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Author Topic: Kalpa Reboot: A Gods' Game [Kalpa 1/Turn 5]  (Read 15779 times)


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Re: Kalpa Reboot: A Gods' Game [Kalpa 1/Turn 5]
« Reply #180 on: May 31, 2015, 07:11:53 am »

"The simplest solution is often unnoticed. Given an Act, I could simply erase the knowledge of artificial immortality from Arena. Distasteful, but it may be necessary. I would still like to hear the other options we might have available."
"This makes the most sense. Perhaps make the immortal have difficulty remembering the formula, but the mortal have no difficulty."

Powder Miner

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Re: Kalpa Reboot: A Gods' Game [Kalpa 1/Turn 5]
« Reply #181 on: June 03, 2015, 01:59:40 pm »

"While you concern yourselves with that... I have business of my own to see to! Specifically, I'm going to uplift an earlier creation of mine from an obsolescence that they do not deserve; I'd always planned on doing this eventually."
Going down to the Automatons, who had been growing less and less active as the world grew more peaceful, Meoboroje located an especially pristine Automaton and with a divine touch imparted some higher spark into it, as well as giving it something of an upgrade.
Meoboroje locates an undamaged Automaton, and makes it an Ascendant; giving it true sentience (emotions, higher thinking, and knowledge of how to civilize),  and knowledge of how to similarly upgrade its brethren, while maintaining its mission of peacekeeping without interfering elsewise... and giving it knowledge of worship and the gods (especially Meoboroje).


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Re: Kalpa Reboot: A Gods' Game [Kalpa 1/Turn 5]
« Reply #182 on: June 06, 2015, 02:14:58 am »

Pif-Ria, upon seeing the others fail to act against the immortality spreading pacifists, decides to take matters into her own hand and retreats once more to her tower. Once there, she gathers 33 more Willowmen souls, this time choosing those who were most deceitful, cruel, treacherous, and bloodthirsty in life.

"As the sages of Mirth were chosen to represent and do the work of my sphere of joy, you, my most adorably dangerous children, have been chosen to represent my newest toy: Power over death! I give you all the power to steal life, feast on souls, and possess the bodies of your victims! Use it to sew chaos among those who fail to worship true gods! I will edit your minds so that you will find true cathartic bliss in doing this work. Some of my peers may not approve of your mission, so to appease them, I shall bind you to follow the commands of all gods, so long as they do not conflict with your primary mission of weakening the non-believes."

As the goddess speaks, the gathered souls gain incorporeal bodies capable of traveling too and from Arena. They are invisible to all of Arena's residents, save for the gods and ascendants, and take the form of pale bony women possessing wicked sharp-toothed smiles and garments of grey and black silk when viewed by those who can see them.


Act: Pif-Ria creates the Sisterhood of the Thirty-Three Shadow Reapers, powerful immortal beings designed to infiltrate atheist groups and undermine them from within. Shadow Reapers in their base form are invisible to almost all, incorporeal, and capable of flight. They can seize non divine and non ascendant bodies at a whim, killing the original inhabitant, feasting on their soul, and gaining access to their victim's form, appearance, powers, and memories. The Shadow Reapers find great joy in possessing those in power who are hostile to the gods, and leading their factions to either ruin or enlightenment. They do not generally engage in wanton slaughter without good reason. The sisterhood is bound to obey the orders of all gods, so long as those orders do not contradict their primary goal of tampering with governments, movements, and religions that reject the true gods.
« Last Edit: June 06, 2015, 03:40:00 am by Weirdsound »


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Re: Kalpa Reboot: A Gods' Game [Kalpa 1/Turn 5]
« Reply #183 on: June 06, 2015, 02:19:42 am »

((I don't think the "Can size ascendent bodies" part will work.))


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Re: Kalpa Reboot: A Gods' Game [Kalpa 1/Turn 5]
« Reply #184 on: June 06, 2015, 11:36:39 am »

Excerpt from the Mind of Tolen on the age of the Immortal Realms, as recorded by sage Edreth:

In those days of immortality and death and it said that Vodoth walked among the peoples of the Free Kingdoms and Eight cities.  She was greeted as a prophet, a charlatan, a god, a devil, showing powers seen before but never in such on an individual scale.  See related linked memories for details.  She came as a healer of the land and people, as a warrior to display terrible power at those who displeased her and as a philosopher, speaking of the value of both life and death.

As many scoffed at her claims as followed her to the greatest city of the Free Kingdoms, wallowing and starborn alike.  Though small compared to the legendary realms it was a true city state, established by the cunning and sweat of it's people.  The rulers rode out to meet the invaders, great beasts and proud warriors at their command, but no war was fought that day.

What may have once been a prophet was now truly a god, forming an impossible body and displaying terrible powers, but she had come not to fight but to speak on a new way for her followers.  A way for those who followed to avoid the blasphemy of immortality and the death of the soul, to be reborn again and again to have a new chances to live and learn and love.

The followers were allowed to set up a small camp and in the days to come the first Drane were created from them souls of Wallowing and the eggs of the Starborn.  The changed were promised new lives, though at a terrible cost, unthinkable to the Minds.  See addendum for known process details.

[Action]Travel through the Eight Cities and Free Kingdoms, displaying powers and preaching on the value of both life and death.  Gather together followers of Vodoth among the Wallowings and as many Starborn as will follow.  Travel to a large city state in the Free Kingdoms.

[Action]Spread a philosophy of reincarnation and the value of living a good life.  Central are the principles that bodily immortality is ultimately corrupting, causing the devaluing of life when done for selfish reasons and fear of death.  Praise the Starborn as those who can live many lives and experience all that life means, pain and joy, happiness and sadness, defeats and triumphs.  Offer those who follow the chance to become a new race which will be reincarnated in the same way.

[Act]Create the Drane, Eggborn.  Created by a god of life or an ascendant Starborn linking an unhatching Starborn egg to a Wallowing who worships the one doing the ritual.  When the Wallowing dies it will be reborn as a new creature out of the egg.  The first generation will retain all of their memories.  These creatures can lay eggs themselves and when killed will cycle into the Second Sun with their half Starborn soul.  Their joy will be pulled out by the Singing Tower, but their minds, souls and experiences will be reincarnated in a way similar to the Starborn, though there is no limit to the number of souls.

The Drane stand tall on two legs like some of the Free Wallowings, scaled skin, on average taller then Wallowings and covered in lizard scales.  They come in many colors and sizes with horns and normally two clawed arms and one tail.  Although created from worshipers the Drane have free minds with only a small amount of knowledge passed on from the last life.

As part of the act encourage the Starborn to lay many eggs to help Vodoth give birth to the new race.  Turn as many Wallowings as wish to into the Drane.


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Re: Kalpa Reboot: A Gods' Game [Kalpa 1/Turn 6]
« Reply #185 on: July 11, 2015, 05:44:19 am »

Turn 6: Fire Incarnate

The gods awoke once more from their idleness and began to act on the world once more.

Lord Kerikavae, the One True God of Cocea, began his plans quickly, seeking to embrace the forces of Magic and Fire into his being. The Skeletal God had created arcanite, the runes and the great Starborn who had Infused the first mages, but has never made it clear that he was indeed, the progneitor of these magical creations. Indeed, his Cocean worshipers saw him primarily as a deity of the Minds and Immortality; the Thinking Undead. Though he poured essence into his ascension unto the arcane throne, it came to naught as he lacked mortal recognition. Though a failure, his attempt brought no great consequence to the deity.

His desire to mantle the Fire would have produced the same result; failure with no repercussion...had something darker not intervened. The Father of Minds tapped into the heat of the void and of the divine metals, thinking to combine it into his being. When he did so, he felt a push, a force that fought against his attempt with vigour...the heat itself. Though the deity had acted to quell the flames of his error and had thought himself successful, the heat had only hidden dispersed unto the world. The heat of the Kikav, the heat that grew the arcanite shards of the world and thus powered the magic of mortals, had become...sapient. They were of many minds each united via a network of passion and ambition, each seeking the doom of the gods. Void Demons and Fire Spirits in the mortal plane, these entities sowed chaos in the lives of the pious and ended again and again the plans of the divine clergy.

Where they only tricksters and liars, these Infernals would be seen only as evil denizens of the Deep Below, demons who rebelled against the gods. Their control over heat, arcanite and the Runes of Power however made them so much more. Magi of the Eight Cities and Controllers of the Free Folk alike discovered soon enough that their powers soon ceased to function, and the fields of arcanite that powered the industry of a many nation soon withered into nothing. The Skeletal Father, who had attempted to harvest the arcanite himself, also found the essence within fail to enter him. In shock and seeking an answer to the Crystalblight, practitioners listened closely to the earth, to the divine metals the Crsytal Starborn had discovered and the great flames that had erupted all over the Arena. In those flames they heard the whispers, the cackling flames and incoherent sparks...Magic was the dominion of the Infernal Host and only by abandoning the gods could the magic be brought back.

The immediate aftermath of this discovery would fill many tomes. Suffice to say, some practitioners decided to remain true to the gods, abandoning the Runes and Greater Control. Armies of Beasts and Slaves that once served their Lords now went feral, bringing devastation to many regions...not to mention the revolts of lowly Lords and servant Wallowings.

 The Rune-powered cities of the Eight were soon reduced to derelict husks, made near useless by the loss of magic. Other practitioners, more attached to their art than the gods, chose to abandon their worship. In some realms, these heathens were forced to go underground, hide from the very authorities they once defended. Others sought refuge in the Wallowing States while yet others brought their own nations to heel, either by debate or by flame, forcing them to abandon the gods with them.

Amidst the chaos of the Crystalblight, the starborn Raalmana continued his studies into the Divine metals. [autofail] Suffice to say, the new sentience of the resident heat soon robbed him of his magical capabilities...unless he were to abandon the deities that had made him. Before the Host had been born however, Raalamana did succeed in extracting the essence of the Boogiemen. With the illusion gone, these cursed descendants thanked the great master of the arcane, offering them their lives in exchange. Had the starborn retained his spells, this so-called Army of the Disillusioned would have served as a perfect group of test subjects or reagent gatherers. the starborn would have to be creative...

Higher up, the Feral Artist remained near the Crystal Palace, fixing his mistake. What he would do now with the coming of the Infernal Host and Crystalblight, was yet to be known.

Even higher up in the hidden realm of the Warrens, Vayros listened deeply to the prayers of his loyal followers. It led to a horrible discovery.

With the rise of easy immortality provided by the followers of the Way, as well as the increasingly complex plots of the Void Demons, many of the Wallowing States simply lapsed from their worship duties. The remaining alchemists, constantly bewildered by Void Demon schemes and the fiery wrath of the Spirits, were recluses, hiding from their persecutors. Some, including the once rich Warren Cartels, escaped into the Warrens, risking their lives to hide from the Host and their terrors. They asked their god only for one thing: protection.

Though he had acted against another threat, the Saint descended during the Crystalblight and uplifted a great automaton undamaged from its tours of duty. Risen in mind, the Automaton Commander was given the duty of uplifting other Automatons throughout the Arena as well as giving knowledge of the divine.

Seeing the trouble the Immortality the Way had brought upon the world, Pif-Ria created a force to return the world to normality. The Sisterhood of the Thirty-Three Shadow Reapers would be independent from the Sages and the Hum. Though very different from the previous groups, their goal remained the same: ensuring that the souls of the mortal dead arrived within the halls of the Tower and thus ensure the divinely-ordained status quo would remain. Rather than spreading joy amongst the denizens of the Arena, they would ensure that the bodily vessels of the mortal souls would wither and die, rending the plague of immortality from them. Though great in power, the Sisters rarely acted directly, preferring to act in within the organisations of the unbelieving masses...such as the Way.

The leaders of the Way were old and venerable. Their founders, gifted with the precious immortality, had survived the turn of ages and led their followers into an age of 'peace' and 'abandon'. Through their actions, much of the world had lost their touch with the divine, choosing to follow the eternal peace supported by the Green Starborn. Their sin was thus, immeasurable. Without hesitance, the Sisterhood possessed the bodies of the old starborn, these old creatures of hubris who had turned against the gods. The calmness and preparation these old serpents retained even as the wraiths took their bodies and destroyed their mortal souls made the Sisters uneasy. The total possession of the leaders soon confirmed their fears.

They discovered within the ancient minds of the Green Starborn old knowledge, of dark whispers and ancient chants. The Way it seemed had not arisen naturally, but been guided by an entity older than the Kalpa itself. It had taught them what Vodoth's gift could bring, what greatness could be achieved and the inherent goodness of spreading immortality. Suffice to say, Pif-Ria's Sisterhood had discovered something no god had truly known. They also discovered that the same entity had warned the Pacifists of the Way and that the Way was completely prepared for the events to come.

As if confirming what the Sisters learnt, actual Follower members soon became increasingly difficult to locate. Though their adherents were ever growing, even more so since the martyring of their leaders, actual Followers became impossible to find....

Throughout this series of unfortunate events, Vodoth traveled the world showing miracles to the world and attracting followers from all over. [3] Though the Infernal Host paved his path with terror and treachery, the prophet succeeded in attracting followers to his worshipers and in time, and in time Jettark ended her journey in the fortress-city of Alfar. Proudly defended by its valiant king, it would serve as the prophet's holy city. [5] There she spoke of the evils of the flesh and the corrupting influence of the material world. Only be death, and the reincarnation that followed, could mortals truly enjoy life. This belief seemingly resonated with her adherents and the citizens of Alfar. When the Starborn descended unto the prophet and supported her when she spoke of the Drane, nearly all accepted the prophet's gift of a new form, strengthened by animalistic power. And thus, the Drane were born.

The Infernal Host is born. Corporeal entities include Void Demons and Fire Spirits
Rune Magic and Witaking made inaccessible to pious individuals.
Many mages abandon the worship of the gods.
Raalmana loses ability to perform magic.
Raalmana gains Army of the Disillusioned.
Raalmana gains 1A.
Vayros hears the prayers of his faithful.
Automaton Commander ascends.
Sisterhood of the Thirty-Three Shadow Reapers.
Sisterhood possesses the Green Starborn elders; discover their origins.
Follower of the Way clergy hidden from the sight of the gods and their servants.
Jettark/Vodoth attract multiples followers in the  city of Alfar; becomes a holy city.
The Drane are created.
Vodoth receives +0.5A/turn.
Kerikavae & Vayros receive -0.5A/turn.

Code: [Select]
Kerikavae: 0MA 2.5A
Meoboroje: 0MA 1A
Pif-Ria: 0MA 3A
Vodoth: 0MA 2.5A
Vayros: 0MA 1.5A

The Feral Artist: 0.5mA
Raalmana: 1A 1.5mA

((This was shorter than usual. Sorry about that. Also sure I forgot something; please tell me if I did.))
« Last Edit: July 11, 2015, 08:23:20 pm by micelus »
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Re: Kalpa Reboot: A Gods' Game [Kalpa 1/Turn 5]
« Reply #186 on: July 11, 2015, 11:06:10 am »

A loud clang resounded against the ears of the other deities as Meoboroje's sword, drawn, was beaten once against his shield.
"This is unacceptable, simply unacceptable. A disaster! I do not blame you, Kerikavae, as you could not have possibly foreseen this outcome, but a fact remains: we must take action. This is an external threat, the most eminently hostile and non-mortal force we have ever faced. The sort of threat, in other words, that I exist to defeat.

I trust you four to deal with the base causes of the Infernal Ones; I shall commit myself to crushing their presence. I shall personally go down, I shall rally my Automatons, and I shall declare a great Crusade, tearing the fire-beings in twain and saving the persecuted faithful. I shall reduce their domain to merely the shell of the world, not all of it, and there I have absolute faith you will be able to expel them.

But I must make one plea. This Crusade will take power on my part; I have some, but I do not have much. Pif-Ria, Vodoth, even Kerikavae, I must beseech one or perhaps multiple of you to lend me power: it will go a long way towards satisfying your domains, anyway. I will bring Death to the fire-beings to preserve the Joy of the faithful. I will protect the Life we have labored so hard to create. I will even protect the Minds from any potential threat these Infernal Ones might pose."


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Re: Kalpa Reboot: A Gods' Game [Kalpa 1/Turn 5]
« Reply #187 on: July 11, 2015, 11:44:32 am »

(Raalmana never really worshiped the gods, rather viewing them with intense curiosity and a bit of jealousy. Though I guess it wouldn't really be fair to retcon the turn. But it has been my intention from the start that Raalmana doesn't entirely accept the words of the gods, since he believes they are fallible.)
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Re: Kalpa Reboot: A Gods' Game [Kalpa 1/Turn 5]
« Reply #188 on: July 11, 2015, 03:38:29 pm »

"What... but... how? How has this happened? I cannot spare my essence... my power... I have so little left... I think it's relevant at this point that the Warrens of Memory are designed to resist the end of a Kalpa. If we have to survive, we could hide there. Now excuse me."

Do research into the causes of the loss of magic. Only by fixing the magic can we restore worship. Try to find information about how the gods could restore the magic.

While I'm at it, remind my followers that my Alchemic magic still works for the pious.

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Re: Kalpa Reboot: A Gods' Game [Kalpa 1/Turn 5]
« Reply #189 on: July 11, 2015, 03:53:03 pm »

"Vayros. Your followers cry out for protection, for a salvation from the wrath and malice of the Spirits and Demons. Hope is not lost for them, nor for us: I can provide protection. I will provide it, in fact: I have no intention of standing for their jeopardy. But with more power I could do it so much more safely, grandly... Perhaps I could even strengthen the faithful to a much less dire position. We worked together once; we can do it again."


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Re: Kalpa Reboot: A Gods' Game [Kalpa 1/Turn 5]
« Reply #190 on: July 11, 2015, 04:06:42 pm »

"I have so little... but I still have some small amount of income. Alright."

Give the great guardian(Meoboroje) half(0.5) of an act.

Speak to Raalmana: "Greetings. I am Vayros, god of knowledge. I give you this knowledge: since my Alchemy does not rely on Arcanite for power, you can still use that to your advantage."

((Disregard that if I'm incorrect.))
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Re: Kalpa Reboot: A Gods' Game [Kalpa 1/Turn 5]
« Reply #191 on: July 11, 2015, 04:51:48 pm »

"I do not understand. How did this happen? Everything was stable."

"Mayhaps it would be a good idea to research escaping the current Kapla with as many followers as possible before it breaks down?"

Give the Saint an Act.
« Last Edit: July 11, 2015, 05:04:36 pm by Kevak »

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Re: Kalpa Reboot: A Gods' Game [Kalpa 1/Turn 5]
« Reply #192 on: July 11, 2015, 05:00:17 pm »

"We have faced calamity before, and we can do it again. You remember when the world was  engulfed by war, and it seemed that it would burst at the seams. Yet we ended up banding together and the world came to peace. This can happen again! Being defeatist will solve nothing, bringing our combined powers to bear on the issue will solve anything. You were the one who created the Kikav, all that time ago... with the others, you could figure out a way to control it once more. ...still, if you do desire researching escape, that would likely be a good idea. I myself, when I was a mortal, helped my kind escape the Kalpa on a great vessel. I know not how such a thing would be done in this universe, but I know it is possible. In the meantime, I will work to save what we have created."


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Re: Kalpa Reboot: A Gods' Game [Kalpa 1/Turn 5]
« Reply #193 on: July 11, 2015, 07:34:49 pm »

Vodoth had fought the infernal creations and had a few thoughts to share with thier creator, he reached out and spoke to the one of death.

Many thoughts all together in an inanimate structure.  Am I talking about the Infernals or the Minds?

Perhaps we could combine the two, create a link between the minds, then a link to the infernal network.  The minds could battle the Infernals where they live, taming them to their will.  The Minds have lived since the beginning of this world, if any mortal souls are strong enough to do so it would be theirs.  We could allow mortal souls to do the same, link them to the Minds and allow a war of the soul inside the mind.

Raalmana, you may wish to help create a means to purify the Arcanite, I do not believe the intelligence and malice is inherent.  If we could isolate the network then command, control or purify the demons within you would have access again to the toys you like to play with.  I can think of a few things, I could offer a nice little artifact for you I thought up and throw a crusade to allow you to use it to full effect.

Or study how these things came to be?

I have no fear you would join the infernals though, we gods may be flawed, me most of all, but the powers they offer would never be truly be yours.

Vodoth's thoughts turn to Meoboroje.
  What did you think to do Guardian?  Will you join me, in form and function, to crush them here?  Create more infertile automatons?  Another bizarre magic to plague this world?

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Re: Kalpa Reboot: A Gods' Game [Kalpa 1/Turn 5]
« Reply #194 on: July 11, 2015, 08:55:30 pm »

"...tone aside, Vodoth, I have actually thought this out. I'm not going to make anything else, except perhaps a temporary blessing to protect against the Infernal magic. I made the Automatons earlier, I've been uplifting them, and I'll use the ones I already have; they've already proven their worth several times over. I made Unsiege Magic aeons ago, and it still works; I will expand it to power what the arcanite did so the cities of the faithful need not lie in shame.

But, yes, I will go down to the world myself, and I will rally the faithful, provide them a sign and maybe some hope, and I will fight the Infernals myself. I once promised I would use this shield to protect  mortals of this plane, and I do not intend to renege on that promise. The reason I have asked for power is so that I do not lead the mortals to their deaths, or to failure. I ask for your aid so that I can bless the faithful, and strengthen them, and improve their lot as I give them the power to defeat the flame beings alongside me."
« Last Edit: July 11, 2015, 09:02:34 pm by Powder Miner »
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