Yeah... So if we're just modding in things to be ridiculously overpowered, I have some ideas and my current completion level on their RAW entries.
-New super metals, including "Screaming metal" for the specific purpose of being used in scary baddies.
started-Refining process for making Pitchblende into uranium blocks with some realistic plutonium as a waste material. ( Can we say radioactive explosions?
Not started.-Nuclear fission forge powered by aforementioned uranium.
Not started.-Radioactivity syndromes.
Not started-Realistically using prussian blue for counteracting the radiation poisoning.
Started.-Prussian blue
existing as a dye and a liquid consumable at all, for that matter.
Started.-Nuclear power plants as a power-producing workshop that requires water, uranium, and some other things. ( Don't forget the cobalt control rods, if you care about your dwarven bodies at all! )
Not started-Also will include tasks for operating the reactors. ( ie, you can SCRAM the reactor, drain the water, fill the water, release steam pressure, operate the reactor, or purposely blow it up. )
Not started.-An expansion of mythological creatures. It has been said that having legends inside of your legends is the best way to make your legends legendary. ( Granted, it wasn't said that way. )
Started.-Making the new world conscious of the void through entity and sphere editing.
Not started-More terrifying creatures.
started-Upping the general badassery of all the sentient races to cope with this world.
Not started.-Void angels.