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Author Topic: Zustashigėr  (Read 18141 times)


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Re: Zustashigėr
« Reply #30 on: March 23, 2008, 02:48:00 am »

Fire, Fury, Anger uncontroled and rapidly escalating. Bellowing roars of pure rage. Dreadfang a once curious, confused, compasionate changling has all but vanished in this tremendous cascade of anger. "Elves!", "Dwarves!", "Humans!", he fumed these words clawing at the enterance to his hollow, fire-ing his gaze out the small hole he saw the last thorn in his side, "WAR!", He roared, and at this his last shred of conscious thaught was torn apart. What follows can only be discribes as "Hell breaking loose", Now Dreadfang earns his name because all that one can feel is dread. None are safe, From this beast from the blackness of anger, so powerful it turns the sky black in mourning for the deaths to ensue. With the power of fear and the weapons of fang, claw, scale, and flame, even a dragon of boldest stature would beg for life at the hand of this "Nightmarish Beast".

(OOC:Ok imagine a dragon, claws, teeth, scales, and fire. Now with this dragon in your mind imagine a warped and corruped perspective of a dragon at least three times the size of the first dragon with exagerated features, that would be Dreadfang's current apperance. He fly-ing around breathing fire right now.
Note that if the war doesn't end soon he will rain fire upon everthing outside.

Also the first post should be edited more into "The beheaded elf is now alive the dwarves have/are dug trences/built a wall, 80 elves now not 3 + how many dwarves are there exactly?   Oh and the Changling is flying around in dragonish form... the sky is now blackened and a large section of the forest near the river is charred and the river downstream from this contains fallen soot.
Also sorry for BIG POSTS!

[ March 23, 2008: Message edited by: DreaDFanG ]

Smash me and I shall rise again, but not make stupid threads that get me muted.


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Re: Zustashigėr
« Reply #31 on: March 23, 2008, 09:52:00 am »

The entire area was in havoc. No one was sleeping, all were either fighting, fleeing or dying. Except one. The human across the river was sitting calmly, smiling even. He pulled out his flute, played a sharp note, the beginning of a long song. The river began to boil and shake. Colossal humanoid mounds of stone and earth began to rise. Out of the burning fires men of fire started to sprint out and melt nearby creatures. The enraged changling attacked them, and burned down or shattered many of these elementals, but they did not stop. Out of the air rain started to pour, causing smoke and steam to flood all oxygen. All of the dwarves were dead, and not many elves were still alive, the ones that were alive had gone insane. The changeling was attacking anything that moved, even flying mounds of ash. Suddenly, the human's calm demeanor disappeared. He held out his flute, and snapped it in two, and with that, he vanished. But the elementals kept coming.


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Re: Zustashigėr
« Reply #32 on: March 24, 2008, 04:59:00 am »

(OOC:Nice retort post exactly in the spirt of things!)

Dreadfang having destroyed everything, from dwarf to elf to elementals rised from the destruction, The forests were gone burned in his fury, the ground melted in his rage, the stone battered in his anger. Gone all gone.

With the land desroyed and the cause of the war between elf and dwarf and changling, gone. (Points at the wizard) the cause was pulled from the fires, figurativly. The fuel beneath Dreadfang's rage had gone out, but with the the imposing danger of the elementals still looming he had to remain dragoned out to survive. (His reason has returned) for three days and nights he faught the relentless elementals. Tired wounded and heavily bleeding he destroyed them...until suddenly they stopped (Magic Effect whole life). Dreadfang Roared a Triumphant bellowing howl, "Alive, But at what cost?" he said shrinking and returning to normal shape. Burning, destroyed, dead, ruined, all gone. Dropping to his knees and wailing crys of torment. Weeping there in the dust he saw a freeshly grown fire-bloom. "Even from Death can come", looking around he started gathering his memory of the risen elf. "If humans can do it so can I!" The sound, the stance, the energy. As he mused the wizard's action something unexpected happened that thrilled Dreadfang with joy, The plants near him were alive again, and when he directed the sound at a tree it to sprung back to verdancy. "Higher, louder, I will give life back." so he flew high above the clouds and began an erupting canter that would litraly "Wake the dead".

(OOC:Life is returning to the area the dead are returning to life, normal life. But for the far long dead who knows?   Hint:Zombie raisings. No whole magic  life on resurections.)


[ March 24, 2008: Message edited by: DreaDFanG ]

Smash me and I shall rise again, but not make stupid threads that get me muted.


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Re: Zustashigėr
« Reply #33 on: March 24, 2008, 04:47:00 pm »

Dreadfang continued to raise plants and animals. Then he began to 'clean' the ground my using magic to clear away ash and form new life in the soil. As he turned away from his first patch of cleaned land, it began to wiggle. A bony hand forced through the soil, and a moan was heard deep in the earth. Dreadfang did not notice, and continued to clean the soil and in turn, revive to ancient dead. They don't like to be revived.


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Re: Zustashigėr
« Reply #34 on: March 27, 2008, 04:52:00 pm »

(OOC:considering the above post here is a re-write.)

Dreadfang continued to return life to plants and animals* and dwarves and elves*(while fly-ing high up in the sky). Touching down he then began to 'clean' the dust (using his wings) to blow away ash that had settled in to a heavy blanket. As he turned away from his first patch of cleaned earth, strangly it began to wiggle. A bony hand forced through the soil, and a moan was heard deep in the earth. Dreadfang did not take heed, and continued to clean the soil and in turn, return life to the ancient dead. Unfortunetly they don't like to be desturbed...

(OOC:If you are going to write actions with my character expect them to be "finalized", not to be obsesive but I like consistancy)

Smash me and I shall rise again, but not make stupid threads that get me muted.


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Re: Zustashigėr
« Reply #35 on: March 27, 2008, 04:54:00 pm »

OOC: I don't see why you rewrote it, but that is fine with me)


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Re: Zustashigėr
« Reply #36 on: March 27, 2008, 09:16:00 pm »

I like suportive details.
/hug helmaroc
/cry for being mis-understood
/drink to feel better
/sleep on the floor after falling down drunk
Smash me and I shall rise again, but not make stupid threads that get me muted.


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Re: Zustashigėr
« Reply #37 on: March 28, 2008, 06:15:00 am »

(OOC: we need Dark to post. Or another writer)


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Re: Zustashigėr
« Reply #38 on: March 28, 2008, 06:46:00 am »

(OOC: Sorry, all this death and destruction kinda derailed the story I was following and I dont know where to start now. I supose I could come up with some zombie hunting uber dragon lord of awesomeness or something. Nah I'm just joking, I might come back if someone manages to fix the thread. Goodluck!)
Fire of Algir Mountain - A quest that doesn't involve getting a crown.


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Re: Zustashigėr
« Reply #39 on: March 28, 2008, 08:24:00 am »

Dreadfang raises the last of the dwarves(from a distance)and they go about repairing their broken fortress.

(OOC:Fixed XD)

Smash me and I shall rise again, but not make stupid threads that get me muted.


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Re: Zustashigėr
« Reply #40 on: March 28, 2008, 05:29:00 pm »

With the life restored (though some of the dwarves are very tan) the place begins to regain it's activity. But, one day, a dwarf was out chopping wood, when something moved out of the corner of his eye. He turned to see a blank bony face staring at him. He yelped and hacked away at the being. After it was fairly diced, he realized it was a zombie. "I need to drink more," he muttered and ran inside to tell the others.


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Re: Zustashigėr
« Reply #41 on: April 01, 2008, 04:47:00 pm »

The zombies of course, did not die, as they were dead. But, it is possible to stop them, by cutting off all their limbs and their heads so they resemble those strange statues that humans like. So, the dwarves did this, and made a large pile of squirming undead stub-lings. Once in a while, a severed leg would hop about, trying to find it's matching body, (and often attaching to the wrong one, or even something else, which explains the strange five-legged cow incident) but for now the undead were taken care of, and the life was fairly normal again. However, not all of the risen were simple humans. All kinds of dark beasts had died on Zustashiger soil, and now they are alive.


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Re: Zustashigėr
« Reply #42 on: April 02, 2008, 12:51:00 pm »

Of the dark beasts included one Squeaky Wizzle Bottoms, the clumbsiest dwarf of them all, he promply tripped on his beard and rolled over three deer, "Ops?", he groawned, and started off to cause chaos to some random encounter...

(Ocasionaly will trip over things and destroy haplessly anything he touches)

Smash me and I shall rise again, but not make stupid threads that get me muted.


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Re: Zustashigėr
« Reply #43 on: April 02, 2008, 04:13:00 pm »

OOC: ?


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Re: Zustashigėr
« Reply #44 on: May 14, 2008, 03:14:00 pm »

All of the sudden, a bright light filled they eyes of all the beings.
They felt something burning, and they were gone. The earth went inside-out. The river boiled. The trees split with loud cracks. Every living thing was killed, every moving thing stopped, everything ended.

For a day and a night this lasted, stillness. Nothing. Then something. A flash. A sprout. Grass grew, trees shot up from the soil, the river filled, and there was again life. But everything else was gone without a trace. Everything. The world was reborn.

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