I had a bit of fun the other day
Sick and tired of being outclassed by everyone else's cool computers at Starbucks, I decided to go for maximum pretentious!
Dwarf Fortress running on an Open Pandora!
I always thought it would be so cool to have a portable version of DF that I could play as I move about the day (I take a lot of trains and stuff). Something about having a little fort in your hands strangely makes the experience a lot more personal, probably a sentiment a lot of people have with portable games.
This recently became possible with x86 emulation software for ARM that ran at near native speed, called Exagear. Before this, as far as I know, the only option was QEMU, and it wasnt the fastest bit of software.
Of course, while the Pandora is an extremely capable Linux machine, it is lacking in brute strength. The processor is a dated Arm Cortex A8 overclocked from 1Ghz to 1.2 (comparable to an iPhone 4 regards to hardware).
On a tiny 1x1 embark, within the first year (before any immigrants) the game runs between 10 and 20 FPS, while inputting commands jumps back up to 100 FPS. It's certainly playable, just with a bit more waiting for stuff to happen. Hopefully I can keep the micro fort size (I've limited my pop size to as small as I can get it, lets see what that does) and keep the FPS as high as possible.
I did try running it through the terminal itself in "text rendering" mode. The frame rate was much higher, but visual elements were missing. I don't have enough experience with that yet to know how to solve it.
Despite the slow speed, I'm at least enjoying the novelty of having a little fortress in my pocket that I can pull out anytime, and slaughter some yaks, while waiting for the train.