Regarding pokemon:
Indeed.The setting could be primitives making first contact with a superior race. Only this time, the natives have all of the germs.
As a matter of fact, I was thinking something similar: I do like the idea of a conflict between natives and invaders... and I presume "superior" is only in the eyes of the usurpers here...
Consider this:
The region mapped consists of an archepelago of islands formed from a massive, iron-rich asteroid; iron is otherwise rare on this planet due to... uh... magic. This is important, because magic itself cannot directly influence iron at all. Tin, copper, gold, silver, yes. The natives lived in seclusion and eventually learned to work iron as their technology advanced, and today they are a high renaissance tech level.
Elsewhere, off the edges of the map, non-humans (possibly elves? Or something like them?) develop a magic-rich society which is effectively middle-ages in baseline technology, although magic improves the standard of living substantially.
The conflict arises as the magic society explores the iron archepelago. They seek iron, which is to them rare, precious, and powerful. The locals instead seek magic, which to them is precious, rare, and powerful.
This all shows up in the map because there is a ring of islands connected by countless trade routes and marked with at least half a dozen federations of island city-states, some of which are controlled by outsiders and most of which are guarded against the invaders. The mixed crater/volcanism terrain style will produce dramatic coast shapes, and everyone loves lots of little islands.