((Mutation system explaination, there are four types of biomass, split into two classes. Mutation Biomass is one class. It is general data in the body that can be rewritten to something else. It is required to unlock new strains and mutations. The second type is Genetic Data. Which is much rarer and generally cobsiderably more valuable. It's what you get from succeeding in assinilating other species, or people with abnormal genomes. The second class is Generic Biomass. In a dead unit, any accumulated Mutation Biomass will decay at a 5 per turn rate, the average human has 30. Generic Biomass is made up of Requisite Biomass and Surplus Biomass. Requisite Biomass is the amount of biomass a unit needs to say functional, Surplus is any overflow over Requisite. You lose one Surplus in each unit per turn in normal circumstances, Requisite in normal circumstances will not decay. However, critical hits have a high chance of destroying biomass. Should biomass drop below the Requsite amount, the unit is dead and cannot be reanimated without certain mutations, generally it's best to consume the dead unit for biomass due to Requisite being interchangeable with Surplus. Generic biomass is used to fuel Mutations and prototype Strains and Mutations. Once a strain has a mutation unlocked, any unit created by that strain afterwards will have the ability to Mutate that mutation. Currently you have two mainline strains unlocked, two secondary strains awaiting prototyping, and one trianary strain awaiting prototyping. Secondary Strains produce their Mainline strain and mutate from their Mainline. Trianary mutate from secondary. Currently you don't have enough Generic Biomass in your active unit to prototype either secondary, although you do have enough Mutation for one, If you had another 8 biomass, you would have enough to prototype a Hosting Hunger. Although I advise getting 18 more biomass so you can make a Hosting Larva first so your hivemind doesn't fall apart due to lack of control. Hosting Hunger are offensive versions of Larva. They can leap across rooms from hosts headcrab style, burrow into a target, turn them in two turns, and leap to the next target. Last Self was subtley prompting you to nibble a bit more on Notprey since 18 biomass isn't enough to bring him below the Requisite Biomass. Humans on average have 100 Generic and 30 Mutation. You've nommed 4 from Notprey and decayed 2, putting you at 102. (I need to fix the numbers) Requisite for a Standard is 70.))