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Author Topic: Zustashigėr  (Read 18143 times)


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Re: Zustashigėr
« Reply #75 on: May 29, 2008, 04:40:00 pm »

OOC:nice addition helmaroc and leoleonardoIII, the zombies(reakers) were very nice, and the energy room bit was cool.
heres a link of the tower X3 (just pick one)

RED was beond rage, "Send out twenty battallions of Seekers, and have Tower Centurians ordered to kill intruders on sight!"RED screamed at his slavemaster, who just collaped under the tremendous power of voice directed at him.

OOC:Seekers are searching reakers with extra brains, they can find a pin in a haystack the size of the moon. A battalion is two with ten Reakers.
Tower Centurians are clockwork-powered robots that make giant cave spiders look cuddly.

Smash me and I shall rise again, but not make stupid threads that get me muted.


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Re: Zustashigėr
« Reply #76 on: May 29, 2008, 07:14:00 pm »

OOC: Nice sketch, I put the third one in the main post.

The seekers immediately started sprinting after the kobold's scent, and the reakers blindly followed, but with his new powers, he had little to worry about. A seeker caught a glimpse of him running through a gate, and all of the monsters started turned on their heels at the same moment and ran after the shape. As they approached, Az recalled the power the gem had stemmed in him and he shot a blast of invisible energy into the line, knocking down the first twenty. However, over the next hill, a Tower Centurion was rumbling through, huge mechanical legs pounding the earth and knocking down trees. It's scanning view caught Az's figure and it retracted one of it's giant fists, before shooting it forward. There was a crash and a huge pit was formed upon impact, the kobold inside, crushed. However, the large pulsing gem was still touching his hand, and slowly, power shot through his arm and throughout his body, renewing him.

He sprang out of the hole and fired a blast at the giant machine, knocking it back a few feet, leaving huge ditches in the ground. He ran into the night, blasting and zapping, until the last seeker died chasing after him, leaving dozens of reakers alone in the woodlands, lost without their superior leaders.



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Re: Zustashigėr
« Reply #77 on: May 30, 2008, 12:47:00 am »

"What ARE these things?" grumbled Urist the Mechanic. He aimed, and fired his light Dwarven Crossbow at a zombie shuffling down the passage. The bolt blasted right through it, struck the cave wall at the end of the hall, and bored eight feet in before being stopped by a pocket of orpiment. The bolt pierced the zombie's left armpit, his right eye, his right lung, and his third left finger. Urist shrugged at the mediocre shot and reloaded.

"That's the last of 'em," said the brewer trudging in from a side hallway. He wiped vomit and gore from his brow, and the tiny beer stein emblem on the front of his hat gleamed in the torchlight. "They were coming in through this crack in the silk tunnels. I jammed a rock in there, it should hold just about forever no matter what."

They both heard a crash from the kitchen above, and what sounded like something very heavy crashing down and rolling away. The two dwarves looked at each other in surprise for a moment, then bounded up the stairs.

Following them in the half-darkness, in the shadows, were tiny red eyeballs floating in midair. They watched the two dwarves run off, and stared at each other. They made tiny creaking sounds back and forth, then floated off away from the commotion upstairs.

They finally came to a room with a great adamantite seal in one wall and a lever next to it. One floated up, and bumped into it. The others creaked back and forth. The one at the door looked all around, and finally found a tiny crack where the adamantite mechanisms let a faint breeze through. The eye vanished into the tiny hole, and the others followed.

The back of the door was awash with fresh blood and unidentifiable chunks. The floating red eyes moved on. Deeper into the complex, with walls engraved in horrific murderous detail, they found a huge room with a glowing pit in the center. They peered down into the hole, and saw a large blue crystal engraved with spiderweb lines and ancient runes. It was bound to the four walls by great adamantite chains, suspended in midair a hundred feet below the pit room. They quietly creaked to each other. Then they left, back through the bloody seal, back through the kobold's fissure.

Back to Red.

The Expedition Map
Basement Stuck
Haunter of Birthday Cakes, Bearded Hamburger, Intensely Off-Topic


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Re: Zustashigėr
« Reply #78 on: May 30, 2008, 06:23:00 pm »

(OOC:Litrally my biggest post to date)

RED litrally flaming with anger, killing devout elven sacrifices to 'create' a temporary replace to his soul-stone "Dracanus-stoneth" (OOC:formed over thousands of years in the heart of a purebreed dragon, a heart stone) placing it within the stone setting, RED gradually began to regain his lost powers, "Damned theives, rotten brained slaves, I'll just have to find that stone myself..." RED growled as he sat apon his throne.

Several minutes later the armor spoke to him of a tremendous find hidded within the dwarven mines, "When was it found?" RED directed towards his armor, 'under the hour' it replied, "I picked a more perfect location then I thaught, to think a Leyuka-opetner gem here!"(OOC:Leyuka-opetner was an old dwarf noble who upon finding the rare gem named it after himself and used it to increase his magical powers and later got tricked into a dead-bolt room for outragous demands) "I must obtain it but first I will retreive my lost soul-stone to fully restore my powers." RED chuckled.

RED arose from his throne, "Slave Master!, get a battalion of Teeth ready to acompany me, I'm leaving the tower to aquire gems and stones." (OOC:Teeth are the most powerful footsoliders at RED's dispoil, created from RED's own flesh, they are conected to him at all times,covered in teeth, fangs, and the like,  these guys make triple dragon seiges seem fun)

Looking back at the tower RED saw that the entire structure of the tower was now being forced towards the center of the lava pool, "Thats the magnetic safty system, in action for you." (OOC: the tower is now floating several hundred feat above lava and at least fifty feet from the cliff enterance)

"Now to find and kill that Kobold scum, (OOC:When, not if, RED finds the kobold the healing power of the gem will be redirected by RED's presence)
and to get that Leyuka-opetner gem!"(OOC:The spiderweb engraved gem in the dwarves vault)

(OOC:RED is marching around looking for the Kobold theif, with fifty Teeth constructs)

[ May 30, 2008: Message edited by: DreaDFanG ]

Smash me and I shall rise again, but not make stupid threads that get me muted.


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Re: Zustashigėr
« Reply #79 on: June 02, 2008, 11:16:00 am »

OOC: Sorry, I just can't think of anything, but Dark posted a while ago in the corrupt a wish thread, maybe he'll see this and return!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Zustashigėr
« Reply #80 on: June 05, 2008, 10:50:00 am »

Yeah we get it, Red is super kewl and awesome and stuff, and his penis is bigger than anyone else's. Plus because he's evil he must be even COOLER right? And there ain't nothing gonna break his stride, ain't nothing gonna slow him down! OH NO! He got to keep on GROOVIN!

Look, I've tried, but interesting stories don't come out of invulnerable supermen. And every time someone shows a weakness in Red you come over and zip it up, piling on more badassery.

I don't think I can write in this story anymore! And I think I know why your source material for Red only went a couple issues: the author got bored and realized Red is a dead end!

C'mon. "Here's this evil character, who orders everyone around, and his minions are tougher than the most dangerous of anything else."
*Wind blows a tumbleweed through town*
"Oh and he's even more powerful on Wednesdays, too."


The Expedition Map
Basement Stuck
Haunter of Birthday Cakes, Bearded Hamburger, Intensely Off-Topic


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Re: Zustashigėr
« Reply #81 on: June 06, 2008, 05:07:00 pm »

OOC: I gots an idea.

RED continued across the fields searching for the kobold and the gems. Suddenly, his Teeth, with their extreme sense, felt a presence across the valley. They turned to see a hydra, moving towards them. It was a legendary seven-header, deadly as hell. The Teeth far outnumbered and possibly even outmatched the lone hydra, so after a wave of agreement shot through their single mind, they charged at their racing speed towards the reptilian beast.

As the Teeth approached the towering monster, it reared it reared it's heads back, readying itself for the contact. The first Teeth (tooth, hehe?) jumped onto the hydra's stomach, to be torn in half by two heads both wanting a piece. As the hydra's heads shot all around hitting the Teeth, RED continued charging from the back of the herd. He drew his longsword and sliced off one of the heads in one fluid motion. The others, alarmed, all charged at once towards the metal man. They hit at the same time, killing one of themselves instantly. As their maws pulled against both RED and themselves, their fear instinct began to kick in.

The hydra was killing itself, with all the heads biting onto one another. RED's arms were each caught in a toothy maw, and his Teeth were jumping onto the mass of metal, heads and blood, creating a chaotic confusion. As the hydra's purple blood flowed into his joints, RED's anger was at it's maximum. But, without his gem-ridden power, he was not as strong as he would have been, and he was losing consciousness due to other-wordly magic pain. When your body is fused together by magic, and kept alive by magic, magic is also used to complete every normal bodily function, including nerves. So RED was hurting just as much as a very tough human would be if his arms were getting ripped off.

The Teeth were sending many thoughts into their base of mind, and their hostility was as dark as it got. They were ripping up the hydra, themselves, some even clawed at RED in the confusion. After about ten minutes of the screaming and moaning, the hydra fell on it's back, three heads gone, and the rest either dead or squirming. The remaining Teeth tore up the hydra's stomach, spewing purple blood and thick guts all over the field, the corpses, and RED. RED was at his utmost anger, he was in great pain, he was immobile, he didn't even have his stupid slave driver to help him. His Teeth could do little in the means of healthcare, as they were created to kill.

Kutarlin had overheard the battle from his underground hole, and he had watched it about mid-battle. He saw the towering Teeth and the hydra, RED and all the blood. He grimaced, and sent a powerful, anger-fueled blast towards the mass. RED, and his minions were killed by the power that created them. Of course, RED wasn't DEAD, as he couldn't die of course. But he had no construct, no body, except his head and a mass of mangled metal that had formed his body. He was an armless torso, and he was alone on the dark fields of Zustashiger.



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Re: Zustashigėr
« Reply #82 on: June 06, 2008, 11:41:00 pm »

RED unconsious from the battle in which he was torn, ripped and slashed, to a pile of limbs blood and metal fragments, was josled out of coherence, and had a rather turning dream, of himself as a small child fighting his present self, a big metal monster, and with the recent damaging events the monster was weakened within him mind (OOC:split personalities for good and evil) giving the goodness within him to rise up and strike a blow to the heart of his evil self, awaking as a new pile of gore, RED is evil no longer.

"Final killed that demon of mine!", 'Master?' the armor begged for a anwser, "Armor, is that you?", 'Master, it is but we're kind of in a bad situation', "How so?", 'The body has been heavily damaged by a hydra and your teeth', "Armor, you should know better, animate the metal and gather any flesh you can and form it into a body so we can return to the tower."

Over the next several minutes, the chunks of metal, melted limbs and twisted fragments of body armor moved and colected onto RED's remains...turning, twisting and bending turned into a patchwork body, having to steal flesh from both teeth and hydra, RED's monsterous apperation finally began to return to the tower.

Several grewling hours later after being followed by animals and the such, RED made it to the tower.

Upon seeing him a Reaker called for three tower centurians to carry RED to the throne room.

After being placed on his throne, RED set the Tower Centurians to carry all intruders to the dungon for questioning and set all reavers to be tower patrolers, afterwards he had several Reavers to return the stolen human statue, with an apologie and an invitation to attend a feast, to be held in the tower, to liven the villagers up, the dwarves are also invited and are being sent a big cask of Achient Dwarven Brew.(OOC:Warning this Brew is the strongest and even being in the same room as it makes one drunk, a untold boon to the dwarves)

Smash me and I shall rise again, but not make stupid threads that get me muted.


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Re: Zustashigėr
« Reply #83 on: June 07, 2008, 07:55:00 am »

OOC: Great job DreaDFanG, sorry I had to cut him down with the hydra, but he just was too powerful even without the gem.


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Re: Zustashigėr
« Reply #84 on: June 07, 2008, 12:35:00 pm »

(OOC:thats fine...but the ale is going to the dwarves, and a Feast is being held at the Tower.)

[ June 07, 2008: Message edited by: DreaDFanG ]

Smash me and I shall rise again, but not make stupid threads that get me muted.


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Re: Zustashigėr
« Reply #85 on: June 11, 2008, 08:46:00 pm »

The guards saw the reakers coming, and their first impulse was to signal the town to prepare for another battle. However, they also saw the statue and the more perceptive of the guards may have noticed a single rotting watermelon as well, so they instead readied themselves in case and spread the news of the incoming party to the rest of the town.

OOC: Sorry, I'd write more but I have a horrid headache at the time and I can't think straight.



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Re: Zustashigėr
« Reply #86 on: June 11, 2008, 10:15:00 pm »

Well I cant realy post anymore for now ...RED's just sitting around being fixed.
Smash me and I shall rise again, but not make stupid threads that get me muted.


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Re: Zustashigėr
« Reply #87 on: June 12, 2008, 02:33:00 pm »

The reakers marched through the opened gates, grunting in unison, and carried the statue to it's ruined stump. They also left the watermelon in the street. The leader raised the mangled sheet of parchment to the cowering messenger, who then ran to give the news of the feast to all the nobles. The reakers then exited the still town and returned to the tower. The nobles and lords regarded the invitation carefully, many turned down the offer in fear or pride. But, a few dozen accepted after some pondering.

The parade of the guests rode out of the gates on their horses, the thunder of the hooves on stone rattled down the street. They all brought at least a couple of servants and guards apiece, to aid the kitchens of the host, and guard the celebration, as was tradition, however, most of the guards were ordered to protect their employers rather than the rest of the guests and RED's faculty.



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Re: Zustashigėr
« Reply #88 on: June 12, 2008, 02:51:00 pm »

Back at the tower the pool of lava bubbled, swelled and split to reveal several large flat magnetic plates that lined up and formed a bridge to the tower(5 DF tiles wide by 40 across)
Smash me and I shall rise again, but not make stupid threads that get me muted.


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Re: Zustashigėr
« Reply #89 on: July 13, 2008, 03:30:31 pm »

As the guests arrived and escorted through the tower, something was amiss in the town. The large dead tree that towered over the graveyard had been stocked fully with crows. These however, were not ordinary. Their red eyes burned into the darkness. The really peculiar thing was that they were so close together. There wasn't an inch of space left on the branches, they were all packed together, all facing the same direction.

The cemetery was located on a hill, overlooking the town. The red eyes glared down at the cloaked figure by the fountain. The figure was pouring something into the fountain from a flask, before turning and running down the street. The crows simultaneously sprang from the tree, soaring after the figure. Not one of them was ruffled by another, they were in perfect flight.

They landed on the statue of the fountain, watching as the figure slipped to the well. He again poured something into the water, and again was followed by the flock as he moved on.

That night every water supply was tainted with the strange liquid. However, the figure's departure may have been the strangest thing that night. He ran about a half mile into the field, his cloak trailing behind him. Then, the crows flocked around him, covering him in feathers and eyes. Then, all of the squirming birds fused together, and there was a flurry of black upon the figure. The figure's cloak tore off, revealing the aberration.

Apparently, the figure had been humanoid of some sort before the crows formed this new beast. It was some sort of crow-man, his mouth was replaced by a crooked beak, his clothes fell and he sprouted feathers. His fingers writhed and crackled two nothing as his arms cracked and moaned, spreading behind him as wings. His shoes ripped as three talons forced their way out of his skin. His eyes glowed red, lacking iris and pupil.

There was an earsplitting caw, which awoke many across the town, and the beast flew into the blackness surrounding the mountains.

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