Gee, I don't see where this plan might go wrong in my future and eventual dating life (what little existed). I feel like it contributed a bit for similar reasons; I find someone whose cute (and once in a blue moon, would find me worth being around), I might get all kinds of crap like when an attractive person's on screen. Screw that. Either keep them a secret for eternity, or date someone average or less in the looks department to avoid the flak-storm. Or so my old thinking would have led, had I not taken care of it. On the plus side, if anyone attempts to use their charms on me, I can troll the hell out of them by using my immunity, and mess with their heads, or knock their self-esteem down a peg (mainly if they solely depend on their looks for absolutely everything; or are trying to make me a "welcome mat"-class nice guy for their own selfish reasons.
Have fun with that.).
(Un)fortunately, TV's over-saturated with this crap; it's second-nature to me to outright ignore it (Victoria's Secret and Superbowl commercials don't even make me react a single bit, regardless whose around, or what's on display (only real exception being censorship from the next generation in a way they wouldn't even notice it (blocking their line of sight, mostly); rather than be shamed of it.). This kind of stuff can become a drinking game.), or see past the screen, or watch a show without watching it around others (or blindly watching TV or a movie). I've heard of being sheltered, but my case was outright absurd. I hope the level of censorship my siblings use on their own kids isn't nearly as harsh as what I've been hit with.
Personally, getting over most of it these days (and having my word with at least one of them that caused such trauma), I'm at a point where I no longer give a crap about it. Then again, spending most my time alone, where I'm away from getting shamed about (pretty much) everyday crap by this point, I can actually finally enjoy these things for what they were meant to be. Story first, like I always watched for in the first damn place; aesthetics/fanservice is just extra I can care less about. My form of fanservice is art direction and explosions.
Hell, whenever I mention anything that has any amount fanservice (cute characters are excluded, unlike in my cases) in it as a recommendation, I always preface it with "When you get past the fanservice... [insert personal review here]. [My age recommendation where their kids are concerned; depending on material and amount].". How I see it, it's an inevitability to see this kind of crap; when it's acceptable to give in and accept the fact that they have now taken interest in such things, is where to draw the line. My line was drawn way too late in my life, and look at the fun that was had there (and on average, society draws the line far too soon, and look at the consequences of that). Whether to have fun messing with me or to shelter me (I was a good kid; but this was ridiculous), it did damage to my psyche for longer than I think they ever expected it to. At least, one of my sisters were ashamed of it, and apologized about the long-term damage that kind of bullcrap does to a person like me. It's a similar story with my vulgarity. I still nearly-stutter because I censor potential vulgarity when I talk; but on the plus side, I am more creative in my insults and sarcasm, and my wit's also sharp enough to really verbally abuse someone deep. F-bombs are for the weak.