Calista momentarily saw a vision in her mind granted by Halmyr-as if the whole world was one large map, or a board upon which mighty games were being played...she concentrated, and her focus shifted to the city. She looked down, seeing herself (a piece in the game) and the others in the group, also pieces-each being pulled a different way, by many different hands and players-some leaned in the direction they were being moved...others stubbornly resisted the impulses.
She saw a dark hand moving another piece away from her, toward the river, for it's own purposes-and she felt the iron hand of Halmyr pushing her (gently) in pursuit of it, as a man may move a counter on a board...she felt the vision fragment and splinter as her sight expanded-more and more pieces moving around than merely this one game, more movements than she could ever count-flanks, ambushes, dead ends, charges, retreats, sieges and counter-sieges...through time and space and ever other worlds...but, all that mattered for her was this single moment, and she knew in her heart that actions here, now would reflect on the wider game whose true scope she could never conceive. It was the truth of Halmyr she had glimpsed.
She came back a moment later, looking resolute.
"...I think it is likely that I felt an undead stalking about...and it may be connected to the attack. I am going to pursue it. The rest of you may aid me, if you wish." She says, taking off without waiting for a reply.
She kept her sword sheathed, however, and walked briskly, but without causing panic. She wanted to take the being by surprise, if she could.
Action: Carefully follow that undead and try to cut off it's escape route, or to drive it into a dead-end. Use my divine sense more if needed.