My map has a river chasm which bottom is 9 z levels from the surface. None of my dorfs is swimmer or climber, so if they fall they should die.
But today I noticed two "accidents", and a seemingly blessed dorf.
1) I let two dorsf remove two limestone u/d stairs above the chasm. They did the job standing on the stairs.
I was curious about how they would climb up so I watched. I can swear I saw the first dorf fell... but the next second he was in the meeting area without a scratch (100 fps, everything was a bit fast).
Then I stared at the second worker, a carpenter. Now I clearly saw he fell into the chasm and splashed. But instead of dying, he did a FTL jump and I lost track of him. Using the unit menu, I found him on a tree 10 z levels above the river bed! I had to build some stairs so he could get down.
Uh oh... the combat log also confirmed that:
The spinning limestone strikes The Carpenter in the left upper leg, but there is no force!
2) The same carpenter fought a kea shortly after the inccident. The kea attacked and he jumped into the chasm... oh shit!
Obok Cerolnish, Carpenter cancels Construct Building: Interrupted by Kea.
The Kea grabs The Carpenter by the (+«grown cotton plant fiber left glove»+) with his right wing!
The Kea releases the grip of The Kea's right wing from The Carpenter's (+«grown cotton plant fiber left glove»+).
The Kea snatches at The Carpenter in the lower body with his first toe, right foot, bruising the fat through the (horse leather trousers)!
The Carpenter punches The Kea in the right foot with his right hand, bruising the skin!
The Kea attacks The Carpenter but He jumps away!
The Carpenter slams into an obstacle!
The Carpenter's left lower arm takes the full force of the impact, bruising the bone through the (llama wool cloak)!
The Carpenter's upper body takes the full force of the impact, bruising the muscle and bruising the right lung through the (llama wool cloak)!
The Carpenter is having trouble breathing!
The Carpenter's lower body takes the full force of the impact, bruising the muscle and bruising the stomach through the (horse leather trousers)!
Obok Cerolnish, Carpenter: Our time in The Oracular Land is so brief... Begone fear!
Obok Cerolnish, Carpenter: I've been injured badly. Waaaaa...
Obok Cerolnish, Carpenter: Help! Save me!
Obok Cerolnish, Carpenter: This is a fight! Ahhhhhhh! No!
Next second, he was in his bed, with only some buises and wet clothes.
Oh, another teleporting dorf. A miner fell into the water and re-appeared on a tree 12 z levels above...