TDS:Everyone: Would any of the third parties merit a policy-lynch if you found out who they were?
Should the scum be lynched before a scum-sided Bad or should it be the other way around?
If you were town, would you try to help the Good/Ugly, the Bad, or neither?
Ending the conflict between the GBU in the good and ugly's favour actually seems the way to go because as soon as the bad's win condition is fulfilled they all leave which drops three votes out which brings us ever closer to lylo or mylo. So:
1. The bad, he's a SK basically and when he kills the right target removes 3 players (the whole GBU) otherwise he'll probably kill the villagers.
2. The bad, removes a NK and if we knew both the scum's identities the game is over anyway. Plus reasons above.
3. The good and the ugly. It seems to be the best way to go about it.
How do feel about my way of thinking?
Tiruin:Is my net, guv! Don'cha see me as a footpad 'ere :I
..Um. Random kill? :v
Anything-which-infringes-on-killing-me-straight-out works! Also me hilariously shooting the Ugly. That too.
But not the lynch, not the day game. Just any extraneous variable which affects my words to be spoken, to be iredeemably silenced.
But yes: Query to thee! What purpose does that question serve?
Be ye an existentialist?! :I posting ended there because lack of time!
Will try to be back later!
The ugly only kills Confederates which the bad is not. So don't worry about hilariously shooting him unless you are a Confederate.
I think you kinda answered your own question with the second one. I like to look at how people go about things as well as what they do. I had to look up existen-thingy and I think that's what it means correct me if I'm wrong.
So if you were the ugly would you try to encourage an attack?
This is an equally hard choice. Usually, these questions would come about the topic of prior knowledge--though I'm a person who considers inner potential in everyone :/ I'd doubtfully pick the ones I played with before (Deathsword, Silthuri, Mastercheese, 4mask, TheDS, Deus) of them, but that'd leave out possible others like Roo and Comrade, who I either did not play with before or is my first time playing with them.
Also what is this lie? You know me, me and Flabort lynched you when you were SK who turned up mafia. I'm insulted.
4mask:Are you a third party? If not then what is wrong trying to find them? Two are millers which would be handy to know if we do in fact have a Captain and the other is a SK.
Peradon:Launch a general spread of attacks, you know my usual crap cases but more of them. See if anyone tries to defend the certain partner. Push case on suspicion of scum team if so. Keep up the pressure up until they either reveal if they are the good and the ugly. Proceed to shoot either if lynch does not fall through. Ugly kills confederates not bad if I'm reading this right. If this does not work. Look for patterns which indicate a large degree of trust between two players, scum will probably try and avoid looking like a team, good and ugly probably not as concerned.
What do you think of this? Is it helpful? Idiotic? Not detailed enough? Too detailed?
Well, that is certainly detailed. It looks like you have certainly put a lot of thought into it. Have you?
I have put thought into it of course. Think like the enemy it seems to be the way to play. Town are trying to think like scum to figure out who they are and scum try to think like town to hide. Motivation and reasoning is the name of the game (well actually it's mafia). I suck at putting this idea into practice though.
How would you play the good?
Hector:I'll need to request replacement for this one. I can't invest as much time as I'd like into it
sorry guys!