Lyn, Aspiring EnhancerPhysical Traits:
Well Fed
Well Rested
Basic Enhancement: +2
Learned Techniques:
Arcane Metallurgy
Learned Spells:
-Remove Rust(Concentration)
-Sharpen Metal(Concentration)
Possessions Kept on Person:
Sharp Iron Dagger(Held)
Long Green Cloak(Worn)
Leather Coin-purse:
2 Gold Coins
4 Silver Coins
You briefly fancy the idea of joining the Militia and come to the conclusion that it's not a good idea, Considering that a Smithy would likely pay you more and allow you to practice your magic. You start the search for a Smithy willing to hire you.
One Crit-Failed Roll Later...
Bah, There isn't any Decent Smithy willing to hire a Mage. And worse, You get stopped in the middle of the road by a gang of Five Human Drunks! They are mostly wielding Rusted Daggers but one has an Iron Fishing Spear, and looks like he knows how to use it.
The Spearman speaks up,
"Fork over alla yer Gold or we'll rough you up!" He emphasizes this by rattling his spear and the others start hollering cheap insults, Such as Lizard Freak, Overgrown Halfling, The Works. This could end badly, Although you are likely far more agile than a Gang of Drunks and your Lizard-Man heritage grants you a Bonus to Strength, Meaning that you could probably overpower just one of them, But seeing as how there's five...
How do you deal with these stooges?