"You, civilian, they need workers near the cave-in, I don't care how many leaves you're hauling, GIT."
*runs off to assist*
Wait a minute, was that Amperzand? I know I've heard that before. Elsewhere. In a different game.
...Okay, what the actual [EXPLETIVE DELETED] is going ON in this Armok-damned fort?!
*trips on a rock near the stairs*
*faceplant at extremely slow speeds*
I grab a conveniently-edged chunk of diamond, and tie it to a stick.
"Hopefully, weapon...If nothing else, manalogical reaction catalyst."
I do something !!FUN!! and charge the GCS, stabbing upwards with a suddenly *casts Imbue Weapon: Shock* electrified spear.
Thankfully, I'm only mostly here.
Some experiments with advanced Parasol technology were required, but I have clones and a memory synch that work across Armok's many worlds. Sadly, it did not occur to me, when I was packing, that within five minutes of my arrival, I would be falling into a cave weaponless. This mistake will obviously be rectified next time, with extreme prejudice. And probably sawblades.
((What, give me a DF transportalizer and assume I gen a new world, or point it at the one everyone else went into? Bah! Spearbreakers first! Then Bay12Fort! Optionally, I drop by the world you brought certain crew members from, as well, for a supply drop. Some magic gear would be nice, in addition to Parasol's/Ballpoint's/Mr Frog's tech.))
>>He just finished one game, came back from another, and now he does this? I'm debating installing parental controls.
>Oh, let him be. It's not like he has anything else to do.