Right, in line with my earlier PM to the players, I would like to take time for some suggestions, ideas and overall push of the game forward!
like most you probably know, this is my first serious attempt at a game, and as such I would like to learn from it as much as I can, in addition to having fun with an idea that brought me to Bay12 in the first place. As such, I would like to get some feedback from players and perhaps discuss few concepts and ideas that I had with respect to making the game more active and interactive.
As a first idea, I would like to see if the system could be sped up a bit with more rounds and turns actually passing by, with world events and ambience being created for the world - I would like to do that, but at the same time, posting for its own sake without players will look strange as well. I am happy to generate world events and see more happening. By that same virtue, I would like to make the game more active in regards to you guys acting to events and situations - while march on capital and establishing the kingdom proper is still in the books, you might be propelled to and fro a bit if the revolution is seen to be floundering.
If you are happy with it, I would like to generate at least 1 random event per player per turn, in addition to world events and situations, so that you guys can react and interact with the world, with consequences being far-reaching or local, and with rewards being impactful to none. In this respect , the dice will be key, but only in determining parameters, whereas your actions will make or break the situations that arise.