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Author Topic: RTD horrors  (Read 227030 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: RTD horrors - game 4 running
« Reply #1605 on: January 20, 2016, 11:49:36 pm »

summon myself using 400 normal cultists
Rest of normal cultists get weapon training
Eco cultists raise my PR

Giving waitlisted people the ability to murder non-responsive players was a great idea. Need to do that more often.

Dustan Hache

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Re: RTD horrors - game 4 running
« Reply #1606 on: January 21, 2016, 02:53:20 am »

(at this rate, fillipk will have infinite good PR. it will be funny to watch.)
I figure at some point, you're just gonna run outta fucks to give and just off yourself whenever you get hurt at all. It's not like there's any downsides to it. Hangover? Suicide will fix that. Stubbed your toe? Suicide. Headache? Suicide. Papercut? Suicide.


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Re: RTD horrors - game 4 running
« Reply #1607 on: January 21, 2016, 07:41:55 am »

Quote from: MonkeyMarkMario, 2023
“Don’t quote me.”
nothing here.


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Re: RTD horrors - game 4 running
« Reply #1608 on: January 21, 2016, 05:18:21 pm »

summon myself using 400 normal cultists
Rest of normal cultists get weapon training
Eco cultists raise my PR

Summon: [2] They draw the sigils wrong and have to start over.
Train: [5] They work double time and become experts at the art of beating the shit out of things. Since you have no weapons, they train to use their own fists to the best extent they can. (550 cultists become master martial artists)
PR: [3] They push your brand a little further, awakening your true calling as humanity's favorite. Their assistance will surely do wonders for your cause. (PR up, humanity's aid gained)

Humanity: Give some real estate
[3] They offer you an abandoned car garage. There's nothing useful here and your cultists say it stinks of used motor oil, but it sounds like an awesome place to you. (Gained old garage base)
Recruit!: [4] You recruit a bunch of drunken fools to your cult, and start cursing yourself for failing to put on a prettier face before setting out on this journey. Good thing the beer goggles distract them from the rotting. (+50 drunk cultists)


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Re: RTD horrors - game 4 running
« Reply #1609 on: January 24, 2016, 11:07:07 am »

((Also, Humaan, would you like to do some trading?))

Whisperling, I'll be frank. I am a computer-plant thing which is surrounded in a field of "eat you if you enter". I am probably the most eldritch thing here, and you know how they don't seem to notice or care about other life. You have little to offer me beyond sending your cult to die trying to get the fruit (which, to be fair, probably isn't that hard).

What I am saying is, go ahead and get the fruit. I have no arms, remember? I won't stop you, and I am sure there are a few fruit-bearing parts of the seed towards the edges for you to minimalize casualities. Biomass is the only thing I need right now, so as long as you don't roll a one, I will get some biomass (from eating), and you can get fruit to... grow somewhere else, I don't know. Of course, if you wait for me to get some Drones, we might be able to properly trade, but I can't help you much right now.

Daragon: Finally create Drones, now that the file has been repaired.
Quote from: SolarShado
Hell yes! Who need a space elevator when you've got a space escalator!?!?
Quote from: Cthulhu
Watch out bots, Sherlock Humaan is on the case.


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Re: RTD horrors - game 4 running
« Reply #1610 on: January 24, 2016, 12:46:00 pm »

((Also, Humaan, would you like to do some trading?))

Whisperling, I'll be frank. I am a computer-plant thing which is surrounded in a field of "eat you if you enter". I am probably the most eldritch thing here, and you know how they don't seem to notice or care about other life. You have little to offer me beyond sending your cult to die trying to get the fruit (which, to be fair, probably isn't that hard).

What I am saying is, go ahead and get the fruit. I have no arms, remember? I won't stop you, and I am sure there are a few fruit-bearing parts of the seed towards the edges for you to minimalize casualities. Biomass is the only thing I need right now, so as long as you don't roll a one, I will get some biomass (from eating), and you can get fruit to... grow somewhere else, I don't know. Of course, if you wait for me to get some Drones, we might be able to properly trade, but I can't help you much right now.

Daragon: Finally create Drones, now that the file has been repaired.
Drones: [6] You think you succeeded in repairing the corruption, but run a test to make sure. You end up producing larger drones than intended. Because of the optimization of the normal drones, the larger ones take way more biomass than their moderately higher strength deserves. In fact, since they are bear sized normally, you end up using so much biomass that you almost starve. You manage to fix the problem, but you still have the large drones. (+100 large drones, now starving)
Photosynthesis: [4] Your leaves use the power of the sun and absorb CO2 to produce more biomass. You feel significantly less starved. (Now hungry)
Seed1: grow [2] The seed stagnates in its growth. Whether it wants more biomass or it's simply being difficult is hard to tell.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: RTD horrors: apocalypse now! - game 4 running
« Reply #1611 on: January 24, 2016, 03:26:05 pm »

Happy the clown: Recruit
[4] He lets out a boisterous laugh that draws more people to watch his show. (+75 cultists)
Happy's cult: Steal Necronomicon from Archon
[3] They slip in and steal the Necronomnomnomicon. Wait,  this is just a cookbook with an undead theme, not a book of necromancy... where did they get this? Wherever it was, they seem to have traded a few souls for it. (Found Necronomnomnomicon, -50 cultists)

End of turn 11.
Big Ol' Fire: Don't worry humans! I am your bestest friend!
cult: 400 cultists, 550 martial arts masters, 400 ecologists
items: dragon blood, Orb of Stalwart 2
Base (old garage):
Diplomacy: Savior-esque PR (Has humanity's aid)
inquisitors (ACTIVE): 250 eco inquisitors

Volker-hands: Dangit guys, we're so close!
cult: 340 cultists
items: dragon blood
Rituals: Create Fake orb of Stalwart [req glass, silver; use causes weakness]
Base (sturdy fortress):
Diplomacy: good PR
inquisitors: 115 inquisitors

Dar Gold (uninjured): Will eat 4 food [hungry]
Growths: Leaves (reduce hunger passively), fruit-bearing branches
cult: 100 large drones
Items: dragon blood
Rituals: Basic horticulture
Base: area cleared for rituals
Diplomacy: excellent PR
-Saragon (DEAD): the light... so close...
-Seed 1: sprawling tendrils, Slight growth, slightly hungry

Quar-splosion man: Buy my scro- Those sneaky foxes!
cult: 100 scholars, 51 cultists, 1 Leg n dairy scholar (50% chance of turning 2 into 3 on dairy or leg related rolls)
Items: located dragons, Orb of Stalwart 4
Rituals: brew power potion [consumes dragon blood, damages user]
Diplomacy: excellent PR, BOF no longer open to OoS related negotiations
inquisitors: 51 inquisitors, 50 scholars

KZ-Jello: So sleepy from lack of status ticker
cult: 30 cultists, 50 "smart" cultists
items: Dragon blood
Diplomacy: excellent PR
inquisitors: 25 inquisitors

cult: 2 cultists, 5 hecklers (negate leadership bonuses), 1 mad cultist, 1 mad weak esper, 440 beasts, 100 large beasts, 30 satyrs, 25 minotaurs, 20 centaurs, 5 centaur scouts, 5 battle commanders (50% chance to reroll negative outcomes in combat they initiate), 2 leaders (50% chance of turning 3 into 4), 2 disaster averters (50% chance of turning 1 into 2)
Items: dragonblood, 3 slimy toxin bottles, Necronomicon, Improvised melee weapons, extra dragon blood, Stagnant Orb
Rituals: Summon mini-horror [req dragon blood], create Summoning Shell [req Zinc, wood; single use], Imbue knowledge [consumes Daragon's fruit],  Stalwart burning summon [consumes Orb of Stalwart, gives summoned crippling weakness]
Diplomacy: excellent PR
inquisitors: 100 beasts
-Sharkon (moderately injured, REGEN ACTIVE): Submerged
-Beldroth (uninjured): [2] turns til adulthood

Hon Shadow (uninjured): If you want something done right...
cult: 10 "smart" cultists, 20 cultists, cult in Washington DC
Items: dragonblood
Base (Clearing):
Diplomacy: excellent PR, support of president (discredited), support of Virginia (discredited), support of Florida (discredited)
-Unlight: Let the light guide you!

Speedy Speedoman (uninjured): What do you mean this isn't the Sims?
cult: 398 cultists, 22 fanatics, 5 skilled leaders (50% chance of 3 becoming 4)
Items: dragonblood, partially gathered more dragonblood, Orb of Stalwart 5, firearms, rough armor
Base: Punji pits and barbed wire defenses, strong community
Diplomacy: mixed PR
-Leader #1: Paranoid (50% chance of turning 5 into 6 on guard)
-Leader #2 (m): passively restores morale
-Leader #4 (f): marksman
-Leader #5: lazy, loves casual games
-Mr. Banana hammock: 50 cultists

Zomboss with really long name: So Ronery
cult: 50 drunks
Items: Stagnant orb, improvised melee weapons
Rituals: Salmoning ritual [req stagnant orb and dragon blood]
Base (Grand Mausoleum): bunker
Diplomacy: good PR
inquisitors: 25 eco inquisitors

---- NPC factions
Happy the Clown's legion:
Cult: 125 cultists
Items: Necronomnomnomicon
Inquisitors: 25 inquisitors

World details:
-Orb of Stalwarts 1 and 3 destroyed


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: RTD horrors - game 4 running
« Reply #1612 on: January 24, 2016, 03:31:03 pm »

400 cultists: summon me
B.O.F: get summoned and then request a better place for my cultists
Martial arts masters: Travel to China and seek training with the great Chinese masters
Ecologists: recruit those pesky inquisitors to our cause
Giving waitlisted people the ability to murder non-responsive players was a great idea. Need to do that more often.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: RTD horrors - game 4 running
« Reply #1613 on: January 24, 2016, 03:36:37 pm »

10 Drunks: Get dragons blood!
40 Drunks: Get started on Setting up a bar inside of my mausoleum!
I: Convince more Drunks to join my cult!
Quote from: MonkeyMarkMario, 2023
“Don’t quote me.”
nothing here.


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Re: RTD horrors - game 4 running
« Reply #1614 on: January 24, 2016, 03:43:34 pm »

1 mad cultist: Research a cure for psyshock.
25 beasts: Go get some fruit from Daragon.
2 hecklers: Finish that incomplete Salmoning. Try to get someone with good powers.

Centaur scout, on the phone with leader and disaster averter 1: Convince Happy and his followers to join our cult. We'll give him free access to the necronomicon, if he doesn't try and steal it...

If he accepts, welcome him with open arms. If he won't try to bother me anymore, leave him alone. If he's still going to attack me or steal my stuff...

50 beasts, 10 satyrs, 10 minotaurs, 5 centaurs, taking some makeshift weapons and led from afar by leader, disaster averter, and battle commander 2: Kill happy and his cult.

If I don't have to kill Happy, my fifth action is to finish that trade with Quarken. Get the power potion ritual in return for our excess dragon blood.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: RTD horrors - game 4 running
« Reply #1615 on: January 24, 2016, 04:12:26 pm »

40 cultists:get materials for a fake orb
100 cultists:get weapons
100 cultists:guard
Vol-Kriit+100 cultists: recruit
I should probably introduce the actual plot soon
7/11 guy, bringer of the apocabeepse. Uplifter of threads. Herald of the hive.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: RTD horrors - game 4 running
« Reply #1616 on: January 24, 2016, 04:36:58 pm »

20 Cultists: Build fortifications on our land.
10 Cultists: Recruit.
Hondrasaan: Recruit the Pope.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: RTD horrors - game 4 running
« Reply #1617 on: January 24, 2016, 04:48:51 pm »

400 cultists: summon me
B.O.F: get summoned and then request a better place for my cultists
Martial arts masters: Travel to China and seek training with the great Chinese masters
Ecologists: recruit those pesky inquisitors to our cause

Summon: [4] They succeed in bringing you forth from the endless void. Your purification of this world can finally begin. (Summoned)
Better accomodations: [4] You request a better place for your cultists to live. Some contractors give you a small apartment building nearby where the cult can stay, and the garage can just be for storage. Most of the cult probably had homes of their own before, but now the ones that didn't can live nearby where can offer protection due to being within earshot. (Nearby Apartments added to base)
China: [2] The cultists consider going to China to train more, but decide to just order takeout instead. Basically the same thing, right?
Recruit: [2] They don't get much clout with the inquisition, even with your amazing reputation.

Inquisitors: Destroy the base
[6] They rip out the walls of the garage and the whole thing collapses on them. You have to move into one of the apartments with your cult and bring your stuff with you. (Garage destroyed, -50 inquisitors)
Humanity: Pressure inquisitors to stop
[5] Having all your friend and family telling you that you're doing a bad thing can occasionally change a person's mind. (-100 inquisitors, inquisitors deactivated)

10 Drunks: Get dragons blood!
40 Drunks: Get started on Setting up a bar inside of my mausoleum!
I: Convince more Drunks to join my cult!

Dragonblud: [2] They sit in a street gutter and feel sorry for themselves.
Bar: [5] They set up an amazing bar inside your base, and some of them reveal that they actually know a few emboldening brews to make the drunks work better. (Bar built, 10 drunks become brewmasters [Can serve booze to give cultists more strength])
Recruit: [5] You find many more people willing to join now that they heard you have free booze for cultists. (+100 drunk cultists)

1 mad cultist: Research a cure for psyshock.
25 beasts: Go get some fruit from Daragon.
2 hecklers: Finish that incomplete Salmoning. Try to get someone with good powers.

Centaur scout, on the phone with leader and disaster averter 1: Convince Happy and his followers to join our cult. We'll give him free access to the necronomicon, if he doesn't try and steal it...

If he accepts, welcome him with open arms. If he won't try to bother me anymore, leave him alone. If he's still going to attack me or steal my stuff...

50 beasts, 10 satyrs, 10 minotaurs, 5 centaurs, taking some makeshift weapons and led from afar by leader, disaster averter, and battle commander 2: Kill happy and his cult.

If I don't have to kill Happy, my fifth action is to finish that trade with Quarken. Get the power potion ritual in return for our excess dragon blood.

Cure: [2] They decide not to. If that affliction can floor the vast eldritch mind of their overlord, who knows what it could do to a human brain.
Fruit: [5] They slip in and steal a bit of choice fruit off the vine without getting eaten. It's not much since they're raccoons and there were only a few of them, but they did pretty well considering. With such a small amount taken, Daragon suffers no ill effects. (25 Daragon fruit acquired)
Salmoning: [3] They finish the ritual, and summon some scrub fish. (Summoned some scrub fish)
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
Recruit happy: [3] He makes friends with the evil clown. Happy doesn't join the cult, but he's on your side now. You consider this might be better, he manages his own cult and you don't have to, but you would really rather have the security of him being under your thumb. (Happy's faction now friendly to you)
Welcome: [4] They have a big party set up and everything, even a cake with his face on it. Sure, maybe he didn't join the cult, but this alliance will surely hold. (Alliance slightly stronger, morale up)

40 cultists:get materials for a fake orb
100 cultists:get weapons
100 cultists:guard
Vol-Kriit+100 cultists: recruit

Orb: [6] They collect a bunch of glass for the orb, and end up horribly injured because they forgot to lift with their legs. You send the worst of them off to recover on their own time. (-20 cultists, 20 cultists injured, gained glass)
Wepon: [4] They grab some guns and bring them back to the base. Apparently gun laws are really lax in this area. (acquired firearms)
Gord: [6] They force the base onto lockdown for the sake of security. Nobody goes in or out, starting after your last action. Not much is gonna get done, but at least you're safe. (Base locked, 100 cultists locked in, 100 cultists guarding, 100 cultists locked out)
Recruit: [2] You and your cultists fail to draw anyone to help.

20 Cultists: Build fortifications on our land.
10 Cultists: Recruit.
Hondrasaan: Recruit the Pope.

Fortify: [3] They build some fences out of sticks. The weak binding won't protect against much, but they're short on just about everything. (stick fence built)
Recruit: [4] You convince the Pope that you are a servant of his god. Your cultists get more people to join you. (+10 cultists, gained support of Pope)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: RTD horrors - game 4 running
« Reply #1618 on: January 24, 2016, 04:57:26 pm »

Quarken: trade the brew power potion ritual for the excess dragon blood.
100 scholars: Summon Quarken if the dragon blood is acquired. If the dragon blood is not acquired, use logic to convince Happy the Clown to join Quarken's cult.
51 cultists: Aid in the summoning if the dragon blood is acquired. If the dragon blood is not acquired, locate a mansion base for us.
A Thousand Treasures (And You).

Would you like to play a game of Mafia? The subforum is always open to new players.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: RTD horrors - game 4 running
« Reply #1619 on: January 24, 2016, 05:08:25 pm »

((Hey all I have an extra orb and am willing to trade it to people in exchange for things.))
Giving waitlisted people the ability to murder non-responsive players was a great idea. Need to do that more often.
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