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Author Topic: Outpost - Exile [Interest check]  (Read 11978 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Outpost - Exile [Interest check]
« on: February 17, 2015, 09:45:09 pm »

Outpost: Exile
Based on the Outpost 3, Outpost 4 and Outpost 5 games, by SakSak and Trent01 of SB and Draxis, respectively.
Most of the credit goes to SakSak, the ensuing games heavily draw on his systems.

Thanks to 10ebbor10 for the opening credits here copied from Outpost:Exile

Thought about running one of these myself, slightly different premise but the same system.  This is based on Hard(ish) science fiction and any real world science that can be brought to bear on my amateur (at best) knowledge would be appreciated.

Sol 2076

Mankind had reached the stars.  Or at least the planets outside Earth.  Over ten million live between the mining and manufacturing complexes at the asteroid belt, the Martian colony bio-domes and the deep research stations.  Advances in technology and industry based on the foundation laid out in the previous century had brought about the beginning of a golden age.

Disaster came not from without, but from within as property and progress could into quell the darker nature of man.  Protests over the death of children on Mars soon spiraled out of control into a full scale system wide conflict, the resources and technology now put to deadly use.  Peace negotiations were called off when an asteroid coated in a layer of artificial, radioactive metals impacted the Brazilian amazon, dooming the Terran biosphere and any living thing that remained on the surface to slow death.  No one claimed responsibility, but it could have only come from some faction among the Asteroid bases.

We do not know the plans of the Earth governments for their people, huge ships seem to be evacuating any who they can to space.  We do know their plans for us however.  Whether out of revenge or simple pragmatism they intend to take our habits for themselves.  The last transmissions from Mars were of armored soldiers cutting down everyone in sight; the sick, the surrendering and the children.

We have had no response to our pleas for mercy and plans to build enough stations for earth's population.  There is no hope for victory against the resources that the home world, even dying, can marshal in it's death throws.  In less then two years they will have broken our ability to fight back, in three we will be destroyed.

A desperate plan to escape, to other world under distant stars on three great Ark ships filled with cryogenic frozen colonists has been devised.  Existing stations will be converted into these ships and a small number of our people will be able to escape.  Smaller, faster ships will be sent ahead to establish an industrial base before the main Ark lands.  You are in charge of one of these Outposts.

This is a suggestion game which will be divided into three stages, the ore-launch phase, the flight phase and the outpost phase.  During this first stage you will design the ship and it's contents as well as deciding where it will go.  During the flight phase you will deal with what happens on the trip to the new system, generally disasters which will build up and threaten the mission.  During the outpost phase you can explore and build on the new world, adapting and facing the hardships necessary to be prepared for the arrival of the 200,000 colonists.  If you fail estimates are that less then 1000 people will survive.

I will do a write up on the outpost phase later, you basically get buildings/tools that use manpower and resources, most of the items you can take along are these buildings/tools, though it will be mostly based off the same system as 5 and Exodus.

The primary mechanic for rolls are 1d100 with bonuses or penalties added.  A natural 5 or low is a critical fail and can result in anything from a total failure to a major disaster, a natural 90 or above is a critical success and will add a bonus to the result which can overcome penalties or push the result even higher.

The pre-flight phase will allow 2-4 parts to be added to the ship over 4 or 5 turns (I suggest not waiting until the 6th turn), cargo purchased, random events that can be beneficial or a penalty, and a decisions on who will lead the outpost.

The flight phase will include a moral and maintenance roll each 5 year turn with cumulative penalties and the chance for some open ended projects.
« Last Edit: October 05, 2015, 10:51:56 pm by VoidSlayer »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Outpost - Exile
« Reply #1 on: February 17, 2015, 09:45:25 pm »

Turn Summary

Jan 2076

Pre-Flight Phase:
Jan 2076 Destination Kaptyen's Star, Research vessel, support the Ark ship
Turn 1 - Jan 2076 - Mar 2076 Shuttle bay researched, ship expanded, Robotic factory added
Turn 2 April 2076 - June 2076 Fusion Fragment rocket designed, cryopods and command centers installed, experimental                                                          equipment found: DALES-Data Analysis and Learning Expert System and Micro Domes
Turn 3 July 2076 - Sept 2076 Aug 2076 Test engine explodes, bio dome, fusion fragment rocket and interstellar flight added
Turn 3  July 2076 - September 2076 Portable Fusion Reactor swindled
Turn 4 Oct 2076 - Dec 2076Shuttle, fuel and cargo added

Launch Phase - Dec 2076 Dock explodes, repairs made

Outpost Overview Final Interstellar research ship with a shuttle and expert computer

Flight Phase:
Flight turn 1-2 2077 - 2087 VR built, 4 injured and put in cryo
Turn 3 2087 - 2092 Heavy Bot Swarm Logic Researched, Graffiti, VR CAD started
Message from DNS Renewal, Ark Ship They are okay!
Turn 4 2092 - 2097 First DALES failure, Kaptyen system first look
Flight phase Turn 5 Final 2097- Dec 2099 Ship retrofit, VR CAD completed, Second DALES failure - offline

Kaptyen system details 60 turns (10 years) until Ark ship arrives, Kaptyen d II - 'Bob' - Icy Earth decided on, periods of low solar activity
« Last Edit: September 06, 2015, 11:22:52 am by VoidSlayer »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Outpost - Exile
« Reply #2 on: February 17, 2015, 09:53:12 pm »

Jan 2076

Ark Launch Date: April 2076
Recommended Outpost Launch Date: Jan 2077
11th hour: April 2077
95% chance of attack on Outpost or Ceres base: July 2077

Before the final phase of construction on the Ark ship can be completed you will need to decide on a destination.  Several close by systems have been ruled out due to inconsistencies in results for liquid or solid water or stars that are far too weak to support life. 

The following four stars have been confirmed for presence of water and the full NCOH spectrum in large amounts along with other trace elements necessary for life. 

The time for a theoretical mass 200 thrust 50 ship at full burn has been calculated, it will take the Ark ship 10% longer then that to reach the system.

When the Ark ship lands it will have 9 months of reserve power and life support, assuming it arrives without damage.  If you choose to go slower the Ark speed and fuel consumption will be adjusted by a longer coasting time.  I will shoot for a 5 year outpost window if you seem to be arriving too late.

A.Sirus A -The Dog Star (8.6 LY / 23.7 years / Ark 26 years)

This binary system is the fifth closest to our own.  Blue and hot it should have a larger habitable zone, except for the presence of Sirus B, a carbon core Neutron star in an extreme elliptical orbit which is estimated to have disrupted the habitable zone.  An additional sub-stellar companion may exist which can not be detected at this time.  At least one earth sized planet has been detected between 1.5 and 2.5 AU, at the inner edge of this hotter star's habitable zone.  Life is highly unlikely due to the relatively recent supernova of Sirus B, the young age of Sirus A and the high levels of radiation put out by both stars.  This supernova and the high metallic content of the primary will mean this system is rich in metals and other elements heavier then carbon.

B.Tau Ceti - The Whale (11.9 LY / 27.57 years / Ark 30.3 years)

This main sequence yellow-orange dwarf (G8 Vp) star is smaller, dimmer and older then our own.  With an extensive dust ring between 10 - 50 AU it should experience much more frequent meteor events.  Three to five planets have been detected depending on estimates with at least one in the habitable zone.  There are conflicting theories about the age of the star from slightly older then our own to nearly ten billion years.  If it is older then the low metallic content of the star could indicate it was formed earlier in galactic history and will be poor in metals.

C.Kapteyn's Star (12.6 LY / 28.4 years / Ark 31.2 years)

This very dim bluish red subdwarf (sdM0-1.5 or V) is a halo star part of the closest sub-cluster of such stars.  Because of it's birth in an earlier age it has very low metallic content.  It may have been part 12 stars ripped from a dwarf galaxy by the Milky Way.  Two super earths have been detected, one within the habitable zone near .15 AU.  It is not a very active star and may have a large dust disk.

D.Sigma Draconis - The Dragon (18.8 LY / 34.68 years / 38.1 years)

This main-sequence yellow-orange dwarf star is slightly smaller then our own but may be very poor in metals due to it's estimated old age.  It has no dust disk or Jupiter sized planets but some sort of sub-stellar companion exists which has not been detected.  At least 3 planets have been detected at or near the habitable zone.

E. Oh god those are death traps and really far away anything closer?  Suggest a star.

If you have any questions about these system feel free to ask, the information provided is incomplete.

Two other decisions must be made before the work on the Ark can be finished and the Outpost begun.

The first is what the final load out for the Ark will be.  Cryogenic tubes have been put in and fuel and engines have been decided, but small subsystems can still be put in place to make it safer or provide more survivability at the destination.  Many ask that an additional landing vessel be added to increase the size of those transported while the admiral in charge asks that resources be diverted into the final stand against the Terran forces.  The resources could also be diverted to Outpost construction.

Choose two options out of the following:

1.Surival -  Backup systems for the ship and cryo pods will help prevent the hastily installed and retrofitted stations from failing.  Some failure is garenteed with an estimated 10-30% of the cryo inhabitants dying on route.  This will add a bonus (+10) to ship, cryopd and moral rolls.  This can mitigate a critical failure but not prevent it.

2.Population - Converting a third station into a landing ship and associated fuel and engines will increase the number of people who can be brought from 200,000 to 300,000.  This can be done easier then the first 9 month window thanks to existing factories.  Although this will make the Outpost's job harder, knowledge that you saved who you could would provide a moral boost.  +5 to moral during transit, +5 generic bonus to any one slot each month during outpost phase.

3.Resources and Tools - Bringing factory parts, raw materials, prebuilt domes and other kits will allow the Ark to provide an influx of resources and manpower immediately to assist the outpost.  Even if the outpost fails completely they should be able to make a colony for up to 5% of the population, up from less then .2% with the base ship.

4.War effort - The resources put into the Arks have cut away from slowing the advance of the enemy through more important stations.  Putting resources to defending the remaining colonies or attacking the enemy directly should make external factors less of an issue in building the outpost.  +25 to pre-flight phase event rolls, this will eliminate critical failures.

5.Outpost Focus - The outpost should be the priority, while the systems that go into the Ark are quite different then what will be put on the final Outpost, they need to start turning them into usable materials now even if it is inefficient.  +20 RU

6.Get Off the Dock - Launch the Ark as soon as possible and move the outpost ship into the larger space dock used to build the Ark.  It was planned to disassemble most of the space dock into parts for the Ark but if you want it left intact it will make building your ship much faster.  +1 build order per turn for free.  Normally you will get two build orders per turn and may purchase one more build order per turn on turn 2 at a cost of 10 RU.

The last question is what ship you are going to transform into the outpost.  There is competition over the custom built Outpost ship started before the second and third ark were built.  Three other ships that were waiting to be broken down are large enough to be used instead if you want.

A. Standard - This ship was recently built specifically for interstellar travel and this mission, it is light and has an integrated cargo hold built so far.  Everything else is up to you.

200 RU
50 Space
12 base mass
Medium Size 20 cargo hold

B. Battle Star - Built in the middle of the conflict to launch stealth rockets and defend itself with small range craft attached to the outer hull, this is the last remaining of it's line.  They were found to be inefficient with current technology compared to smaller swarm craft.  The assist craft and most weapons have been long since re-purposed, though the strong outer hull designed to deflect near misses by nuclear charges and the rocket launch bay are both intact.

200 RU
50 Space
20 base mass
Reenforced Outer Hull
Launch Tubes [Unique Part] -  Will be re-purposed, for free, as an Automated Satellite Launcher that can store 5 Satellites that take up no additional space.
2 free Satellites of your choice
Small Size 10 cargo hold

C. Cargo Hauler - This tough ship was one of the first commercial haulers to bring ore back to earth, rather then whole asteroids.  A massive cargo hold and ore processing plant were once included, though most of that was stripped out as the Arks were built.  Despite it's age the ship has been patched and rebuilt time and again, with so many systems and subsystems that it sometimes seems to run itself.  It has also already proven the design can last almost as long as the outpost will travel.  There also seems to be a bunch of random things left in the cargo hold from it's last trip.

200 RU
20 RU cargo buy on first turn only
40 Space
20 base mass
Rugged construction
Large Size 40 cargo hold

D. Deep Space Survey Vessel - Before the conflict this ship was sent to travel almost half a light year outside our solar system to conduct a variety of experiments.  The current cryogenic and life support technology were tested here and if it wasn't for the aborted mission an experimental FTL engine would have been tested on a smaller detachable ship.  What disaster?  Well it still has a Micro Advanced lab installed, robotic assist arms, optronic processing and modular experiments let a very small space contain a fully fledged generic lab.  The ship even has a sensor array still attached!

I heard the captain murdered half the crew, vented most of the life support and forced the rest to battle to the death to survive.  It was a ghost ship when the auto pilot brought it back in.

Look those video tapes are misleading, the captain had a preexisting mental condition and the optronic AI was removed.  It is perfectly safe.

180 RU
45 Space
20 Mass
Focus Detection Array
Micro Advanced Lab {Unique Part} - Equivalent to Prefabricated General Laboratory with robotic and optronic assist that fits inside the ship and can be used during flight with a +10 bonus. 3 MW power needed.
Small Size 10 Cargo Bay

Choose target system, Ark options and Outpost basic build.

Turn 0 - January 2076

Ship Name:


Ark Options:

Ship Choice:

Optional: Character name and role:
« Last Edit: February 17, 2015, 10:23:36 pm by VoidSlayer »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Outpost - Exile
« Reply #3 on: February 17, 2015, 10:03:27 pm »

Destination:Tau Ceti
Ark Resources:War Effort
Otpost Profile:Battlestar(can't say no to free sats. Sat choice would be 2 survey sats, 2 comm sats, and 1 weather sat)
This fort really does sit on the event horizon of madness and catastrophe
No. I suppose there are similarities, but I'm fairly certain angry birds doesn't let me charge into a battalion of knights with a car made of circular saws.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Outpost - Exile
« Reply #4 on: February 17, 2015, 10:07:58 pm »

Ship name: SS Blackwater
Destination: Kapteyn's Star
Ark Options: Survival, Resources and Tools
Ship Choice: Deep Space Survey Vessel
Character name and role: Jacquin Velantes, Lead Scientist
I think I'm an alright guy. I just wanna live until I gotta die. I know I'm not perfect, but God knows I try.
Kobold Name Generator
⚔Dueling Blades⚔
Fertile Lands
The Emerald Isles

Urist Arrhenius

  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Outpost - Exile
« Reply #5 on: February 17, 2015, 10:11:30 pm »

Ship Name: Settler's Wagon
Destination: Kapteyn's Star
Ark Options: Population and Get Off the Dock
Ship: Cargo Hauler

Character name and role: Aren, ship medic
We're all just Simple Folk trying to get by.

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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Outpost - Exile
« Reply #6 on: February 17, 2015, 10:22:24 pm »

Destination:Tau Ceti
Ark Resources:War Effort
Otpost Profile:Battlestar(can't say no to free sats. Sat choice would be 2 survey sats, 2 comm sats, and 1 weather sat)

Ah sorry i meant that the additional satellites would not take up any space, not that they were free.  But looking back that is not very good, but 5 free satellites is a lot. 

Lets say 2 free ones and you can buy 5 more?  I made the changes.

The automated satellite launcher basically means you do not even need to roll to launch them with the best success possible.

Also you get two Ark options
« Last Edit: February 17, 2015, 10:26:50 pm by VoidSlayer »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Outpost - Exile
« Reply #7 on: February 18, 2015, 03:09:24 am »

I vote Deep Space Survey Vessel for the ship.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Outpost - Exile
« Reply #8 on: February 18, 2015, 03:14:39 am »

Alright then, new plan.

Name: DSN Wayfarer
Destination:Kapteyn's Star
Ark Options:War Effort, Tools and Resources
Outpost Profile:Battlestar(2 free sats survey and comm)
This fort really does sit on the event horizon of madness and catastrophe
No. I suppose there are similarities, but I'm fairly certain angry birds doesn't let me charge into a battalion of knights with a car made of circular saws.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Outpost - Exile
« Reply #9 on: February 18, 2015, 04:12:31 pm »

Right now the winners are:

Destination:Kapteyn's Star
Ark Options:Tools and Resources, random choice between 4
Outpost Profile:Deep Space Survey Vessel

I wont be able to write up a full post for a few hours so I'll leave it open until then.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Outpost - Exile
« Reply #10 on: February 19, 2015, 04:49:25 pm »

    Jan 2076

    Turn 0 - Selections

    Name: DNS Settler
    Destination: Kapteyn's Star
    Ark Options: Survival, Resources and Tools
    Ship Choice: Deep Space Survey Vessel

    Ceres Industrial Complex - Hab 41 Conference Room A

    Donavhan Chu looked around the room once before returning his gaze to the six other men and women.  Bare grey metal walls, bare grey metal floors, a red plastic table that looked like it belonged in some low priced burger stand.  Not the right place for a decision this important, if there was a right place at all.

    His attention was drawn down to the tapping noise, Aren the lead medic for the mission, if a trained surgeon and infectious disease specialist could ever be called a 'medic', had started his nervous tick after sliding the data pad across the table, bloodshot eyes still staring at it. 

    There it is, is all that he had said.

    The man was strong enough to endure this, at least the psych profile had shown, but it had clearly unnerved him anyway.  Donavhan could see the same look in everyone there, a decade as the most powerful man in the most powerful company humanity had ever forged gave him the skill to see through the fronts the others put up.  He reached over and pushed the data pad away from himself a few inches, a few minutes.

    Thank you doctor, before we get to that we have a few more details to work out.  As you know my company provided most of the materials for this Ark and I have put the resources necessary into ensuring it will reach it's destination intact and be able to provide the first mission additional materials on arrival.

    Selfish, shortsighted, even then you will arrive with less then nothing.  We will be doing all the real work!

    Ah Dr Velantes, she was not one to hide her emotions.  Her disgust was obvious, at him, at the real purpose of this meeting, sometimes at the whole human race for the messes we put ourselves in.  Perhaps she was right, but they were committed now, in more ways then one.  Donavhan sighed and looked up, scanning the first few names on the list off the data pad. 

    We have, at great expense in both materials and lives, brought your recommended ship to this place, despite the objections to it's colorful history.

    Unfounded, Superstitious, that kind of thinking will only lead to our ruin.  It was built before this war broke out, with the best materials available at the time.  It is the only choice!

    Jacky, let him finish.  None of us are happy about this.

    She shot Aren a glance, then closed her eyes and with a deep breath, sat back down.  Continue.

    Because of the importance of your mission to establish an outpost, particularly This mission for My Ark, I have managed to procure an extra supply line that should allow some additional work to be completed.

    You have been holding out on us!  Still!  You slimey gre... god damn, it you don't even care, that shit eating grin, again and again.  Why do we bother.

    After a few seconds Donavhan continued, coming close to the subject at hand.

    We now need to select leadership for the Settler, we have many fine candidates to choose from, we need to at least narrow down the list right now, before the Ark starts loading.

    As the debate started up the first detail he noticed were the columns Aren had set up for them to divide the prospective colonists into, Ark, Outpost and Dead.

    The Pre-flight phase starts in earnest now, it will consist of 4 to 6 turns where you can add modifications and modules to your ship and load cargo, all with a limited supply of resource units  divided up with other missions. 

    There will also be events that need to be dealt with, these can have long lasting impacts on the state of your ship and crew, providing additional unique items and bonuses.

    You may not be satisfied with the systems provided to you, for that you can make one research action per turn.  This can be used to modify or improve existing systems or cargo, learn more about the star you will be headed to, or do fundamental research which can be used during the flight and Outpost phases.  More specific directions about what you want will give results closer to what you want; for example "improve cryopods by making them cost less and hold more people" as oppose to just "improve cryopods".

    While some things will be hand-waved away for the sake of fun or simplicity, the technologies available should be based on existing science, taken to logical conclusions.  If you are unsure what exists just ask.

    This is a list of modification, modules and cargo.  Many are the result of research done during previous outpost games!  It will be copied near the first post.

    Spoiler: Ship Modifications (click to show/hide)

    Spoiler: List of Modules (click to show/hide)
    Spoiler: Cargo List (click to show/hide)

    This might be usefull

    (thanks 10ebbor10 for a handy list)

    Event: (50) Additional 'untapped' supply chain opened up, resulting in +10 RU.

    Event: Leader profile

    There are many candidates for leadership of the ship during flight and after landing, but there is disagreement on how much talent can make up for negative qualities that some possess.  This will effect leaders available next turn, as well as make the chosen type more likely at any later event.

    • Stable and well test: The leaders chosen will have no negative side effects, but, while professionals in their fields, are not multi talented or experts.
    • Skilled and talented: The leaders chosen will have expert knowledge of at least one field or broad skills applicable across many areas, although they display some unprofessional conduct which may get in the way of their duties.
    • Unqualified:  These individuals have unique or highly skilled abilities but were disqualified due to serious issues with their ability to be an effective leader.
    • Out of the box: This random guy just walked past the window, maybe him?  Totally random stats.

    Turn 1 Decisions

    []Build Orders:
            []Slot 1:
            []Slot 2:

    []Cargo Orders:

    []Research Order:

    []Event Selection: Leadership Profile:

    Outpost Overview
    • Ship: DNS Settler

      Hull Design: Survey Vessel

      Resources 0/190 RU
      Size 0/40
      Mass 20
      Power Use 5/0 MW
      Cargo 0/10

      Installed Moduals:
      • Focus Detection Array (Integrated; no mass/size, 2 MW)
      • Modular Advanced Lab(integrated; no mass/size, 3 MW)
      • Small Cargo bay (Integrated; no mass/size; cargo still has mass)
    • Warning!
      Life Support
      Cryogenic pods
    « Last Edit: February 19, 2015, 04:56:32 pm by VoidSlayer »


    • Bay Watcher
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    Re: Outpost - Exile
    « Reply #11 on: February 19, 2015, 05:06:46 pm »

    []Build Orders:
            []Slot 1: Expanded Superstructure
            []Slot 2 : Expanded Superstructure

    []Cargo Orders: My first Factory

    []Research Order: Shuttle Bay

    []Event Selection: Leadership Profile: Skilled and Talented


    • Bay Watcher
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    Re: Outpost - Exile
    « Reply #12 on: February 19, 2015, 07:22:58 pm »

    Hmm, 10ebbor seems to have everything I wanted to do covered. I assume by shuttlebay though you mean instead of doing the whole crashlanding bit we go with shuttling everything down to the planet? If so I'll +1 this and everything else
    This fort really does sit on the event horizon of madness and catastrophe
    No. I suppose there are similarities, but I'm fairly certain angry birds doesn't let me charge into a battalion of knights with a car made of circular saws.

    Urist Arrhenius

    • Bay Watcher
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    Re: Outpost - Exile
    « Reply #13 on: February 19, 2015, 08:27:03 pm »

    Hmm, 10ebbor seems to have everything I wanted to do covered. I assume by shuttlebay though you mean instead of doing the whole crashlanding bit we go with shuttling everything down to the planet? If so I'll +1 this and everything else
    We're all just Simple Folk trying to get by.

    You can also watch me learn to draw.


    • Bay Watcher
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    Re: Outpost - Exile
    « Reply #14 on: February 19, 2015, 08:37:29 pm »

    If you expect to live forever then you will never be disappointed.
    Spooky Signature
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