There's no bug reported in the bug tracker, so I must be doing something wrong. But don't understand that could be; no other take piles have the problems I'm having with kitchens and stills. The same system is running fine for textiles and metal works, which have much more intricate networks of stockpile routing and still puts the products in the right places.
I want kitchens and stills to put their output right beside them; that's the whole purpose they were built with. They're linked with take piles that only accept from that kitchen or still, and those piles give to the central root cellar, but I expect that to only happen when that pile is full. Yet I find the products made with ingredients only one kitchen or still receives will be all over the place
except for the pile taking the output.
If I block everything in the kitchen's take pile except for prepared food, nothing goes in except barrels or pots. If I blanket every category, I expect nothing to show up there except what comes out of
that kitchen or still, yet I see things like raw mussels and fat. Both kitchen and still have seed take piles that take only seeds they would produce from the ingredients that go in, yet I find them scrambled with other seeds in random locations, rarely near either the still or the farm that actually plants them.
EDIT: Save file uploaded here: do you manage this inconsistent bullshit?