Mayhaps the list should be numbered like this?
1. You may add, remove, or change a rule by posting what you want to do. This rule may not be romoved if it is the only one.
2. all posts must be written in character (RP)
2.1 and conform to the DF theme.
3. any changes, removing, or adding of any rules must be preceded by a worshipping of Armok. Including Armok himself.
4. all rules shall be made as commandments in the Holy Book of Armok.
5. all rules decreed by Armok haters are to be ingored,
5.1 and the Armok hater shall recieve one hundred ‼carp‼ to the face.
6. should this thread fall to page two one must bump it whit another rule.
7. in every rule introduced one must also attack another forum member.
8. All posts must be hilarious,
8.1 non-hilariousness shalt be punished by being attacked by all players for 10 posts.
9. Any rule listings must be numbered with swiss numbers, to assist in rule refrences.
10. Any Armok haters or compulsive eye-rollers must write the numberings of any rule listing they make in vogon numbers.
11. all who participate must have an avatar.
11.1 This avatars physical appearance must be described whit some detail.
11.2 You might only have one avatar,
11.2.1 but it can be the commander of other forces.
11.3 You must describe an avatar before posting new rules.
11.4 The avatar might not be a mech, spaceship, or similar, as per rule 2.1.
12. All rules and subrules must be named and referenced as per the Tacticus standard.
13. no being alive or otherwise may hold the power of immortality,
-13.1 except those that give the ultimate gift of blood, their own entirely, as discribed by Ntas the Dwarven Sacrificalist in <Dwarven>.
RoYP's avatar: This human wears purple robes, and rests on a parade float being carried by members of every race. His bright red hair is quite short, and he wields his scepter like a weapon.
in accordance with the 4th of Armok's commandment's decree commandment 14: All player may join a sect, 14.1 the rules of a sect start as stated by the Sect's founder, 14.2 Multiple sect membership shall be governed by the rules of the sect in question.
With that, I found the Paraders, whose rules are as thus:
I. The King of Parades is, and always will be, ReignonYourParade.
II. The Word of the King of Parades is law
III. The King of Parades can change any rules if he so desires
IV. Rules I through IV may never be changes but,
IV.I all other rule changes shall be made through a democratic process
Also, I'm throwing an ice age at Fenrir.