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Author Topic: D&D 5e: Lost Isle/[1st Cycle-Missing the Birdgirl. Not that one, the other one]  (Read 58546 times)


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Re: D&D 5e: Adventurers of the Lost Isle/[1st Cycle-A walk in the park]
« Reply #600 on: March 25, 2015, 12:02:45 pm »

Coney leads the party up into the hinterlands beyond the Swamps of Doomy-looking behind you at the mass of the swamp, with it's rampant vegetation and mushy landscape, you're all glad you avoided it...

She informs you that no climbing is needed, if you want to visit the Kenku Monastery. There would be if you had wanted to go the Roc's Nest's impossible to miss as Mt. Kalibrak looms above you-the sight of a full size, three masted sailing ship planted here on the mountainside, hundreds of miles from the sea, is a wondrous sight. It appears the Roc might have lifted from the sea at some point as a Eagle might a river trout, and deposited it here to serve as his nest.

"I've seen tha Gaunt Iggle myself more'n a few times-it hunts a long ways away for Ships, Sea Monstas and Oliphuants-you see em monstas squiggling in his claws as he flies over ya! It twas an amazing sight-wings bigga than my hometown!" She exclaims. This is borne out as you continue your approach-the hills before Kalibrak are littered with the the large bones of prey animals-some of the skeletons are clearly those of elpahantine beasts, ocean going whales, and even quasi-dragons...there are also a number of ships, or pieces of them, scattered about the hills and in the treetops. It's almost as if there was a naval battle above the clouds that sank them down here. Tadhg notices some of the are clearly Saffer design...he thinks there might still be loot in some of them, but the older ones are likely to have been picked clean-and stills other no doubt house the locals, friendly and not-so much. It might bear returning to this area at a later date.

Finally, your party reaches what seems a nearly impassable cleft, about 100ft across-there was once a simple rope bridge across, but it seems to have been partially burned and cast into the abyss long ago. The descent is shrouded in grey mist, with no bottom in view.

"Here's mah favorite entrance! Follow me, chummas. Rememba, for these folks, it's all about ya faith..."

With that, Coney takes off at a dead run and pitches herself into the abyss headfirst, vanishing swiftly downward without a sound.

« Last Edit: March 25, 2015, 12:07:05 pm by Dwarmin »
Dwarmin's fell gaze has fallen upon you. Sadly, Your life and your quest end here, at this sig.

"The hats never coming off."


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Kawtari looked after her for a moment before she shrugged and leapt.
You fool. Don't you understand?
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"Lizard was not meant to fly." Sarco grumbled as he edged closer to the cliff and watched Kawtari take the leap.


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Everyone only watches as Kawtari vanishes swiftly downward into the mist without a sound.


Kawtari feels the rush of air as her body accelerates, faster and faster-down into the mists...she will understand, more than any of her group, as a Kenku they would appreciate the sensation of flight-why it would be such an important part of entering their domain. It's a great part of her peoples myths and legends, how the Kenku apparently lost their ability to fly-some legends cite original sin of the Kenku forefeathers (a Kenku pun, there), others myths that an Evil God tricked them out of their ability to fly (or traded it for something else), or they were cursed unjustly for defying the Gods and trying to steal from them. Most Kenku cannot help but feel envious at their high-flying's sort of a racial dream of taking to the skies once's how she knows she is safe making the jump.

She only suffers a moment of doubt, before she hits the sharp pointy rocks below, exploding in a mess of gore begins to feel her descent slow-as if invisible hands were holding her up. After a moment, she gently floats across and down into a hanging cargo net (she has a thought it was scavenged from the ships above) suspended across the chasm. It cradles her body and stretches under the weight of her fall.

She quickly feels the net being pulled and hauled with her inside. Kawtari is deposited on a rock shelf, where Coney stands unhurt-along with at least a half dozen of her kind. Their style of dress is remarkably like hers, with large, body sheltering hoods and cloaks-only their beaks and hands give them away as fellow bird kind. One of them gestures to her, and speaks in her native Kenku 'tongue'-a series of random (and somewhat cliched) avian squawks and clacks that actually mean nothing-it's only to disguise the movements of the hands, which rely on an amazingly robust vocabulary that can be conveyd entirely silently, even indicating the emotion of the speaker. Kawtari knows this is her peoples secret language. Few outsiders know it.

The hooded figures makes a series of complicated movements. You sense he is actually testing if you know the secret-speech. A few of your kind, regrettably, have lost the old ways.

+Greetings, sister! Did you enjoy the air?+ He asks, indicating a mischievous tone. Kawtari can see little under the hood but a jet-black male Kenku with bright, shiny sapphire eyes.
« Last Edit: March 25, 2015, 12:32:31 pm by Dwarmin »
Dwarmin's fell gaze has fallen upon you. Sadly, Your life and your quest end here, at this sig.

"The hats never coming off."


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Sarco stares into the abyss. "Do you think she is dead?"


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+Who of the kin would not, feather-brother? It has been far too long since I had such a sensation!+
You fool. Don't you understand?
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+How does one find the Heavens without taking wing? A catapult, perhaps, or a very tall ladder...

It is good you found your way here to us. I sense you have long been a feather on the wind...we are all too often wary of strangers-for good reason. They usually bring sharp swords instead of good words. But Miss Rainshadow is a friend to us, and has vouched for your courage. You are welcome here, feather-sister.

My name is Wa-tak-lan-o*. Really, I chose it myself!

On behalf of the faithful Servants of Great Beak, we welcome you and...well, Miss Rainshadow said there others in your group. Perhaps their faith in a strangers hospitality, is not stronger than their faith in the force of gravity? Hah! Not an entirely unwise philosophy. If they do not take the leap of course, we will fetch them in a short time-but, they will miss dessert.

Will you at least take our offer of hospitality, Sister? We are currently preparing to following the Great Beak Southwards-when the Gods fly, the followers take wing, after all-but we can provide rest, food and even some transportation if you so desire. Or even if you don't desire it, we'll offer anyway.*+
he implies, with feelings of a generous nature.

*The big boaster
Also, one may notice that some Kenku are not very serious. Their culture tends to value cleverness, amusement and wordplay-at least among their own race. Many outsiders never see or understand this side of them, only viewing them as strange demi-humans with a tendency to be sneaky and mysterious.

Dwarmin's fell gaze has fallen upon you. Sadly, Your life and your quest end here, at this sig.

"The hats never coming off."


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+In my case, it was hope that water was softer than the teeth of monsters, I am afraid. It was, but not but much, I would say.+ She signed with a trace of irony.

+I would be honoured to be among the kin again. We are here on a quest, however, and cannot tarry for long. The featherless have many problems... it seems they have nothing but. I would share my food with you in return, but I think I'd prefer not to make enemies here, yes?+ She signed the sign for a smile.
You fool. Don't you understand?
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She signed the sign for a smile.

This is helpful when cannot make humanoid facial expressions!

"+We're not tarrying either. It seems this place is losing it's popularity quicker than we anticipated! Folks want to leave before they even arrive, hah! ...ah, but we should not speak of departing. You've just arrived, after all. As to your quest, what manner is it?

I sincerely hope you came all this way to hear me play the Baliset.+"
He remarks wryly.

"+Also, what's your given name, Feather-Sister? You seem the warrior type, judging by your gear. Perhaps they name you Galduk*? Or Dyarmiec? Something fearsome, I think-for some few no doubt fear something of you.*+" He says, with a complimentary gesture. He also makes another sign, something which expressions an emotion very much like a smile and a wink-I like you (emphasis), you brightened my day, it's good to meet you. the Kenku language is complex.

*Baliset: A nine stringed instrument favored by Kenku. It's notoriously difficult to play-in fact, it was designed so that other peoples couldn't do it easily. Though they will always let you try, if you ask. Kenku humor.

*Galduk: Battle Beak
*Dyartari: Dancing Mace

« Last Edit: March 25, 2015, 03:35:15 pm by Dwarmin »
Dwarmin's fell gaze has fallen upon you. Sadly, Your life and your quest end here, at this sig.

"The hats never coming off."


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"+Nothing so grand, I'm afraid! I am Kawtari*, and you'll weigh my feathers with your flattery*.
As for our quest, it seems a wizard delved into the ruins where he should not, and has been touched by the Wrong. We seek something required to save his victims... a feather from the Great Beak.

To hear music of the Kin would be a pleasure, however. Perhaps I can lure my companions down.+"

She stuck her head out, and breathing in deep, she sang loudly the notes from earlier.


The mimicked voice of the snake queen echoes up the cliffs.

"+We shall see if they are wise enough to work out that I am safe.+"

*Caws Strongly or War Cry, depending on context. Closer to Caws Strongly, but Kawtari prefers War Cry
*The equivalent of "You'll make me full of myself." - basically, being modest.
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The party hears the Serpents Queen's eerie song echoing up from the abyss.

Maybe Kawtari has been captured!


"+His feathers are our holy relics, as are all pieces of He who Soars-not freshly plucked of course, though from what I know Great Beak would pluck you first if you tried. We can allow you to take them for a good cause-we must, of course, bless the things you take, before we allow you to take them.

We're not quite sure why we do that, but it certainly makes us seem spiritual and wiser than we is not a long ritual, just one of thanks for his protection.

...Ah, I hope your friends are wise enough to heed your call! I don't want to hex someones fate, but there are many dangerous things lurking in our lands recently...we have reduced our patrols to make labor for the exodus, and we are already pressed on many sides. They may catch the eyes of the Harpies, and that is not a good thing.+"
he says, signaling a mild tension.
Dwarmin's fell gaze has fallen upon you. Sadly, Your life and your quest end here, at this sig.

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"+No, I imagine it would not, but they are proficient in combat, at least.

Thank you for the offer of the feather. The wizard cursed many innocents with a cruel fate. I will happily submit to any rituals or blessing you wish to do, of course. It is the least I can do for a feather-brother who grants me a boon.+"
You fool. Don't you understand?
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"+We know of this Wizard you speak of. A few years gone, a man came to us asking about the ancient-mens ruins-or to be more precise, we saved him from being eaten by Perytons, and he asked us these things as we tended to him. He seemed polite enough, for a feather-less. Very hungry for knowledge, that one. It is unfortunate, for we have heard the rumors well.The Wrong is a terrible curse to seems to gnaw at the very soul, with no hope for cure or balm...

As for the boon, it is a small thing.+"
He muses. "+We only ask in return your hospitality and civilized conduct.

Personally, though, I might be a small bit offended if you did not share a drink with me. Do you like Ghanama?*"
He signs, indicating a bit of teasing.

*A traditional Kenku beverage-a very sweet drink made from fruits, served very, very cold. It's usually so sweet that other races find it unpalatable, but Kenku have a reduced sense of taste and tend to handle it much better. If Kawtari has ever tasted it, she certainly hasn't had it since she was last among her own people.
« Last Edit: March 25, 2015, 06:04:29 pm by Dwarmin »
Dwarmin's fell gaze has fallen upon you. Sadly, Your life and your quest end here, at this sig.

"The hats never coming off."


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"+Of course! I haven't had that since I was a broodling...+"
She unhooked the lower part of her helmet's beak, giving her access to her mouth, but leaving a layer of steel over her features. She hung the helm-part from her belt.
"+I apologise for my helm, but I am somewhat disfigured by combats past.

This ruins are aflow with old abominations. We encountered a Wrong creature in the depths as we approached here... an Eye-of-the-Deep. I would like to slay it, someday, but for now it must be left be.  They are more thigns than Wrong in the depths, and many are just as friendly.+"

A white lie about her face, but...
You fool. Don't you understand?
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He makes a gesture of sadness+pity+affirmation of your resolve.

"+The Kin do not judge. Our kin, anyway. No great things are done without leaving marks on the world-sometimes on yourself. I am sure your heart, underneath beats in tune with a courageous soul.

...Yes, we do not go to that place. The swamps and those places under were unclean in the old times-they are more so now. We have had some...dealings...with them, due to our proximity. We can only hope Great Beak chooses a cleaner land for his next roost.+"
Dwarmin's fell gaze has fallen upon you. Sadly, Your life and your quest end here, at this sig.

"The hats never coming off."
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