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Author Topic: RTD horrors  (Read 227898 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: RTD horrors - game 3 running, waitlist open
« Reply #435 on: April 21, 2015, 06:59:09 am »

I'm made of clouds. Pretty much weightless.
Is your soul weightless too? Heh heh.
... Well, it might be weightless, if you're a pure enough entity... We shall see.
Quote from: Empiricist
I mean no one wants dead whales and abortion clinics juxtaposed with each other, but it's just something that happens! Like false vacuum decay!
carrot cakeu


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: RTD horrors - game 3 running, waitlist open
« Reply #436 on: April 21, 2015, 07:05:02 am »

Magic workshop: [3] They manage to get some materials for a regular forge, like brick and concrete, but your more technically minded minions tell you that a solar forge wouldn't really work without some EXTREMELY strong light, the sunlight filtered through Earth's atmosphere ain't gonna cut it. (gained bricks and concrete)
no actually you can make one of those with a satellite dish and some mirrors
Imagine what you could do with a house sized version of this or even focussing it through an orb of stalwart hmmmmm
« Last Edit: April 21, 2015, 07:15:31 am by carp »
Carp carp carpcarp CAAR-ARP carpity carpcarp CARP CARP
Caaarp car-AARRP carpity carp-arp carppp-aaaarP.

*i'm looking at you biggerfish.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: RTD horrors - game 3 running, waitlist open
« Reply #437 on: April 21, 2015, 07:12:17 am »

This is carp my brother (evonix) left himself logged on anyone have any idea how to log him off?
Has descended into madness


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: RTD horrors - game 3 running, waitlist open
« Reply #438 on: April 21, 2015, 07:14:08 am »

This is carp my brother (evonix) left himself logged on anyone have any idea how to log him off?
Got it
Carp carp carpcarp CAAR-ARP carpity carpcarp CARP CARP
Caaarp car-AARRP carpity carp-arp carppp-aaaarP.

*i'm looking at you biggerfish.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: RTD horrors - game 3 running, waitlist open
« Reply #439 on: April 21, 2015, 08:35:17 am » this is the best 1:20 especially
25 Cultists(and any I recruited): Go through the paperwork to make K.I. a registered company and put up a K.I. website.
75 Cultists: use investor money to set up liquid metal recycling and shaping equipment in the
25 Cultists: Use stand to ask students if they want to help build a solar death ray.
75 Cultists and any students: try building the furnace again, refer them to the above videos and remind them that fresnel lenses are found in old TVs( may be found in the junkyard and that mirrors aren't that expensive.
50 Cultists: bring the orb of stalwart back.
« Last Edit: April 21, 2015, 09:24:01 am by Evonix »
Has descended into madness

Ardent Debater

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Re: RTD horrors - game 3 running, waitlist open
« Reply #440 on: April 21, 2015, 09:09:10 am »

TROG: 50 anarchist cultists, 50 lightly armed anarchist cultists, 30 inquisitors, access to Orb of Stalwart 2, partially gathered dragon blood, sleeps through next turn

TROG: Dream about Smashing things!
25 lightly armed Anarchist Cultists: Recruit More Cultists!
25 lightly armed Anarchist Cultists: Make more Spears!
50 Anarchist Cultists: Keep Gathering the Dragon Blood!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: RTD horrors - game 3 running, waitlist open
« Reply #441 on: April 21, 2015, 11:34:16 am »

Smiley may or may not snap and go full-ballistic-psycho if she inadvertently makes enough go wrong :P
TROG will have to do battle with someone with the power to make people happy
also she can give people cancer
why didn't I think of this sooner


  • Bay Watcher
  • Slowly descending into madness
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Re: RTD horrors - game 3 running, waitlist open
« Reply #442 on: April 21, 2015, 12:54:37 pm »

Turn 5 actions:
100 cultists: set up a base.
100 empowered cultists: aquire spacecraft components (solar panels, hardened computers, oxygen recyclers, etc) and bring them to the base. Do not bring rocket fuel or other explosives to the base. If the above group fails at setting up a base, help with recruiting.
125 cultists: secure Orb of Stalwart. Possibly by moving it to the base.
Koshu and 150 cultists: recruit.
recruit: [3] You and your cultists find more people to join your merry band of madness (+112 cultists)
base: [3] Well, in the same manner that hotpockets are arguably food, this is arguably a shelter. (shoddy base built)
SPAAAACE: [4] They collect the materials and bring them to the "base". It's a bit heavy so that's all they manage to do this turn. (spaceship components gotten)
Orb: [2] That orb's really stuck in there isn't it? damn, no way they're moving it this turn.

Sob slightly about my uncontrollable rage issues. Try and heal the poor souls I have diseased.
100 cultists: find dragon lilies.
50 cancerous cultists: Rest. Don't do anything strenuous, make sure you're comfortable.
Use happiness powers to make the cancerous cultists less upset.
Cry some more.
50 other cultists: Secure the Orb's position.

Dayum Smiley you're pretty nasty when you're mad :P

Fixing your mistakes:[2] You are too broken up over your outburst to focus on using your power

gather: [6] They pluck so many dragon lilies that they start to get afflicted with LILY MADNESS. Some of your cultists defect to the hate club, compelled by otherworldly forces. (gained dragon blood, 20 cultists defect to inquisitors)
rest: [no roll] I'm not mean enough to make you roll to rest, but they won't accomplish much here.
Using happy power: [irrelevant] You already tried using you power to heal and aren't there to help them with your presence.
Secure orb: [1] Haha! They pick up the orb and... wait, did they have a base to bring this back to? *CRUNCH* (-25 cultists)

I am the first of my many rivals to be summoned into the world!

The world will now know of my vengance! My revenge is at hand! Egypt shall rise again!

Me: Weigh the soul of Unescargot before I go; he seems dangerous.
100 cultists: Go to the Orb of Stalwart and do the summoning ritual there! Don't forget the dragon blood!
75 dudes: Try to find a suitable base of operations!
Armed guys: Attack some of Koshu's cultists! From a distance of course.
50 Assassins: Assassinate Tavern Wench's cultists in high paces!
25: Learn how to mass produce the poison these dragon blood things have.

Soul weigh: [3] You manage to find his soul, or the equivalent thing that cloud people have at least. Turns out he's not impure enough to punish. Dammit! (Unescargot weighed)

Summoning: [4] They take the dragon blood and head to the orb. The summoning goes off without a hitch, and you're now in the world of the living. Of course, this means you're also now mortal and can be killed. (has been summoned)
house hunting: [3] They find an awesome house! And by "Awesome" they mean "affordable", and by "affordable" they mean cheap and shoddy. (shoddy base found)
Murder party fun time: [2] "Wait, where did those guys go?"
"Dammit Jim, I told you these blindfolds were a stupid idea!"
Murder party fun time part II: the murdering: [6] RAHH! THE BLOODLUST OVERTAKES THEM!!! They soon come to and realize they've managed to kill a few cultists in addition to the high places guys and that they are now in handcuffs. (TW loses 5 cultists in high places and 50 cultists, assassins arrested)
Poison making: [5] They figure out a way to distill the toxins in the flowers. Turns out the poisonous component is the same as commercial pesticide in even higher concentrations than you can make from the plant directly (no, the pesticide doesn't work in the ritual). (poison now available for purchase for this cult)

ME: turn a block of ground about as big as a house or two into carp underneath an apartment building causing a sink hole hopefully be a DF carp.

Well, this one looks simple enough:
CARPCARPCARPCARP: [3] You turn a bunch of earth beneath an apartment complex into dead carp. It smells really bad. Whether they are DF carp is a bit irrelevant since they are dead. The building's foundation looks pretty unstable since it's foundation just turned into a mass of flesh. (a nearby apartment is now filled with fish smell and surrounded by dead fish, and is highly unstable) ((maybe you should get something that lets you summon water, unless you love summoning dead fish))

RECRUIT: [5] They fins their fish-loving friends and get them to join in for a big barbecue. (+190 cultists)

Whoops, forgot this:
Inquisitors: Make a better anti-fish artifact
[2] "What? I could've sworn this Big book of rituals demanded cow blood, not sheep blood! Dammit, the ritual's ruined. Screw it, we'll pick up again tomorrow!"
I'm made of clouds. Pretty much weightless.
Me: Whisper into the minds of more wealthy cultists
Military veterans: Train 55 of my normal cultists.
55 of normals: get trained.
100 cultists and 5 wealthy cultists: Build the fortress. I need a base dangit.
5 wealthy cultists: do research to find any useful rituals that my cultists might use.

Chatting: [5] You tell them that you think they're an awesome bunch of dudes for helping you out. Morale improves. (wealthy cultists now high morale and empowered) ((I know that was supposed to be recruiting, but watch your wording better or I get to interpret as I like))

Training: [1] Well, that could've gone better... (-25 cultists)
Building: [6] Is this a base or a deathtrap? Trick question: It's both! (Fortress with malevolent architecture built).
research: [6] They work their asses off to find some rituals you can do, and they find one after several hours of searching: the ritual of fading strength. It weakens anything, even eldritch horrors, but at the cost of something proportionally valuable to you (the price decided by the hand of fate of course). Essentially, it's useless unless the disadvantage you want to give is extremely petty or you're REALLY desperate, otherwise the cost would be too high to be worth it. These wealthy cultists get annoyed at being forced to do menial labor, but don't leave because of your awesome pep talk. (5 wealthy cultists now annoyed, Ritual of fading strength learned)

((I'll do the rest in a few hours, I have to do something now))


  • Bay Watcher
  • Blatant furry. Also a hypnotist.
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Re: RTD horrors - game 3 running, waitlist open
« Reply #443 on: April 21, 2015, 01:16:37 pm »

Everybody but 10 cultists: Move into deathtrap fortress
10 Wealthy cultists: Supervise to make sure nothing bad happens as a result of fortress
Veterans: you supervise also.
Me: Recruit politicians from California to join my minions in serving me.
10 cultists: Next time Ajanthu recruits, join in with the other recruits and act as infiltrators.
A Thousand Treasures (And You).

Would you like to play a game of Mafia? The subforum is always open to new players.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: RTD horrors - game 3 running, waitlist open
« Reply #444 on: April 21, 2015, 02:05:46 pm »

recruit: [3] You and your cultists find more people to join your merry band of madness (+112 cultists)
base: [3] Well, in the same manner that hotpockets are arguably food, this is arguably a shelter. (shoddy base built)
SPAAAACE: [4] They collect the materials and bring them to the "base". It's a bit heavy so that's all they manage to do this turn. (spaceship components gotten)
Orb: [2] That orb's really stuck in there isn't it? damn, no way they're moving it this turn.

Turn 6 actions:
137 cultists: secure Orb of Stalwart. Possibly by moving it to the base.
100 empowered cultists: build and launch a more sophisticated satellite. (We will hold off on manned launches for the time being.)
100 cultists: continue construction and fortification of the base. If second launch is successful, put up some signs for Koshu Aerospace.
Koshu: Use telepathy to console The Smiling One. (Edit: that is, try to give Smiley some of my boundless optimism and hope for expanding civilization throughout the stars.) If that is not possible (It should be possible, since telepathy does not have a range limit, but interdimensional effects are wierd like that.), assist with recruiting.
250 cultists: recruit.

Edit: knew I forgot something.
Edit 2: ordering.
« Last Edit: April 21, 2015, 03:15:41 pm by InsaneRationalist »
Dwarf Fortress: where an exploding unicorn death factory is a goal unto itself.
If it has cute cuddly features, it's probably safe to eat, so do not reason with it either.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: RTD horrors - game 3 running, waitlist open
« Reply #445 on: April 21, 2015, 02:17:26 pm »

Turn 6 actions:
Sob about the deaths of my followers.
Continue trying to heal the cancerous cultists.
25 cultists: bury the dead 25 cultists and hold a mass funeral. A pity I cannot raise the dead easily.
All the other cultists, recruit.
If Koshu gets through, thank him and listen to his thoughts on space.
« Last Edit: April 21, 2015, 03:30:58 pm by Adragis029 »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: RTD horrors - game 3 running, waitlist open
« Reply #446 on: April 21, 2015, 03:29:14 pm »

Well, this one looks simple enough:
CARPCARPCARPCARP: [3] You turn a bunch of earth beneath an apartment complex into dead carp. It smells really bad. Whether they are DF carp is a bit irrelevant since they are dead. The building's foundation looks pretty unstable since it's foundation just turned into a mass of flesh. (a nearby apartment is now filled with fish smell and surrounded by dead fish, and is highly unstable) ((maybe you should get something that lets you summon water, unless you love summoning dead fish))
is their any way of adding that to my powers like researching and memorizing a spell also when i said "hopefully be a df carp" i meant hopefully theyll all scream and i'll turn into a dwarf fortress carp (i turn into the classic DF carp) 55 cultists, 10 jester cultists, 10 depressed cultists, a bunch of fish, has plagued California with carp, destroyed the focus stone, 35 inquisitors, inquisitors active, inquisitors destroyed Orb of Stalwart 3
turn five six(oops):
Me: turn the foundation of that apartment building into carp very suddenly hopefully the occupants will scream and i'll become a DF carp
10 jester: cultist's do the same thing as last time
50 cultists: research a spell to summon water
10 depressed cultists : each of you gets extra carp at the feast of carp i will throw for you.
10 cultists: get some more food than carp for the feast make everybody happy
50 cultists: get an orb of stalwart
50 cultists: get dragons blood
50 cultists: stay on standby indefinitely to perform the summoning ritual as soon as the materials are gained (on the same turn)
the rest: get weapons preferably carp themed like a carp shaped water gun with leftover dragons blood in it.
10 cultists: make carp themed armor.
« Last Edit: April 21, 2015, 07:35:47 pm by carp »
Carp carp carpcarp CAAR-ARP carpity carpcarp CARP CARP
Caaarp car-AARRP carpity carp-arp carppp-aaaarP.

*i'm looking at you biggerfish.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: RTD horrors - game 3 running, waitlist open
« Reply #447 on: April 21, 2015, 03:39:34 pm »

Well, this one looks simple enough:
CARPCARPCARPCARP: [3] You turn a bunch of earth beneath an apartment complex into dead carp. It smells really bad. Whether they are DF carp is a bit irrelevant since they are dead. The building's foundation looks pretty unstable since it's foundation just turned into a mass of flesh. (a nearby apartment is now filled with fish smell and surrounded by dead fish, and is highly unstable) ((maybe you should get something that lets you summon water, unless you love summoning dead fish))
is their any way of adding that to my powers like researching and memorizing a spell also when i said "hopefully be a df carp" i meant hopefully theyll all scream and i'll turn into a dwarf fortress carp (i turn into the classic DF carp)
You can try to research a ritual so your followers can perform majicks, or you can find/make a magic artifact thing to do cool stuff, or you could steal from one of your fellow horrors, or even try to negotiate for them to help you. I'm afraid your innate powers are final though, and maybe you should've specified that the apartment building be inhabited, that one was actually abandoned. I had assumed you were planning for it to become a base floating on a pit of fish...


  • Bay Watcher
  • the biggest fish around.*
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Re: RTD horrors - game 3 running, waitlist open
« Reply #448 on: April 21, 2015, 03:43:44 pm »

Well, this one looks simple enough:
CARPCARPCARPCARP: [3] You turn a bunch of earth beneath an apartment complex into dead carp. It smells really bad. Whether they are DF carp is a bit irrelevant since they are dead. The building's foundation looks pretty unstable since it's foundation just turned into a mass of flesh. (a nearby apartment is now filled with fish smell and surrounded by dead fish, and is highly unstable) ((maybe you should get something that lets you summon water, unless you love summoning dead fish))
is their any way of adding that to my powers like researching and memorizing a spell also when i said "hopefully be a df carp" i meant hopefully theyll all scream and i'll turn into a dwarf fortress carp (i turn into the classic DF carp)
You can try to research a ritual so your followers can perform majicks, or you can find/make a magic artifact thing to do cool stuff, or you could steal from one of your fellow horrors, or even try to negotiate for them to help you. I'm afraid your innate powers are final though, and maybe you should've specified that the apartment building be inhabited, that one was actually abandoned. I had assumed you were planning for it to become a base floating on a pit of fish...
OH CARP darnio i posted this second one by accident I don't want to make anemone by seeming like a trawl i just want everyone to be fronds. cod bless my sole for for i have finned by double posting i'm feeling green about the gills with embarresment  maybe no-one will mind and it will all go swimmingly I should probably clam down and coral my feelings buoy i'v run out of fish puns.
« Last Edit: April 21, 2015, 05:46:10 pm by carp »
Carp carp carpcarp CAAR-ARP carpity carpcarp CARP CARP
Caaarp car-AARRP carpity carp-arp carppp-aaaarP.

*i'm looking at you biggerfish.


  • Bay Watcher
  • the biggest fish around.*
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Re: RTD horrors - game 3 running, waitlist open
« Reply #449 on: April 21, 2015, 03:44:48 pm »

Well, this one looks simple enough:
CARPCARPCARPCARP: [3] You turn a bunch of earth beneath an apartment complex into dead carp. It smells really bad. Whether they are DF carp is a bit irrelevant since they are dead. The building's foundation looks pretty unstable since it's foundation just turned into a mass of flesh. (a nearby apartment is now filled with fish smell and surrounded by dead fish, and is highly unstable) ((maybe you should get something that lets you summon water, unless you love summoning dead fish))
is their any way of adding that to my powers like researching and memorizing a spell also when i said "hopefully be a df carp" i meant hopefully theyll all scream and i'll turn into a dwarf fortress carp (i turn into the classic DF carp)
You can try to research a ritual so your followers can perform majicks, or you can find/make a magic artifact thing to do cool stuff, or you could steal from one of your fellow horrors, or even try to negotiate for them to help you. I'm afraid your innate powers are final though, and maybe you should've specified that the apartment building be inhabited, that one was actually abandoned. I had assumed you were planning for it to become a base floating on a pit of fish...
you also never said it wasn't inhabited until now so could you do a "mind retcon"
Carp carp carpcarp CAAR-ARP carpity carpcarp CARP CARP
Caaarp car-AARRP carpity carp-arp carppp-aaaarP.

*i'm looking at you biggerfish.
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