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Author Topic: You are Nigel and the Maeshowe Ethics Committee!  (Read 10937 times)


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Go to a clothing store and perform in exchange for new threads


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Seeing the cops placated by your quick-thinking covering of Quebecca’s nudity with your jeans, you realise that the wisest thing to do would be to whip them right back off again, because the only thing more rebellious than nudity is repeated nudity in the faces of the forces of law and order, right? Indeed, you start pulling her – your – jeans down, but she takes this as a bit of a forthright and unwelcome proposition, and knees you in the gonads.

As you roll on the floor in pain, you consider booking a gig.

It occurs to you that now you have a song, you could always try Gerard’s Craft Coffeeshop again, or the Wagon’s Open Mic Night, or – and it comes up as an idea just because you’ve run out of any better ideas – Big Mick’s Open Metal Night at the Queen’s Head.

Whichever you choose, the doors won’t open for a good five or six hours, so perhaps you could go busk for clothing first? Like that initiative at many clothing stores: clothes for songs, or something?

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((aha – perhaps it was unclear, in which case apologies – but Quebecca got dressed in Nigel’s clothes, not her own! She prefers men’s clothes on a Saturday))

((damn, monk – very slightly too slow to affect the update much but that is totally an option before an evening gig now))


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Go to a clothing store and perform in exchange for new threads


Harry Baldman

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Go to a clothing store and perform in exchange for new threads


Let's do that, yes. Utilize the air of materialism to think of new songs on the fly.


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”Sorry Quebs,” you mumble, picking yourself up, ”I don't know what came over me... I think it was, like, the primal urge of... you know... poetry?”

”That's okay, boet, that's okay. Just, you know, I don't... I don't really think of you like that, more as, like, a collaborator, you know?”

”I totally think of you like that, Nigel.”

”Yeah... I understand, I'm totally the same. So shall we go play some music to some oppressed folk?”

”Yeah man, and let's get you some trousers at the same time, yeah?”

Which is how it happens that some 20 minutes or so later you're standing in the New Street G&N store in town, haggling with a salesperson, trying to get him to sell you a pair of jeans for a ten minute rendition of the folk standard Free Speech, which he doesn't seem to have heard of, and eventually you're like, damn, man, let me speak to your manager or something, and he's, like, yeah, okay, pretty pleased to have anyway out he can from speaking to this bearded eejit shopping in the middle of town in just his underpants and the girl that just stares at him with this simmering intensity that's quite unsettling, and the manager comes down from somewhere upstairs and you ask him,

”Dude, how come you aren't in the Local Communities, Local Poetries initiative, man? All the shops with soul are doing it, and I'm... I'm disappointed in you, man? You know, everywhere else, all the cool shops you can exchange, like, a five minute ode on the beauty of the golden rings for four pints of milk or something, and here I'm just trying to achieve a basic level of human dignity and clothedness in exchange for a full thirty minute set of traditional soulful cool, you know? I mean, not, actually, like, cool – more like... you know, poetical truth? Don't you even get bartering, dude? It's a basic human right, man.”

“I... the... uh...”

”One round of bagpipes, two round of bagpipes, a one, two, a one two three FOUR!”

And that's pretty much it: Bagpipes Debbie whips out her kazoo and starts thrumming like an old-fangled Mustang engine, somehow expressing a deep truth of ancient eastern trade caravans – she's like the beating sun on a camel's arse, loaded with spice and gold dust as Harun pitter patters like hooves in the distance: he's sat cross legged on the floor next to you with a beatific look on his face and you wonder briefly if he's still got those tiny tabs in his hand, because his eyes are kind of somewhat distant, and Quebs starts doing, well, continues doing, because she hasn't said a word since you come in here, just mutely staring at all the men's checked shirts – Quebs just carries on staring, but this time staring at the man, the manager, staring at him in a way that gives you goose bumps and gives him a strange flashback to that time his aunt Jennie got sectioned for a fortnight, and you, you snap your fingers.

You close your eyes, you nod your head like you're totally feeling it.

The thrum of the kazoo – an insistent purity – the tap of the cricket bat – like a primeval insect? Nah – like, like an early twentieth century automobile production line, topped by the yeasty sediment of Quebecca's powerful silence.


You start death growling without even opening your eyes, still nodding side to side.




It's like, you're trying to get out the deep symbolic truth about the terror of materialism, but you can't quite get out the right words, you know?

Just what the hell are the right words, man?

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« Last Edit: March 23, 2015, 05:05:45 pm by lawastooshort »


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*wordless grunting*


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You are Nigel and the Maeshowe Ethics Committee, Buskers of the Oppressed
« Reply #51 on: March 24, 2015, 05:26:24 am »

Could this be it? Could this be your second major work? You think so, because suddenly out spurt the right words, if spurt is the right word to use for something that pours forth like dried cement.


Harun’s abstract cricket bat rhythm keeps going, but deeper, descending to match your developing symbolism.


Debbie’s kazoo just thrums, deep and nasal, ill-sounding like an unshiftable wheeze.


The four of you are there in a small circle in the corner of the shop, the manager transfixed: Quebecca silent in your jeans and shirt, Debbie in her skirt and woolly jumper, with colourful stripy tights, Harun cross-legged on the floor with his baggy hippy trousers and ethnic hoody, you in your underpants and old trainers, death growling over the shop’s horrifying PA music.


Quebecca starts to loosen up, and she strides up to a young couple leafing through a rail of tshirts and does silence at the back of the woman’s head.


The woman can’t not notice, Quebecca’s is powerful and harmonious silence, but she moves off nevertheless, and Quebecca comes back to the group, and Debbie starts a demented kind of rhythmic swaying and you notice between lines that the manager really seems to be getting into it too, he’s staring at your feet, coming face to face with the naked truth of what he’s bringing to the world, jerking backwards and forwards in the beginnings of a dance that, you have time to muse, is actually quite a good visual representation of what you’re trying to get across.


One of the salespeople comes up to ask the manager for guidance, but is instead confronted by the poetry, and the dancing manager, and just seems to totally get it too, staring at Debbie and tapping his foot in time to the cricket bat.





And just like that, with a look in the eye to each of the band, you stop, even Quebs stops, and it’s over.



There’s three of the shop staff and a customer around you now, all applauding more than politely – it seems they genuinely did dig that, dude!

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Re: You are Nigel and the Maeshowe Ethics Committee, Lyricists Welcome!
« Reply #52 on: March 24, 2015, 06:27:37 am »

Get clothes
All fanfics are heresy, each and every one, especially the shipping ones. Those are by far the worst.


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Re: You are Nigel and the Maeshowe Ethics Committee, Lyricists Welcome!
« Reply #54 on: March 30, 2015, 11:13:39 am »

”Clothes! Yeah clothes! I deathgrowl at foes till everybody knows I got more clothes than Rosebud got ho-“

Not for the first time since you met her, Quebecca stops you short with physical violence – this time avoiding the groin and smacking you right in the face. You think you prefer it that way.

”Oh, oh god. Thanks Quebs, for a minute there I think I started rapping or something. Ug.“

“Yeah, but dude,” interrupts the store manager, “That was dope, man. You flowed like some kind of fiend of folkrap, that was the shit! Wow. Like, if you had an album, I’d totally download it.”

You don’t know what to think. Is he insulting you to start a fight? Download it? Rap?

”Uh. Yeah?“

“Yeah, no, but yeah, anyway. For that performance you can totally all take one item each that you want, maybe you could come back next Tuesday lunchtime too?”

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((oops, I might have got lost for a week))


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Re: You are Nigel and the Maeshowe Ethics Committee, Lyricists Welcome!
« Reply #55 on: March 30, 2015, 11:36:19 am »

We need an album, onPhonofilm format only sound and vision must be one.
Agree, plus that's about the LAST thing *I* want to see from this kind of game - author spending valuable development time on useless graphics.

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Re: You are Nigel and the Maeshowe Ethics Committee, Lyricists Welcome!
« Reply #56 on: March 30, 2015, 11:56:57 am »

This suggestion adventure is glorious. We must take an article of clothing that pays homage to our band's culture. Kilts all around.


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Re: You are Nigel and the Maeshowe Ethics Committee, Lyricists Welcome!
« Reply #57 on: March 30, 2015, 01:49:25 pm »

This suggestion adventure is glorious. We must take an article of clothing that pays homage to our band's culture. Kilts all around.


Furthermore, we cannot promise to be here next Tuesday for our star is ascending in much the same fashion as Icarus but hopefully not as ultimately futile, by which I mean I expect we shall all be quite rich and famous this time next week (or maybe not rich since that would be selling out, but like, no doubt our fans will just gift us the means of sustenance and the articles of common decency as we need them.)

And in order to get those fans we need our sound to reach the people! TO THE LOCAL RADIO STATION!


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Re: You are Nigel and the Maeshowe Ethics Committee, Lyricists Welcome!
« Reply #58 on: March 30, 2015, 04:18:01 pm »

”Er, wow. Thanks dude. I... er, I don't know about next Tuesday, man, I expect we'll be knee-deep in a kind of ah, what's the word, holistic, you know, symbiotic relationship with the fans, you know what I'm saying? Like, we'll come, we'll play, and they'll remove their clothing in an act of pure sustenance, you know? But in the meantime four kilts would be sweet.”

The four of you walk out of there feeling healthily normal – wearing kilts that signify your deep relationship with past folkic tradition, but kilts that are mass-produced in Vietnam, so very obviously unpretentious.

”We need an album, man.”

”Shit. Yeah. Not even just an EP – straight out into an album, dude!”

”You think? Do we have the fanbase already? Do we have the strong following to, like, say, pick out the intricacies of your silence on CD, Quebecca?”

”Hmm. Yeah. Hadn't thought of that, actually.”

”Well, how about my brother Derek? He's recreated a 1920s Phonofilm recorder for his art degree – it'd be, like, a music video, but totally in both the traditionalist Shetlands strand? And, like, also the apogee of rock album kind of strand, you know? Except more 20s.”


”Uh. Yeah.”

”Or, dude. Why not spread the word first? Like, Cheap Radio? Radio for the Town, and the Country, and stuff. They're just around the corner, boet – I used to work in the canteen...”

Which is how the Maeshowe Ethics Committee end up at the reception desk of Brummaford's Cheap Radio on this Tuesday late afternoon.

“How can I help you, sirs and madams? If you're looking for the registrar's office it's across the way there.”

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Re: You are Nigel and the Maeshowe Ethics Committee, Lyricists Welcome!
« Reply #59 on: March 30, 2015, 06:29:57 pm »

Bluster our way into a live radio performance!
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