You know what?
Carl Yelvin and his followers sleep through their turn.
End of turn 6.
Nightmare - 135 cultists, cave base with flame thrower defenses, 80 drowsy inquisitors, inquisitors active, access to Orb of Stalwart 1, has plushies
Carl Yelvin - 180 cultists, 35 recovering lightly injured inquisitors, 50 scrap golems, dragon blood, access to Orb of Stalwart 3, summoned
Plauge Doctor - 15 corpses of mad cultists dead from plague, 25 cultists, 20 inquisitors, inquisitors activated, inquisitors can treat plague victims, access to Orb of Stalwart 2, has dragon blood, Jeff (10), has been summoned, people will sometimes refuse treatment for plague
Mad matron - 65 cultists, 50 silly looking inquisitors, inquisitors active
Looks like the summoning ritual reached a bit farther than expected. No matter, atleast I am summoned. As for you, get out.
Me:Drag Paul Jeff into the inquisitor's base. Don't want him recruiting MY hard earned followers.
Dying guys: Spread the plague wherever you can! Though maybe not where the other cultists are.
Other blokes: Recruit recruit recruit recruit...
((his name is Jeff
[4] The inquisitors don't have a base, but you physically drag Jeff into the inquisitors' general area (Jeff now in inquisitors' nonbase)
[irrelevant] They can't do that because they are already dead. Luckily you can resurrect them as zombies on your next turn.
[2] They can't find anyone to join them
Since you didn't tell Jeff to do something he'll do his own thing:
[4] He gets to do something this turn, he will try to recruit those around him, ie the inquisitors
[4] He successfully recruits all of the inquisitors as his followers
Inquisitors Cultists of Jeff: Attempt to learn Jeff's power
[3] Some of them gain part of Jeff's powers of persuasion and ability to smoke out those around them. Others just get faces full of smoke (25 cultists become Jeff's chosen)
Jeff now has 9 turns to live. He returns home, because he misses you.
Make the Plauge Doctor's followers worst nightmares come true.
25 Cultists; Recruit more. The rest: Find the Orb of Stalwart.
[4] You can't really make them come true, but you make him believe they're true. The world has been cleansed of disease and his power is now worthless (Plauge doctor loses a turn because he believes he is powerless).
[3] they bring as many people as they can find into the cult, though not as many as you had hoped (+25 cultists).
[5] They find an orb of stalwart, and some dragon blood conveniently set up. It's almost like someone performed a summoning here recently and didn't clean up (gained access to Orb of Stalwart 2 and gained dragon blood).
Inquisitors: destroy the Orb of Stalwart!
[1] They completely fuck up destroying the orb and several of them get crushed (-25 inquisitors).
Continue trying to make the inquisitors lose sleep.
50 - Move the Orb of Stalwart back to base
50 - Find dragon's blood
65 - Assault the inquisitors.
[4] You deprive the inquisitors of their sleep further. They miss a turn because they keep nodding off (inquisitors miss turn).
[4] You move the Orb of Stalwart back to your cave. No reason to leave it out where you're exposed when you've got a "nice", "safe" base to keep it in (Orb of Stalwart 1 secured).
[5] They find such a quantity of the stuff that they decide to try dipping darts in it and shooting them at people (gained dragon blood, 25 cultists now have poison darts/assassin ability)
[6] They charge into battle and strike with the fury of the night. Some of them don't make it home, astonishing considering that the inquisitors were asleep at the time (-65 inquisitors, -30 cultists).
Inquisitors: do a thing
[irrelevant] They miss their turn due to being asleep