I hate to be that guy, but you know this conversation is of very little use, right? I mean, sure, if our society as a whole adopted one of your solutions, it would probably benefit, and if it adopted the right one, it would benefit a great deal. But you aren't going to make that happen just by arguing about it here. You'll talk yourselves into the ground and make some tiny increment of progress - like maybe five or ten people changing their minds, out of the several billion that need to. It's just not enough. That won't change anything in time for it to matter.
That's why I keep harping on about Agora even though nobody seems to listen or care, because it could allow you to have that same conversation on a massive scale, drawing on the knowledge and creativity of Hundreds or Thousands of peoples minds, and have the opportunity to change those same i]Hundreds[/i] or Thousands of minds. But it doesn't exist yet. I'm working on making it exist, but I just can't do so alone. I need help. I know most of you aren't programmers, but I'm sure you could still help if you put your minds to it. Perhaps you could help me design the website. Perhaps you could help me run a kickstarter. Perhaps you can show me how I'm going about everything wrong and running around like a headless chicken, and I'd be better off if I did things this other way instead.
And yes, I know it's arrogant and obnoxious to go and say "You should quit what you're doing and help me on my thing instead", but I really do believe that, and I think it's important enough to say anyway. You're free to disagree with me and argue otherwise.
edit- Hell, if you want to start your own projects, go ahead - I just want to point out that having a single small argument here just won't change much, and you should try and aim for bigger impact.