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Author Topic: Olsha Rossalina, Minotaur Monk Gladiator - Round 3: Down but not out  (Read 26109 times)

Ross Vernal

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Re: You Are A Minotaur Slave-Gladiator-Warrior Monk
« Reply #15 on: April 18, 2015, 05:37:39 pm »

To let you know how this scales, look at the following chart.

□□□□□□□□□□ → Crippled/Unknown
■□□□□□□□□□ → Weak
■■□□□□□□□□ → Average in the field
■■■□□□□□□□ → Gifted
■■■■□□□□□□ → Professional Athlete
■■■■■□□□□□ → Olympian
■■■■■■□□□□ → Legendary
■■■■■■■□□□ → Preternatural
■■■■■■■■□□ → Herculean
■■■■■■■■■□ → Supernatural
■■■■■■■■■■ → Godlike

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So he's probably got experience against different races, but UR also has a point.



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Re: You Are A Minotaur Slave-Gladiator-Warrior Monk
« Reply #16 on: April 18, 2015, 05:42:03 pm »

Also with the fact that his classes seem to indicate that he has no magical or supernatural ability. But we should be able to make do; disable competition as early as we can, ect.
All shall be well, and all shall be well and all manner of thing shall be well

Ross Vernal

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Re: You Are A Minotaur Slave-Gladiator-Warrior Monk
« Reply #17 on: April 18, 2015, 06:28:45 pm »

You pick up an Iron Battle Axe (average: 10 Slashing/5 Bludgeon), equip Iron Spiked Gauntlets (average 8 Piercing+Bludgeon), and find two damaged Iron Hatchets (average 5 (6-1) Slashing that you can presumably throw.

Your opponent is a soldier whose sentence for desertion in the heat of battle was either death or slavery. You don't have an opinion on his honor, although you can't help but feel it was a cowardly thing to do. After considering for a few moments further, you proceed through the door and into the cheering of the arena, black and slightly sticky sand grinding under your hooves. It reeks of blood and your tail flicks away at flies. Your opponent enters, the doors slam shut, and your heart sinks. Unlike you, the two-leg monkey person DID get his choice of armor, and elected to wear chain mail (-3 Slashing/Piercing) to go with his Iron Spear (10 Piercing/6 Bludgeon) and Steel Shortsword (8 Piercing/6 Slashing).

Your work is cut out for you, it seems. The two of you warily circle another, weapons at the ready as the cheers die down to a background noise of conversation, money changing, and eating. You ready yourself even further, and...


So, each round is about 4-10 seconds, give or take a little. We'll say that for now, each of these options is half of a round, so pick two from the list:

Axetaur 3
Gore 2
Kick 2
Punch 1
Throw 1
Strong Attack 2 (Exactly what it sounds like.)
Charge Attack 1 (Actual charging; works GREAT with Gore once it's leveled.)
Focused Attack 2 (Spend 1 MP per 2 HP to build up Magic-type damage in your weapon for a single attack.)
Intuitive Attack 1 (2 MP per 1 HP to make up to 3 points of damage Unblockable-typed)
UNSTOPPABLE RAGE! 2 (5 MP, exactly what you think it would do.)
Toughen Body 1 (2 MP per 1 point of "damage soak")
Paralysis 1 (5 MP; Death-typed damage numbs nerves in target area)
Leech 1 (5 MP; steals 1-10 MP from target. Can induce fatal Soulbreak upon victims if they go below 0 MP.

Level 5 Human, Healthy (35? HP / 19? MP)

Level 4 Minotaur Warrior Monk, 37 HP/21 MP
« Last Edit: April 18, 2015, 06:34:43 pm by Ross Vernal »


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All fanfics are heresy, each and every one, especially the shipping ones. Those are by far the worst.

escaped lurker

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Our stats
HP: 37 MP: 21

So... let's start this off with what we have against him. Magic. How about immobilising him with paralysis, and then going in for the kill if it works? Actually, if we can target any specific area, go for his legs, or spear-arm. Or... both ;3

Cast Paralysis, targeting one of his legs.
Cast Paralysis, targeting his spear-arm.

This would rob us of 10 / half our mp, but if the spells come through, our enemy is off to a bad start. Which is nice, all things considered.


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Why not paralyse his neck or his chest? Paralysing his neck would have his head bobbing around everywhere. Paralysing his chest would paralyse his heart and lungs.
All fanfics are heresy, each and every one, especially the shipping ones. Those are by far the worst.


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Our stats
HP: 37 MP: 21

So... let's start this off with what we have against him. Magic. How about immobilising him with paralysis, and then going in for the kill if it works? Actually, if we can target any specific area, go for his legs, or spear-arm. Or... both ;3

Cast Paralysis, targeting one of his legs.
Cast Paralysis, targeting his spear-arm.

This would rob us of 10 / half our mp, but if the spells come through, our enemy is off to a bad start. Which is nice, all things considered.
Ya'll need Jesus. Just sayin'.

escaped lurker

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Why not paralyse his neck or his chest? Paralysing his neck would have his head bobbing around everywhere. Paralysing his chest would paralyse his heart and lungs.

Reading the spell, it only seems to numb his nerves, doesn't it?
If it were more effective / damaging, going for these vital spots would certainly make sense, but what he needs to work with are his feet and hands. Disabling, or inconvening those, should hurt him more. Well, not really hurting him, but making it far easier for us to hurt him ;3


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Yep. After that, we just charge and gore...
Ya'll need Jesus. Just sayin'.

Ross Vernal

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...draw upon your Monk training to thrust Death-aura at him with the spike atop the axe and your free hand. He stumbles slightly as the curse aimed at his leg leaves his foot and possibly his knee numb and clumsy, although the second blast at him appears to do nothing. Fortunately for you, his lack of control causes his first thrust of the spear to be easily parried by the flat of your axe; his immediate circular motion and attack with the spear in response is checked by the numbness wearing off and the tingling cold pain setting in (4 rounds remain.)

The strike goes cleanly past you (Natural 20 defense!), and on pure reflex, you fling one of your Worn Iron Hatchets at him. Unfortunately, it doesn't strike in the chest like you intended due to his continuing motion, but the hatchet blade did strike him in the outside upper arm hard enough to draw blood and split a few chains (2 HP Slashing damage). With first blood going to you, the Soldier whips around and thrusts to prevent you from striking him in the back, weight planted on the leg you didn't numb.

Your strike your hoof against the ground twice and snort as the crowd goes wild, seeing the first exchange of blows.


Same actions, minus one Hatchet. I suppose I'll count Peradon's vote already. :D

Level 5 Human, Lightly Wounded (33? HP / 18? MP)

Level 4 Minotaur Warrior Monk, 37 HP / 11 MP

Ukrainian Ranger

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War must be, while we defend our lives against a destroyer who would devour all; but I do not love the bright sword for its sharpness, nor the arrow for its swiftness, nor the warrior for his glory. I love only that which they defend.

escaped lurker

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Yep. After that, we just charge and gore...
Already going in for the kill? We might want to try blasting his other leg, and going into rage ourself for that one... or test the waters as they are now.

Charge & Gore // Paraylse Leg & RAGE
I'd actually be fine with either one.
He might have more tricks up his sleeve, for which some mana left-over might be nice...
Actually, yeah, let's hold back on our mana.

Ross Vernal

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Twice, three times, and you CHARGE at him, lowering your head and shoulders and focusing on the wall behind him as the point to hit on his body. You're not especially fast, but intimidating, and with the adrenaline flowing from the wound, the Soldier clumsily steps to the side and thrusts; you step to the left and feel the shaft rubbing against your fur. You almost don't notice the punch to your back as your horn (and skull) impact into and through his midsection, punching a hole through his inadequate armor. You pull your mighty neck muscles up and watch him slide and land against the ground, blood oozing from just above and inside the hip where his flesh tore. (9 HP Piercing + 3 HP Bludgeon).

By the time you slow down and turn around, he's struggled back to his knee, one hand failing to staunch the blood flow as the other hangs onto the spear. You can sense some sort of healing magic, although you conclude he's merely closing the skin and slowing the blood. You recover your hatchet as you watch him, gauging his weakness.

Action Updates:
"Throw" is temporarily boosted to "Double Throw 2" due to circumstance bonus.
Enemy Soldier will recover from Paralysis in 3 rounds.
Enemy Soldier will recover from Shock next round.


Level 5 Human, Moderately Wounded (21? HP / 14? MP)

Level 4 Minotaur Warrior Monk, 36 HP / 11 MP

Ukrainian Ranger

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Double Throw

Simple way to finish him
War must be, while we defend our lives against a destroyer who would devour all; but I do not love the bright sword for its sharpness, nor the arrow for its swiftness, nor the warrior for his glory. I love only that which they defend.

escaped lurker

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Hmm... well, UR, what you say should work, but the tides still might turn. Let's make sure they don't. Or, at least as sure as we possibly can ;3

Double Throw
Paralyse his other Leg

If this goes down as planned, he might be half-prone next round. Struggling with both legs numbed, would leave him open for another round of goring-fun.
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