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Author Topic: Zustashigėr  (Read 18144 times)


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Re: Zustashigėr
« Reply #45 on: May 14, 2008, 03:19:00 pm »

Do you think changing the thread title would be a good idea?  Y'know, so it doesn't have the weird character-pointers?  Here's the character it needs: ė

Awww...  Kinda cute, ain't it?


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Re: Zustashigėr
« Reply #46 on: May 14, 2008, 03:21:00 pm »



[ May 14, 2008: Message edited by: Helmaroc ]



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Re: Zustashigėr
« Reply #47 on: May 14, 2008, 06:31:00 pm »

All was quiet, but then from an area near the river, a shovel blade was shoved up from underground. It then disappeared back into the soil. Another moment, and it was pushed up again, forming a larger hole. After a few more shoves, a kobold hopped out of the hole. It glanced around, and hopped back in. About a dozen kobolds then surfaced, all looking alike. They quickly ran into the woods, later to return carrying rocks. They continued making trips like this, taking the rocks into their tunnels. After about fifty rocks were moved, they ceased to return to the surface.


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Re: Zustashigėr
« Reply #48 on: May 15, 2008, 05:55:00 am »

From within the depths of reality, there came an imbalance.  This imbalance, forged in the time of creation, manifested itself in the form of a giant rose with a stem as thick as a tree trunk and petals of utter darkness.  Death, as palpable as smoke, swirled about the petals as the ground near the stem began to die and turn to ash.  As the Witherbloom sank its roots deeper into the soil and pushed its thorns farther out from the stem, pale grey clouds collected overhead to cover the witherlands in a shroud of gloom.

If left alone, the imbalance would twist the world into a charred mockery of its former beauty.  And so began the age of the Black Rose.  The Witherbloom.

There, a plot device.  Have fun.


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Re: Zustashigėr
« Reply #49 on: May 15, 2008, 07:03:00 pm »

OOC: DreadFanG and Dark, my main writers, feel free to 'bring back' former elements. The changling didn't get to develop much in the story, and it would be interesting to have him/it? back.


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Re: Zustashigėr
« Reply #50 on: May 16, 2008, 01:02:00 am »

I haven't seen Dark for ages, and from the sound of things when I last heard from him he's probably not going to be coming back any time soon.

DreaDFanG...  Well, who knows?  Hard to tell with him.


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Re: Zustashigėr
« Reply #51 on: May 16, 2008, 08:07:00 pm »

Kagus, could you help keep this alive? I'm sure you can think of something. Please, the little children depend on it.


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Re: Zustashigėr
« Reply #52 on: May 17, 2008, 11:31:00 am »

The houses in the hamlet of Torgrin's Dell began to warm as the morning sun crested the hill that flanked the Eastern side of the hamlet.  The farmers who made the majority of the population had already been awake and outside for some hours, in order to get as much work done in the fields before the sun reached its noonday zenith and made labor too hot to consider.  The straw hats that had earlier served to warm their heads from the pre-dawn chill were now fending off the heating rays of the sun as it slowly made its way up towards its rightful throne at the top of the sky.

They swung their scythes and threshed the grain, and all fell into the routine that had been practiced for years beyond memory in Torgrin's Dell.  But today would be different.

The farmers looked up as they heard the rumbling sound.  Their first thought was that of thunder, but the sky showed no storm signs.  They did not have long to ponder what the source of the sound was, for it soon made itself horrifyingly clear.

A veritable army of wild animals, their eyes white and their mouths frothing in sheer panic stampeded down from the hilltop and made their way blindly towards the fields.  The farmers tried to run, but few had the speed or even the youth to outpace the animal horde that fled the encroaching witherlands.

Most were injured, some were killed, not a one was left unaffected.  The animals stormed through the hamlet, crashing into buildings and entangling themselves into fences in their rush to get away from the unnatural wastelands that were still a few miles off.  Few of the townsfolk were outside at the time, but some of the elders had come out to smoke their pipes and watch the sun come up, and their legs were far too old and brittle to fully escape the horde as it passed through.  

After the creatures had passed and left behind only the dead or wounded who had broken their own necks or legs in the stampede, Torgrin's Dell looked  as though it had been through a war.  The townsfolk, now more awake than they ever would have expected to be at this hour, came out of their homes to survey the damage and see which of their own had been hurt in the chaos.

They bemoaned the tattered state of their village, but none could have imagined what would happen to Torgrin's Dell at the end of the following week, when the witherlands came.

Hrrmph.  This kind of loose storytelling isn't really my style.  Best I could come up with.


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Re: Zustashigėr
« Reply #53 on: May 17, 2008, 10:28:00 pm »

Well, that is some good writing, but kind of unclear.
1. Where is Torgrin's Dell?
2. Where did it come from?


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Re: Zustashigėr
« Reply #54 on: May 18, 2008, 08:42:00 am »

1. Torgrin's Dell is somewhere.  It is vaguely in the direction of the Witherbloom, and is the bloom's first official conquest.

2. My imagination, ye daft git.  Do I have to do everything around here?  Pah!

Counter-question, where did those kobolds come from?  Eh?  EH??

Ehh...  Right.  Essentially, it came from a bunch of people who settled there several decades earlier, and just recently came into view.  By us, mind you.  It's not like it used to be some sort of invisible town.


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Re: Zustashigėr
« Reply #55 on: May 18, 2008, 11:38:00 am »

Alright. So Torgrin's Dell is in the area of Zustashiger?


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Re: Zustashigėr
« Reply #56 on: May 18, 2008, 11:44:00 am »

Ah, hadn't read the rules before.  Yeah, it's near it, near enough for the women to do their washing in it.  Thing is, the Witherbloom most certainly isn't.  It was put in place to be a sort of "adventurer destination", something the other folks would write stories about trying to destroy.

Sooo....   I guess it's time for a godly weedwhacker.  The bloom's a bit to "big" to stay inside the boundaries of the Zustashigėr area.


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Re: Zustashigėr
« Reply #57 on: May 18, 2008, 03:19:00 pm »

Ah, thank you. Now, to edit...

And, should the 'effects' of the Witherbloom spread to Zushtashiger? Or should they be weaker than I have posted?

[ May 18, 2008: Message edited by: Helmaroc ]



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Re: Zustashigėr
« Reply #58 on: May 18, 2008, 03:32:00 pm »

Eventually, yes.  But certainly not until more people start to take an interest.  

Yes, Torgrin's Dell is a human town.  As far as the Witherbloom effects, they're fine.  If anything, it's more powerful, snuffing out all but unnatural life.


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Re: Zustashigėr
« Reply #59 on: May 18, 2008, 03:50:00 pm »

Near the edge of the valley, where rocky outcrops scatter the ground, a small thing appeared from the mist. It was short, humanoid. It began to run at alarming speed towards the village. However, in the darkness, nothing seemed to notice. As it got closer to the lantern-light of the city, details could be made  out and assumptions to what the creature was. It was a gnome, shorter and slimmer than a dwarf, but hairy nonetheless. It quickly snuck through the walls and vanished in the dark streets.
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