"But anyway..."
Turn Four: Will the Clown Die?
(Sir Notspyxeno: 93)
(Nidilap: 85)
(Lahaco: 27)
(Blitz: 2)
(Jase Bladeheart: 92)
(Johnny Nahmates: 26)
(Level One Evil Clown: 68)
Sir Notspyxeno fires again! (1-1 = 0 vs. 1 oh really?) Sir Notspyxeno points his gun at Blitz!
"Die, cannibal!"
He then realized that the cannibal wasn't the one mocking him, but it was too late: he had already fired. (6vs.5: hit.) Blitz nearly dodged the bullet, but failed. (6 vs. 3) Well that hurt. Now Bleeding. A lot. And in pain.
Jase waited to see if Nidilap attacked him again.
Nidilap: Nope. He's going after (1) Sir Notspyxeno! (5vs.2) Sir Notspyxeno's training wasn't exactly suited for dodging swords... Damage: (3vs.6) But it was suited to disarming. Nidilap's sword clattered to the floor.
Level One Evil Clown: The clown gets really angry! (1) HAHAHAHHHaa!!! The clown realizes that Nidilap's sword was on the ground!
Jase then went after the clown. (4+2-1vs.1-leg gone) Yeah, his head's gone. Also, so is the rest of his body. There appears to be an interesting looking bronze-colored credit-card looking thingy with a star on it lying where the clown was.
Lahaco proceeded to study his new leg. (5) Hmmm... "LEG_SUITABLE=true" (+2 to attachment roll) It then proceeds to make a note to not use limbs in construction. (3) Well using legs in construction seems to be a bad idea... maybe removing an arm would be better. (Roll to remove leg automatically interrupted.)
Johnny stared at where the clown was. Maybe that card-looking thing could be put into the slot at the base of the terminal?
Blitz is much too busy worrying about his bleeding chest (or the equivalent) to attack-but it is dead anyway.
Level One Evil Clown.
He's dead, Jim.
Yes, the clown has died.