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Author Topic: Apocalypse How - Second vision  (Read 70781 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Apocalypse Wow
« Reply #270 on: June 15, 2015, 02:01:06 pm »

    Q4 2017

    Seems like we're not hurting for bunker people! Well then, conduct interviews via my flunkies and obtain a list of 50 skilled, educated individuals to live in the bunker with their families. Or however many I can take to fill my bunker to capacity (keeping the number of workers and families as-is).

    Bring the MREs (and myself) into the bunker.

    In the meantime, fund a hunt for whoever was responsible for the murders.

    In addition, pay to have the information on my bunker-guests expunged from any existing records. Well, them and about just as many random unfortunates, to keep people guessing.

    Finally, see if I can work out a deal to buy up a whole lot of Priya Gupta's medicine, about two or three decades' worth for a thousand people. Include contraceptives in the list of needed medicines if they aren't yet. Help her with finding whatever people she requires.

    (oh, and from here on in the bunker ought to be dubbed the Fateful Pit)

    [1] Seems like almost all were just after your money. Throw in 10 k$ more per person and a cable and they'll move in.
    Speaking about people, you have more guys on the list than the bunker can hold. Over twice as many. Give me some % numbers how much these educated young people will consist of bunker inhabitants, rest being workers. All that remains will be assigned on ark ships.

    MREs moved. Yourself moved. Conducting rest of your business from there. You manage to keep it hidden from press and other media.

    [6] Your offer to pay 500 million dollars for their heads causes a bit of murder spree on the city and nearby areas. The hunt is succesful and a pseudo militaristic religious order is found to be quilty and are summarily executed. Police would like to talk with you about this, since your most generous offer made people take law into their own hands. You are not accused of anything. Yet.

    [2] You can't find any person who is willing to erase people from government registries.

    Ms. Gupta sends you rather generous amount of medicines. So much in fact that it must be stored into living rooms, reducing capacity of your Doom Pit by 50.

    Personal financial situation:
    Your stocks bring you good amount of money since people are really stockpiling goods now.
    And all your land now belongs to The Equatorial Foods Corporation. Only your own house remains.

    End year company finances:
    Overall result of this year is slightly negative. Revenue went down by one billion and profit by whopping 5 billion. Profit deficit was expected though, because it was all caused by your transfer of property.

    Spoiler: Codeine Ogudi Korir (click to show/hide)

    Spoiler: Notes (click to show/hide)

    Start searching for people to bring onto the ship, especially those who are young, educated, and skilled.
    Start replacing the communications equipment, and continue stockpiling canned food, MREs, and medical supplies, such as antibiotics, painkillers, and others. Also, start finding crew for the ship, preferably trying to find the most skilled.

    Agree to give Korir the medical supplies in exchange for help finding crew and passengers for my ship.

    [6+1] You find everybody you need. Passengers are from rich families, which means they are little out of touch with reality. Young, educated and skilled sure, but mostly on theoretical side.

    [6] Communications systems are replaced with state of art systems that lets you contact all known satellites, and even some military sats as well.
    [6] Everything is going on your way now. The ship is stockpiled with large array of various foods, spices and raw materials. Just what your passengers needs. Medical supplies you take straight from your company storages.

    [4] Crew recruited. They are ok.

    Personal financial situation:
    Nothing noteworthy.

    End year company finances:
    This was very good year for pharmaceuticals, despite of rollercoaster of economy. This last quarter was especially good.
    Same holds true for Kitchen appliances, if not even more so.
    D-Store increased its revenue, but profits remained same.

    For guiding Dharma Inc. through hard times and still increasing profit so much the company decided to give you raise, bringing your wage up to 250 million per quarter.

    Spoiler: Priya Gupta (click to show/hide)

    Spoiler: Dharma Inc. (click to show/hide)

    Spoiler: Notes (click to show/hide)

    [x]Loosen the personnel requirements further. Accept skilled workers and thinkers of any age, including those with families, from the company. Open message to my colleagues inviting them to do the same. Stop planning for filling space at 80% capacity.
    [x]Finish my shopping.
    [x]U.S. Military: Price is $6bUS for the exclusive military rights, open for negotiation as low as $4bUS. Let them know that we're interested in ocean-exploration and change over time in floor level, coastlines, &c. for future company-sponsored scientific expeditions; we'll knock $2bUS off that price in exchange for copies of U.S. military maps of the world, both land and oceans (if they push, of course they should censor sensitive data first).

    If there's a deal, let them know that our largest shipyards are already involved in a major project, but requests for smaller classes of ship might be able to begin within a relatively short period of time.

    [1] Nope, no luck here. People please assist him. Or throw few billions into the task. Or rest of your cash for autosuccess. It's not like you are going to need any of it soon. Or leave it to others and assist them.

    [5] You got everything you need. Now only if you had people who need it...

    [2] US military is not very interested of giving away their maps and they think price is too high even at 4 billion. Maybe if you were to lower it down to 2 billion and 50% of price being paid as maps?

    Personal financial situation:
    Your company does well, and so do you.

    End year company finances:
    Mining: Revealing corruption and dealing with it fast resulted quite big jump in this years numbers. In addition of that it seems like business was quite profitable anyway, increasing numbers even more.
    Self-repairing metals: We have finally numbers for this business. It came almost all from ark-ships, but since on this quarter those metals wasn't needed some of profit came from newly constructed yachts and ferries. Board of Directors (the part that isn't you) recommends that the company should invest more into that. It seems to be the future of construction.
    Shipbuilding: Minor increase in both revenue and profits.

    Likewise numbers this year increased notably, so you are granted raise.

    Spoiler: Herwald Rasmussen V (click to show/hide)

    Spoiler: Notes (click to show/hide)

    ((Guys, could you be of any aid with the imprisonment situation I got going right now? Could any of you try to influence anything?))

    I'd like to try to use my influence to be released out of jail. If I fail, I'd like to prepare a believable story for the trial.
    I'd like to donate 50 milllion of dollars to the foundation.
    If I successfully defend myself, I'd like to immedieately move onto the Ark.
    I'd like to inform the MIBs exactly which mercs had contacts with terrorist organisations.

    [4] You pull some strings and get out of the prison, but you are required to let police know where you are so when trial finally starts they can come and get you.

    Money donated.

    About moving onto the ship please see bottom of this post.

    [2] They already know and let you know that if you wanted to be cooperative you should have told them as soon as you figured them out. You are not out of hook even if you got friends in important places. And you are still paying a lot of money to the terror mercs.

    Personal financial situation:
    Stocks don't yield as much money as they did on last quarter, but their value rises a bit.
    Real estate all sold except your house, which incidentally is worth of 250 million dollars.

    End year company finances:
    Electricity: Not much of power was spent this year, so revenue went down and profit on negative. Also competitors got number of your customers. Maybe it is related to CEO of company being imprisoned for assisting terrorism?
    Oil: Oil still sells well, offsetting deficit produced by electricity.
    Coal: But totals is bought down by less succesfull coal busines.

    Spoiler: Sophia Papanous (click to show/hide)

    Spoiler: Notes (click to show/hide)

    Stocking and interiors are finished for all ark-ships. Job was done badly for #3 and #5, so it might be good idea to revisit them. Half billion or so for each would probably be enough to ensure some quality. Probably.
    All ships are now waiting in docks for passangers and crew to arrive. And to be taken to the wide ocean.

    Suitable passengers found: 950+???/8750
        400 - Herwald Rasmussen (engineers)
        ??? - Korir (skilled young peple + family)
        ??? - Korir (workers + family)
        300 - Sophia Papanous (engineers)
        200 - Sophia Papanous (mercenaries)
        50 - Sophia Papanous (civilians)
    Suitable crew found: 0/1800

    Fateful Pit:
    Citizens: 2151/900
        1 Korir
        350 Young, skilled, educated individuals.
        1050 Immediate families of people above (wives & children).
        150 Skilled workers
        600 Immediate families of skilled workers (wives & children).
    Priya's ship:   
    Passengers found: 650/650
    Crew found 350/350

    Whole globe is now covered with thick and uniform cloud layer. It's drizzling everywhere in world (including areas where it normally would be snow), bringing deserts into life.
    Netherlands is facing very real threat of being flooded by slowly rising sea level.

    Politicians finally understand that shit is about to hit fan. They blame scientists for not doing anything to prevent runaway greenhouse effect, and scientists retort that they could have done that a long time ago if politicians had actually listened their warnings. This bickering continues back and forth and nothing productive comes out of it.

    People across the world are stockpiling canned food and other necessities by large amounts. This all is rather pointless in front of your knowing eyes, but it makes money circulating fast.

    The cult in Czech Republic is now gathering lots of followers. They promise escape from the cleansing if converts are judged worthy by their prophet. In general people are getting now very religious.

    Q1 2018

    Since next turn is last one before the apocalypse, now is time to decide where you will face it. I greatly appreciate if as many as possible will be in same place, since it will make next phase more easier for me.

    Korir is already holed into his bunker, so I assume he remains there. Priya got her own ship, so likewise I assume that's where she's gonna stay. So it boils down to Herwald and Sophia. Pick one of six ark-ships to be your new home.

    Crew situation is bad. If none is found on next turn then all work spent on ships is wasted.

    And lastly, no name suggestions for ships?
    I told you to test with colors! But nooo, you just had to go clone mega-Satan or whatever.
    Old sigs.


    • Bay Watcher
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    Re: Apocalypse Wow
    « Reply #271 on: June 15, 2015, 02:34:22 pm »

    Suggestions for ship names:

    Ship 1) Noah
    Ship 2) Ararat
    Ship 3) The Ark
    Ship 4) Genesis
    Ship 5) The Life Raft
    Ship 6) EHT Cinatit
    Quote from: Rodney Ootkins
    Everything is going to be alright


    • Bay Watcher
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    Re: Apocalypse Wow
    « Reply #272 on: June 15, 2015, 02:56:09 pm »

    I demand that on of the ships is called Constantinople.
    I would like to move onto Constantinople.
    I'd like to split my engineers and mercenaries around all the Ark ships.
    I'd like to draft as many mercs as possible as well as any crew. I spend 10$billion in cash on that.
    I gaze into its milky depths, searching the wheat and sugar for the meanings I can never find.
    It's like tea leaf divination, but with cartoon leprechauns.
    There are only two sure things in life: death and taxes and lists and poor arithmetic and overlong jokes and poor memory and probably a few more things.

    Harry Baldman

    • Bay Watcher
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    Re: Apocalypse Wow
    « Reply #273 on: June 15, 2015, 03:48:17 pm »

    Those young, skilled, educated individuals? Fuck 'em. They can drown. I shall live in the Doom Pit with the workers and their families. Or maybe send those young, skilled, educated individuals Rasmussen's way (along with excess workers that already went off that way) if he's hurting for people still.

    Donate roughly half of my current cash to Rasmussen's crewfinding efforts.

    Also, have my highly trained team of lawyers stall the court proceedings. I assume this is an autosuccess (I mean, genetic modification, and for that matter corporations in general, and court proceedings go hand in hand, right?), and if it isn't throw a billion or more dollars into it. Screw it.

    Have my 750 skilled companions (workers plus their families) be at the Doom Pit post-haste. Seal the place up in preparation for the flood, and start up the daily operations.

    Throw money at anything that doesn't succeed.

    And see if I can get my colleagues from Equatorial Foods Inc. an ark-ship of their own (along with any people they care to bring) under Mr. Rasmussen. Inform them remotely that it is in their best interest to be on one within the next quarter. New Horizon seems like it'd be a good fit for them.
    « Last Edit: June 16, 2015, 04:34:05 am by Harry Baldman »

    Generally me

    • Bay Watcher
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    Re: Apocalypse Wow
    « Reply #274 on: June 15, 2015, 04:08:24 pm »

    This is getting INTERESTING


    • Bay Watcher
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    Re: Apocalypse Wow
    « Reply #275 on: June 15, 2015, 05:21:10 pm »

    Suggestions for ship names:

    Ship 1) Noah
    Ship 2) Ararat
    Ship 3) Constantinople - SaberToothTiger
    Ship 4) Genesis
    Ship 5) The Life Raft
    Ship 6) EHT Cinatit

    Updated list of ship names (This will never be useful)
    Quote from: Rodney Ootkins
    Everything is going to be alright


    • Bay Watcher
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    Re: Apocalypse Wow
    « Reply #276 on: June 15, 2015, 06:44:49 pm »

    Donate 1 billion to help Rasmussen's efforts with finding crew.
    Start fortifying my ship.
    Stock some more MREs, is there is enough space.
    I will move into my ship.
    Also, sell off 15% of both my stocks and real estate.
    Ain't nobody got time for that.

    Flying Dice

    • Bay Watcher
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    Re: Apocalypse Wow
    « Reply #277 on: June 15, 2015, 10:00:23 pm »

    • Find some fucking crew. Anyone ablebodied and competent. Include the yard workers who built the ships and their immediate families, they're welcome aboard. We'll pay for travel costs for anyone competent and willing if they need help getting to the ships.
    • U.S. military, you've got yourself a deal. $1b US and the maps.
    • Revisit ships 3 and 5. Fix that shit.
    • Set up scaled-down self-repairing metal production aboard the ships.
    • Move self to the Endeavour in our British yards. These things have telecommunication arrays, I'll run things from here.
    • Prepare a brief for all those who will be aboard the ships on the situation -- Rassmussen made a guess based on climatic shifts and hedged his bets, preparing for an environmental catastrophe. Forecasts give us less than a quarter of a year until the crisis becomes unavoidable. Private distribution now.

    Ship names?

    Ship 1) Endeavour - Flying Dice
    Ship 2) Ararat
    Ship 3) Constantinople - SaberToothTiger
    Ship 4) Genesis
    Ship 5) Voyager
    Ship 6) New Horizon

    'course, anyone who wants to get in touch with Herwald to claim a ship can pick their name.

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    • Bay Watcher
    • Space Accountant
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    Re: Apocalypse Wow
    « Reply #278 on: June 16, 2015, 12:08:27 am »

    Here's some math about rolls for ship construction in case you are curious and want to reconsider your pick:

    Ship #              1    2    3    4    5    6
    Avarage             5.2  3.8  4.2  4.0  4.0  5.0
    Median              5    4    4    4    5    6
    Avg. deviation      0    1    1    0    2    1

    And still hoping for you to pick same ship. Because in next phase we will focus heavily on only one ship and its travels, meaning that Priya and Korir won't have nearly that much of attention assuming that they even survive. Assuming anyone survives.

    We are also accepting new players for survival phase, PC's being selected from those few thousand survivors on the ark-ships.
    « Last Edit: June 16, 2015, 05:51:37 am by AoshimaMichio »
    I told you to test with colors! But nooo, you just had to go clone mega-Satan or whatever.
    Old sigs.


    • Guest
    Re: Apocalypse Wow
    « Reply #279 on: June 16, 2015, 12:11:59 am »

    I might try again with something less ridiculous.  Is there a different sheet?


    • Bay Watcher
    • Space Accountant
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    Re: Apocalypse Wow
    « Reply #280 on: June 16, 2015, 12:50:56 am »

    I might try again with something less ridiculous.  Is there a different sheet?

    Slightly so. More details after apocalypse.

    @Flying Dice: if you want to use your cash to influence rolls, say so clearly. I really need learn to read before posting anything. Especially if I'm still waking up. You already got plenty of money coming in.
    « Last Edit: June 16, 2015, 05:48:39 am by AoshimaMichio »
    I told you to test with colors! But nooo, you just had to go clone mega-Satan or whatever.
    Old sigs.

    Harry Baldman

    • Bay Watcher
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    Re: Apocalypse Wow
    « Reply #281 on: June 16, 2015, 04:31:47 am »

    See if I can get my colleagues from Equatorial Foods Inc. an ark-ship of their own under Mr. Rasmussen. Inform them remotely that it is in their best interest to be on one within the next quarter. New Horizon seems like it'd be a good fit for them

    ((Also added this to action post.))
    « Last Edit: June 16, 2015, 04:34:32 am by Harry Baldman »

    Flying Dice

    • Bay Watcher
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    Re: Apocalypse Wow
    « Reply #282 on: June 16, 2015, 02:29:41 pm »

    Here's some math about rolls for ship construction in case you are curious and want to reconsider your pick:

    Ship #              1    2    3    4    5    6
    Avarage             5.2  3.8  4.2  4.0  4.0  5.0
    Median              5    4    4    4    5    6
    Avg. deviation      0    1    1    0    2    1

    And still hoping for you to pick same ship. Because in next phase we will focus heavily on only one ship and its travels, meaning that Priya and Korir won't have nearly that much of attention assuming that they even survive. Assuming anyone survives.

    We are also accepting new players for survival phase, PC's being selected from those few thousand survivors on the ark-ships.
    ((Would it be doable to suggest that, if we only take PCs on three ships or fewer, that they were all produced in the same location and are presumably launching from the same? I can edit my choice/location of home ship if need be.))

    Aurora on small monitors:
    1. Game Parameters -> Reduced Height Windows.
    2. Lock taskbar to the right side of your desktop.
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    • Bay Watcher
    • Space Accountant
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    Re: Apocalypse Wow
    « Reply #283 on: June 16, 2015, 03:09:36 pm »

    Here's some math about rolls for ship construction in case you are curious and want to reconsider your pick:

    Ship #              1    2    3    4    5    6
    Avarage             5.2  3.8  4.2  4.0  4.0  5.0
    Median              5    4    4    4    5    6
    Avg. deviation      0    1    1    0    2    1

    And still hoping for you to pick same ship. Because in next phase we will focus heavily on only one ship and its travels, meaning that Priya and Korir won't have nearly that much of attention assuming that they even survive. Assuming anyone survives.

    We are also accepting new players for survival phase, PC's being selected from those few thousand survivors on the ark-ships.
    ((Would it be doable to suggest that, if we only take PCs on three ships or fewer, that they were all produced in the same location and are presumably launching from the same? I can edit my choice/location of home ship if need be.))

    You had two shipyards in USA west coast, one in east coast, one in Britannia and two in Germany. I don't think we ever got around to mention that?

    I already finished writing the turn, but I won't post it yet since I still have many things to write for next phase. Also you probably don't want to change your chosen ship. It is too late to edit your posts now.

    I told you to test with colors! But nooo, you just had to go clone mega-Satan or whatever.
    Old sigs.

    Flying Dice

    • Bay Watcher
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    Re: Apocalypse Wow
    « Reply #284 on: June 16, 2015, 03:57:06 pm »

    ((Haha okay, point taken.))

    Aurora on small monitors:
    1. Game Parameters -> Reduced Height Windows.
    2. Lock taskbar to the right side of your desktop.
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