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Author Topic: From Heads Unworthy [SG]  (Read 2967 times)


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Re: From Heads Unworthy [SG]
« Reply #15 on: March 20, 2015, 10:38:40 am »


Okay, send word to the commander of the garrison of my thanks. I want to start building up a second army like Capazzo's men. If someone claims the capital then we will be forced to take it back or we risk law to be stepped on forever. An without law our enemies will see our weaknesses quick enough to occupy our Kingdom.

Are there any Lords nearby who's loyalty they would pledge to me?"

What about the rest of this?

Cryxis, Prince of Doom

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Re: From Heads Unworthy [SG]
« Reply #16 on: March 20, 2015, 02:03:01 pm »

((Didn't have time for it, I've been on a military base all day with JROTC getting yelled at by drill Sargents))
"A message will be sent upon arrival at the fort. We believe the city is still in a power struggle but we do know that parts of the castle were set ablaize. There is a military force stationed at the fort.
As for loyal lords and such we have a list of several of your cousins who have sworn loyalty and a few from other kingdoms who may be able to give military support. We won't know till we can get everything in order at the fort however. Anything else?"
Fueled by caffeine, nicotine, and a surprisingly low will to live.
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Re: From Heads Unworthy [SG]
« Reply #17 on: March 20, 2015, 04:19:34 pm »

"Yes, Lets get a move on. Whoever is behind this will suffer a fate worse than death to attempt such a power grab of my motherland. There will be no mercy and much blood I swear it upon my beloved fathers grave. I just wish he wasn't the man that he was...

I wish he trusted me when I spoke to him about the people. Now blood will flow through the streets as I imagine brothers will fight brothers for ideology. "

Move quickly to the fort and stop by nowhere.

((Also sorry to hear that. JROTC for me was never that cool I did CAP for encampments/basic training type stuff. It was fun and I hope you like it, else I feel bad for you.))

Cryxis, Prince of Doom

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Re: From Heads Unworthy [SG]
« Reply #18 on: March 20, 2015, 04:39:49 pm »

((Don't feel sorry, we were on base and they were giving us a tour of basic training stuff and some of the experiences of it, I didn't directly get yelled at like some of the others but they did hell at us as a whole, was pretty fun though.))

"Yes I fear we may experience another period of civil war in this nation. Sad to see it come to this.
Until we can ensure your father is dead you will remain Prince but you currently have full military and monistary control. We will take camp here for a few hours to rest as some men are tired and the horses are carrying heavy loads. After that we will make haste for the fort. In he mean time feel free to talk to your men or sleep or eat or whatever you want to do m'lord"
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Re: From Heads Unworthy [SG]
« Reply #19 on: March 20, 2015, 07:16:20 pm »

((What's monistry?))

Speak with everyone privately in your tent.

With Daniel..

"Daniel, I want you to tell me everything about the radicals. How they started, where, known constituents, and how active have they been.

It's time I have a more in depth look at the factions of this kingdom."

With Capazzo..

"Capazzo, I'm going to have a meeting with the garrison commander. How should I act? I'm planning that with time other lords will join us and I want to be in charge 100% of the time.

Also, do you know anything about these lands. Anything that I should know?"

With Evelyn..

"Evelyn, I want to spar with you. I'm not angry I just need to feel active. Would you be willing to accommodate my selfish request?"

Basically know what we need to and start training.

EDIT: Ask the same questions with both advisers and compare the answers.
« Last Edit: March 20, 2015, 07:58:01 pm by 3man75 »

Cryxis, Prince of Doom

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Re: From Heads Unworthy [SG]
« Reply #20 on: March 20, 2015, 08:47:06 pm »

((Meant to say monetarily))
[last name picked, Verne. Character's full name: Malechiah Verne]

(Sorry if I'm not very specific with things, the way you said this made it seem like you just want short trips to get the gist of things)

Daniel: There are several radical groups, the one that attacked the castle was most likely the Delmas group, they are funded by a lord from inside the kingdom though we don't know which one, the funding is enough that they could have hired the mercenaries. The other groups don't seem to have the funding or the will to make such a big attack. They started as an anti-Clayburn/ anti-feudal group who received support from a lord recently when they started making attacks on guards and trade caravans. They are found in south western cities but some members have been seen in western regions as well.((just a heads up, your kingdom is about twice the size of France.)) They haven't been too active, just an attack on a caravan here and there or a scuffle with a town guard or two. But this may have been them because they would be the most likely to have the funding for it.

Capazzo: Act formal and serious, he's not one for jokes or laziness. Not saying that you are lazy but he is a very.... Traditional man. He will not expect you to bow or anything like that because you outrank him. He will have his men give a salute then he'll salute you, just give one back and they will lower their salute, expect a show, he will want to impress his new boss. Give him a compliment or two if you want. Try to act professional and pay attention to what he may have to say. Other than that, practice your regular table manners and make sure to thank him for his time.
Things you should know about these lands are simple, don't go into the woods alone, don't trust strange men in strange places, don't tell normal folk who you are, and keep a friend close by. If you meant the lands as in the terrain, the south is filled with farming plains and has your kingdom's largest quarry, the south east holding farms, south west holding the quarry, a mine, and a major city. The east has your largest city that keeps trade routes with your neighbors. The west has another large city and a political hall for delegates from all around and borders one of your enemy states, the north holds cold temperatures, small cities, large farms, great woods, and alcohol production, few major city's are located here but a couple major forts are as they were built to protect from your western enemies.

Evelyne: As you enter the tent ((these are large open room tents BTW not small ones)) as you enter the tent someone tackles you holding a wooden spoon to the back of your neck. In a familiar voice you here her speak,"Gotta keep your guard up young Prince, wouldn't want to die so quickly"
((This leaves you on the ground on her tent with her ontop of you holding a spoon to your neck.))
(Just noticed the update but I already typed this out so I'll give you this and answer the factions stuff later When I acctualy know what I'm doing for that)
What do you do?
Fueled by caffeine, nicotine, and a surprisingly low will to live.
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Re: From Heads Unworthy [SG]
« Reply #21 on: March 20, 2015, 09:26:41 pm »

With Daniel..

"The Delmas group..So they don't have any figure heads or maybe some known members anywhere? I'd like to capture one and work my way inside until I find the Lord responcible for their funding. His terroist actions are putting many in danger."

With Capazzo..
"Traditional man and he wants to be saluted. Fine just as a matter of practice *salute capazzo*. Like that? Can you get me a map of the country Capazzo I want to have my brain wrapped around the idea of administrating it now that this mess has happened.

One more thing, I'm going to need men to take back the capital in case who ever did this plans to hold the city hostage. Any ideas should this dreary situation come to pass?"

With Evelyne..

"Get off. I'm not very much in the mood after this raid.

Listen, I need your help right now. I'm planning on taking back the capital but I want your opinion on this from a Citizens mind. What would the average peasant in the capital be doing about now?

Also with such a large bottom how do you sneak around so well?"

After this just go to our tent to sleep. Make sure to have a dagger with us though in case of anything.
« Last Edit: March 21, 2015, 11:55:44 am by 3man75 »

Cryxis, Prince of Doom

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Re: From Heads Unworthy [SG]
« Reply #22 on: March 20, 2015, 09:58:51 pm »

((Will make another big update tomorrow. Also Evylyne is upper middle class, lower noble class. She's not rich like you but she's never been a peasant.))
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Re: From Heads Unworthy [SG]
« Reply #23 on: March 20, 2015, 10:12:56 pm »

Can I change that to citizen instead of peasant?

Cryxis, Prince of Doom

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Re: From Heads Unworthy [SG]
« Reply #24 on: March 21, 2015, 11:02:19 am »

Update in an hour or two maybe depending on what's going on today
Fueled by caffeine, nicotine, and a surprisingly low will to live.
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Cryxis, Prince of Doom

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Re: From Heads Unworthy [SG]
« Reply #25 on: March 21, 2015, 05:11:06 pm »

Daniel: "The have a few known members, we usualy collect names like those as ring leaders or something like that. I can access some files at the fort and send letters for the rest. The Lord may be from the inside or there is a slight possibility he may be a western lord, if he is he will be much more difficult to find. If I figure out any more information at the fort I will make sure to tell you."

Capazzo: "That should work, he won't criticize you but he'll be impressed. I can get you a map at the fort, we aren't too far away. If you plan on retaking the city I suggest using a part of the garrisoned units at the fort and collecting a few standard infantry from surrounding cities. You may want to sign letters as your father until we can get the word out that you are in charge."

Evylyne: "You're silly. Comments won't keep an assassin from killing you." She gets up,"If you really plan on taking the city you should lead the charge. It would give your men confidence in your bravery and belief in your people. Most of the citizens are either going to be confused, looting, or trying to take control. If an organized group takes control the citizens will go back to normal operations and the controlling group may prepare for a counter attack. You'll want to bring something to take down the walls if they havnt burnt down by now. You'll want to have as low civilian casualties as possible, this will keep them from hating you more, also when we take control back make sure to execute any who oppose your control. That will instill your power in the city and keep the citizens loyal."
You leave and go to a guarded tent to take a nap.
As you doze off you begin to dream.
You are a peasant in a crowd, there is a person who looks familiar standing at the front of the crowd, they have a large shield and an infantry sword. This person seems to be rallying the people into battle. You notice that you are carrying a pitchfork and a torch. The others are armed similarly. One in the crowd is holding a flag with your family's coat of arms. The crowd begins to charge towards a group of soilders standing outside the palisade of a small city.
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Re: From Heads Unworthy [SG]
« Reply #26 on: March 22, 2015, 12:28:25 am »

Summon our advisers to brief us on anything new. Move at the head of the troop and keep a hood on until we reach the fort. Evelyn will ride on our side.

Cryxis, Prince of Doom

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Re: From Heads Unworthy [SG]
« Reply #27 on: March 23, 2015, 05:15:59 pm »

You ride to the fort cloaked. There are no interruptions and you make it to the fort before sunset.
The great doors open upon seeing the great mass of uniformed militants. You ride in and Evylne stays at your side as you dismount and watch as Daniel informs the guards of what has happened and the groups precious VIP. The guard rushes to his superior who comes back sprinting, he salutes Daniel and your men then leads you all into the fort courtyard, the gates are now closed and the soilders are taking care of the horses. As you all make it into the courtyard you stand in formation with your men just in case.
Evelyne and Daniel stand at the head calling you all to attention, an officer enters the courtyard and yells out,"Where is our Prince?". Daniel looks at you,"You may show yourself". You uncloak and step forward, the officer smiles and gives a bow,"This way my Prince"
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Re: From Heads Unworthy [SG]
« Reply #28 on: March 23, 2015, 05:28:34 pm »

Let him lead but have Evelyne and Daniel come with. The prince cannot be anywhere without a bodyguard and Daniel is needed for the upcomming strategies.

Make sure to quickly and smartly salute the Commander when introduced to him.

"Evelyne. Daniel. Follow behind me as I intend important events that may need your advice and experiences."

Cryxis, Prince of Doom

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Re: From Heads Unworthy [SG]
« Reply #29 on: March 23, 2015, 08:38:52 pm »

He leads the three of you into a fine guest barracks,"I'm sorry for the poor ago adaptions but these will be your rooms till we can find better, the commander is preparing his hall for you and would like to speak with you in the morning. He understands you must be tired from your journey. Take all the time you need to unpack and prepare whatever you may need. We have a library in the east wing, a kitchen and dinning hall in the west, training areas in the courtyard (south), and the meeting hall/commander's war room in the north. If you have any questions speak to me or any other soilder wearing my rank." He points to the chevron with two stripes over it patched on his shoulder. "Are there any questions?"
Fueled by caffeine, nicotine, and a surprisingly low will to live.
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