Squire: 0/100
Wyvern: 0/225
Bert: 160/210 [+63xp]
Bart: 162/210 [+60xp]
Bort: 202/252 [+60xp]
Turn 2:
Bart crushes the Squire
Bor crushes the Wyvern.
Tenderfoot: 0/90
Scale: 150/150 [+43xp]
Witch-Hunter: 0/140
Dudley: 135/135 [+43xp]
Scar: 15/90 [+43xp]
Turn 1:
Tenderfoot boosts Witch-Hunter [+25]
Dudley poisons the Witch-Hunter [2 turns]
Turn 2:
Tenderfoot boosts Witch-Hunter [+25]
Scale skewers the Witch-Hunter
Dudley poisons the Tenderfoot
Turn 3:
Tenderfoot boosts itself [+0]
Scale skewers the Tenderfoot.
Thug: 0/65
Morice: 173/225 [+77xp]
Mercenary: 0/95
Wyvern: 0/225
Apprentice: 0/35
Bruce: 160/225 [+77xp]
Fezzik: 45/210 [+77xp] {{LEVEL UP}}
Ghost: 45/45
Turn 1:
Fezzik defeats the Thug.
Ghost paralyzes Fezzik (1 Turn).
Turn 2:
Morice defeats the Apprentice.
Ghost paralyzes Fezzik (1 turn).
Turn 3:
Bruce defeats the Mercenary.
Ghost paralyzes Fezzik (1 turn).
Turn 4:
Ghost paralyzes Fezzik (1 turn).
Turn 5:
Bruce defeats the Wyvern.
The Ghost defaults out (Cannot win).
[[With no battle plan the following positions are assigned: Count – Top Right, Sir – Bottom Right, Steve – Bottom Left, Puff – Center Row
Squire: 0/100
Count Yorefingers: 0/100
Sir Odius: 0/100
Possessed: 0/120
Apprentice: 0/35
Puff: 65/225 [+90xp]
Wurfaxt: 0/65
Steve: 0/42
Peasant: 0/40
Turn 1:
The Wurfaxt defeats Steve.
Turn 3:
Sir Odius paralyzes The Possessed [1 Turn]
Puff defeats The Peasant.
Puff defeats the Wurfaxt.
Turn 4:
Count Yorefingers defeats the Squire.
The Apprentice defeats Sir Odius.
Turn 5:
Count Yorefingers defeats the Possessed.
The Apprentice defeats Count Yorefingers.
Puff defeats The Apprentice.
GOLD TALLY [Match + Bet – Upkeep = Total]
+60 gp for Grrrrrr {65 + 25 - 30 = 60}
+168 gp for Platinum {156 + 75 – 63 = 168}
+327 gp for Melonius {281 + 75 - 29 = 327}
+322 gp for Vilka {273 + 75 – 26 = 322}
+34 gp for Bigus Dickus {0 + 50 – 16 = 34}
Gladiators have recouped some health due to Medical Attention!
Week 4 has endedThe following Gladiators offer you their services!
You may no longer purchase Gladiators offered Week 4.
LEVEL UPS(Level ups take place at the start of the next week. They do not count against you for Upkeep. You use the previous Upkeep.)
Fezzik has leveled up into a Rock Giant!
I have a prediction that a certain unit within the available purchases will be very popular this week.