You decide to put 10 of your Unskilled Followers to work on setting up a Camp just within the nearest Cave Entrance, They work fairly quickly and will more than likely finish within 2-3 weeks. The Unskilled Followers start Barricading the Cave Entrance with Scrap Metal. You ask Rick what he's so excited about and he very enthusiastically says,
"Why, There's GOLD in these Mountains, And enough Iron and Coal to last us for Decades!"You decide to send all of the Ruffians and leftover Unskilled Followers to search the area around
The Aether's Spear for any dangers. They each grab a Light Assault Rifle and Templar Grunt Exo-Suit and set out in 7 groups of 8 Scouts.
You deduce that the Snow can be melted down into drinking water, Although The Travelers would prefer Rum, Or failing that, Grog.
You ask the Mechanics what you'd need to repair
The Aether's Spear.
"Well, We'll need a Few Electronics for the Engines and Cannon Decks, And Preferably some actual Metal to work with, If you want us to fix the Hull and Armor We could just use Scrap, But it'd take much longer."
They get to work on the Ship's Hull using the Scrap.
Two Weeks Later...
It seems as if though More Food is disappearing than usual...
Your Unskilled Followers have successfully Established a Base Camp in the Cave. By Establish a Base Camp they mean that they managed to set up a Breathable Space in the cave that won't get below 10 degrees, Hopefully.
The Scout Parties return, and have news.
One only comes back with 5 Scouts who tell you that a Few Monsters resembling overgrown Polar Bears ambushed them and Crippled the others and that the rest of the Scouts ran, Thinking that they didn't have enough firepower to deal with it.
One came back with only 7 Scouts, And explain that one of them fell down a Gorge that was concealed by snow.
One didn't come back at all.
The Rest of them made it without casualties and report that there are plentiful Snow Animals that seem to be good for Eating and Sacrificing.
Upon hearing the Reports one of the Unskilled Followers says that he used to work as an Animal Tamer, But that he mostly just dealt with dogs.
You don't know whether it's safe enough for Rick to go Prospecting so you just have him Mine in the Cave Shelter with a guard of 6 Ruffians.
The War Priests start setting up a Temple in the Cave Shelter using Rocks and Ice.
Your Mechanics make a little progress on the Hull, But it's barely noticeable.
Your Men come to the consensus that the Colony needs an actual name, And a select few ask you to change the Job Designations to something more befitting the Travelers.
Great Pilot
Great Public Speaker
Decent Pistol User
Decent Swordsman
Adequate Leader
Red Feathered Black Hat(Worn)
Cybernetic Eyepatch(Worn)
Buckled Long Coat(Worn)
Black Boots(Worn)
Stolen Templar Officer's Saber(In Scabbard)
6 One-Shot Laser Pistols(In Buckled Long Coat)
Book Of The Ether, The Aether, and last but not least, The Void(In Buckled Long Coat)
Nostalgic Swashbuckler
Mentally Insane
Extremely Charismatic
60 Followers in All
33 Unskilled Followers
20 Former Ruffians
4 Fanatical War-Priests
3 Former Ship Mechanics
1 Former Prospector
1 Former Dog-Tamer
Cannon Decks:
Boarding Hooks:
Life Support Systems:
Sacrificial Chambers:
Cargo Bay:
Crew Quarters:
Captain's Quarters:
Command Bridge:
1 Natural Landing Pad
1 Poorly Barricaded Cave Shelter
1 Slightly Expanded Mining Tunnel (1/10)
1 Half-Finished Scrap Metal Shrine (3/6)
113 Templar Grunt's Exo-Suits
5 Templar Officer's Exo-Suits
88 Light Laser Assault Rifles
25 Heavy Plasma Cannons
5 Templar Officer's Sabers
220 Scrap Metal
112 Monthly Rations
1 Mining Drill