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Author Topic: Roll to Dodge Hall of Fame & Library: Tiruin!  (Read 131701 times)


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Roll to Dodge Hall of Fame & Library: Tiruin!
« on: April 13, 2015, 01:39:01 pm »

Welcome to the Roll to Dodge hall of fame

This is a place of honour for all the rolliest and dodgiest of roll to dodges on Bay12.
Think a game is excellent and worth reading? Then come on and vote for it. Doesn't matter if if it's short or long, old or new, minimalist or overly complex, as long as the quality is high.
Any game with 6 votes will forever be remembered here.

How do I nominate a RTD to the hall of fame?
-Simple, you post a link to the thread and a brief description of the game.

How do I vote for a RTD?
-You vote. Preferably with a bold +1. When a game has 6 votes, it will be added.

But what if a game sucks and I don't want it in the hall of fame?
-Then you can vote against it, preferably with a red -1

Here's a link to the previous Hall of Fame.
« Last Edit: January 20, 2016, 10:51:17 pm by NAV »
Highmax…dead, flesh torn from him, though his skill with the sword was unmatched…military…Nearly destroyed .. Rhunorah... dead... Mastahcheese returns...dead. Gaul...alive, still locked in combat. NAV...Alive, drinking booze....
The face on the toaster does not look like one of mercy.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Roll to Dodge Hall of Fame.
« Reply #1 on: April 13, 2015, 01:39:33 pm »

The Hall of Fame
Active games

Our Salvation

Special People
A mission-based RTD with a motley crew of superpowered beings, tasked to complete missions handed out by a group of even more powerful Entities according to their mysterious whims.  Features death, explosions, and angry roombas.  And Alan.

Finished/abandoned/inactive games

Castlevania Roll to Dodge
A long-running RTD based on the Castlevania game series.

Dystopian Sci-fi RTD set in both the Sol and Epsilion Eridani solar systems. Features include psionics, cybernetics, technocratic Arbiters, insane programs with delusions of grandeur, jump gates of unknown providence, really bad attempts at disguise, Tarran's obsession with friendly fire, and more! The longest RTD currently in existence. You have been warned.

Einsteinian Roulette
The Hazardous Materials Requisition Corps sends criminals and unlucky people to search for shiny alien trinkets of dubious utility in every deathworld and hellhole they find in order to assist in the efforts of whichever war the dictatorial human government has gotten itself into. The unfortunate bastards whom the RtD center are based on a ship dominated by Steve, who may or may not be a complete reproduction of the GM's personality. The (most of times) unwilling volunteers then try to survive their first mission with a spacesuit which provides as much protection as a sweater and a fish bowl for their head. Then it gets worse.
Expect a) occasional death, b) loss of limbs and c) brains being put into robot bodies.

This awards-winning (or perhaps award-winning, seeing it has only won once 'til now) RTD also has a TVTropes page.

HISTORY: the Minimalist RTD
There's a warm, windy continent surrounded by sea, the players are on it, and they're nomadic tribesmen. From these facts and from the players' actions a world in the early stages of civilization is slowly born, focusing on the trials and tribulations of a single tribe as they try to survive, thrive and develop at a breakneck pace in a world that could be generously described as unfriendly toward their ambitions. Lives of wasted promise, unexpected success, inevitable failure and glorious destiny are all lived as the First Tribe creates their shared story of ascension.

Life Begins at Death? An Undead RTD Adventure
In a world where wizards roam free and cause trouble however they wish, one group of undead creatures must survive the demands of their master, the treacherous wilderness full of insidious threats, the unpredictable forces of magic, the machinations of demons, the wrath of the gods and random twists of fate as they loot, murder and sometimes avoid people on the road to power! Features cane magic, axe-craziness, horrible transformations, mass destruction and occasional good manners.

Looter's Delight
A perplexicon style deathmatch game where kills get rewarded with loot, ranging from a Lovecraftian glaive monster named Moretti to a hot cup of tea to Rick Astley, and most notoriously a pair of panties.

Minimalism and Milk
"So let me get this straight - The forces of chaos have joined forces with a goat completely human evil milk deity thing to fight myself and the God-Emperor of whatever, the harbringer of the apocalypse is proposing an offer to me, everyone is in the process of being enthralled by the power of Black Ukelele Metal, and the avatar of the Devil is fighting everyone?"

Mushroom Kingdom Wars
A plot-heavy, illustrated game loosely based on the Mario series. Up to six heroes quest to free Mario, Luigi and Princess Peach from Bowser's clutches.

A game in which the players are given only a book, and the clothes on their backs, and are tasked with the objective to killing all other players using the words in the magic book. But the meaning of every word in the book is unknown, and the players must also figure out the meanings of the words to conjure bizarre objects and creatures. Run by the well-known Piecewise, with his other game (Einsteinian Roulette) gracing the top of the Hall of Fame, right above.

Roll to Be a Gentleman Spy
Gritty and realistic, RBAGS is a slow-burning and tense journey into the dark heart of mid-Edwardian era espionage as the combined forces of good come together to protect the Great British Empire.

Roll to Create a Supersoldier by AoshimaMichio. It's a game with two sets of players - one of supergenius scientists hired by a stereotypical evil corporation to create supersoldiers, who do mad science and shit to create the ultimate soldier, and the other, the supersoldier volunteers, elite volunteers that are molded into transhuman monstrosities by their scientist bosses. They're then sent out to kill one another in brutal live-fire trials to see which design is the best.

Roll to Die/Revive/Dwarf/Derail
A rather minimalist illustrated game where players spawn in and shoot each other in the face for no reason at all. Also kj1225 became a god.

Roll to Dodge Princess Celestia
Ponies, historical figures, celebrities and cultural icons try to take down Princess Celestia's oppressive rule with a bloody revolution under General Luna. It features a multitude of rappers, dark lords, psychos, knights, gangsters, samurais, generals, aliens, wizards, B-ballers and much more brawling it out in an all-out interdimensional war.

Roll to Dodge the Law
What started out as a 'you are a criminal, you must escape the cops' minimalist RTD quickly evolved into a battle for control of the afterlife, rendered null by me rewriting history for the past 70 million years, and establishing a space whale empire which eventually collapsed and a generic evil empire rose up in it's place. I eventually screwed up the place with more time shenanigans, but the Time Cops came. They promptly got killed, and my past self invaded the future.

Roll to Magic
And they are off! Mages of all affinities, powers, and strengths battle each other on a magical sky duck island! Adamantine mechs! Horrible one-shot-kills! Demonstrations of Grey's Law: any sufficiently advanced incompetence is indistinguishable from malice! Not to mention the empowered shards of pure magic that all here fight for! Roll to Magic: mages galore engage in a deathmatch through chaos, chaos, more chaos, and deities. Not many of those... I hope. And so much more, including magic essences, magic minions, magic loot, magic items... and you've got it: magic spells! Note that victory is never guaranteed, and luck cannot be relied on. Magic! Madness! Chaos! Power! And above all... grisly deathmatch magical murder! Behold, Roll to Magic!

Roll to Priest
Part homage, part never-happened road-trip sitcom, Roll to Priest is a journey through the baffling but total day-to-day incompetence of average everyday priests on their quest from the farthest reaches of rural Ireland to the very heart of the Vatican. Unfortunately that never-happened bit refers to the fact they never left their native villages. Focuses very much on a new unique challenge each episode, with generally the same ending: screaming naked arson with multiple repetitions of the word Feck. Also contains authorised swearing, Latin, and an anonymous Mass-off/Priestmatch colour-coded selection process. Light-hearted in tone.

Roll to Roll to Dodge
Created by Gatleos, the Roll to Roll to Dodge series was perhaps one of the few who could match Multiworld Madness for sheer (Technical) numbers of players and quality, and is where RTD legend Derm began his heinous career of terror among the RTD community. Also the only game to have a Trope Page.

Roll to Seek the Grail
Four knights at a time quest for the Holy Grail as shenanigans and injuries ensue at their every move.

RTD horrors
The players are eldritch horrors. The objective is simple: master the world by killing all the other horrors. The methods are not simple. And they only get more complicated over time.
Your cultists: idiots. Your rituals and artifacts: unreliable. Your luck: even more unreliable. And let's not forget about your inquisitors...
The game has incredible depth. And incredible hilarity. And it's only getting better.
+10 moon monster inquisitors, good sir.

The Magnificent Timelord
"Hmmf Evil has reigned for too long, man," thought the Magnificent Timelord to himself. "Time for some ch-ch-changes... Time for Evil to face the pain... Or something..."
Four of humanity's finest join David Bowie's sequin-fuelled crusade through time, space, and an intricate plot to rid Earth of the greatest evils ever known. Featuring guest stars, guest speedos, dinoHITLER, and astounding acts of individual heroism!

The Multiworld Madness games I
Created by the pioneer of the RTD genre and may even be the first of their kind, the first Multiworld Madness game is a repository of top notch GMing, perhaps the best there ever was. Ground to a halt under its own sheer size after three years of struggling along, and then sprouted a sequel.

Titanic beings of unimaginable power, the Players, war for victory against the ambiguous Lich, Final Boss of All. Plots entwine and twist and mutate into new forms. Alliances rise and fall, never to be remembered, only destroyed. Whole wars are fought, entire realms devastated, to sate the sick pleasures of the Dark Ones.
In the place beyond time and death, there is only war. War and the laughter of thirsting gods.
Also TVTropes.
« Last Edit: November 26, 2017, 05:48:39 pm by NAV »
Highmax…dead, flesh torn from him, though his skill with the sword was unmatched…military…Nearly destroyed .. Rhunorah... dead... Mastahcheese returns...dead. Gaul...alive, still locked in combat. NAV...Alive, drinking booze....
The face on the toaster does not look like one of mercy.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Roll to Dodge Library
« Reply #2 on: April 13, 2015, 01:40:01 pm »

Library and nominations

Active games

Undead Hunt
Um... well, the gods abandoned the world because humans were too uppity and stuff, so now there's zombies and demons and evil spirits and stuff. But there's also wandering Undead Hunters (well, they also kill the demons and evil spirits and stuff, but zombies are the most common), and we're here to kick ass and save people.
Also, one guy's destined to be a dragon and another happens to be the ex-king of hell (though that was a couple millennia ago).
Overall, the game is structured well, but progression is very freeform, allowing for a lot of character customization.
4 Votes

Finished/abandoned/inactive Games

The Aetherworld Prison
A place where people are imprisoned in a dome for various crimes,some of them "annihilating" a city (one by cleaning them from humans), destroyed a fortress and stole a laser cannon, destroying useless factories, summoning monstrosities, gobbled an city's worth of humans, being mistaken for a criminal and being a evil overlord. The prison itself is destroyed by a Bronze Colossus, by firing it's laser cannon with tremendous force to the jail dome, collapsing it apart. The GM is building the second part, trough it is not clear when it is done.
0 votes

The Art of Minimalism VII
A continuation of the Art of Minimalism series. Art of Minimalism VII follows players in a a field doing various things. Magic has been (mostly) banned in an attempt to improve the longevity of this installment. Success has been limited; the large structures once adorning the spawn areas have been leveled. The afterlife exists and can be dance battled.
5 votes

Ascend Sky Tower
Cutting through the clouds, stands a thin, improbably high tower. It seems infinite, and it is said that at its top, the key to ultimate power lays waiting for an owner to claim it. The adventurers who seek the knowledge and power hidden within its depths range from naive to devious and smart to...not so bright. Follow the motley group as they climb each floor, winning over adversities.
5 votes
(There's black licorice magic!)

The Arcanum Octet games I,II
The premise of all these games is that the players are mages of some description, acquiring experience points in and leveling up various schools of magic. Being an RTD, it also features somewhat freeform and certainly unpredictable magic within that framework, leading to mass quantities of FUN!
3 votes

1 vote

City of Madness
Heavily Lovecraft influenced RTD set in 1930's Arkham. (Lovecraft's Arkham, not Batman's Arkham) Currently featuring an abused orphan, a college professor, a Bouncer with organized crime ties, and an immigrant detective on a twenty-four carat run of bad luck as the protagonists.
0 votes

The Covenants of Arcane Steel
A medieval fantasy RTD where duos of mages and knights do stuff.
1 vote

Crossing the Bright Void
A game where the players are Space Pirates who have gained ships, and set out into the stars for fame, money, and other reasons that are shrouded in mystery. With the galaxy inhabited by a cruel slave federation, enslaved races, minor houses, dwindling galactic nations, and a mankind on the brink of extinction the players must struggle to survive. In their adventures they'll encounter lost people, bands of marauders, a race of deadly biological weapons, and foes far more dangerous then they ever thought.
3 votes

Crossing the Bright Void 2 - A Space Pirate RTD
A game following the journey of six wanna-be space pirates as they fight to travel to the stars. With a new era of civil wars, skirmishes, and entirely new (as well as old) beasts attempting to shred the balance that has been reached we will see which of the players rises to become a true space pirate!
1 votes

A typical medieval fantasy RTD where wizards and others go places.
0 votes

Endless RTD
Created by the community as a whole, join five unlucky heroes as they venture through the RTD that will never end, as GM's Switch leadership once the time is right.
2 votes

For Science!
A mad scientist RTD. The players are fledgling mad scientists who bend the laws of physics to their will and destroy enough public property to bankrupt several small nations.
4 votes

The Forgotten Art: An Urban and Magical RTD
Arguably a slow starter, HB’s lovingly crafted and light-hearted tale of the sudden eruption of magic into everyday life is a good read and good fun. The players face the bewildering reality of magic in a mundane world and get up to various unexpected adventures whilst at times not knowing quite what to do. Has fulfilled many of my most ardent potato worship fantasies.
0 votes

Fortress of Blood
A dungeon-crawler RTD heavy on role-playing. Notable, because it shows that RTDs can have heavy roleplaying and still be smoothly run.
2 votes

The Guilds of the Floating Castle
A game where competing guilds claim new territory and control a fantasy city through politics, subterfuge, and brute force.
0 votes

Hero Caddies
monk12's comment : The way the prologue is handled is work cataloguing.
1 vote

Hyrulian Hijinks
The only RTD run by Dermonster (Scourge of RTD's) and highly recommended* despite it's (current) short length, join four schmucks as they traverse through Hyrule, and battle the GM's devious (if unknown) schemes.
4 votes

The Inland of Imperium
[sic] Long And Hard Story to expain it think better to someone else to sum up but It start place of  the Island of Imperium,With our Ninja Assassin Aristocrat Jaiver Freeman and Quarter-Demon Demon hunter Sir.Scapheap the first in Odd Sci-fi and Fantasy universe with magic and technology. It more really Semi-RTD than full-RTD because it has magic system and level up system(all of it was make in fly) but as you Semi-RTD be on here
(disqualified because it is no longer an RTD. Preserved for posterity)

RTD in which everyone starts out in front of their computer, with the choice to leave, or open 'Theworld.txt'; which transports you to the interactive world.
Currently, there are several continents; one of which is owned by the God-King Javier, and another being invaded. The everchanging world allows for almost anything to happen.
3 votes

Mills RPG 2
sequel  to Inland Imperium .
Miles Rpg 2 was seek to solve the problem of old one by make party system and quest system.
Now vaguely Theocratic Empire, Rule know now by Mailk and Emir, The Dominion of Javir was Different that Theocratic Democratic Monarchy (Highly Unstable and Almost nonsense form government) that javir made.
So that Try to make sense out nonsense born neglect and careless.
0 votes

Islands of Misery
An Arena deathmatch style RTD with loot, but where kills are few, because people talk or get into rap battles instead.
2 votes

Legends of the Hidden Temple
Based on the old tv show of the same name. Six ten year olds explore an ancient Temple.
2 votes

Looter's Delight 3
2 votes

Mall Fight RTD-ified
A delightful romp through the new Mega Mall has left 9 people stuck in a strange gameshow-like fight, where they must use their surroundings to their advantage and defend themselves from an onslaught of...well, each other. Watch them battle monstrous bosses, such as the devastating tag-team combo of Rambo and Phoenix Wright! Or the entire TF2 mercenary team! And even the GM's lazy updating schedule! All for the chance to win FABULOUS PRIZES!
1 vote(s)

Mario Kart Grand Prix
No synopsis available.
4 votes

Mayfly Acquisitions
...a game having characters partake in awesome PvP/PvE fights, investigate the strange happenings around the company, be controlled by some sort of hive-mind creature taking over the building, and actually do their jobs unlike those other lazy slackers around the workplace.
1 vote

Medieval Fodder — Simple RTD
A simplified RTD, multiplayer (a lot), where the main goal is to kill all people on the other team. It is bloody and fast-paced, and waitlist is almost non-existant because of the speed of the game.
1 vote

Medieval Fodder v1,2
No synopsis available.
1 vote

Medieval Fodder v2.0
2 votes

Metamorphican Madness II
A successor to Digital Hellhound's game, the players take control of some experiments who have taken a teratomorphic serum. Now as they mutate, they clash with everyone from mysterious agents and ancient demons to hillbillies and common cops. The players make their own plot, which currently seems to involve some people trying to avoid trouble, some people trying to get into trouble, and one guy trying to summon his demon overlord against the advice of Worm, his totem.
3 votes

Monster Hunter RTD
The RTD revolves around 6 players which create their story in my sandbox world inhabited by monsters. There is a main plot.. but it's not in action yet!
1 votes

Netland VI : Subversion of Innocence
No synopsis available.
2 votes

The Multiworld Madness games II
The sequel to the "derelict flagship" of the RTD genre, running a new system and a new set of worlds to explore. Five characters are pitted against the Multiverse for an unspecified reason, given only the task to search for mysterious "keys". May or may not feature a hidden overarching storyline.
3 votes

Nowhere to Run
A futuristic bounty hunter RTD where the players hunt down criminals, business rivals, remnants of old dictatorships and escaped alien monstrosities for the highest bidder.
3 votes

On a Role to Die(A game of Death and Destruction)
Description: An RTD where the dice (and spinners) are most likely stacked against you resulting in many deaths very quickly. WARNING: no one currently playing this game has any idea what is going on. Not even the GM.
1 vote

Prophets of the New God
No synopsis available.
0 votes

Rise of Dragons
A medieval fantasy where players are dragons.
0 votes

Rolling Through Space
It's quite complicated. For now join Caelleath and his sociopathic crew on his mission to take revenge against an evil Trade conglomerate.
1 votes

Roll to Alien
A game about a variety of aliens living and working together on a space station.
1 vote

Roll to Alter Someone's Life - Reloaded
Players, as the forces of chance, chaos and probability, spit into the teams of Success and Failure and alter someones life for better or worse.
1 votes

Roll to Alter Someone's Life: Reboot
Players, as the forces of chance, chaos and probability, spit into the teams of Success and Failure and alter someones life for better or worse.
1 votes

Roll to Be an Interstellar Mercenary
A sci-fi RTD that follows a bunch of ragtag mercenaries as they complete various missions across the galaxy.
1 vote

Roll to Become a Hero
2 votes

Roll to Deathmatch
A multiple-round game where the players try to kill each other. Combat is brutal and deaths are hilarious. Winner picks the stage of the next round.
1 vote

Roll to DUEL
A technically two player game centering around the epically drawn battle between Robocorn's champion, the Blademaid, and PlutoniumApe's Hairy-Eyeball-with-a-Unibrow! With large amounts of audience participation and sidestories ranging from bets placed upon the winner (consequently making our pink slug announcer and sponsor a very rich invertebrate), to a certain Wrym swallowing the contestants into his gullet! Meanwhile wacky freeform hijinks occur up in the stands as the audience members mess with eachother. Currently alive, but with a slowish update schedule because of the drawing involved and the joint GMs.
2 votes

Roll to Explore the Dungeon
Join six hopeless adventurers as they try to brave an extense dungeron full of things they have no idea about. Expect savvy knights, berserking mages and giant polar bear goodness with a bit of arrogant purple-haired loli mage. The aforementioned loli mage will have her ass handed to her someday by the way :V
Up so far the group of men (only men) fought ratmen, assaulted an occupied bathroom and acted like overall assholes towards an undead girl, except, of course, for our resident necromancer whose name I won't say, who instead tried to nail her.
3 votes

Roll To Heroic
No synopsis available.
1 votes

Roll to Pony
No synopsis available.
1 vote

Roll to Pony
RTP is going to be an RTD featuring ponies and some random crazy stuff happening, like meteors. It is currently not started. It will start when 3 ponies have joined, currently there are two. This one is by CyberUrist.
1 vote

Roll to Raptor
Players are part of a tribe of Deinonychus in Cretaceous Era North America. Track prey, stage cunning ambushes, fight bloody battles, bring home food for your hatchlings. Try not to get eaten by apex predators or stepped on by 100 ton herbivores!
4 votes

Roll to Scavenge
A war, spanning from the four corners of the Earth has wiped out most of the world's population through nuclear fallout for reasons unknown. The world and society as we know it has basically fallen to it's depths. Chaos and anarchy is rampant in this world, and hope is dim for anyone still alive.
But humanity is a resilient and hard-headed race, and it's offspring prove it. Join six unlikely survivors as they search and try to find out more of the new world, and manage to make a living out of what was once called home. Trust is a priceless commodity here, and even your own allies may be your worst enemies.
1 vote

Roll To Spend points
A (Semi-)Minimalist game where you spend points to do something. Except a lot of fighting, summoned objects and NPC's, rush in becoming a mayor(not relevant anymore), players becoming gods and other shenanigans.
3 votes

Roll to Wasteland
No description provided
1 vote

Roll to Work at GenCorp
The players are hired by GenCorp. Chaos ensues.
3 votes

RTD of the Dragon
A medieval fantasy RTD where the players are dragons.
2 votes

Masterful dialogue. Godlike comedic timing. Bloodthirsty patriotism. Torrential emotions. It's beautiful. It's awe-inspiring. It's... it's... positively yogic.
3 votes

Staggered Magi
The players are mages of some description, acquiring experience points in and leveling up various schools of magic. Being an RTD, it also features somewhat freeform and certainly unpredictable magic within that framework, leading to mass quantities of FUN!
1 vote

Summary: The first Contemporary English Gangster RTD. In this game, a group is formed out of disenfranchised hoodlums, graduate students, ex-professionals and disgraced statesmen; the unifying factor being their quest to rebuild their lives, and perhaps go farther than they'd ever dreamed. Join them in the English city of Licheville, as they build and manage their empire and army, while simultaneously going to war with other gangs ranging from hordes of Irish Youth, to American hustlers to Mafia knock-offs, and of course the English police and government. Will they take over Licheville or be buried and forgotten as another failed street gang? Well, depends on which way the gun barrel is pointing in the end.
2 votes

These Fields Sing of Saxon Men
What if William the Conqueror fail to conquer England, thus leaving these fields to sing songs of Saxon Men.
Ever want to play a counter historical RTD? Well now you can.
0 votes

0 vote

USDF Spaceship RTD
A sci-fi RTD where the players are crewmembers of ships.
0 votes

Wacky Death Race
A crazy race where all player pilot death machines of their own design, where both the design and race itself are governed by RTD mechanics.
3 votes

Wacky Dead Race 2 : Revised Edition
A crazy race where both character creation and the race are governed by RTD mechanics, now streamined and hopefully more deadly.
4 votes

We Are Our Avatars: Bay12 Edition
* Minimalist . SO minimalist.
The no-fourth-wall story of a completely deranged GM who is obsessed with potatoes, with a side order of random crossover side plots, cataclysmic destruction and dairy products. Originally meant to be some kind of mission-based team brawler created by flameboy99, SmurfingtontheThird promptly hijacked it and became a two-thread abomination of !!FUN!!, death, carnage, chaos, and hilarity.
Also TVTropes (needs more love)
1 votes

The Westlands
A medieval fantasy in a chaos-irradiated land.
1 vote

The Wind Beneath Your Feet (Illustrated)
An illustrated RtD where the players find themselves on floating islands, fighting amongst air ships and hot-air balloons.
1 votes

You Are A Villain
An RTD in which the community takes control of a villain who is trying to do villainous stuff. So far, she's mostly been trying to make death rays, getting horribly injured when those death rays fail, and sometimes gotten on the bad side of the police. It's kinda open-ended, and I'll try to cope with (sensible) player suggestions.
1 vote

In which the players try to reach a higher level of GMness.
I think this might be your best RTD yet, lawas.
1 votes

You At Sequel's Final Boss
A spinoff on the original YAFB, Sequel's final boss is GMed by GWG and has a own final boss Knight Tiger who got shunted aside for a battle between Liches and Dark Lords with a bunch of players summoning weird stuff, trying to set up factions, and figuring out who the final boss is now.
2 votes

Zealots and Demons
No synopsis available.
1 vote

Zealots and Demons II: The Fall of a God
A long time has passed since the gate has been closed and no demons threaten the world. Even if unperturbed by the menace of the evil forces that long ago poured forth from their dimension, humanity still faces strife. Without a common enemy, the world is still a dangerous place as the ones who once struggled for survival turn onto each other for various reasons, and the world dives into disarray. Follow the partly-competent PCs as they delve into a world where gods and demons exist and secrets still untold shall be revealed.
1 votes
« Last Edit: November 26, 2017, 05:35:27 pm by NAV »
Highmax…dead, flesh torn from him, though his skill with the sword was unmatched…military…Nearly destroyed .. Rhunorah... dead... Mastahcheese returns...dead. Gaul...alive, still locked in combat. NAV...Alive, drinking booze....
The face on the toaster does not look like one of mercy.


  • Bay Watcher
  • likes dragons for their fiery breath
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Re: Roll to Dodge Hall of Fame.
« Reply #3 on: April 13, 2015, 01:43:42 pm »

Don't we already have one of these
Kids make great meat shields.
I nominate endlessblaze as our chief military executive!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Roll to Dodge Hall of Fame.
« Reply #4 on: April 13, 2015, 01:44:14 pm »

It's inactive.
Highmax…dead, flesh torn from him, though his skill with the sword was unmatched…military…Nearly destroyed .. Rhunorah... dead... Mastahcheese returns...dead. Gaul...alive, still locked in combat. NAV...Alive, drinking booze....
The face on the toaster does not look like one of mercy.


  • Bay Watcher
  • likes dragons for their fiery breath
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Re: Roll to Dodge Hall of Fame.
« Reply #5 on: April 13, 2015, 01:59:50 pm »

Kids make great meat shields.
I nominate endlessblaze as our chief military executive!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Roll to Dodge Hall of Fame.
« Reply #6 on: April 13, 2015, 04:52:50 pm »


Harry Baldman

  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Roll to Dodge Hall of Fame.
« Reply #7 on: April 13, 2015, 05:32:40 pm »

Did you port all the votes past the last update of the previous HOF?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Roll to Dodge Hall of Fame.
« Reply #8 on: April 13, 2015, 06:43:20 pm »

From the old thread:

The Guilds of the Floating Castle
Roll to Alien
We Are Our Avatars: Bay12 Edition
HISTORY: A Minimalist RTD
Roll to Magic

+1 Roll to Priest
+1 The Art of Minimalism
+5 Roll to Die/Revive/Dwarf/Derail
+2 Syndicate
+1 Roll to Alien

Roll to Priest and Roll to Die/Revive/Dwarf/Derail have been inducted into the Hall of Fame! Huzzah!
« Last Edit: April 13, 2015, 06:44:56 pm by NAV »
Highmax…dead, flesh torn from him, though his skill with the sword was unmatched…military…Nearly destroyed .. Rhunorah... dead... Mastahcheese returns...dead. Gaul...alive, still locked in combat. NAV...Alive, drinking booze....
The face on the toaster does not look like one of mercy.

blazing glory

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Re: Roll to Dodge Hall of Fame.
« Reply #9 on: April 13, 2015, 06:44:36 pm »

1+ for We Are Our Avatars.



  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Roll to Dodge Hall of Fame.
« Reply #10 on: April 13, 2015, 08:39:06 pm »

Oh hey, we have a now-active hall of fame thread again.
Oh look, I have a steam account.
Might as well chalk it up to Pathos.
As this point we might as well invoke interpretive dance and call it a day.
The Derail Thread


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Roll to Dodge Hall of Fame.
« Reply #11 on: April 13, 2015, 08:42:38 pm »

All fanfics are heresy, each and every one, especially the shipping ones. Those are by far the worst.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Roll to Dodge Hall of Fame.
« Reply #12 on: April 13, 2015, 08:51:16 pm »

+1 Roll to Magic
+1 History
Nominate Roll to Be a Hero
Nominate Looter's Delight 3

Because everything is Megaman when you have an arm cannon.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Roll to Dodge Hall of Fame.
« Reply #13 on: April 14, 2015, 12:51:02 am »

Oh hey, we have a now-active hall of fame thread again.

E: Sent messages; Toady responded quick ._.
« Last Edit: April 14, 2015, 01:01:34 am by Tiruin »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Roll to Dodge Hall of Fame.
« Reply #14 on: April 14, 2015, 03:43:44 am »

I would like to nominate Harry Baldman’s The Forgotten Art: An Urban and Magical RTD

Arguably a slow starter, HB’s lovingly crafted and light-hearted tale of the sudden eruption of magic into everyday life is a good read and good fun. The players face the bewildering reality of magic in a mundane world and get up to various unexpected adventures whilst at times not knowing quite what to do. Has fulfilled many of my most ardent potato worship fantasies.
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