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Author Topic: Beginner's Mafia LIV: You Are Bread - Game over! Town wins!  (Read 34999 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Beginner's Mafia LIV: You Are Bread - Game over! Town wins!
« on: March 30, 2015, 01:10:02 pm »

    Beginner's Mafia LIV
    You Are Bread
    Life was good in your plastic-wrapped paradise.  All of the bread slices enjoyed their time together in the loaf.  Each slice dreamed of what they would become one day.  This slice aspired to be a crunchy piece of toast.  That slice hoped to be part of a wonderful sandwich.  One slice even wanted to be torn apart and scattered for the pigeons.  Odd, but the loaf respected its decision.  Growing old and getting stale just wasn't in the cards for these slices.  No, the slices of bread in this loaf all wanted to be a part of something bigger.  Something delicious. 

    But there was always a thought in the back of these slices' minds.  The 'M' word.  Moldy.  No one wanted to be moldy.  It was a fate worse than staleness. 

    One day, it happened.  A slice of bread exclaimed not feeling terribly well.  The other slices saw.  Mold!  With heavy gluten, the other slices had to exile the moldy slice.  It was for the good of the loaf.  But even after the moldy slice had been expunged, a heavy aura (and a musty smell) remained.  There were still slices in the loaf that were carriers of this moldy plague!  However, since no slice appeared to be moldy, it was up to the loaf to determine who could be the carriers and ensure they were banished for the health of the loaf. 

    Player List [7/7]:
    • Playergamer
    • Dani Deus Asmoth
    • roo
    • Tea
    • Dorsidwarf
    • origamiscienceguy Lord_lemonpie
    • Illgeo TheDarkStar

    ICs [2/2]:
    • Persus13
    • 4maskwolf

    Scum IC [1/1]:
    • Silthuri

    • This could be you!


    Welcome to Beginner's Mafia LIV. As the title suggests, this game is for beginners. If you have no idea how to play or you have some experience but you're still not quite sure what to do, then this is the right place for you. If you sign up, you have one goal: Learn how to play the game of mafia. Since this is not an easy thing to do on your own and we wouldn't dream of forcing you to do it, you will be assisted by two 'inexperience challenged' players, or ICs. The ICs are experienced players on the board who have signed up to help you learn. You can always trust that the advice they give is genuine, however, you cannot always trust the IC, as they are players in the game and have the same likelihood of being scum as every other single player.

    If this is your first time playing, keep in mind that games of forum mafia take several weeks, and can sometimes run longer than a month, and that you are expected to be able to play continuously through that time. If you can't anticipate being able to play for that long for whatever reason, then maybe the game of mafia isn't for you. But if it is, then welcome to the mafia subforum, and I hope you have a great time playing.

    Gameplay and Concept

    The game of mafia has a simple concept. A large group of players known as the town plays against a smaller group of players known as the mafia. In this setup, there are nine players, with seven town and two mafia.

    Before the game begins, each players is given a role and an alignment by the moderator. There are two alignments in this setup: Town and Mafia. The town outnumber the mafia, but each individual member of the town does not know the alignment of any of the other members. The mafia know the alignment of everyone on their team and they can discuss the game privately in a special mafia chat. The mafia has access to a nightkill that they may use in the Night phase, while the town occasionally has roles with abilities that are used during the night.

    Once everyone has a role, the game begins in the Day phase. During the Day phase, players may discuss the game and each player has a vote that they cast publicly to lynch a player. At the end of the day after some predetermined amount of time, the player with the most votes is lynched. Lynching does two things: it reveals a player's role and alignment, and it removes a player from the game. Once lynched, a player is no longer allowed to post in the thread.

    Once the day ends, the game proceeds to Night. During the Night, discussion is prohibited. The mafia team picks a target to nightkill. If available, any town power roles use their actions as well. At the end of the night, the target the mafia chose to nightkill has their role and alignment revealed, and that player is removed from the game in a similar way to being lynched. Once the night ends, the game proceeds to another Day.

    Both teams win by eliminating the other. However, due to the nature of the teams, they win very differently. The town win by finding and lynching the mafia, while the mafia win by avoiding being lynched and nightkilling.

    Potential Roles

    Vanilla Townie - A member of the town with no special abilities.
    Vanilla Mafioso - A member of the mafia with no special abilities.
    Cop (Town) - A cop may choose to inspect a single player during the night and learn that player's alignment.
    Jailkeeper (Town) - A combination of a Roleblocker and a Doctor, a Jailkeeper both protects and blocks the target from acting during the night.
    Role Cop (Mafia) - Much like the Town Cop counterpart, the Role Cop investigates a single other during the night to learn their role, instead of their alignment.

    This is still an experimental setup

    The only role that receives the success of their results in this setup is the Cop and Rolecop. All other roles are not informed if they were successful or not.

    One of the following setups is used:
    1. 1 Mafioso, 1 Mafia Role Cop, 5 Vanilla Townies, Sane Cop, Jailkeeper.
    2. 1 Mafioso, 1 Mafia Role Cop, 6 Vanilla Townies, Sane Cop.
    3. 1 Mafioso, 1 Mafia Role Cop, 6 Vanilla Townies, Jailkeeper.

    Spoiler: Possible Role PMs (click to show/hide)

    Notes about the ICs

    The ICs are here solely to teach new players how to play, but remember, they are also players in the game. This means they have the same chance to be scum as any other player and it is entirely possible for one IC or even both ICs to be scum. Regardless of their alignment, they are obligated to provide you with genuine advice, so that even if you don't trust the IC, you can trust the advice they give. Some ICs will use a special 'IC voice' to alert players that they are delivering honest, unfiltered advice, while some don't.

    The ICs have the special privilege of being able to talk while dead. This is so that they can continue to give advice even if they are killed during the course of the game.

    • Voting - Votes are cast in red and should include the name of the targeted player. Other colors may be ignored. Shakerag, Shake, and Shakerag you scumbag!, are all acceptable ways to cast a vote if the target is clear enough.
      • If you want to remove your vote, you may put unvote in red text. You must explicitly state this to remove your vote. You may put the name of the player you are unvoting in red after the unvote, e.g., unvote Shakerag, but it is not required.
      • If the day ends with two or more people having the same number of votes, the day will end with no player being lynched.
      • It is also possible to vote for a no lynch to explicitly end the day without a lynch.
    • Death - When you are dead, you are prohibited from posting in the thread. You may make a single 'bah' post after you die, however, it must not contain any game-related information.
    • PMs - PMs between players are prohibited. You may freely PM the moderator to ask game-related questions, however, what the moderator may reveal is limited.
      • Do not quote any direct correspondence with the moderator, including role PMs and rule-related queries.
    • Edits - Editing posts is prohibited. Do not edit your post for any reason, even if your post comes out as a train-wreck of formatting, spelling, punctuation, and/or grammar. The preview button exists; use it.
    • Replacements/Activity - If you find yourself unable to play, you may, and should, request a replacement. We may try to talk you out of it if it's for any other reason besides you not having enough time to play.
      • Prods may be requested for a player. If they have not posted in the thread within 24 hours, excluding weekends, they will be prodded.
      • If you stop playing altogether without notifying me, you will receive a warning after 48 hours, and a forced replace after 72 hours.
      • Please be active. The greatest killer of beginner games is poor activity.
    • Day/Night Length - Days will last 72 hours. Nights will last 24 hours, or until all night actions are received. Weekends are not counted in terms of day or night length. E.G., if a night starts at 12:00 PM Friday, it will end at 12:00 PM Monday.
      • If the game is in a LYLO or MYLO situation, there will be no formal deadline. >50% Players must vote to end the day, or votes must not change for 24-hours.
    • Extensions/Shortens - A player may vote for an extension to increase the length of the day. It requires >33% of the current number of players to request an extension for an extension to be granted. A player may also vote for a shorten. It requires >50% of the current number of players for a shorten to be granted. Extensions increase day length by 48 hours, while shortens will immediately end the day as soon as possible. There are only two extensions per day, with other extensions being granted at the moderator's discretion for special reasons.
      • Votes for extension/shorten are done in boldface. Extend, Extension, Extend it up yo, Shorten it out y'all are acceptable ways to vote for an extension or shorten
      • Extensions or shortens can be opposed. Opposition to extensions or shortens are done in boldface. Oppose Extend, Opposition to the Extension, Oppose Shorten, are acceptable ways to oppose an extension or shorten. Oppositions count against the total number of votes for an extension or shorten.
      • Extensions count as opposition to hortens. Similarly, shortens count as opposition to extensions.
      • Extensions, Shortens, and Oppositions will be counted and processed by the moderator in the order that they are cast.
    • External Participation - While the game is ongoing, if you are not a player, an IC, or a mod, refrain from posting in the thread.
      • Play to win! There is no hopeless situation, so don't ever give up. And remember, be bold! You learn nothing and you gain nothing by holding back.
    • Miscellaneous - Use of cryptographic hashing is not permitted.  If you want to have hidden/obfuscated messages in your posts for later use, come up with them using your own wetware.

    Resources and Guides

    Our own Bay12 Mafia tutorial
    The Mafiascum wiki. Lots of theory, terminology, and game analysis.
    An Interactive Flash tutorial by one of the people. Helpful visualization!
    The Notable Games archive. Read a famous game from start to finish! Learn some Mafia history.

    Spoiler: On D1 No-lynches (click to show/hide)

    Frequently Asked Questions

    Spoiler (click to show/hide)


    • Bay Watcher
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    Re: Beginner's Mafia LIV: You Are Bread - In signups!
    « Reply #1 on: March 30, 2015, 01:42:24 pm »

    A troll, most likely...But I hate not feeding the animals. Let the games begin.
    Ya fuckin' wanker.   

    My sigtext


    • Bay Watcher
    • WELL! OK THEN!... That was fun.
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    Re: Beginner's Mafia LIV: You Are Bread - In signups!
    « Reply #2 on: March 30, 2015, 01:52:03 pm »

    I really want to be a power role in a normal game, but I don't think I should join as a new player. Replacement list
    "'...It represents the world. They [the dwarves] plan to destroy it.' 'WITH SOAP?!'" -legend of zoro (with some strange interperetation)


    • Bay Watcher
    • Having a good ol' time lurking about.
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    Re: Beginner's Mafia LIV: You Are Bread - In signups!
    « Reply #3 on: March 30, 2015, 02:22:58 pm »

    Scum IC in!


    • Bay Watcher
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    Re: Beginner's Mafia LIV: You Are Bread - In signups! [1/7] [0/2] [1/1]
    « Reply #4 on: March 30, 2015, 04:09:57 pm »

    Replacement in, although I'm fine with joining at the beginning if there aren't enough players/ICs.
    Don't die; it's bad for your health!

    it happened it happened it happen im so hyped to actually get attacked now


    • Bay Watcher
    • Monstrous Nun
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    Re: Beginner's Mafia LIV: You Are Bread - In signups! [1/7] [0/2] [1/1]
    « Reply #5 on: March 30, 2015, 11:47:34 pm »

    /in. Hoping for good things.
    A creature of habit.


    • Bay Watcher
    • Just here for the schadenfreude.
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    Re: Beginner's Mafia LIV: You Are Bread - In signups! [2/7] [0/2] [1/1]
    « Reply #6 on: April 03, 2015, 08:31:30 am »

    So .... must be all the whippersnappers being back in school right about now.


    • Bay Watcher
    • 6th King of the Mafia
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    Re: Beginner's Mafia LIV: You Are Bread - In signups! [2/7] [0/2] [1/1]
    « Reply #7 on: April 04, 2015, 09:38:20 am »

    So .... must be all the whippersnappers being back in school right about now.
    Probably. I'll IC IN even though I do have school.
    Congratulations Persus, now you are forced to have the same personal text for an entire year!
    Longbowmen horsearcher doomstacks that suffer no attrition and can navigate all major rivers without ships.


    • Bay Watcher
    • I'm "trying"
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    Re: Beginner's Mafia LIV: You Are Bread - In signups! [2/7] [1/2] [1/1]
    « Reply #8 on: April 07, 2015, 06:31:45 pm »

    this game is hard.
    Or not it's cool.


    • Bay Watcher
    • Now with 20% less sanity and trans fat!
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    Re: Beginner's Mafia LIV: You Are Bread - In signups! [3/7] [1/2] [1/1]
    « Reply #9 on: April 07, 2015, 08:31:33 pm »

    When I read the title, I was almost sure there would be a pun on "scumbiscuit"

    I am disappoint.
    Oh look, I have a steam account.
    Might as well chalk it up to Pathos.
    As this point we might as well invoke interpretive dance and call it a day.
    The Derail Thread


    • Bay Watcher
    • ~
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    Re: Beginner's Mafia LIV: You Are Bread - In signups! [3/7] [1/2] [1/1]
    « Reply #10 on: April 09, 2015, 08:44:05 pm »

    Hi. I don't know if I will be any good at forum mafia, but I used to play on the same mafia bot as Webadict, Pandarsenic, Leafsnail, etc. which is how I made it here.


    • Bay Watcher
    • ~
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    Re: Beginner's Mafia LIV: You Are Bread - In signups! [3/7] [1/2] [1/1]
    « Reply #11 on: April 09, 2015, 08:45:54 pm »

    Your post says that ICs can be town or scum, but there is an IC list and a scum IC..? I am confused

    Jack A T

    • Bay Watcher
    • Mafia is What Players Make of It
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    Re: Beginner's Mafia LIV: You Are Bread - In signups! [3/7] [1/2] [1/1]
    « Reply #12 on: April 09, 2015, 08:49:35 pm »

    Your post says that ICs can be town or scum, but there is an IC list and a scum IC..? I am confused
    The Scum IC is a non-playing advisor for the scum.  The playing ICs can be either town or scum.
    Quote from: Pandarsenic, BYOR 6.3 deadchat
    Quote from: Urist Imiknorris, Witches' Coven 2 Elfchat
    Screw you, Jack.


    • Bay Watcher
    • WELL! OK THEN!... That was fun.
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    Re: Beginner's Mafia LIV: You Are Bread - In signups! [3/7] [1/2] [1/1]
    « Reply #13 on: April 09, 2015, 09:11:17 pm »

    Hi. I don't know if I will be any good at forum mafia, but I used to play on the same mafia bot as Webadict, Pandarsenic, Leafsnail, etc. which is how I made it here.
    welcome. Everybody here was new at one point.
    "'...It represents the world. They [the dwarves] plan to destroy it.' 'WITH SOAP?!'" -legend of zoro (with some strange interperetation)


    • Bay Watcher
    • 4mask always angle, do figure theirs!
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    Re: Beginner's Mafia LIV: You Are Bread - In signups! [3/7] [1/2] [1/1]
    « Reply #14 on: April 09, 2015, 10:46:59 pm »

    Hi. I don't know if I will be any good at forum mafia, but I used to play on the same mafia bot as Webadict, Pandarsenic, Leafsnail, etc. which is how I made it here.
    Ah excellent, a new player to this forum.  Hello, my name is 4maskwolf, and it will be my job to work alongside Persus13 to teach you some of the nuances of the Bay12 meta.  I should warn you pregame, however, that my ideas differ from the general consensus here, but I will nontheless be serving as one of the IC's when this starts.

    IC in
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