So, am I the only one who thinks Genji is about due for a nerf? The problems I see with him, in rough order of severity:
1. His ult is fucking ludicrous. Its death blossom with twice the duration, no meaningful self inflicted disable (as opposed to disabling everything but slow walking), the same or even higher DPS except at point blank, and it makes him FASTER in complete violation of how every other "self upgrade" ult works. If it were on a different character it would be merely OP, but on Genji with his deflect and dash its team destroying bullshit I can't believe anyone ever thought was fair. There are so many Genjis online right now that accomplish nothing at all and then every 3-5 minutes come in for their Blizzard awarded team kill. And they win games doing this. The only other character that typically plays just to build ult is Symmetra, and that's clearly how she was intended to be played.
2. His shurikens are not actually weak, even at long range. Tracer works as a character (although I would still describe even her as a bit OP on some maps) because she has to stick her neck out to really get stuff done. Genji has no such limitations. He can spam at a Rein (or even a smaller character like Mercy) in the back from a rooftop all day, and his double defensive abilities + defensive passive + higher than Tracer health will keep him alive with no real opportunity for counter play unless you're a far better player than him. Building his ult the whole time of course.
3. His dash and wall climb mean that characters like Mei, Zarya, and Winston that were clearly meant to counter him do no such thing. They just don't do a enough damage, or disable quickly enough in the case of Mei. Winston was meant to be able to chase forever with his jump, but his gun is very horizontal and he can't *stay* in the air and on top of that Genji just has to get back to his healers which might not be that far away. The only half decent counter is McCree, but... not only is flashbang short range (see point 2) the ult that McCree brings to the table is not only worse, it can be countered fairly easily by Genji (the red circle makes it difficult/impossible to tell at a distance if you're shooting a Genji or if he's reflecting).
4. Ana's introduction took problems that were already present in Genji and, well, supercharged them. I just watched, in a 65+ competitive game (so top 15% of players as I understand it), the 5 player team effortlessly stomp the 6 player team by having the tanks intentionally take damage to build ult on Ana, and then using the Ana/Genji wombo combo in every fight. In the words of the Ana player, "it doesn't matter how many people you have when there's a nano boosted Genji ult."