Attempt to make words.
Current Self suggests to Mouth and Lungs and Throat that they try making sounds. Something along the lines of a groan is made. Which is a start. But Current Self had something coherent in mind. Too bad Current Self doesn't remember what the coherent thing is.
Make Prey silent.
Notprey isn't Prey.
Attempt to create a psychological construct to mediate between the Selves, so that things are easier to understand.
Last Self thinks this current mindmap is confusing. It thinks a coordinator is needed, however it also thinks there isn't enough material currently.
Potential Strain Unlocked: Weak Swarmmind Coordinator Strain. Cost: 40 Mutation, 1 Standard Controller Strain, 40 Surplus Biomass. Unknown Attacks. Unknown Control Cost. Unknown Speed. Unknown Health. Unknown Crit Chance. Unknown Natural Armor. 20 Coordination.
Leave future self-prey alone, try and get at three prey behind darkclearwall to eat. Three is bigger then one so more food for mouth.
You hobble towards Darkcleerwall and Bash it. [4+4=8, 2/10.] It cracks heavily. The prey behind the wall are making quite a bit of noise now. One Prey appears to have broken a brownish pole off of a table, leaving the table on its back. Armed Prey waves the pole menacingly.
What to do?
Standard Form.
Intact Brain. (1/1)
Full set of standard senses. (10;2;3;4)
Hosted Larva in Abdomen. Currently calls itself Last Self. (1/?)
~2 control. 1 used.
Poor Coordination. (2S)
Claw. 3 damage, ?? chance of infection. Fast Attack.
Bite. 5 damage, 1/1 chance of infection. Slow Attack.
Bash. 4 damage. 0/1 chance of infection. Normal attack. Bonus 4 damage vs inanimate objects.
Slightly Hungry. (102/70;+32)
NotPrey. Bleeding on ground. Making noise. A Self Growing in it. 11 turns till Turning.
Flashing red lights.
Loud sound.
Three prey behind darkclearwall (glass according to current self?) They appear to be attempting to open Door. It isn't opening. One is armed with a brownish pole thing acquired from part of a table.
Six turns since Awakening. What to do?