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Author Topic: Apocalypse How - Second vision  (Read 70816 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Apocalypse How
« Reply #225 on: May 05, 2015, 03:54:28 pm »

Q2 2016

Point out to the aquaponics guys that their job isn't to genetically modify anything, but rather to figure out a viable shipboard aquaponics system. Thus it's more reasonable to pass off the genetic modification stuff to my wonderful and qualified staff, who will supply the aquaponics specialists with as current a knowledge of the field as they require for their systems, and conduct semi-independent tests with appropriate cultures.

Speaking of my GM staff, question them about potential advances to be had with the 10-year-leap in knowledge we have obtained from the manual provided by our nefarious overlords.

Ah, and release information about the aquaponics models we have already developed to the scientific public. Could come in handy for them, though don't tell them this.

Furthermore, check the bunker.

Spoiler: Bunker checklist! (click to show/hide)

[1] They point out that you are exactly right. You hired them to develope viable shipboard aquaponics system. And they will get you the results. But not if you keep telling them how to do their jobs. If you interfere with the process again they will quit and take the research data with them. Or do something else equally drastic. Working atmosphere has taken turn to sour.

Increased disease resitance, controlled growth rate, reproduction rate and size, in case of animals behaviour modification (mostly to reduce aggression), formulaes to predict results of modifications (however reliability of the formulas decreases rapidly as amount of modifications increase). Machinery would be faster and less prone to errors. Of course this data is all focused on cows, pigs, chicken, wheat, rice and other similar common stock life forms. [3] Your scientists think they can try to apply this knowledge on unlisted creatures, but it will take time. 10 years worth of technological advancement will not be absorbed over night.

Information released.

Bunker checklist:
1. Around 300. Space is the biggest problem.
2. Waste disposal cannot handle 300 people indefinitely. [2] You can't find better systems from this country. [4] Water filteration installed as is [3] desanilization system. However it will be easily overloaded so you better ensure maximum amount of water is recycled.
3. Not really. Nobody expected large scale flooding when bunker was carved. Systems aquired and installed.
4. Diesel generators. [2] Geothermal isn't option here, the volcano is long extinct and drilling required holes will be difficult beyond reasonable. [4] Hmm, how about biofuels? Using bacterias to break down waste and turn it into biodiesel? It could work and it would solve waste disposal problems. It however would increase need for gathering organic material for consumption since waste won't be recycled but rather turned into electricity.
5. Around 3000 km.
6. Of course not. [3] Some old equipment purchased, but you could use more. [4] Mining in progress. But upwards? Why upwards?

Research: Aquaponics. [3] It progresses even more slowly, thanks to your thoughtless intervention. But progress is progress, they probably will have something usefull soon.

Personal financial situation:
Dividends keep coming, but stocks keep going.

Spoiler: Codeine Ogudi Korir (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Notes (click to show/hide)

To Herwald Rasmussen:
My company owns several engines, batteries and solar panels, all compatible with each other (right?) that would be extremely useful for the Ark. The price is 750, 000, 000$, the right to appoint 20% of the passengers and the privilege of having control over the engine section of the ship.

Hire engineers for a long contract for working on a ship, train them in my engine mainteance and service. Use my personal cash stash.
Hire some competent mercenaries too, use them for guarding my electricity plants for now.
Inform the Rasmussen Steel Services shareholders that Byzantine Energetics would like to start cooperating further.
Spoiler: The Foundation (click to show/hide)

[2] Only three engineers respond to your recruitment. [3] Their training progresses slowly.
[2] Mercenaries point out that they are not really into guarding jobs. You should rather approach your current security companies if you want to increase security.
Shareholders are informed.

Deep Sea Discovery Foundation created and funded. [1] Your recruitment drive backfires rather horribly. Recruits are mostly con men who swindle 15 million off the funds. You need some serious PR work here. As such it gets no donations.

[2] The program to rise awareness goes largely unnoticed.

Research: On board hydro engine. (Wait, this is about hydroelectricity and not hydrogen combustion engine?) [5] A breakthrough! A major problem was finally solved! Now all left is miniaturizing the tech and improving power output. It won't fully power any ship, but accompanied with secondary generator it should handle most cases and drop fuel requirements. A think most ships are troubled with.

Personal financial situation:
Dividends keep coming, but stocks keep going.

Spoiler: Sophia Papanous (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Notes (click to show/hide)

Negotiate. Allow them to leave the contract with a signed agreement to not make use of anything they've learned -- their competitors will be more than happy to have the opportunity to one-up them. Alternatively, they'll just have to deal -- this is the best we have to work with. Offer a concession that removes the payment of royalties to my company from the contract, requiring only that they design our reactors and do not redistribute the technology.

Secretly open talks with the other two companies, inform them that the U.S. company is getting cold feet because the data is not as extensive as they want, and that a good offer could see the first contract going to one of their companies instead. Offer the same contract sans royalties.

Continue work on shipyards, construction, &c.

Open negotiations regarding Byzantine's solar panel technology -- invite their engineers to examine the plans and work with our own to design arrays for the ark-ships.

[5] Negotiations success. They accept the offer of removed royalties and pull back their threats. They really want this tech after all, and their expertise for on ship generators is invaluable for you.

[5, 1] European company really ups their offer, but Chinese one drops out completely.

[6] Work on last shipyard was finally finished. Now all six are ready to build ark ships.

[4] Byzantine's engineers take a look on plans, then on theirs and start working. Final design of solar panel array is partially static and partially dynamic. Static solar panels will remain always exposed, but are protected against bad weather. Dynamic array of solar panels can be extended outside of hull when weather is good and retracted into safety when bad weather comes. With their improved solar panels arrays should produce enough power alone to kickstart fusion reactor. Of course this is assuming great many things about the reactors.

USA power company research: [5] After they finally pull their heads out of their collective asses they start working rapidly. Terrestrial reactor desing is almost ready and it should be easily scalable down.
European power company research: [5] These guys do not waste their time either. Results are similar, but don't expect equal quality of ship board version.

Priya Gupta moves all data and business of self-repairing metals from Dharma Inc. to Rasmussen Steel Services.
[4] Construction of the factory continues on schedule. It will be ready for full production in one month.

((Funny how you stole all good rolls. You probably should start building ships soon if you want them ready before the flood.))

Personal financial situation:
Business is good and money keeps coming in.

Spoiler: Herwald Rasmussen V (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Notes (click to show/hide)

Also give the factory to Herwald, and try to find a different ship.

Ownership fully moved.

[3] You find a small ship suitable for your purposes. It could be larger, but it will suffice assuming the flood won't be like in the movie 2012.

Personal financial situation:
Dividends keep coming, but stocks keep going. ((Funny how everybody got almost identical rolls for finances...))

Spoiler: Priya Gupta (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Dharma Inc. (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Notes (click to show/hide)

An exocomet was detected approaching Earth. It is coming from above galactic plane proving it's not from our solar system. Changes are it's not even from our galaxy. Its composition is still unknown. Its projected path takes around 300 000 km from Earth, meaning we will have some very bright and spectacular nights incoming in future. Predicted bypass date is April 15h 2018. NASA, ESA and other space agencies are doing a happy dance.

You receive personal notification that The Oracle has died. Cause of death is cardiac arrest during sleep, so he died peacefully. His invaluable assistance is now forever lost. You are now fully on your own.

Q3 2016
I told you to test with colors! But nooo, you just had to go clone mega-Satan or whatever.
Old sigs.

Harry Baldman

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Re: Apocalypse How
« Reply #226 on: May 05, 2015, 04:40:45 pm »

Ah. Well. Execute them at once. Point out that their research data has already been released to the scientific public, and thus they can feel free to try and get the hundreds of millions of dollars in funding that I am rather generously providing them from the exactly zero other people in the world who give a shit about aquaponics to even a fraction of the degree that I do. Explain this rather calmly, with effective examples, and furthermore point out that they, unlike my actual GM staff, are grossly unqualified to do any genetics work, to say nothing of GM being completely irrelevant to aquaponics system design.

And if that doesn't bring a stop to the issue and they insist on wasting my money and time with their frankly idiotic proposal, well, there's plenty of other specialists in the field that can probably do a far better job. Do not hesitate to throw the whole lot of these aquaponics chucklefucks out of my facilities on their asses if they get even close to being this uppity again or they fail to make progress once this stupid idea of theirs is soundly rejected.

Right then.

Spoiler: Bunker Business (click to show/hide)

Oh, and see if selling real estate is a good idea in this economic state (as in, if doing so would not exacerbate an economic crisis). If it wouldn't have any negative side effects, sell off about 2 billion dollars' worth gradually. Try not to make too many waves, heh.

EDIT: if I do need to fire the aquaponics guys or they leave on their own, notify the other three Enlightened (that is to say, Mr. Rasmussen, Ms. Gupta and Ms. Papanous) that they're up for grabs along with their research data.
« Last Edit: May 06, 2015, 11:48:44 pm by Harry Baldman »


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Re: Apocalypse How
« Reply #227 on: May 06, 2015, 02:52:48 pm »

Continue my hiring of mercs and engineers.
Stockpile fuel and resend my offer to Herwald Rasmussen.
Give another 5$ cash to my foundation.
Investigate Korir's bunkers. If the price is not overly ridiculous, buy quarters and other relevant stuff for myself.

Spoiler: Foundation (click to show/hide)
I gaze into its milky depths, searching the wheat and sugar for the meanings I can never find.
It's like tea leaf divination, but with cartoon leprechauns.
There are only two sure things in life: death and taxes and lists and poor arithmetic and overlong jokes and poor memory and probably a few more things.

Flying Dice

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Re: Apocalypse How
« Reply #228 on: May 11, 2015, 01:51:34 pm »

((Om nom rolls.))

  • Contact the companies developing the shipboard reactors for a list of requirements re: volume, dimensions, power output lines, and all the other elements necessary to integrate them into the arkships.
  • We can't put off construction any longer. Construction will begin without self-repairing metals. However, it should be possible to integrate them as an additional layer later?
  • Go ahead and integrate both solar cell variants into the design.
  • Begin construction on all six arkships.
  • Additionally, contact Korir re: aquaponics systems. Offer to put his people in contact with the companies developing the fusion plants.
  • Start development of shipboard desalinization plants; alternatively, take bids to source it out if our engineers and researchers can't handle it.

((As an aside, I'll be leaving for Scotland in a couple days and will be without internet access for two weeks, give or take, unless I can beg, borrow, or steal my way into a network-capable device and wifi. If we end up running turns during that span, the general thrust of my efforts should be towards getting those ships finished with all of the special components integrated.))
« Last Edit: May 11, 2015, 04:57:05 pm by Flying Dice »

Aurora on small monitors:
1. Game Parameters -> Reduced Height Windows.
2. Lock taskbar to the right side of your desktop.
3. Run Resize Enable


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Apocalypse How
« Reply #229 on: May 11, 2015, 02:45:36 pm »

((According my notes self-repairing metals factory has one month left before completion, so unless it rolls 1 or 2 it will be ready for your ships. And those ark-ships take around year to construct (4-5 turns) if everything goes well.

Don't worry, construction/research projects go on without player involvement after they are started. If wipeout1024 posts within next 40 hours I can make a turn, otherwise it has to wait until next sunday/monday.

Edit: Oh, and one very important question: Do you pay the ships from your own pockets or do you try to push some of the cost for your company? Remember, cost of single ship is around 1-3 billion USD. I haven't yet decided final price.))
« Last Edit: May 11, 2015, 02:54:36 pm by AoshimaMichio »
I told you to test with colors! But nooo, you just had to go clone mega-Satan or whatever.
Old sigs.

Harry Baldman

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Re: Apocalypse How
« Reply #230 on: May 11, 2015, 03:31:01 pm »

Investigate Korir's bunkers. If the price is not overly ridiculous, buy quarters and other relevant stuff for myself.

Inform Ms. Papanous that she can help quite a bit with some donations and aid of specialists, especially on the energy front if she feels like it.

  • Additionally, contact Korir re: aquaponics systems. Offer to put his people in contact with the companies developing the fusion plants.[/b]
Much appreciated! Get in contact with those fusion guys if possible, and see if they can fix me up with something for the bunker - with adequate compensation, naturally.

Flying Dice

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Re: Apocalypse How
« Reply #231 on: May 11, 2015, 04:59:08 pm »

((Some of the costs onto the company -- it's a joint venture, after all. But no more than 33% on the company, less if the personal finances can bear it and people start raising a ruckus about it.))

Aurora on small monitors:
1. Game Parameters -> Reduced Height Windows.
2. Lock taskbar to the right side of your desktop.
3. Run Resize Enable


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Apocalypse How
« Reply #232 on: May 11, 2015, 05:47:47 pm »

Start stocking the ship with food and other necessities, and partially help fund the factory costs.
Ain't nobody got time for that.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Apocalypse How
« Reply #233 on: May 12, 2015, 01:56:15 pm »

Please keep your actions in one post if possible. Discussion, RP and deal making can spread accross as many posts as possible, but when actions tend to be quite large it's pain to realize near end of the turn that "But wait, there's more!"

Q3 2016

Ah. Well. Execute them at once. Point out that their research data has already been released to the scientific public, and thus they can feel free to try and get the hundreds of millions of dollars in funding that I am rather generously providing them from the exactly zero other people in the world who give a shit about aquaponics to even a fraction of the degree that I do. Explain this rather calmly, with effective examples, and furthermore point out that they, unlike my actual GM staff, are grossly unqualified to do any genetics work, to say nothing of GM being completely irrelevant to aquaponics system design.

And if that doesn't bring a stop to the issue and they insist on wasting my money and time with their frankly idiotic proposal, well, there's plenty of other specialists in the field that can probably do a far better job. Do not hesitate to throw the whole lot of these aquaponics chucklefucks out of my facilities on their asses if they get even close to being this uppity again or they fail to make progress once this stupid idea of theirs is soundly rejected.

Right then.

Spoiler: Bunker Business (click to show/hide)

Oh, and see if selling real estate is a good idea in this economic state (as in, if doing so would not exacerbate an economic crisis). If it wouldn't have any negative side effects, sell off about 2 billion dollars' worth gradually. Try not to make too many waves, heh.

EDIT: if I do need to fire the aquaponics guys or they leave on their own, notify the other three Enlightened (that is to say, Mr. Rasmussen, Ms. Gupta and Ms. Papanous) that they're up for grabs along with their research data.

[2] You might as well try to convience a mountain jump into sea. There's no point wasting your time and money on such hard headed specialists so you fire them. That's one problem less. At least they did their job. You have a working aquaponics system, and that's really all that you can say about it. "It works".

Bunker Business:
1. [6-1] Workers do long days and work really hard and foremans do great job at directing work. Somehow they manage to do quality job and expand the bunker enough to host 1000 people. Last job is to fill those rooms with something, for example with furnitures and machinery.
2. [5] You manage to negotiate deal with UPM-Kymmene Corporation to use their proven commercial technology. Installation in progress.
3. [1+1] Current wiring is sufficient.
4. Ok, consider it done.
5. [1+1] Desanilization cannot be expanded, it's already taking plenty of space. You remember Herwald wished efficient systems for this purpose. He sent you a package quite soon after meeting with The Oracle stating it contains all data he wished for. Maybe you should make use of it?

Your real estate is mostly the farmland your company uses. You could quitely sell it all for your company, and maybe give some discount to ensure trade goes smoothly. Otherwise new owner will probably demand The Equatorial Foods Corporation pays high rent for continuing use.

Sophia Papanous wants to buy quarters for herself from your bunker, assuming price is reasonable. Every personal quarter you sell means less space for others (20 people).

Herwald Rasmussen tells you that he can put you in contact with people developing on board fusion reactors. Those could definitely put all power problems into history books, but brings back waste disposal problems.
Much appreciated! Get in contact with those fusion guys if possible, and see if they can fix me up with something for the bunker - with adequate compensation, naturally.
[2] Reactors small enough to be used for small bunker in mountains doesn't exist yet. Contact them later again.

Personal financial situation:
Money keeps coming from dividends, but value of stocks goes down slightly.

Spoiler: Codeine Ogudi Korir (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Notes (click to show/hide)

Continue my hiring of mercs and engineers.
Stockpile fuel and resend my offer to Herwald Rasmussen.
Give another 5$ cash to my foundation.
Investigate Korir's bunkers. If the price is not overly ridiculous, buy quarters and other relevant stuff for myself.

Spoiler: Foundation (click to show/hide)

[6] You find a group of skilled mercenaries for guarding your elctericity plants. You also find out that they have connections to terrorist groups, so while your property is safe for now they might eventually turn on you.
[1] Your freshly hired engineers have enough of slow training and they all quit.
[2] Fuel? What fuel? You can't remember why you have this note about stockpiling fuel.
Note that your improved solar panels are already incorporated into ark-ship desing.
Money transferred.
Korir noted about the bunker business. Answer:
You can help quite a bit with some donations and aid of specialists, especially on the energy front if she feels like it.

Foundation stuff:
[4+1] PR job really does miracles, it proves that the foundation is for good purpose and now people are volunteering to work for it. It even gets 100 000 USD donations!
I would roll for ocean research if I knew what to roll for, that action is a little too vague. What you are expecting from the research?

Research: Hydro engine [5]  Your scientists present you a hydro engine meant to be used on ships. Miniaturization suprisingly improved the engine output so one hydro engone can alone power smaller cruise ships. Of course assuming that ship doesn't enter any waveless areas. The final research crunch provided enough information to prove that it may be effectively upscaled and installed on shorelines.

Personal financial situation:
Nothing particularly noteworthy to say here this time.

Spoiler: Sophia Papanous (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Notes (click to show/hide)

((Om nom rolls.))

  • Contact the companies developing the shipboard reactors for a list of requirements re: volume, dimensions, power output lines, and all the other elements necessary to integrate them into the arkships.
  • We can't put off construction any longer. Construction will begin without self-repairing metals. However, it should be possible to integrate them as an additional layer later?
  • Go ahead and integrate both solar cell variants into the design.
  • Begin construction on all six arkships.
  • Additionally, contact Korir re: aquaponics systems. Offer to put his people in contact with the companies developing the fusion plants.
  • Start development of shipboard desalinization plants; alternatively, take bids to source it out if our engineers and researchers can't handle it.

((As an aside, I'll be leaving for Scotland in a couple days and will be without internet access for two weeks, give or take, unless I can beg, borrow, or steal my way into a network-capable device and wifi. If we end up running turns during that span, the general thrust of my efforts should be towards getting those ships finished with all of the special components integrated.))

You have a message from Sophia Papanous:
"My company owns several engines, batteries and solar panels, all compatible with each other that would be extremely useful for the Ark. The price is 750, 000, 000$, the right to appoint 20% of the passengers and the privilege of having control over the engine section of the ship."

1. My english fails here. Are you asking for them to send you requirements or are you sending them requirements? Either way, I don't think this will have any real impact.
2. Like I said previously, yes.
3. Done
4. Construction begins. You will be invoiced quarterly. Paying that all at once is too much to ask for and even your company prefers stable income.
5a. Korir sends you current designs of aquaponic systems his people have developed. To quote his words: "It works". He also mentions that he fired the people working on it because of some disagreements. You could possibly try to catch them and continue developing systems even better.
5b. Done.
6. Hmm, you didn't have any fully qualified people on it. Let's see what dice says... [2-1] Allright, outsourcing. [4-1] Despite your bad reputation among engineers and companies on this field you manage to hire some people work on desanilization plants.

Self-repairing metals factory: [5] Work is finished in record time and it is now running on full capacity! Just in time.

USA power company research: [2] Progress is halted because their engineers are on annual leave.
(( failed me here. It started rollin' zeroes on d6. I'm using my loaded dice for rest of the turn.))

European power company research: [6] Terrestrial reactor design is fully completed and they are now starting procedures to build one. It's causing quite uproar on the world. Now the miniaturization and it's all done.

Ark-ship construction:
Ships 1, 2 and 6 can't be started yet. Mostly because transporting self-repairing metals from India to USA is taking its sweet time. Other ships (built on european shipyards) are on schedule, maybe even a little ahead.

Personal financial situation:
By pushing money into your company you get some of it back in form of dividends. The whole project also gets people interested of acquiring stocks of Rasmussen Steel Services.

((Final predicted cost of one ark-ship is 1.3 billion USD. You can alone pay that so let's say company pays 10%.
Of remaining cost Priya Gupta covers 30%. This means 982.8 million USD spent per quarter for all six.))

Spoiler: Herwald Rasmussen V (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Notes (click to show/hide)

Start stocking the ship with food and other necessities, and partially help fund the factory costs.

"Partially funding". I assume that's 30%. As such your quarterly part is 421.2 million USD.

[3] You stock it from your existing canned foor stockpile. Other necessities are still missing.

Personal financial situation:
MONEY IS COMING WHERE MONEY IS! Basically you double dividends and value of stocks.

Spoiler: Priya Gupta (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Dharma Inc. (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Notes (click to show/hide)

The global economy is recovering.

Meteorologists worry about unnaturally high winter temperatures. They issue warning that melting of polar caps might be imminent. This causes some small isolated demonstrations around first world countries that nobody cares about.

Q4 2016
I told you to test with colors! But nooo, you just had to go clone mega-Satan or whatever.
Old sigs.

Harry Baldman

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Re: Apocalypse How
« Reply #234 on: May 12, 2015, 04:08:54 pm »

Inform Ms. Papanous that she can have a place in the bunker for free, but only as much as any other person, Korir included (egalitarian spaces and all that, you see). If she's got a circle of friends to come along to make a round 20 people, then she can have quarters for 20 people. Or, if this is unacceptable, provide her space enough to house two people as a gesture of personal goodwill.

Meanwhile, start quietly selling my real estate to the company (at a discount) bit by bit at a pace that would have most of it sold by the end of next year.

Spoiler: Bunker Business (click to show/hide)

Flying Dice

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Re: Apocalypse How
« Reply #235 on: May 12, 2015, 04:37:26 pm »

  • Continue ongoing work.
  • Try to pick up some of the aquaponics people Korir burned to improve the systems.
  • Begin slow sell-off of nonessential real estate.
  • Start a very careful evaluation of company and associate personnel, particularly those who are young, highly skilled in relevant fields, and highly motivated.
To Sophia: No doubt that is true, and the monetary price is within acceptable limits. Nevertheless, we will not have room for malingerers, and the ships shall certainly not be divided into personal fiefdoms. However, I have already begun the process of identifying suitable candidates, and I would not at all be opposed to an arrangement in which you could submit lists of your own recommendations -- if they are useful individuals, they'll certainly be included. That, and there will be more than one ship completed on time.

So, rather than managing the engineering compartments of a single vessel, you could perhaps retain overall command of one of the six ships, with an actual Captain managing day-to-day operations of the vessel. This is to be a joint venture, after all, but I and my own people have generations of experience building, sailing, and maintaining ships. Naturally your own experts would be the ones to service and maintain Byzantine's equipment, I merely aim to remove the possibility for political fragmentation.

Aurora on small monitors:
1. Game Parameters -> Reduced Height Windows.
2. Lock taskbar to the right side of your desktop.
3. Run Resize Enable


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Apocalypse How
« Reply #236 on: May 13, 2015, 02:32:16 pm »

The foundation should focus on research that might convince the population to worry more about floods.
Assist in any way possible with the bunkers, send any equipment and specialist I am asked to.
Pay bonuses to mercenaries to ensure their loyalty.
Send my engines and other researched equipment to Herwald Rasmussen V.
Start slowly selling off real estate to have it completely finished within a year.
Compose a list of loyal engineers and mercs that I could potentially take onboard the Ark.
« Last Edit: May 13, 2015, 02:34:55 pm by SaberToothTiger »
I gaze into its milky depths, searching the wheat and sugar for the meanings I can never find.
It's like tea leaf divination, but with cartoon leprechauns.
There are only two sure things in life: death and taxes and lists and poor arithmetic and overlong jokes and poor memory and probably a few more things.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Apocalypse How
« Reply #237 on: May 20, 2015, 03:50:40 am »

Continue stock the ship with necessities, and make it more liveable.
Help fund the shipbuilding efforts, and offload some engineers, if there are any in the company's employment, to help with the effort.
Ain't nobody got time for that.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Apocalypse How
« Reply #238 on: May 20, 2015, 02:26:49 pm »

    Q4 2016

    Inform Ms. Papanous that she can have a place in the bunker for free, but only as much as any other person, Korir included (egalitarian spaces and all that, you see). If she's got a circle of friends to come along to make a round 20 people, then she can have quarters for 20 people. Or, if this is unacceptable, provide her space enough to house two people as a gesture of personal goodwill.

    Meanwhile, start quietly selling my real estate to the company (at a discount) bit by bit at a pace that would have most of it sold by the end of next year.

    Spoiler: Bunker Business (click to show/hide)

    Consider her informed.

    You will sell 2.2 bil USD worth of land every quarter for 1.5 bil USD until end of Q4 2017. Unless I failed my math this would leave you 1 bil worth of real estate. Is this OK? Naturally this much will drop profits of your company.

    Now the bunker business:
    1. [3] Wells? The bunker is dug on 3 km height into volcanic rock. Only wells you dig are no different from mines. Well, if you dig downwards 10 km you could find some water hiding down there. This side of mountain isn't terribly wet so you would need to drain water from surface. Which might not be a good idea depending how high the water will raise during the incoming flood.

    2. [5+1] The data Mr. Rasmussen send is quite simple and easily understandable as long as you have even slightest idea what you are doing. You could build this system by yourself. It could definitely improve availability of clean water in your bunker.

    3. [5] It has the water filteration system you had installed earlier. It's good, but NASA patented filteration system could improve it even further.

    4. [5] You find great deals of pleasant and good furniture and other things. After those are installed you take a tour in the bunker. You find that despite of lack of space it would be very nice to live in here. And if you switch rooms every few years you could spend a lifetime here without getting too bored, assuming you survive that long.

    5. [4] Done. It does drop personel capacity by 50.

    6. [2] You can find anyone who's currently selling those. Looks like you need to put in custom order for various manufacturers and libraries.

    Personal financial situation:
    This quarter was rather crappy, stocks lose value and dividends take a steep dive downwards as well.

    End year company finances:
    On this year revenue increased by impressive 3 billion USD, but some unexpected expenses, such as your land trades, kept profit same.

    Spoiler: Codeine Ogudi Korir (click to show/hide)

    Spoiler: Notes (click to show/hide)

    • Continue ongoing work.
    • Try to pick up some of the aquaponics people Korir burned to improve the systems.
    • Begin slow sell-off of nonessential real estate.
    • Start a very careful evaluation of company and associate personnel, particularly those who are young, highly skilled in relevant fields, and highly motivated.
    To Sophia: No doubt that is true, and the monetary price is within acceptable limits. Nevertheless, we will not have room for malingerers, and the ships shall certainly not be divided into personal fiefdoms. However, I have already begun the process of identifying suitable candidates, and I would not at all be opposed to an arrangement in which you could submit lists of your own recommendations -- if they are useful individuals, they'll certainly be included. That, and there will be more than one ship completed on time.

    So, rather than managing the engineering compartments of a single vessel, you could perhaps retain overall command of one of the six ships, with an actual Captain managing day-to-day operations of the vessel. This is to be a joint venture, after all, but I and my own people have generations of experience building, sailing, and maintaining ships. Naturally your own experts would be the ones to service and maintain Byzantine's equipment, I merely aim to remove the possibility for political fragmentation.

    Work continues.

    [6] You get them, but they demand rather outrageous wage. If they can't prove they are worth of it, then other half of company leadership wants to kick them out. (In other words, if they roll under 3 they are fired.)

    [4] You sell 2 billion dollars worth of land and buildings. This will automatically continue until you tell to stop.

    [6] Evaluation in progress.

    USA power company research: [4] Terrestrial generator design is now finished and they too start building it. They start work on miniaturizing the desing for ship use.

    European power company research: [4] Miniaturized fusion reactor design is done. Their version for primary reactor indeed does its job, but its spare capacity is not as big as you would hope. Will you wait for version from USA company before choosing which one to green light for ark ships? You should have about half year (two turns) time to decide before any ship is in state where reactors needs to be installed.

    Desalinization plants: [1] The engineers quit after doing basically nothing. On top of that they also start a new company dealing with advanced desalinization plants. Their design isn't exactly like yours, but similar enough for you to understand that they stole your data.

    Aquaponics research: [5] These scientists are dead set to prove their worth and they do so. They essentially finish the work they started under Korir.

    Your assorted patents cost you 750 000 USD this year.

    Sophia Papanous sends her hydro engine design and bunch of other research data for you to use.

    #1: [1] Still no progress. Reserved builders start messing around shipyards and one dies in accident.
    #2: [6] Materials for framework finally come and work starts
    #3: [1] Accident prevents any work being done. Luckily no human lives were lost, but some of earlier work was lost.
    #4: [1] Same here.
    #5: [1] And here.
    #6: [6] This one finally gets materials and builders get into work with great enthusiasm.

    Personal financial situation:
    Your finances are doing good.

    End year company finances:
    Mining - Revenue inceases, but profits drop sharply. It is partially explained by raw metals being fed for self-repairing metals production, another part is because of expenses for improving safety in renewing mining equipment, but there's still large amouint of money missing. Has someone been stealing money?
    Shipbuilding - Ship building is now more lively, thanks to your ark-ships.
    Self-repairing metals - So far your single factory has been producing metals for your ships only. It doesn't have capacity to produce any extra for external sales.

    Spoiler: Herwald Rasmussen V (click to show/hide)

    Spoiler: Notes (click to show/hide)

    The foundation should focus on research that might convince the population to worry more about floods.
    Assist in any way possible with the bunkers, send any equipment and specialist I am asked to.
    Pay bonuses to mercenaries to ensure their loyalty.
    Send my engines and other researched equipment to Herwald Rasmussen V.
    Start slowly selling off real estate to have it completely finished within a year.
    Compose a list of loyal engineers and mercs that I could potentially take onboard the Ark.

    Quote from: Codeine Ogudi Korir
    You can have a place in the bunker for free, but only as much as any other person, me included (egalitarian spaces and all that, you see). If you got a circle of friends to come along to make a round 20 people, then you can have quarters for 20 people. Or, if this is unacceptable, I can provide you space enough to house two people as a gesture of personal goodwill.

    Ok. [2] Foundation doesn't do much progress there. Deep sea study is quite difficult.

    Korir haven't requested any as far as I can see.

    [6] They gladly take your money.


    [3] Sold 500 mil USD worth of real estate.

    [3] Some potential engineers found, but so far no mercs loyal enough are found. They might work only for money, but more detailed research should shed more light into the matter.

    Personal financial situation:
    Stocks increase their value, but dividends drop badly.

    End year company finances:
    Electricity - Revenue increases a little, but profits triple, mostly thanks for your new solar panels.
    Oil - Numbers remain largely same.
    Coal - Markets sails back and worth like a ship without captain. Last year was bad, but this year sees large increase both in revenue and profits.

    This year total profit doubles, so board of directors thinks it is fine to rise your quarterly salary by 50 million USD.

    Spoiler: Sophia Papanous (click to show/hide)

    Spoiler: Notes (click to show/hide)

    Continue stock the ship with necessities, and make it more liveable.
    Help fund the shipbuilding efforts, and offload some engineers, if there are any in the company's employment, to help with the effort.

    [4] Done.

    Your company doesn't really have any engineers that can participate ship building.
    The 421.2 million USD you pay per quarter is continuous assistance and will not end until you say so.

    Personal financial situation:
    Your stocks return to being trash paper, but at least dividends keep coming.

    End year company finances:
    Pharmaceuticals - Revenues drop over 5 billion since last year, but somehow profits manage to remain up.
    Kitchen appliances - Marketing and sales personel have done extraoridinary job this year. Revenue and profit see massive increase!
    D Store - New medicines are basically taken out of hands, so store shelves are frequently empty. Revenue and profits increase, but reputation goes down a bit.

    Spoiler: Priya Gupta (click to show/hide)

    Spoiler: Dharma Inc. (click to show/hide)

    Spoiler: Notes (click to show/hide)

    Economy is back doing great. Business should be good in coming months.

    Q1 2017
    I told you to test with colors! But nooo, you just had to go clone mega-Satan or whatever.
    Old sigs.


    • Bay Watcher
    • Wannabe Shitposter
      • View Profile
    Re: Apocalypse How
    « Reply #239 on: May 23, 2015, 06:43:49 am »

    Look into the most loyal and trustworthy mercs, pay them a lot and try to designate the most reliable ones some information about the end of the world.
    The DSDF should work harder on what I told the to do.
    Educate the engineers I plan to take on the Ark about the end of the world. Try to not look like I'm crazy.
    I gaze into its milky depths, searching the wheat and sugar for the meanings I can never find.
    It's like tea leaf divination, but with cartoon leprechauns.
    There are only two sure things in life: death and taxes and lists and poor arithmetic and overlong jokes and poor memory and probably a few more things.
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