Knit bookbag from cobwebs.

You knit yourself a cave spider silk spider bookbag, complete with four eyed cuteness and silky huggable happiness.
You now have an
inventory! You quickly shove your books into the inventory, in stacks of three each.
Current books are:
Necromancy and You: A Beginners Guide to Raising the Dead
Demons, Spirits, Gods, and the Undead: A Guide to the Supernatural
Five Issues of Necrobone monthly
The Cultist's Cookbook
Fear and How to Control It
Grobnak and You: An informational handbook on the delights of death god worship
The Dread Pirate Stockman: A choose Your own adventure tale
Apologize to the necronomicon, and stop scaring the orb. Read the necronomicon.

"Oh you're
sorry are you? Is that what you call punching me on the
cover? You know what, why don't you just cuddle with the scrying orb, obviously you two get along
sooooo much better..."

"Oh my gosh, oh my gosh,
yes! Talk to me! You are like the cutest thing ever I just, I can't even, oh my gods, it's just... oh my... nnnnnnngh. Hey hey! Can you take me with you? Can you? Can you? I just... I can't even take sticking around with these lame butt cultists! You know how long it's been since I've been with proper company? Like... oh my gods, it's just totally unbearable! You know what they make me do? All I do is locate sacrifices for them, so lame and whatever! I just want to go out and have a... like... proper party and whatever, you know? It's like totally boring with the only person around to talk to is the Necroniminicon! He's so angry and grumpy all the time, it's just nnngh... you know? I mean, like, we would be totally great together you know? Oh oh! I know! If you take me with you, I'll totally get you an
airship! My cousin is totally hooked up my kobold brah! So uh... what's your name? What's your favorite color? Do you like fish? I like fish... always swi..."

"Oh great, now you've got it
talking... you'll never shut it up now. You know what? Why don't you just shove that skull of yours right up your ass. You're just a dime a dozen slack-jawed moron that I've gotta deal with so wh-"

You open the necroniminicon and shut him up.
Most of the book is completely alien and way past your skill level, but you manage to figure out one useful excerpt from the book:
Fleshcrafting has been a staple past time for necromancers with far too much useless meat to use. Some prominent necromancers have been able to create entire towers completely composed of flesh, blood, and bone with their potent crafting skills. Though it is a lowbrow skill, it is one that is quite useful in the hands of a prominent magic wielder. As the basic principles of magic state, inert flesh by itself holds no life and, therefore, very scant amounts of magical essence. However, by imbuing flesh with magical essence from yourself, the flesh becomes malleable, workable, and shapeable. With the right amount of concentration and effort, this flesh can be weaved into almost any mundane object. As the flesh is imbued with magical essence, it is, in a primal form, a living, soul bearing thing. Though, the flesh will not do anything more than quiver or jiggle. It has been noted by necromantic scholars that the flesh forms do tend to attract spirits and demons if concentrated enough.
You feel as if you could learn more from this book if you became better at necromancy.
You have learned a new spell:
Fleshcrafting!Mold dead flesh into mundane objects!
Currently known spells are:
Summon Cup of Water
Ball of Frustration
Summon Cup of Frustration
Nekrobold: examine stuff on table

You see lying on the table a human heart, a pair of tongs, a pokey thing, a ritual blade, a banana, and The Boot.
Combine ball of frustration with itself, then combine that spell with itself, then repeat until the spell's mana cost reaches the maximum amount of mana you can have currently, then (without casting it) find out how mad it will make people. Is it a curse of eternal frustration?

You have learned a new spell:
Nothing!Wow what a waste of time!
Combining a spell with itself causes deconstructive interference, not constructive interference!
Currently Known spells are:
Summon Cup of Water
Ball of Frustration
Summon Cup of Frustration
Stonut: attempt "diplomacy" with the monster

You attempt to reason with the monster, telling it that we're all friends here and that he could become your very own son... daughter... blobby... monster... thing?

The Many Faced Horror retorts with a resounding slam against your head. Good thing you were wearing your very flat, metal
sombrero!Stonut: to battle!