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Author Topic: Murderflood: resurrection (Ardentdikes IIIv2) Preparing the reboot...  (Read 34194 times)


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Re: Murderflood: resurrection (Ardentdikes IIIv2)
« Reply #180 on: July 09, 2015, 05:25:15 am »

Hey there, sorry for lack of updates, been busy this week, the low FPS, memory chugging save was not exactly forgiving either.

Just thought to mention that a spiral shaft will no longer be necessary, I've found a different spot that fits a vertical magma pump stack just nicely. The location comes out just right next to the southern outpost. Been spending the entirety of Spring 106 dealing with digging cancellation spam, digging out a cistern for the stack. I think we will have magma to work with soon, just not on my turn. Someone else will have to finish up the pimpstack. I'm ramping up sand collection and glass production to give the next guy a head start.

I'm also afraid power will be somewhat of a issue, with !!128 z-levels!! worth of pumps to power. I'll let someone else deal with that in the future though.

EDIT: DAMN AUTOSAVE CRASHED MY GAME. I figure it might be the trees. Gonna test it again. Chopped them down last season and was able to autosave. Gonna chop and pave all around the fort now. DAMN TREES.
« Last Edit: July 09, 2015, 12:05:40 pm by Zuglarkun »


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Re: Murderflood: resurrection (Ardentdikes IIIv2)
« Reply #181 on: July 09, 2015, 01:51:12 pm »

Wait wait wait, Ardentdikes is back?  Awesome!

I'd love a turn and a dorf.  Hopefully I'll actually be able to play this time.

EDIT: NVM, the latest save is crashing on me. :(  I'll try again after Zuglarkun's turn.
« Last Edit: July 09, 2015, 02:22:57 pm by Ghills »
Ye know, being an usurper overseer gone mad with power isn't too bad. It's honestly not that different from being a normal overseer.
To summarize:
They do an epic face. If that fails, they beat said object to death with their beard.


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Re: Murderflood: resurrection (Ardentdikes IIIv2)
« Reply #182 on: July 09, 2015, 03:55:19 pm »

128? No problem. Chop a hole to the water at the lower river level and plonk down three water wheels. Problem solved.


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Re: Murderflood: resurrection (Ardentdikes IIIv2)
« Reply #183 on: July 09, 2015, 04:59:39 pm »

Wait wait wait, Ardentdikes is back?  Awesome!

I'd love a turn and a dorf.  Hopefully I'll actually be able to play this time.

EDIT: NVM, the latest save is crashing on me. :(  I'll try again after Zuglarkun's turn.
Put you back in the turn order. I'm fairly sure your dwarf is actually still alive, and acting as the manager or something.

As for this place being ''alive'', well let's just say it ''isn't dead''.


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Re: Murderflood: resurrection (Ardentdikes IIIv2)
« Reply #184 on: July 10, 2015, 04:37:52 pm »

"Aten't Ded"


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Re: Murderflood: resurrection (Ardentdikes IIIv2)
« Reply #185 on: July 11, 2015, 01:42:12 am »

21st Opal 105 - Mid Winter

I awoke in a cold sweat. A cloaked figure loomed over me.

"Don't move."

A knife was placed firmly over my neck, applied with just enough pressure to hint that I was to take those words very seriously. The yellow face burning in the sky stung my eyes, though it was partially blocked off by this hooded dwarf that was standing by the bedside, the glare of the yellow face obscuring his (or is it her?) features under the hood in a deep shadow. I put a hand over my eyes to block off the glare so as to try to better focus on this mysterious figure.

"What is the meaning of this? And why do you hide your face?" I stammered groggily.

The hooded figure took a step closer, a rasping whisper issued forth from the hood, "As far as you are concerned, it matters little who I am. What matters though is that you listen to this message I have come to relay."

The hooded dwarf paused, and then in a lower timbre of voice rasped, "You have been chosen. Yes. You have been chosen to lead this fortress."

There the hooded figure paused, as if in contemplation.

"Well for the moment at least, until someone more competent comes along or the powers that be decide otherwise," even from under the hood, I could sense a widening smirk forming over the figure's face.

The figure straightened its posture, "We have been coping awhile without an "Overseer" for direction. Sad to say, but your predecessor Triaxx2 died in some rather mysterious circumstances. We are arranging a replacement for him, but you should pay that no heed. After careful consultation with the powers that be, we have decided to bestow this honor upon you. Do you understand the gravity of the situation?"

The pressure of the knife's tip increased ever so slightly. I nodded in bewilderment, fearful for my own safety.

"Good," The figure swiftly withdrew the knife tip, though its point was still trained on me. At least I could draw a breath of relief.

"We understand that you are but a simple fisher-dwarf, but soon you will learn to oversee the running of the fortress and its daily operations," At this the hooded figure paused and leaned in, the hooded head turning in my direction as if staring straight at me.

"You will have a day to acclimate yourself to these circumstances," The figure rasped in a menacing tone.

And then the dwarf (it is a dwarf isn't it?) relaxed, taking a step back and sheathing the knife, perhaps convinced that I was along for the ride now.

"I know this is all sudden, but a great burden and responsibility awaits you. I suggest that you will just have to learn to accept this and move on with your new circumstances," The figure said in a gentler conversational tone, though it could not completely mask the venom in its voice.

The figure produced a scroll from within its cloak and placed it by the bed.

"Follow these instructions, TO THE LETTER. If you know what is good for you," The hood chuckled.

With that, the figure made to turn and was gone before my bewildered self could even interject or raise a protest.

"Wait, what?"
« Last Edit: July 11, 2015, 02:44:55 am by Zuglarkun »


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Re: Murderflood: resurrection (Ardentdikes IIIv2)
« Reply #186 on: July 11, 2015, 02:44:18 am »

I unfurled the scroll, and peered over the contents. Looks like I'll have to make a visit to my predecessor's grave.

At Triaxx2's tomb, I found a package. In it was a dusty tome and writing materials. Good thing I learned to write a little back in the Mountainhomes. There was another set of instructions as I had expected, and a map of the layout of the fortress.
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I pored over the other contents. *Sigh* I had work to do.

22nd Opal 105 - Mid Winter

First order of business (as dictated by the scroll) - I did some reshuffling of the military gear, in anticipation of the armory being restocked with quality steel armor, which I was also tasked to produce. I placed an order for steel and armor with the Manager, Gnott QT. I also redid all of the training schedules for the military.
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25th Opal 105

Since Flame was capable, he was assigned to churn out the best quality steel weaponry for our burgeoning military force.
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I was informed of a reacher corpse befouling the tunnels with its rotten stench. Upon closer inspection, I believe it emerged from the stairway below, which was not floored over and opens up directly into the caverns over some spore trees. I have ordered it floored over, lest worse things issue from the cavernous depths.
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A small memo hastily scribbled in the instructions pointed out which of the livestock were to be butchered, due to some infectious disease (hastily scrawled down as "Faulty.Posterior.Syndrome") plaguing the animals. Well, bad gas can certainly be a problem, as any dwarf can attest to with how irritating miasma can be, especially in cramped spaces underground. Why the foul smell lingers all over your clothes, and you can never quite wash it off.
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Another of those memos, noted that I was to expand the fortress defenses. I saw it fit to wall off the Western Fortress.
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After much thought over how to improve the living conditions of the fortress, I surmised that the main concern amongst fellow dwarves is the lack of personal rooms. There are dorms and dining spaces alright, but sometimes we just want a little privacy. The main issue of contention is that some believe the hoi polloi don't deserve their own personal rooms. Heck, we don't even have sufficient floor space to house our stockpiles; the courtyard is currently serving as a temporary holding area for all our goods and supplies. These cramped living conditions make things more difficult than they ought to be.

As it is now, the 'fortress' is little more than an giant pen for dwarves (more like docile sheep), open to attack from above. Though our military force is a sufficient deterrent, I still feel much too exposed. So in order to change the current state of affairs, we need to tackle the problems at the root. Floor space. I have given orders to the masons to produce even more blocks. The plan being to expand upwards.

26th Obsidian 105

Unib Mengsosad has risen and is haunting the fortress! After consulting with the older occupants, I've discovered that Unib was one of those unfortunate few whom had perished in the river, and thus we weren't able to recover his corpse. I've also discovered that Unib is not the only ghostly presence haunting the fortress. Alath Mokezkikrost is another of those unfortunate victims. I've ordered slabs to be carved and dedicated to them in an effort to sate their desire to be memorialized in proper dwarven fashion.

Poor Unib. I bet when he still lived he wanted to be remembered for something. But how easily we forget. Probably didn't amount to much in life, but in death - Oh, In death he was a punchline. Now every time someone wandered nearby and peers into the waterfall, they might glance down and remind themselves not to be that dwarf. You know, the one that wandered in for a drink and drowned himself out of lack of coordination and utter stupidity. Oh the indignity of death.

But it does make one think, I wonder if anyone will remember me when I meet my doom in some dark, damp hole? Probably not, out of sight, out of mind. That's probably the best I could ask for. Life is fleeting, and the memory of life is as tenuous as life itself. That's what we keep mementos for, to remind ourselves and others like ourselves that this wasn't some fleeting dream, that this thing happened here. That this thing mattered. BAH! I grow melancholy when I get in these moods. I need a stiff drink.

28th Obsidian 105

I have been informed that Stakud Nakuthshorast, Kings Cousin has been possessed! I hope it was not by Unibs or Alaths hand. I could do without more vengeful dead around here.
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Spring has arrived on the calendar.

P.S. Sorry for the delay, needed to spend some time to develop the character and story. Spring is already done and will probably be uploaded later tonight. Will hopefully complete another season or two over the weekend. Autosave shouldn't crash the game now, pretty certain it is because of trees growing into 2nd level buildings and structures. Flooring over everything.
« Last Edit: July 11, 2015, 03:58:43 pm by Zuglarkun »


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Re: Murderflood: resurrection (Ardentdikes IIIv2)
« Reply #187 on: July 11, 2015, 01:33:04 pm »

great updates. glad to see things moving foward nicely


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Re: Murderflood: resurrection (Ardentdikes IIIv2)
« Reply #188 on: July 11, 2015, 03:47:26 pm »

1st Granite 106

First things first, a formal report on the state of the fortress stocks, as of 1st Granite, 106.
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3rd Granite 106

Stakud claimed a magma forge, all the while muttering a bunch of incomprehensible nonsense. Well at least he isn't pretending to be mute and scrawling pictures in the dirt in an effort to communicate.
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5th Granite 106

The Apparition of Unib and Alath was spotted recently, still meandering about their corpses, which had drifted all the way down the river.
Spoiler: Poor Unib (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Poor Alath (click to show/hide)
I made doubly certain that the already engraved slabs were being moved to the tombs. It is a pitiful fate that has befallen these two, and this is the least I could do for a fellow dwarf.


I did not notice it before, but one of our beloved cats, Dastot Athserustuth, has been spending the past few seasons hanging on for dear life at the bottom of the waterfall. I'm pretty sure cats are not known for being adept swimmers. Its a miracle that the poor fella has survived for as long as it did. Unfortunately, that area is a deathtrap, and I am not about to send anyone on a perilous and foolhardy rescue mission. There is little we can do but pray that it finds a way out of its predicament somehow.

7th Granite 106

The ghost of Unib was finally put to rest.
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9th Granite 106

One of the mandates mentioned on the scroll I received was the construction of a method of siphoning the earth's blood to the surface. An odd request to be certain, but I've heard even stranger tales back in the mountainhomes, only mentioned in hushed whispers and fearful glances - of how the blood from the bosom of the earth could be fashioned into a mighty hammer that could smite herds of elephants and even an entire contingent of armed goblins in one fell stroke. I do not know what to make of such tales, but I fear what might happen to me if I do not comply.

After spending all of last season discussing with the engineers and mechanics, we've determined that a magma pumpstack can be utilized for such an endeavor. In fact, some progress had already been done on that front by my predecessors, though incomplete. The way the engineers explained it to me certainly seemed overly complicated and inefficient, what with all the talk of spiral designs and automated mine carts. I was loathe to entrust my safety to something I didn't comprehend fully and was in much of a predicament over what to do for much of the new year.

But whilst I was at the magma smithy's to check up on the production of steel arms and armor, I had a stroke of luck, coming across a spot just south to the magma forges that would plausibly fit one of the more simple (I say simple, but its still complicated and finicky as all heck) designs. Well at least all that work put in by my predecessors was able to reveal that spot to me, so all has not gone to waste.

I consulted with the miners and engineers on this and promptly ordered excavation work to be started on a magma cistern that would be able to store a considerable amount of earth's blood to be delivered to the surface.
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10th Granite 106

The tree hugging delegation from The Oily Shell has arrived. Bah, what do they want?
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12th Granite 106

The tree hugging eco-terrorist protection racket has arrived.
MORE ELVES. DEAR ARMOK WHATEVER DID I DO TO DESERVE THIS TORMENT? Oh wait, Deus Asmoth will speak with them? Well, that's better.
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15th Granite 106

Hostage negotiations were had with the elven tree hugging eco-terrorist diplomat. Though I didn't have to negotiate, I still had to sit in to put it all down on record. Armok damned bureaucracy.
Spoiler: NEGOTIATIONS (click to show/hide)


18th Granite 106

The bribe for the elven trade delegation has been accepted. Uh, I mean the trade negotiations have been conducted successfully by our stockbroker Ghills. We managed to extort trade for clay and some fruits, and the promise of more exotic animals next season. Armok damned elves better bring something exotic next spring.
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21st Granite 106

The ghost of Alath was put to rest. There, that is the last we will hear of hauntings in the fortress.
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26th Granite 106

"HELP! HELP!", a shrill voice cut through the air, coming from the direction of the eastern entrance, near the trade depot.
That call for help came from Solon Nishsterus, whom was the first to sound the alert as the military hastily scrambled into action, though there was some confusion at first as to what to do.

The Were-loris emerged from its stealthy hiding right in front of the trade depot and main entrance to the fort and with a ferocious roar that sprayed flecks of spittle from its maw, it barreled its way to the trade depot.

Despite Solon's well-intentions, his shouts drew the unwelcome attention of the Wereloris and he was the first to be
Spoiler: struck down. (click to show/hide)

The elven merchants, sensing that their backs were to the wall, went charging in head first. (Huh, snarky as they are, they still exhibit bravery in the face of danger.) In the first few moments of engagement, one of them struck a lucky blow, socking the wereloris in the jaw and scattering its teeth all over the trade depot.

Whilst Erush the suturer, armed with an axe and Alath the tanner suddenly found their way back to the fortress cut off by the Wereloris that was facing down enemies from many fronts.

The battle raged on, with neither side gaining a significant advantage though Erush was able to inflict some serious damage with the axe in her possession. By this time, the elves were badly hurt, and Sarvesh the leatherworker and the hammerlord Sodel soon joined the wild melee. Sodel was without weapon or armor though, as the orders for new arms and armor were not yet processed yet.

It was at that moment that the tide turned. The Axe lord Triaxx2 II, having heard the call to arms, rounded the corner and with a single swing of the masterful steel battle axe that she had procured from the magma forges, (having priority to arms issue by virtue of being in second in command) cleanly bisected the Wereloris in one fell stroke.
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

With that, the battle was over.
Spoiler: The Aftermath (click to show/hide)

One casualty recorded, and many dwarves and elves are badly injured and shaken. Heck the elves probably didn't deserve that. Wait what am I saying?
Spoiler: Injuries sustained (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: The price for bravery (click to show/hide)

Does this mean the trade negotiations were borked? What bad timing, I will have to up the bribe amount next time. Stinking werebeasts.

Yet another dwarf bites the dust. Solon's quick thinking saved the fort from further trouble, but already the dwarves are clamouring around Triaxx2 II for delivering us from Iton Oboknin's rampage, heedless of the sacrifice of Solon. That is the way the unsung heroes go I suppose. At least I will see to it that Solon gets a proper burial.
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Erush should get commended as well, for her bravery and quick strokes with a steel axe. I will see to it that she gets tended for her injuries. Now to find Urist McDuck.

28th Granite 106

The Magma Cistern has been excavated! Soon everyone else that thinks to oppose us shall partake of the Earth's Blood!
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Later on that day, I made a visit to the hospital to see how the injured were holding up.
Spoiler: All patched up. (click to show/hide)

That Erush is one spunky lass.

9th Slate 106

I made my rounds, glad to see that some of my efforts at bettering the lives of our fellow dwarves are starting to bear fruit.

The elven merchants have embarked on their journey, badly shaken and wounded and all. So I guess no reprisal then?

17th Slate 106

Amidst all the hustle and bustle, I had clean forgotten about Stakud. Report has it that Stakud has begun a mysterious construction.
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22nd Slate 106

Stakud has created Lormeban - Toolstream, a gold figurine of Urdim Rasptheaters, our beloved Queen and daughter of "King" Rith Sterusvabok.
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Much progress was made (ticks off another box on the checklist on the scroll), but there is still much work to be done. *Sigh* I migrated here expecting to spend the rest of my days fishing in peace. This was not what I signed up for. Speaking of fish, I wonder how Dastot is doing?
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Summer has arrived on the calendar.
« Last Edit: July 15, 2015, 11:18:56 am by Zuglarkun »


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Re: Murderflood: resurrection (Ardentdikes IIIv2)
« Reply #189 on: July 11, 2015, 05:56:56 pm »

So the hospital is full of dwarves injured by a werebeast. Thank Armok someone made that place self-cleaning.
« Last Edit: July 11, 2015, 06:08:11 pm by Taupe »


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Re: Murderflood: resurrection (Ardentdikes IIIv2)
« Reply #190 on: July 11, 2015, 07:40:23 pm »

I think you may post the most screens of any forumite, ever. This is good.

Deus Asmoth

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Re: Murderflood: resurrection (Ardentdikes IIIv2)
« Reply #191 on: July 12, 2015, 07:08:39 am »

The Journal of Lord Deus Asmoth the Generally Amazing, 12th of Granite.
I still amn't sure why I agreed to meet with this elf. I slipped him some slow acting poison after that short joke he cracked, but it seems to be working so slowly that I'll have to suffer through this entire ordeal... Times like this make me wish that my wife was still alive. Not that I arranged her death or anything, it's just normal, guiltless grief that I feel.
Look elsewhere, reader. There is nothing for you here.


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Re: Murderflood: resurrection (Ardentdikes IIIv2)
« Reply #192 on: July 12, 2015, 01:31:45 pm »

Axin' like it totally ain't a thing. Now I gots all the lady dorfs.


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Re: Murderflood: resurrection (Ardentdikes IIIv2)
« Reply #193 on: July 14, 2015, 01:04:19 pm »

Quick question: magma flow tiles regenerate magma overtime right?
The magma cistern has been SOOO SLOW to fill, that I am having my doubts, even though I am pretty sure nothing has changed in the new versions.

I have already reached Early Winter. Summer and Autumn are ready to post, its just that to write up and arrange things in a coherent manner takes so much more effort.

P.S. Not to spoil any surprises, but can someone explain to me...
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« Last Edit: July 15, 2015, 07:43:05 am by Zuglarkun »


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Re: Murderflood: resurrection (Ardentdikes IIIv2)
« Reply #194 on: July 14, 2015, 01:51:25 pm »

They should, though I typically draw from one level below the surface, with the plan of miner digs, and then books it for parts unknown before he gets boiled.

On spoiler: Shouldn't think so, though that might explain the issues with StoneSense and such.
« Last Edit: July 14, 2015, 01:53:18 pm by Triaxx2 »
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