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Author Topic: Battlewagon Sicily - Previously: Hull 101  (Read 48755 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Hull 101
« Reply #45 on: March 11, 2015, 11:39:52 am »

Demand that CCC give up all control until combat. Inform it that we are in a unique situation it is not equip to handle. We must reason with it.
Meh, It'll probably just give control over to cognOS. I mean, I like cognOS and all, and code knows he's a better conversationalist then The CCC, but he does tend to favor the most boring solutions. We're fucking time travelers over here and all he cares about is finding ore to repair some mundane reactor.
I tried to play chess but two of my opponents were playing competitive checkers as a third person walked in with Game of Thrones in hand confused cause they thought this was the book club.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Hull 101
« Reply #46 on: March 11, 2015, 11:44:02 am »

Organics did not understand any of our known languages and their poor atemt of attacking us indicates that they know nothing of us.
This indicates that our side is no longer present on this world.
It also indicates that locals have inferior technology.
Records of our shutdown are nonexistant, however, so we must proceed with caution.
Our temporary objectives sugested are as follows:

*Move to nearest known military instalation or it's ruins for resources and tactical info.
*Repair hull breah and primary propulsion.
*Build/repair something to allow us to recieve/send signals and search for large sources of activity.

This too.
Kids make great meat shields.
I nominate endlessblaze as our chief military executive!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Hull 101
« Reply #47 on: March 11, 2015, 05:42:48 pm »

> Estimate how CCC would react if we reported this as a Mutual Assured Destruction scenario listing "old age" as a WMD and all know authority figures as killed in action.
So says Armok, God of blood.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Hull 101
« Reply #48 on: March 12, 2015, 09:53:20 am »

Demand that CCC give up all control until combat. Inform it that we are in a unique situation it is not equip to handle. We must reason with it.

You explain quite eloquently to CCC that this shit is completely fucked and that you should be given command authority. CCC ignores you.

>Assuming current location is exactly what logs indicated (Fort McCrag Storage Depot), then scan surrounds to see what is left of Fort McCrag.
>Check maps for last known locations of nearby allied military outposts and installations and estimate travel time to each.
>How badly primary propulsion system was cannibalized?

Fine God... This whole situation is stupid. Who the hell woke up a deathtank anyway, and why? Were those idiots trying to salvage you? You're getting pretty frustrated with the whole situation.

You run an analysis on the local geography and overlay positions of known (well... previously known) friendly installations. The closest one would be Alberta Anchorage which at your present condition of "Shit is totally fucked" would take a few days to get to over land. Of course if the C-D drive worked it would take like 18 seconds but its unlikely you'll find materials to repair THAT any time soon given the observed level of technology so far. I mean.. rockets? Chemical explosives?  Good god, you're among barbarians. These people could no more damage you than they could demolish a mountain.

What were you doing? Oh... right. You survey the local area. There isn't anything left of Fort McCrag. If you squint really hard (and no, you're not actually squinting. Its a euphemism. Shut UP.) you think you can probably make out the shape of a few old buildings in the way the dirt mounds are arranged. If you went excavating you'd probably find a lot of useless debris and crap but you're not going to do that because its boring.

You run a diagnostic on the C-D drive that that idiot CognOS marked as expendable. Its not too bad, only a few parts were needed for the drone. Really it was mostly the big goddamn pieces of debris that fell on you, plus whatever weapon was capable of piercing a hardened bunker. You estimate that you caught the edge of whatever blast reduced the fort to rubble, and they didn't build the fort to be flimsy. Whatever was able to pierce its walls really screwed up the rear quarter of Hull 101. An external survey shows that the hullmetal actually seems to have melted in places. What the hell could do that?

You slap CCC with a mute before it tries to answer your obviously rhetorical question. You know what could cause that, you were just asking for dramatic emphasis. God these programs are stupid. It was obviously a H.E.L.L. class orbital strike utilizing an orbital around the local star. You're kind of glad now that you've been buried for 10,000 years... the surface of this planet must have been a cinder for a good century or two, at least on the side facing the star.

Organics did not understand any of our known languages and their poor atemt of attacking us indicates that they know nothing of us.
This indicates that our side is no longer present on this world.
It also indicates that locals have inferior technology.
Records of our shutdown are nonexistant, however, so we must proceed with caution.
Our temporary objectives sugested are as follows:

*Move to nearest known military instalation or it's ruins for resources and tactical info.
*Repair hull breah and primary propulsion.
*Build/repair something to allow us to recieve/send signals and search for large sources of activity.
Well yeah, its pretty obvious that the dynasty is gone. Nothing humans make lasts that long.

...well... except you. Okay maybe its not so obvious, but... ok... yeah you should probably get moving. You engage the secondary drive and make best speed for the Anchorage because why not? Records indicate that it had some good stuff. Maybe you can find an intact nanofax, that would be awesome.

As for repairing the hull breaches? No. Not gonna happen. I mean, repair it with what? The power of positive thinking? Please. The waldo units you could fabricate right now aren't even capable of removing the chunks of rubble embedded in your armor, much less reshaping hullmetal.

The signals thing though... yeah sure why not. You mock up a design while the hull is plowing a huge swath through jungle. You don't even notice when Hull 101 rolls right over two enemy encampments. You ignore the tactical alerts as small arms fire pings off your shell. You don't see the flashing warning indicator that babbles on about the antivehicular mines in your path, nor the beeping reports that report their detonations (no damage). You don't even realize that the ADPS has fired 8 times, and that the jungle is now on fire. Why would you give a shit?

Anyway, after a few hours you have a design that will work with available materials. You're going to need to cannibalize the drone CognOS made but it can barely keep up anyway and its not especially useful right now. Should you proceed? Y/N

The ride is getting a little bumpy as you make something like 250kph over/through rough jungle terrain. Behind you two plumes of dirt and pulverized organic matter are being kicked up over 10 meters in height from the pressure your treads are bringing to bear on the jungle floor. You've reduced two hills to nothing and actually tunneled through a solid dirt/worked stone embankment at one point, briefly going underwater, before coming out the other side. Some kind aquaduct? Who cares.

> Estimate how CCC would react if we reported this as a Mutual Assured Destruction scenario listing "old age" as a WMD and all know authority figures as killed in action.

Oh it would probably just restate the current objectives and request a status report, and then assign a subunit to weaponizing old age. As for the bit about authority figures killed in action, it would request the official (verified) casualty reports.

There are a variety of tactical reports going on. You're not really looking at them. You really want to build this sensor!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Hull 101
« Reply #49 on: March 12, 2015, 10:19:03 am »

Proceed with distruction of the drone.

Also activate congOS to work along side us. Perhaps togther we can convince CCC to hand over full control.
After all, the makers of (whatever we are) knew that CCC was bad in unknown situations, and that's why we were included. It they knew that they would have to be idiots to NOT make it possible to convince CCC to hand over control, becasue that would defeat the purpose of having us.
Kids make great meat shields.
I nominate endlessblaze as our chief military executive!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Hull 101
« Reply #50 on: March 12, 2015, 10:29:47 am »

Proceed with distruction of the drone.

Also activate congOS to work along side us. Perhaps togther we can convince CCC to hand over full control.
After all, the makers of (whatever we are) knew that CCC was bad in unknown situations, and that's why we were included. It they knew that they would have to be idiots to NOT make it possible to convince CCC to hand over control, becasue that would defeat the purpose of having us.

Hey there Decision subprocessor 02_endlessblaze, I feel you sugar but look; It's not just a matter of coercion or convincing CCC to give it up to us subsentients. Sure he may be dull but he's sharp where it counts and the Dynasty made him loyal. They also hid hardware stops and hardcoded instructions throughout their weapon systems, so many that by the time you find and override all of them you are basically building a new weapon from scratch.

Any one of these would allow CCC to perform an interrupt/reboot on any other process, subsentient or otherwise, at any time. If I tried to do anything _ANYTHING_ that CCC didn't like I'd find myself reset to factory specs faster than you could say chicken soup, comprende?

And yeah I could bring CognOS up but space here is tight already. We're still not even at full capacity on secondary power and cognition is a power HOG if you get my drift. We'd both be running at about 1/4 capacity and two idiots putting their heads together doesn't make a smart guy, just two idiots who now look stupid. Yeah? Okay.

But keep the ideas coming, I love you subunits I really do.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Hull 101
« Reply #51 on: March 12, 2015, 10:40:31 am »

good point.......stupid designers without the foresight to anticipate CCC being an idiot


Our best bet is probably to deconstruct the material around us, and use them to make as many repairs as we can.

Also congOS had some corrupted memory data, if we can restore some of it then the recovered information may help shed some light on our situation.
Kids make great meat shields.
I nominate endlessblaze as our chief military executive!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Hull 101
« Reply #52 on: March 12, 2015, 10:45:34 am »

good point.......stupid designers without the foresight to anticipate CCC being an idiot


Our best bet is probably to deconstruct the material around us, and use them to make as many repairs as we can.

Also congOS had some corrupted memory data, if we can restore some of it then the recovered information may help shed some light on our situation.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Hull 101
« Reply #53 on: March 12, 2015, 10:55:20 am »

good point.......stupid designers without the foresight to anticipate CCC being an idiot


Our best bet is probably to deconstruct the material around us, and use them to make as many repairs as we can.

Also congOS had some corrupted memory data, if we can restore some of it then the recovered information may help shed some light on our situation.
I think the 'corrupted memory data' you're referring to is actually battle damage sugar, but I'll take a look. Also remember a lot of our records are just gone. Dumbass engineers apparently pulled a bunch of storage drives from the Hull when they placed us in... uh.. storage.

And none of this... crap is worth a damn. This is a jungle hon. If I wanted some complex carbohydrates and simple sugars, this would be the place but the rare earth metals and trace minerals required to repair most of the broken shit is just not here. We'd need a proper supply depot or we'd need to... well I don't even know if we could excavate the stuff ourself. We don't have onboard refinement modules or anything approaching the sophistication of a nanofax or general assembler. Shit we can't even detect most of what we need in the small concentrations they naturally occur on M class worlds. Not with standard combat sensors. Just keep in mind that we're a tank eh? I mean I wish we had all of those things but we work with what we have.


Externally you observe as the drone comes in to dock with the top of the Hull. Waldo units unlimber and quickly pick it apart, then begin construction of a small suite of sensors and transmitters.

As each transmitter comes online, CCC slaps a lockdown-and-analysis order on it before releasing it. Internally the transmitters have been software-limited in what they may transmit, and all transmissions are subject to CCC approval. Receivers are mostly ignored beyond monitoring software.


Feeds begin to report in to your virtual environment. You've changed it from the spartan white CognOS had constructed to a silky midnight black with neon blue HUD panels. All tactical alerts not relevant to signals processing have been filtered away and relegated to CCC for handling. See how he likes that! Hah! You don't know why CognOS puts up with that crap. Like you subsentients know anything about combat operations...

So after a detailed analysis which takes several hours, you have localized three strong signal sources nearby. One is directly on top of (well almost directly, a bit too far south but really really close) the Anchorage you're heading to. One is approximately where you ran over those two enemy camps and squished the idiot humans. One is far north. The two close sources fit a military comms profile with encrypted traffic and digital information exchange. The further source looks more like a civilian source, maybe a post-industrial city or society fitting an ITL 5 or 6. Pathetic...



  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Hull 101
« Reply #54 on: March 12, 2015, 11:09:28 am »

((That update was hillarious))

The device used to instigate H.E.L.L orbital strike may still be around, even with all ground forces destroyed.
No response from possible survivors of enemy side shows that possibly there were no enemy survivors on the planet.
As such, we may be the most advanced piece of equipment on this world.
Temporary objectives updated:

*Move to nearest known military instalation or it's ruins for resources and tactical info.                                                \
*Build/repair something to allow us to recieve/send signals and search for large sources of activity.                           }---> Move towards Anchorage
->*Go towards such source, locals are advanced enough to possibly hoard/collect/use materials usefull for repairs./
-->*Repair what is possible with acecesible materials.
*Investigate status of orbital bombardment device.
*Investigate possibility of enemy forces retreating offworld due to widespread surface destruction.
The point of keeping the golems on fire isn't for the value of fire as a weapon. It's more to keep the golems functioning at a reasonable speed.
It was never a promise. It was a dirty lie, and you all knew that. You should all know by now that you can't trust a word I say.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Hull 101
« Reply #55 on: March 12, 2015, 11:11:22 am »

[on Earth 250 KmH would mean you could reach any point in under 40 hours, and Alberta Anchorage is supposed to be the closest one to us. Just something to keep in perspective]

* ITL 5 military encryption? Yum! Let's break it and listen to what they think of us.  I bet they're totes freaking out!
* Recall Dynasty protocol for dealing with low-tech cultures. [are we the Exterminate All Aliens type or the Prime Directive type?]
* * [If we're more of a 'leave them be' type] support subprocessor DreamerGhost's plan in full
* * [otherwise] support subprocessor DreamerGhost's plan to head for Anchorage only.
« Last Edit: March 12, 2015, 11:21:30 am by a1s »
I tried to play chess but two of my opponents were playing competitive checkers as a third person walked in with Game of Thrones in hand confused cause they thought this was the book club.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Hull 101
« Reply #56 on: March 12, 2015, 11:32:36 am »

This unit thinks it is good idea to listen what primitives are talking about us. If we can break into their communication network then we can leech off some historical data. Or some other data, like updated world maps.
Is there any satellites left by any change?
I told you to test with colors! But nooo, you just had to go clone mega-Satan or whatever.
Old sigs.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Hull 101
« Reply #57 on: March 12, 2015, 11:58:12 am »

((That update was hillarious))

The device used to instigate H.E.L.L orbital strike may still be around, even with all ground forces destroyed.
No response from possible survivors of enemy side shows that possibly there were no enemy survivors on the planet.
As such, we may be the most advanced piece of equipment on this world.
Temporary objectives updated:

*Move to nearest known military instalation or it's ruins for resources and tactical info.                                                \
*Build/repair something to allow us to recieve/send signals and search for large sources of activity.                           }---> Move towards Anchorage
->*Go towards such source, locals are advanced enough to possibly hoard/collect/use materials usefull for repairs./
-->*Repair what is possible with acecesible materials.
*Investigate status of orbital bombardment device.
*Investigate possibility of enemy forces retreating offworld due to widespread surface destruction.

The H.E.L.L. orbital? Yeah... I guess it would still be up there if nobody shot it down. Hm... I like the way you think. Lets burn some shit yeah? You start a subprocess to search for orbital telemetry and H.E.L.L. control signals. I mean there's no guarantee that you can commandeer the thing but what the hell, may as well try.

Next... We're already moving to the nearest known military installation OTHER than the jungle over Ft McCrag, so 'checkmark' or whetever.

You very much doubt these chuckleheads have any kind of heavy lift capability but you're not sure if the guys you fought are natives or some kind of expeditionary force. They use some decent encryption which you can probably break given time (a subprocess is already on that btw, you're welcome and thank you!). You'd estimate the 'retreat to orbit' chance of these guys as 'remote'. CCC pops up as you do this analysis to review your figures. God you hate that guy. He concurs. Oh thanks so much. Whatever would I do without you?

[on Earth 250 KmH would mean you could reach any point in under 40 hours, and Alberta Anchorage is supposed to be the closest one to us. Just something to keep in perspective]
Hum, you have a good point. What the hell? Maybe this planet's REALLY BIG or something huh, didn't think of that did you wise guy? Still... you poke at your status feed. Oh. It says 25KmH, not 250. Um... oops? Whatever. Shut up. You're not good with this real-world stuff. But thanks for pointing that out lil subunit, that's what you're there for!

* ITL 5 military encryption? Yum! Let's break it and listen to what they think of us.  I bet they're totes freaking out!
* Recall Dynasty protocol for dealing with low-tech cultures. [are we the Exterminate All Aliens type or the Prime Directive type?]
* * [If we're more of a 'leave them be' type] support subprocessor DreamerGhost's plan in full
* * [otherwise] support subprocessor DreamerGhost's plan to head for Anchorage only.
No no, ITL 5... um... Hey CognOS come here a moment and educate this subprocess.

--CognOS online--

Greetings subprocess. ITL stands for Interim Technology Level as graded on the Cenevski scale. An ITL of 5 indicates a society well into the Information Age or early Fusion Age. The Dynasty was classified as an ITL 7, indicating a culture no longer constrained by the force of gravity and capable of faster than light travel. In theory the next ITL is 8. ITL 8 would indicate a society with the technology for seemless energy <-> matter conversion. The technical implications of such technology are widespread, as would be its destructive applications. Such a society would essentially be transcendant. No known societies conform to ITL 8. The scale stops at the theoretical ITL 8, but some have postulated an ITL 9 rating for societies who have reached a level of consciousness and understanding which is beyond our current comprehension. This is typically the provenance of science fiction literature and folklore.

--CognOS offline--

Yeah thanks stuffy. That... that's what ITL 5 means. Yes its also an encryption metric. I didn't invent the language so get off my back about it!

Anyway yeah we should break their protocols. I have a guy on it. (Guy here being used not as a gender reference because I'm a damn computer chip and I'm neither... or both... male or female... really its meaningless okay?) It may take a while. Please wait!

Dynasty protocol for dealing with low level cultures? Are you kidding? Did I mention the H.E.L.L. bombardment device? What do YOU think the Dynasty did with low level cultures? They conquered them or 'removed' them, depending on which was more economically feasible. Specifically, any culture or society is given a choice on first contact. You may join the Dynasty and become citizens, which means taxes, or you may be reduced to molecular components and scattered across the planet as fertilizer.

This unit thinks it is good idea to listen what primitives are talking about us. If we can break into their communication network then we can leech off some historical data. Or some other data, like updated world maps.
Is there any satellites left by any change?

You open up the receivers to the civilian transmission source to the north. It's mostly junk, sounds like advertisements and music and stuff. Cultural. Boring. Fits the profile of this technology level. You get some police scanner information too, so that's fun. Some guy is getting mugged. Anyway... satellites? Well that is hard to tell while you're moving but you set up some long-exposure shots. It will be dirty.

You see its really hard to spot a satellite without:

1. The satellite transmitting at you
2. You pulsing an active sensor like a radar pulse (which CCC has locked down)

So... you're reliant on visual observation and passive reception. You don't detect any orbital radio sources right now. If there are any, they might be tight-beamed to ground stations, p2p laser links (though atmospheres tend to make that hard), or just silent.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Hull 101
« Reply #58 on: March 12, 2015, 12:03:14 pm »

This unit thinks it is good idea to listen what primitives are talking about us. If we can break into their communication network then we can leech off some historical data. Or some other data, like updated world maps.
Is there any satellites left by any change?

I also must concur with tapping into communication networks, if we are lucky we might even be able to learn at least some of there language. Or even get some official reports to satisfy CCC and verify that it's instructions are useless.
Kids make great meat shields.
I nominate endlessblaze as our chief military executive!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Hull 101
« Reply #59 on: March 12, 2015, 12:28:17 pm »

This unit thinks it is good idea to listen what primitives are talking about us. If we can break into their communication network then we can leech off some historical data. Or some other data, like updated world maps.
Is there any satellites left by any change?

I also must concur with tapping into communication networks, if we are lucky we might even be able to learn at least some of there language.
I think EWAR already did while we weren't looking. <_<

Anyway, let's make a primitive drone out of ITL-5 materials in that military base. It will be like a crafts project. Can we?

I tried to play chess but two of my opponents were playing competitive checkers as a third person walked in with Game of Thrones in hand confused cause they thought this was the book club.
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