starts nibbling on it with childish enjoyment.
"Dead rat very nutrisious. Good for wound." ( Devourer class )
After they both ate, they searched for a more softer spot to sleep on.
"Good nightie, Rocc."
"Good night, Ludge."
And so, Rocc and Ludge spended their first night in the house.

Don't hesitate to join, by the way. I can easily fit you into the story.

[ May 14, 2008: Message edited by: Asheron ]

[ May 14, 2008: Message edited by: Asheron ]


Quote from: Toady One
Did you just post a bunch of vegi-dicks on my board?  I've been trying to combat forum devolution a bit, and that involves fewer vegi-dicks!
Quote from: Yahtzee
Yes, random is funny, isn't it? Sometimes I set up a random number generator when I need a good laugh.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The RP Forum game; Terror of the Succubus.
« Reply #14 on: May 14, 2008, 09:49:00 am »

I usually don't do this kind of RPs... But you are a quite good GM and I got such a wonderful character idea so I'll go for it anyway.

Name: Virvipop
Race: witch (think The Wizard of Ozz)
Gender: female
Size: about 1.5m tall
Weight: about 30kg
Allergic to: children

Items brought with him/her: staff (looks like the one Gandalf the grey used in LOTR), black silk dress, pointy black hat, various herbs, Talking Book of Moving Images and Knowledge (parchment magic sentient laptop/assistant kinda, contains all sorts of various knowledge, the books spirit is also her best friend. The voice and personality of the book is that of an male elderly slightly pompous and self-centred academic)

Class: scientist

Feats: Magician, Stoic, Smart, Medic, Efficient, Experimental 32
Schizofrenic, Smelly, Manly woman, Antisocial Ugly, Hairy, Faithless, -33

Personality description (as you are deciding the action details, this is guidelines):
Classical evil-witch, voice and look and act, but at the core not evil at all and can be very loyal and caring if she feels someone deserve it (but she almost never does). passionately dedicated to science and science alone. explosively curious and wants to know everything. cynical and often irritated, a tendency for yelling at people. Acts resolutely and immediately, knowing EXACTLY what she wants, and rarely hesitates. Always looks at things scientifically and objectively, always states things in numbers instead of fuzzy logic, and think everyone who doesn't is vague and "unscientific". Always find technical or magical solutions to different problems.

(eventually more later, but this will do for now)

So says Armok, God of blood.
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