Snapping into reality, Miya looks around for a second.
'... I really don't like this planet.'
"Ok troopers, let's get cracking!
Iveso, fly over and fetch Kyle, who wandered of for some reason, and bring him to the jeep with the wounded. After that, unlock the gunnerbots, tell them to get on a jeep to prevent being eaten and to scan around with their cameyes, and ty to link their videofeed to the rest of the team. Kyle, I don't know what you think you're doing, but get back here and help these people before all your patients go insane. First help Vincent, then Ryan so he can help you.
Steve, knock Zayne our for a sec. Eddie, take care of him, if he wakes up again and is still mind screwed tell Steve to zap him again.
Ronald, check the gunnerbot cameye vids, keep an eye out.
The rest of you either help restrain those still mindscrewed, or look out at the perimeter for more hostiles. Stay in the jeep for now, or the ground just eats you.
finally, Morul, I might need your help with the digging. Help me think for a sec how we could best go about it."
Primo, tell Steve to knock the ones still mindfucked unconscious. That'd be Zayne (shaporia), and Vincent (kedly) if having his leg snapped off didn't take him out of his hysteria.
Secundo, grab Vincent (kedly) and deposit him in a jeep (the least full one, jeep 1 I think) if he isn't already.
Tertio, think about how we could create a safe zone for our troops to stand on that's not a jeep. Would clearing a bit of ground with namite work? And how angry would this make the planet?
Quarto, think about how we could best dig down to the cluster. Would it go faster/safer (in terms of not damaging the cluster) to use the heavy laser, or the manip?
And finally quinto, search for a good spot in the hex where we could dig down, preferably without damaging too many nerves.