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Author Topic: The Planet of Dragons (Which really don't exist) - Handmade strangefort  (Read 17542 times)


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Re: The Planet of Dragons (Which really don't exist) - Handmade strangefort
« Reply #60 on: March 13, 2015, 11:29:28 pm »

Cheers, lets begin.


These were grim days for the fortress of Sealgraves.  I had thought that the goblins, those Unthinkable Immoralities, would overlook our tiny settlement.  But it was not to be, for their insatiable bloodlust knows no bounds.  They now know that we’re here, and they have made their campsites at the edge of this valley.  We have not had migrants for two years now.

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Then there were the elves.  I know not of what we did to anger the Style of Chants but they have attacked our settlement with often more vigor and savagery than even the goblins.  Tun swears that we only made a few batches of furniture this year and my explicit orders were to leave the local wildlife untouched.  It’s likely that this war comes from higher up, but without any incoming news we can’t be sure of anything. 

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I’ve since passed over the leadership to Tun; she’s alot more leadership material than I am.  I’m still in control of my own research, although in light of recent events that has had to take a backseat to the fortress’s needs.

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Here we are, the ten of us, wedged into the side of a valley cliff, surrounded by goblins, and sieged by elves.

We will survive.

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« Last Edit: March 14, 2015, 11:23:51 am by Bearskie »


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Re: The Planet of Dragons (Which really don't exist) - Handmade strangefort
« Reply #61 on: March 15, 2015, 12:12:51 am »


20th Obsidian (Fort unretired)

My specimen collection zone (or as everyone else calls it, the ‘fishing chamber’) is nearing completion.  Everyone seems to be under the impression they’ll get free sushi once they finish it, so they’ve been working extra-dwarvenly-hard (Note- The sushi is an absolute lie).

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Then there’s the drowning chamber we’ve been working on.  Tun’s orders were simple: kill those goblins/elves.  It does - with ruthless efficiency.  I try to not let the more gory details get to my head, reminding myself that these were times of war.  On a lighter note, Onget has been begging me to let him engrave the words “Welcome to your Sealed Grave” on it.

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4th Granite

Tun appears rather overworked lately.  Along with her leadership responsibilities, she’s barely keeping up with the fortress’s carpenting needs.  Her husband just got elected as the outpost liasion last year too – and these days, any position within the Brass Bells is a dangerous one.

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10th Granite

Just stopped by the dining room to grab a quick bite, where puppies immediately start to swarm around my feet.  Plenty adorable, once you got used to the smell of dog shit with your meals.

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15th Slate

None of us had seen ‘Gus’gashgusil for weeks now till he emerged today from the lower valley with his backpack stuffed full with berries and fruit, smelling remarkably like daisy roses.  Guess that’s what spring does to some people.

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Now every time I open the larder, I’m hopelessly confused by the ridiculous variety of fruits and vegetables available.  I’ve lost count of the number of times I had to ask whether something was actually edible, and sometimes Gus would simply mutter “P’sinous”, leaving me to then hurriedly stuff it back into the larder before I gave my hands a ferocious wash by the riverbanks.

6th Felsite

Carp!  The miners had started tapping into the river for the fishi specimen collection zone, and it only took them five minutes to dig into the wrong damn wall.  Now the first chamber is flooded....hmm.

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Plans are drawn up in haste to rebuild the necessary walls.  It’ll make use of the phenomenon known as the Moses effect, in which we will pump the water back into the river to dry out the first chamber.

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1st Hematite

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Summer has arrived on the calendar.  With it comes the seasonal changes that we are now used to; the grass slowly wilts away into a golden field, stagnant pools begin to dry up into mere puddles, and Gus gets his season long break from the plants.  Or the plants get their season long break from Gus.

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Surprisingly, he’s volunteered to take up the bookkeeping position within the fortress.  Wouldn't have guessed he was the Legendary Accountant type.

8th Hematite

Finally, the screw pumps are in place.  Now, let’s reverse this royal screw-up and plug that leak.

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« Last Edit: March 16, 2015, 02:07:47 am by Bearskie »


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Re: The Planet of Dragons (Which really don't exist) - Handmade strangefort
« Reply #62 on: March 16, 2015, 02:06:11 am »

11th Hematite

I haven’t been sleeping well lately.

It didn’t take long for us after Dastot’s death to realize that the Moses Effect wasn’t working.  Water just kept on flooding back into the chamber.  The sacrifice had been for naught.

I can’t sleep.  So I lie in bed, thinking about things.  Goblins.  Elves.  Water.  And everything else in between.

And when midnight falls, when all else is asleep – I swear I can hear a rumbling deep within the heart of the earth.

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12th Hematite

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I open my eyes as somebody shouts “MIGRANTS!”

Wait, migrants? 

I cast my fatigue aside and hurriedly headed for the fortress entrance.  Soon I emerge into the blinking sunlight, where I see Tun standing before a band of dwarves, scribbling furiously into her overseer’s notebook. Apparently, I am the last on the scene.

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20th Hematite

Tun summoned me to her office today.

“Onget is dead”, she told me flatly, not even five seconds after I’ve entered the room. 

“what? h-how?”

“She was smoothing the drainage shaft – you know, the one we plan to use to drain the drowning chamber into the river?”

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I nod, still bewildered by the directness of it all.  “We had taken almost every safety precaution possible before I told Onget to carve a hole into the river.  I d-don’t understand...” I trailed off lamely.  Tun fixed her gaze on me.

“Yes.  Based off eyewitness reports, it appears that Onget had stood directly in the shaft while she was carving the hole.  When the initial rush came, she was swept away from the door.”

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“....But I told her to carve the hole from a diagonal position....” I said meekly.  Those words seemed rather meaningless now.

“Precisely”, said Tun.  “It was not your fault that Onget drowned in the shaft.  If anything it was her own foolishness that did her in.  I would advise you to not let this matter keep you awake at night more than you already are.”

24th Hematite

I think we need a swimming pool.  No, seriously.  I’ve already submitted my designs to Tun; a proposal for a fully-automated swim training facility where every dwarf will be required to check-in on a weekly basis.  Plan’s still incomplete at the moment, but I’ve got a pretty decent idea of how it should turn out.

12th Malachite

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Today we carved Dastot and Onget a memorial each; the slabs were sealed behind solid block fortifications.  Bloody irony really – the last thing that our enemies see before they drown are the memorials of those who’ve drowned before them.

27th Malachite

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Project: Teach-Those-Damn-Dwarves-How-to-Swim has begun!  Lots of work, lots of things to do, everyone’s busy.

8th Galena

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Jeez, nearly had a heart attack.  The miners were tapping into the aquifer that is to serve as the drowning chamber’s water source when Geshud got trapped in the flow.  Nonononononono.  And when the time came to seal the bridge, we ended up pulling the wrong lever.  Dear Armok.

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Thankfully, Geshud’s a strong one; he managed to break free from the currents.  Everyone’s safe now, nobody’s dead.  Phew.

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15th Galena

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That new guy has been doing wonders in the kitchen lately.  I actually know what I’m eating now – the squash biscuits are a particular favourite.

1st Limestone

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Autumn has come. 

The fortress now feels more like home than ever, forever ticking forward in spite of danger.  Once again, we continue to persist.  I’m actually surprised we went half a year without being attacked.  Well now we have something to fight them with – for if they dare strike, we will welcome them with open arms to the Sealed Grave.

Perhaps I’ll take it easy today, just going over the swimming pool preparations and relaxing in my room.  But I open my eyes to the sound of someone calling my name.

Meng the miner stood in the doorway, boots caked with mud and grime, and said “Hey.  We’ve found something down below.”

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I retired the fort shortly after.  Those caverns are wow, what, nearly 20 z-levels tall?  And I've hardly even started exploring it.

But really, something strange is happening down there;  I didn't receive the "You have discovered an expansive cavern underground" message, and I'm still getting occasional cave-ins some 100 z-levels down.  Might have something to do with the frequent crashes.
« Last Edit: March 16, 2015, 10:37:38 am by Bearskie »


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Re: The Planet of Dragons (Which really don't exist) - Handmade strangefort
« Reply #63 on: March 16, 2015, 10:28:18 am »

PART 2: Lancerose

Throughout history, the Severe Dikes have forged a reputation for housing some of the best craftsdwarfship on the Planet of Dragons.  We are both admired and envied amongst the civilizations for our great works of art – whether it be a simple silver goblet or the intricate lace patterns engraved on the Grand MountainGates.  Dwarves from the Severe Dikes are accepted readily by almost all fortresses in these lands, so great are their skills and proficiencies.

Unfortunately, I mused, most of them couldn’t even wield a kitchen knife to save their delicate asses.


I am Ducim Labourjudged.  Military commander of the whole of Severe Dikes.  In these dangerous times of war, I commandeer a military of 8 dwarves.  Eight. I’ve seen goddamn hamlets with more soldiers.  Queen Edem Workglazes has been brilliant at her politicking ways so we aren’t at war (yet); but mark my words as a soldier, peace only lasts for so long.  Now her great highness has expressively granted me permission (“Well then why don’t you go do something about it?”) to finally start building up our pitiful-excuse-for-a-goddamn-military.

Y’see, the problem is that half our population spends their time engraving circles on walls and the other half are a buncha’ farmers living in some godforsaken hamlet near the polar icecaps.  What we need is a facility to turn the latter half into lean, mean murder machines and for the other half to start drawing mutilated elf corpses instead.

I’ve just finalized the budget for this expedition with the outpost liaison today.  Apparently the previous expedition was to go conquer an island located in the middle of fucking nowhere.  What are we conquering there, albatrosses?

I hope everyone likes dung.  I know for sure I dont.

20th Limestone

Can’t remember the last time I bloody well travelled so far by wagon.  Backaches, headaches, soreaches, you name it.  Whoever was the idiot who decided to pair a one-humped camel with a yak cow, I have no idea. Cursing beneath my breath, I bark at the minions to get those magma forges sorted out asap.

Aaaaaannnndd somebody forgot to bring the fucking magma-safe stone. 

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2nd Sandstone

Deconstruct wagon --> Build smelter (tetrahedrite) --> Build wood furnace --> Build metalsmiths forge --> Burn one piece of charcoal --> Smelt one ore of tetrahedrite --> Forge one copper axe --> Chop down trees for more wood --> Burn more wood into more charcoal --> Forge copper picks --> Dig for magma-safe stone (basalt) --> Use basalt to create magma forges

Guess how long that took.  Actually, don’t.  I dont want to know how many days of my life I spent waiting on a piece of rock.

5th Sandstone

The hiiiillllls are aliiiive with the sound of galeeenaaaAAAAaa, sings Olon Mightyhandles, professional metalsmith and dabbling baritone.

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17th Sandstone

Moved all our supplies to the foot of the mountain, where we will base our camp.  Tell me, why did we park our wagon by the cliffside again?

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10th Timber

One more day sleeping on the floor and I’m going to snap, I tell ye.

11th Timber

Well there we go! Bedrooms are up, tight and basic 1x2’s – just the way I like ‘em.  Although there’s currently a squabble on who gets the galena and zircon-encrusted rooms.  Bloody capitalists.

Our canteen is now operational too, as long as you dont mind the massive hole in the wall.

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27th Timber

The following details our livestock handling procedure: goats in one pasture, dogs in the love kennel, everything else in the other pasture.

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I have great respect for goats.  They have magnificent beards.

5th Moonstone

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I want me some weapons, I told Olon.

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No, I just want a sharp stick to stab the local wildlife with.  Couple of axes too, I need some decapitation in my life.

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Not annex man, I want several axes.  And the only thing they should be adorned with is a particularly sharp blade.

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Nope, I think that’s just about as much as you’re capable of handling for now.

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8th Obsidian

Blimey, I think I’ve found something that these guys are actually good at: building walls.


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2nd Slate

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ELVES!  Sound the alarms!  Raise the masts!  Release the krak- oh, they’ve come to trade.


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Are you sure this isnt a raid?  It’d be alot less embarrassing.

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They get our weapons, we get their pets and sweatshop clothing.  You know, I’m not a broker but this sounds like some sort of illegal deal.  I’m not a broker too, says our broker.

Oh the fluffy wambler....?  The elves assure me that they are absolutely lethal in battle.  Huh.

13th Slate

Oh wow, that courtyard finished fast.  Crap, now we’ve run out of walls to build.  Can’t... stand... idle... workers.... “Hey you!  Go dig yourself a pit at the front gates, STAT!”

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27th Felsite

And thus, a pit was dug.  Now I have to figure out what am I going to do with it.

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27th and a half Felsite

“A magma trench!” I declared triumphantly at dinnertime to the other six.
“A.... magma trench?” answered Tulon carefully.
“But... why would we need a magma trench?  I had thought this fortress was to be a pillar exemplar of dwarven military might!”
I laughed, and clasped my hands around Tulon’s shoulder with a sly wink. “My dear Tulon, when you get to my age-“
“I’m two years older than you, sir.”
“-fine, when you reach my level of expertise then.  You soon realise that everybody needs a magma trench

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2nd Hematite


I hesitated, and then added,


13th Hematite

The humans have been waiting at the depot for more than a week now as I order the dwarves to bring down all our forged weapons from the volcano.

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By all means necessary.  A term which automatically implies minecarts.  On hindsight, this does seem rather dangerous. 

Bah, what’s the worse that could happen.  (Spoiler- nobody dies)

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14th Hematite

Alright, lets trade -  your cart for my cart.

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18th Hematite

Haha nah just joking.  Now lets trade.

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11th Malachite

Well, as much as I hate to say it, we might be doing alright afterall.  We’ve got the facilities ready for our first batch of students, who I await with... eagerness.  Here’s a birds-eye-view of the facility:

Well arent we just the picture of ecological devastation. 

Oh ye, somewhere along the way the magma trench became a water trench, then back to a magma trench, that soon became an obsidian casting chamber.  All in one.


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« Last Edit: March 17, 2015, 02:34:39 am by Bearskie »


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Re: The Planet of Dragons (Which really don't exist) - Handmade strangefort
« Reply #64 on: March 16, 2015, 04:03:05 pm »

Wonderful work! Bravo! Everyone you say? I don't know. I'm fine either way because unless someone comes for a turn that means I get to go again.  :D

I'm thinking of starting with an adventurer this time. Which civ should I try to slay? I'll put a poll up.

Btw, I'm not going to play on this world for the next two days unless otherwise stated. Feel free to take as long as you want on the save. I'll keep in contact and will update everything then.
« Last Edit: March 18, 2015, 12:13:18 am by xominxac »


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Re: The Planet of Dragons (Which really don't exist) - Handmade strangefort
« Reply #65 on: March 18, 2015, 08:31:54 am »

Gonna change my vote from  ??? to Dwarves.  Goblins are our main exporters of FUN, while dwarves are expendable little bastards. 

I'll wait for you to take your turn then; aint no honor in playing double turns for myself.  Unless anyone wants to take a shot?  Incompetence is highly welcome.


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Re: The Planet of Dragons (Which really don't exist) - Handmade strangefort
« Reply #66 on: March 20, 2015, 10:18:11 pm »

Looks like gobs are the winners! Time for some goblin slaying. Commence: Project Super dwarf!

The goal of this project is to slay as many goblins as possible with the help of a couple, or even just one adventurer and also test out the mechanics surrounding adventurers retiring at dwarven sites.

A dwarven guide to successful goblin killing
  • Make fortress in well wooded area.
  • Create danger room and necessary supplies for adventure.
  • Retire fort.
  • "Hire" adventurer and bring to fort and retire it.
  • Put through intense training and hope it survives. Continue steps four and five until one survives.
  • Watch the goblins fly  8)
« Last Edit: March 21, 2015, 01:03:00 am by xominxac »


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Re: The Planet of Dragons (Which really don't exist) - Handmade strangefort
« Reply #67 on: March 21, 2015, 03:28:53 am »

You might as well do one better and danger room your companions as well.  Go all Justice League on those greenskinned faces.


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Re: The Planet of Dragons (Which really don't exist) - Handmade strangefort
« Reply #68 on: March 22, 2015, 12:21:41 am »

Here's what happened so far.

1. Started a fort in between the elves and the goblins. Worked on it for about an hour before my laptop shut down because I forgot to plug in the charger. All progress lost.

2. Second try at the same fort. Halfway through my fps dropped down to 9 so I used fastdwarf for a bit before finally raging and cheating open a pit to hell. Died to fps death and demons.

3. Made another fort some distance away, succeeded in making danger room, retired fort.

4. Made an adventurer. Turns out one of the dwarven civs final fort is on a volcano island. Guess where I put my adventurer. I also found out that you can swim across the ocean in a day. With said adventurer I went to Timeless Bob's first fort, tried to trade with a ghost which nearly resulted in my adventures death by pain and paralysis, and found a trader still there. I declared myself lord over his fort, transferred lordship over to the trader before slicing his head off and claiming the site once more.  :P

5. Now I'm on my way over to the danger room to prepare myself to fight the goblins when I come across this.

Bulls eye. He just so happens to be an overlord of The Unthinkable Immorality which waged war against the Brass Bells

Drat... I was carrying to much junk on me and he ran away. I did manage to kill a named troll though. I'm tracking the overlord now.

"Is that beast gone now? Whew. I was right in the middle of my nap as well. Oh well, my minions will take care of it, I can just take a nap." Zzzz..

"There you are you little pest."

Seeing Firemetal not far away I decided to pay the usurpers a visit. Lets just say they're all dead via decapitation.

Nearing a river on the way to the fort I had to stop to cross it.

That is a near death situation via Undead camels. Apparently they're on both sides of the river.

Guess what? I retired my adventurer at the fort when I reached it, only to find that she somehow is now back on the island... Also, Boltflames is its own civilization now.
« Last Edit: March 22, 2015, 02:40:21 am by xominxac »


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Re: The Planet of Dragons (Which really don't exist) - Handmade strangefort
« Reply #69 on: March 22, 2015, 09:50:41 pm »

May want a turn next monday.


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Re: The Planet of Dragons (Which really don't exist) - Handmade strangefort
« Reply #70 on: March 23, 2015, 11:18:52 am »

Seems like there's plenty of weird in your turn mate.

That last part needs a theme song~ Decapitated Camels du du du du dun du dun du dun


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Re: The Planet of Dragons (Which really don't exist) - Handmade strangefort
« Reply #71 on: March 23, 2015, 04:14:29 pm »

Here's the save.

After my adventurer got stuck on the island again I decided it wasn't worth the swim to head back. So, I went and killed the whole of boltflames instead. I then had an extremely long fight with one of the islands other inhabitants before killing it and its friend. The only truly productive thing I did this time around was find that goblin army camp and killing its overlord.

You said you wanted a turn Exodus?
« Last Edit: March 23, 2015, 04:47:49 pm by xominxac »


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Re: The Planet of Dragons (Which really don't exist) - Handmade strangefort
« Reply #72 on: March 23, 2015, 05:31:36 pm »

Uhh yeah, but not til Monday so I have all day to play.


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Re: The Planet of Dragons (Which really don't exist) - Handmade strangefort
« Reply #73 on: March 23, 2015, 10:26:44 pm »

So, I went and killed the whole of boltflames instead.


I guess I'll be next, if there is nobody else?


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Re: The Planet of Dragons (Which really don't exist) - Handmade strangefort
« Reply #74 on: March 24, 2015, 01:11:48 am »

So, I went and killed the whole of boltflames instead.


I guess I'll be next, if there is nobody else?

Feel free.
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