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Author Topic: Kalpa Reboot: A Gods' Game [Kalpa 1/Turn 5]  (Read 15785 times)


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Re: Kalpa Reboot: A Gods' Game [Kalpa 1/Turn 1]
« Reply #30 on: April 30, 2015, 02:27:47 am »

They are not unprepared, unguarded.  I do not create something destined to consume the sentient, but I will not hold it back if that is it's choice.

What right do those currently alive have to deny the existence of those who might be.

If you are so opposed to it I can solve the other problem, but mark my words, conflict will come to the mortals, we can shape it or let it shape us.


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Re: Kalpa Reboot: A Gods' Game [Kalpa 1/Turn 1]
« Reply #31 on: April 30, 2015, 05:52:19 am »

((You forgot colors~))

"...the world will boil? That is... quite the issue, yes. The outside of the world doesn't dissipate heat? I'd think that to be the easiest way to deal with the problem. What did you have in mind?

...and... Vodoth. You are creating a monster to predate upon the mortals...?"

"The exterior of the world is Void. And as such, is not something heat will easily radiate to. Heat energy. Cold is the absence of heat. Although some will radiate away, partly aided by my increase of surface area and the godmetals concentrating the heat on the exterior surface, the world will in time rise to a boil. There are two problems on the surface as of now. The unending daylight, resulting in flora of the open plains being of lesser health then those that hide under stone and tree. As well as the eventual ball of molten rock the world will become. My proposal solves both these with one action. A series structures, derived from divine metal orbiting the star, they will cast a shadow, and if arranged right, they will shade most, if not all the land. The preferred ratio would be two thirds light and one third shade at any given time. The second purpose of the metal would be to convert the heat into an alternate form of energy. My thinking is some form of base Arcane. Heat enters one side and exit the other as the essence of Magick. Effectively cutting the heat output in twine. Should heat become a continued problem at a later date, pillars of Arcanite could be speared through the land to aid in heat to mana conversion.

The one of life looks around at the grove of short trees he is resting in.  What if we had some really tall ones, an ecosystem all their own.  With spikes maybe, or colorful bark.  The talk of art, protection and immortality flow through the grove.  Not really his business.  Then a word about the imbalances in the world, now that was interesting.

Vodoth turns to the one of death.  He lands on one of the crystal spires jutting out of a lake and beckons Kerikavae over.

Hello again, Brother.  I see your crystals grow well and grow conflict, even if only the seeds.  They each expand and encounter each other and misunderstandings and greed and resources.  So you see the problem then.  These plants are wondrous, but unbalanced.  I had planned to create a unique great beast, one who would spawn others, to devour.  Similar to the Wallowings, to take many different forms the beast would be intelligent to alter it's progeny as it wished.

Claws reach out to feel the clouds and water around them, so much potential to bind new things together.  He pauses to consider the state of the current world.

This will of course bring pain and suffering.  An end to the unbridled joy of this world. 

I will not bind my creation to limit their harvest only to the unintelligent, but perhaps there is a way so that destruction is not the end.  If you could give it the power to take the.. minds.. souls... individual conciseness of the Wallowings it and it's offspring consume and put them into new beasts, it would give them a second chance at life and joy.

Conflict or cooperation would be a function of desire not design, a second life for the elders, or a raving beast to devour.  Either would be interesting.

"I was thinking along a similar line, just rather then one gargantuan, many small and medium and large creatures of all shapes and sizes. That would provide a more effective cover, as well as allow the sapient Wallowlings the chance to defend themselves. This will also aid in their development in terms of civilization. Walls will be built. Houses. Roads and towns may form."

"However this is not my only thought, the creatures whom eat plants will be eaten in kind. By creatures who hunger of meat. To curb the growth of those that devour the flora. These ones that consume flesh will find their population curbed simply by the fact that they have a limited food supply."

"Those that consume sapients could possibly be given the choice to evolve into a form more fitting for a mind, as well as starting life anew. Those Sapients of flesh that mate with other sapients would create more sapients. Resulting in a race being created simply through evolution, possibly many races."


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Re: Kalpa Reboot: A Gods' Game [Kalpa 1/Turn 1]
« Reply #32 on: April 30, 2015, 05:54:19 pm »

That works, I will do what I can, but no more metal.  The shield will be alive.

Vodoth leaps from the crystalline spire down towards the shore, where a large group of Caretakers guided Wallowings gather.  He lands among the three crude huts built by the caretakers to protect the group against the elements.

Attend mortals.  The world changes.

Claws drag down out of the sky, the clouds and the center star, made of gas and fire.  Out of the lake and the ground claws of mud, rock and water cut up through the air towards the area right over the village.

In the center of the village the six claws of matter and energy meet forming first a sphere of clashing energies then a face, claws and a body pull their way out, a six legged lizard composed of black metal and fire, with a horned head, fanged mouth and enormous wings.  Vodoth turns in this new temporary form and claws out a nest in the middle of the village, then lays twelve golden eggs no larger then a normal Caretaker.  She speaks to the eggs and to the other mortals gathered who did not flee.

You are the guardians of this world, mortal but long lived, composed of metal and fire but born on the surface, living on the edge of the center star but responsible for the well being of the world below.  Learn from those around you, who came before.  They will teach you about this world and feed you what they can.  In time you will be unbound by the weight of the world and must ascend to the sky, to take on your given role.

Feed them the mindless offspring who threaten to overwhelm your world.  They were created to be consumed, but you mind-full ones should not.

Vodoth hugs her eggs one last time then the cracks of fire on the form begin to fade, drawing into the eggs and giving them the life to hatch.

The other gods may appear to give you gifts of power and knowledge, accept what they want but do not let them change your basic nature.

Vodoth ascends out of the now cooled form to the center star, waiting for his progeny to join him.

[Act](Reveal and talk to the mortals around a single lakeside Wallowing tribe.  Create 12 of the Starborn, enormousness winged lizards composed of variously colored metals. 

They are born with basic intelligence and a desire to learn.  They must be born on the surface far away from the central star and start as small lizards who can consume anything living to grow.  Over time they grow larger, develop wings and are less effected by gravity. 

Eventually they need to ascend to near the surface of center star so they can absorb energy directly from it to survive.  Their adult form can stand the temperatures near the surface and are not bound by gravity.  The color of the metal they are composed of depends on what they eat during their childhood.

They have a flock mentality and long lives, so that they will form a single group which will shade parts of the world in time.  The adults can descend to the surface for short periods of time to lay eggs or interact with surface dwellers.)
« Last Edit: April 30, 2015, 05:58:59 pm by VoidSlayer »


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Re: Kalpa Reboot: A Gods' Game [Kalpa 1/Turn 1]
« Reply #33 on: April 30, 2015, 06:31:53 pm »

"Mm I like, elegant solution, two birds with one stone. However, introducing the realm to a hint of arcane may be wise, with your permission Brother Life, I would like to seed one of these twelve with the capacity to transform their heat to arcane light."

Kerikavae forms within a crystal cavern deep deep underground. "Are you growing well, my Children of Crystal? Doth thou hath thoughts towards the state of the world?"

Action, not act: Check in on the Minds. See how they're holding up, anything missed during their creation that much of the race dislikes?
« Last Edit: April 30, 2015, 07:05:17 pm by Kevak »

Powder Miner

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Re: Kalpa Reboot: A Gods' Game [Kalpa 1/Turn 1]
« Reply #34 on: April 30, 2015, 07:52:01 pm »

"I'll just watch and wait for now, I believe; there do not seem to be any immediate calamities which I must protect against, but should one arise I would not mind the extra power with which to combat it."
Do nothin'.


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Re: Kalpa Reboot: A Gods' Game [Kalpa 1/Turn 1]
« Reply #35 on: April 30, 2015, 10:33:13 pm »

Alter them how you will, I am interested what you seek to bless them with.


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Re: Kalpa Reboot: A Gods' Game [Kalpa 1/Turn 1]
« Reply #36 on: May 01, 2015, 01:04:04 am »

"Just one, a twelfth."

Kerikavae forms near the smallest of the great eggs. "Even amongst the work of gods. There is always the runt. The smallest one. I think the weaker breed shall have a bit more than its kin." The robed one draws a small crystal and presses it into the surface. A slight resistance before it merges with what lies within, faintly glowing lines form across the surface, curving as arcane symbols and sigla manifest across the golden egg. The air hums for a moment before the lines shade to an almost cyan.

"This shall do it."

Act: Infuse a Starborn egg with the essence of Arcanic Crystal and innate knowledge of the forces such an infusion grants. Arcanic Crystal is effectively condensed mana. It grows in the light, near heat, and in places with high concentrations of mana. Creatures infused with it gain access to the stored energy, as well as the ability to draw from other sources, including additional crystals. Infusing often has fatal or rather major mutations, mutations can vary from sections of the body crystallizing to the point of immobility to simple changes in hair or eye color to a shade of whatever the crystal was. Infused creatures can convert natural energy to mana and mana back into energy. So they can convertvheat to mana and then mana to kinetic energy for example. They cannot make matter from mana normally. That requires colored mana. Colored mana is formed from crystals that grow in areas of high emotion. A battlefield may grow red and black and blue for example, death and depression and anger and pain and sorrow. The objects are created through the channeling of the emotion. The caster feels a massive concentrated burst of the emotion while conjuring, often unpleasant. A fist sized crystal would be enough for about a barrel sized object or many objects that equal about that mass.

Normal Arcanic Crystals are cyan. Cyan crystals have a higher survival rate and a lower harmful mutation rate. Shaded crystal infusion has a higher death and harmful mutation rate, however shaded infused will find they have a much greater degree of control over their shade of mana. However they also take on that emotion as part of their personality.

All infused will instinctually know at least one Rune upon infusion or birth, even the nonsapients. Starborn infused specifically will know hundreds. Runes are required to do anything more then convert energy. A basic fireball would take dozens of runes. Runes direct the flow of mana in a three dimensional space. You need runes for the formation of the orb, the flightpath, and the explosion. Gotta visualize in your mind.

Starborn infused from the Crystal bloodline never have negative mutations or fatalities, Starborn not of the Crystal bloodline are subject to the same chance of fatality and harmful mutation as everything else.

The Minds react differently when infused. They basically function as sapient Arcanic. Only difference is they can produce and store mana, as well as are affected by shaded Arcanic. Occasionally to severe degrees as it literally could make up their essence.

Infused creatures all have a mana limit, based on how often they are full of mana, how much of their bodies are crystal, and how much they have converted. Mana past this limit radiates outward. Infusing soil and rock. High enough quantities of mana in an area will create Arcanic Crystal and induce Infusion mutations in plants that grow from the soil.

Starborn of the Crystal Bloodline often have Runes upon their shells at laying. Should these be there at laying, they will be born Infused.

Mortals born to Infused parents are likely to be born Infused with no negative mutations. Should they not be born infused, infusing has no negative side effects. Excluding Shaded personality issues.

New Infused will occasionally have Runes form on their bodies during the mutation stage. These are not always their Instinctual Runes.

((Let me know if I missed something. Prolly have a hole in the magic system somewhere. Basically I'm creating a Crystal Bloodline Starborn and introducing magic to the world. The CB Starborn can be ascendant if you want. Up to you GM~))
« Last Edit: May 01, 2015, 01:28:08 am by Kevak »


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Re: Kalpa Reboot: A Gods' Game [Kalpa 1/Turn 2]
« Reply #37 on: May 01, 2015, 05:37:46 am »

Turn 2: Mud, Stone, Crystal, Star

The wheel turned.

Eons passed. Plants of many shapes and forms spread throughout the world. Some fed on the sun's nourishing light while others devoured the dying and dead. And even though the gods had willed their many changes, the rise of true herbivores was a surprise. They were mobile, like their Wallowing ancestors...and yet different. They lacked the intelligence and the piety of their sires, only having the animalistic urge to eat and breed. They fed on their sedentary kin, being the the top of the food chain for many generations. Some had lost their ability to photosynthesise. Others supplemented it with the flesh of their fellows. Regardless, It was of course no surprise then that these mobile plants, these herbivores, would soon become prey to creatures who feasted only on herbivores. The organisms of the world would evolve and evolve again, as decided on their creation, all in a constant battle to stay alive. Soon enough, many parts of the world soon became inhospitable to all but the hardiest life.

But not only the ecosystem changed...The ways of the Wallowings did too.

From primitive tribes rose the first civilisations of the World. Under the light of the sun, the Caretakers taught their young green wards the gifts the gods had given. They learnt of fire, that killed and improve; water, that nourished and made way; and earth, hiding its great glittering treasures. They took their lessons to heart, forging the first permanent settlements. At first, they were only temples tended by a Caretaker and his acoloytes. Or perhaps a wallow that had become large. Regardless, As the tribes gathered, they built more. Walls were built, at first to keep out the terrors of the Wild. Then shops, so that goods from distant places could be traded. Then great plazas, so that visiting tribes and nomads had a place to rest and discuss. Then finally, homes. And thus, the first cities were born, with their mud wallows greater than all those that had ever been.

And yet, amongst the growing mud-cities, that lacked in great arts, there was Talk. By their divine purpose, the Caretakers had become the god-kings and high priests of society. Perhaps they ruled directly, perhaps from the shadows. Perhaps they treated their wards as children or perhaps as slaves. It mattered not for all ruling Caretakers saw themselves as the chosen of the Gods and it would be they who would choose the direction of society.

It would come to no surprise that some Wallowings did not see eye to eye with their benevolent masters. They questioned the long plans of the stone-gods, who knew of the divine plan but did not reveal it whole. They tired of the waiting, the faces of the idols telling them again and again to wait and be patient, even as generations passed. Such tension would not just disappear for even though the Wallowings died and lived quickly, they had always known one thing: they were the first. The first of the gods' children, creatures of adaptable mud. Why would inflexible stone rule over mud? It was a question whispered amongst many.

Of course, it was all whispers for now. Only a few had dared rebel against the divine rights of the Caretakers, for they were the foolish ones. Others, wiser, had simply fled the cities and hamlets under Caretaker guidance and simply became Feral. They joined the tribes in the hinterlands, societies who had never seen the stony form of the Idols and knew only the songs of Those Above. Near one of these tribes, the creation of Mind and Body was born. The Feral Artist, a being blessed by Pif-Ria, rose. And yet, even though a masterpiece, it cried.


In an unnamed village, ignored by the trade routes of the world, Vodoth laid his children. Twelve eggs, twelve Starborn drakes, given the task to Destroy. They were not an evil, no, they were the Balance. They would ensure that the many plants that had grown would not overwhelm the world. Each would devour, urged on by duty and necessity. In time, they would grow.

But that was not all. After Vodoth had left, Kerikavae descended. It blessed the smallest egg, the weakest, and departed. Even a runt, it would change the world. For while the other Starborn would bring Order through destruction, this one would bring Chaos through creation.


Deep below the earth, the Minds continued their duty. Some had faltered, choosing to die, while others continued on undaunted. Those who remained grew even greater, melding their senses with their brethren so that All would be remembered. The caverns of the world, though dark, were their realms without any equal to challenge them. Their Crystallines defended them from the plants that invaded the dark caverns, cutting them apart before they could cause damage. The Minds remembered this. They remembered All.

Near the surface, the Minds had prepared. They had spent many years discussing, thinking and acting. Now was the time. Nearly in unison, they expanded their crystal spires up through the surface, tickling the sky with their crystal growths. Soon, the world was dotted with Crystal Spires and Stumps, the only evidence of the Minds upon the surface.

With the surface now within their grasps, the Minds discovered yet more. Pushed on, they learnt all they could, absorbing the memories of those they found. They knew their duty. Some, in perverse secret, hungered for knowledge, making their duty leisure. Of course, mortals too saw in the Minds something as well. Beauty. With new technologies, some were able to fight off their Crystalline defenders. Such victories were rare and costly, but it brought the warriors glory and wealth. In time, some discovered the memories within the crystals they harvested, indulging in their secrets. Eventually, a new pastime had evolved: Crystal-slaying. Tales were told of Crystal-Miners, warriors of the pick and blade who fought great battles to procure riches and knowledge of the Earth.

The Minds, of course, remembered this. Some buffered their defenses, hoping to deter attackers. Others took another option, deciding to trade Triandary or even Secondary node-crystals for mortal knowledge. Sometimes these methods worked, sometimes they didn't. The Minds, however, soon noticed that the Wallowings could not reach them deep down in the caverns, for they could not survive without the Light. The Minds remembered this for another time. Regardless, the Wallowing civilisations saw the Minds less as equals but as monsters, supernatural traders or something not from this world enitirely.

[2] One day, Kerikavae descended to speak with his immortal children. All they did was repeat all they had remembered. To the god, it was but a lengthy recitation. To the mortals of the world, a generation. In the end however, the Minds offered up their opinions, most differing from one Mind to the next. They all had one in common however: "It is power we require, to defend from the beings of Mud and Stone. They rob us and kill, for their mineral lust and profane desires."

Plants diversify into herbivores and detrivores. Biological armsrace results in some extreme ecosytems.
Guided Wallowings found the first cities.
The Feral Artist is born (Ascendant)
Starborn are born
Crystal Starborn is born (Ascendant)
The Minds begin rapid expansion to the surface.
Minds become known as Crystals and their defenders as Crystalline Beasts by the Wallowings and Caretakers.
Minds harvested for their crystal and memories either through combat or by trade.

Code: [Select]
Kerikavae: 0MA 1A
Meoboroje: 0MA 2A
Pif-Ria: 1MA 1A
Vodoth: 0MA 1A

The Feral Artist: 1mA
Raalmana: 1mA
« Last Edit: May 02, 2015, 01:12:58 am by micelus »
You win Nakeen
Marduk is my waifu
Inanna is my husbando


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Re: Kalpa Reboot: A Gods' Game [Kalpa 1/Turn 2]
« Reply #38 on: May 01, 2015, 06:14:27 am »

Everything looks to be going well.  Conflict for resources, rebellion against order, cooperation in the face of danger.

Vodoth swept his gaze around from the central star over the extreme ecosystems and feral Wallowings.  Those would do, the stone ones could manage themselves.  Then he spotted the crying artist.  A broken creation, seeking beauty in it's imperfection.  Someone new to lend a helpful claw to.  Landing softly next to the new one, he takes the form of ripples in the rain pouring down around.

Well what do we have here.  I make this whole world and you find it too ugly to stand?  I really should feel upset over this.  What do you plan to do?


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Re: Kalpa Reboot: A Gods' Game [Kalpa 1/Turn 2]
« Reply #39 on: May 01, 2015, 08:50:41 am »

The thoughts. The memories. They will not stop. From the days predating its creation, the Feral Artist still remembered Creation. Of how it was once a Mind, dutiful and staunch, always fulfilling its role. Of how it was once a Wallow, free and changing and beautiful. Two separate lives, collided with violent impact and resulted in cacophony given form.

When it could no longer bear the sadness, it struck the ground. The earth, the stone and mud flew from the impact. A change was made. It struck again. Already images were forming in the Artist's mind. It struck again. And again. And again. It ripped a tree from its roots with ease, snapping it into pieces and scattering them about. It smashed boulders and placed them with precision.

Once it was done, it resembled an artificial hill with numerous carvings etched into the stone and wood around it. Images from Creation. Images of beauty.

The Artist suddenly felt joy. Like its creator intended. More. I must make more. I must feel more.

Continue making great arts around the world. Sculptures, statues, and even shaping the landscape.
I wish I could unwatch a thread because every time I look at this I can feel myself dying faster
Dying of laughter?
Dying of pure unbridled hatred, actually.


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Re: Kalpa Reboot: A Gods' Game [Kalpa 1/Turn 2]
« Reply #40 on: May 01, 2015, 09:33:53 am »

Kerikavae addresses his children. "Minds, all that power you desire is within the design of your Crystalline. I note the mortals use pick and blade. How do you think they will fare should a spear of Crystal impale them from afar? Crystalline need not be truly mobile, you may leave them attached to thineselves, their repairrate increases with access to direct nutrients. Should they launch part of themselves for combat, all that is needed is for that part to regrow. Play with that thought."

"In time however, the Arcane will touch the world. The seeds are planted. Slow at first. But quicker in time. You will find yourselves many times more adapt to control it than the mortals. How could they harm you if they simply can't move their picks? Or what if they find themselves a sudden loss of capacity to pump blood?"

Kerikavae watches the Starborn as they grow, finding much interest.

No act this turn.


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Re: Kalpa Reboot: A Gods' Game [Kalpa 1/Turn 2]
« Reply #41 on: May 01, 2015, 06:04:00 pm »

Well what do we have here.  I make this whole world and you find it too ugly to stand?  I really should feel upset over this.  What do you plan to do?

They talked to it. Impossible. It must just be the grief. But the voice felt so real.

I do not think the World is ugly. No. It is beautiful. So beautiful. The Artist was smashing a mountain face while doing so, hoping to carve a map of Creation.
I wish I could unwatch a thread because every time I look at this I can feel myself dying faster
Dying of laughter?
Dying of pure unbridled hatred, actually.


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Re: Kalpa Reboot: A Gods' Game [Kalpa 1/Turn 2]
« Reply #42 on: May 01, 2015, 06:29:12 pm »

Kerikavae approaches the joyous cakegoddess. "Little One, you have been quiet. May I ask what your thoughts are on the state of things?"


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Re: Kalpa Reboot: A Gods' Game [Kalpa 1/Turn 2]
« Reply #43 on: May 01, 2015, 06:39:38 pm »

Pif-Ria gazes down onto the world and offers a soft smile. "My thoughts are churning uncle eternity... So many people to make happy. I'm having fun just trying to figure out where to start! Hehehehe!"


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Re: Kalpa Reboot: A Gods' Game [Kalpa 1/Turn 2]
« Reply #44 on: May 01, 2015, 07:07:37 pm »

"And which kinds of happiness do you believe will work best? Some may gain happiness through creation, and some from destruction. Many may gain through learning, and some may gain from simply knowing their places in life. How do you intend to help them all? What if some have interests that conflict with one another?"

"And what of those who enjoy the pain of others? Or the feeling of pain upon themselves? Is that form of joy innately wrong? Or is it simply another flavor?"

"What of those that hunt others for their flesh and wealth? They cause pain but gain in joy. Of a sorts."

"And what if someone is content with what they have but isn't necessarily happy, what happens if you force happiness? The Artisan seems less then pleased with its merging of minds, content to be separate but now conjoined and merged. Although it may grow into its new place in the world. It has eons afterall. Regardless, what if someone disagrees with what you define happiness as? Is their happiness wrong simply because you disagree? Or do their words have value? It is their opinion, yet you are the god of 'Joy.' Therefore who decides what is happy and what is not? Or do you intend to let the mortals decide on an individual basis?"

"May be difficult to please all. You can likely please most."

"However, the dead are likely the most displeased. They have nowhere to go but the void or to haunt the living. Perhaps they need somewhere happy to go in death?"
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