Turn 15: Last Stand (Cont.)
Rest up a bit while booing at the baron.
[1d4=3] Your taunting is not overly effective, but at least you have a chance to catch your breath.
+1 HPRoar loudly and attack the baron again!
[1d4=2, roar][1d6+1=5] vs [1d7+1=3] Your roar is weak, but as the Baron looks at you in confusion you score a light blow to his leg, and he looks unsteady.
Baron at 2/8 HPcrawl towards the church
[-] You crawl over to Lork lies resting and slump up against the wall. The color is beginning to come back into your face.
+1 HPFeign death. Let em feel safe, until I regain my breath. Then I'll show me what for!
[-] The guard quickly rushes to the door, apparently content you will not trouble them further.
+1 HPWait until one of my comrades attacks him and attack from the side or rear while he's distracted.
[1d5=1, tactics][1d5+1-1=1] vs [1d7+1=6] You try to ambush the Baron while he distracted, but instead you wait too long and he is turning towards you just in time. With the entire force of his not-insubstantial body behind the strike, he hits you in the head with the candlestick. Everything goes dark as you crumple to the floor.
Orlo Talbus has fallen to a blow to the head[/b]
Stay where I am and rest a bit...
[-] You rest briefly, and Cortis comes up alongside you. You see another man approach you (see below).
+1 HPXaver Dunik enters the battlefield near two resting peasants.All five guardsmen pounded and threw their bodies against the door, [5d4=14] and managed to tear it down. Only a very rough barricade stood between them and the temple.
Door broken
Barricade HP 10/10The Baron was clearly showing signs of the combat, but he had also just taken down one of his opponents with a single swift and sure blow.
Priest (Dead)
2 Initiate (1 Bleeding)
4 Armed Men (2 Unconscious, 2 Dead)
10 Women and Children
3 Subdued Men
The Baron (In the Cellar)
Name: Rabble Rall
HP: 1/3 [-2]
Attacks at 1d5 +2
Blocks 1
Looting I
Horsemanship I
Fortification I
Long Knife (equipped)
Peasant clothes
Dirty Cloth
Young Charger (mounted) (+1 Att, block)
No money
Valor: 1
Honor: 1
Name: Orcus Pocus
HP: 2/3 [-2]
Attacks at 1d6 +1
Blocks 2
Scavenging I
Knot Tying I
Craftsman’s Hammer [equipped]
Iron Skullcap [equipped]
Leather Jerkin [equipped]
Peasant clothes [equipped]
Guard’s Tunic
No money
Valor: 2
Honor: 2
Name: Cortis McGornly
HP: 0/3 [-2]
Attacks at 1d5 -1
Blocks 0
Acrobatics I
Bow +0 [Ranged] [equipped]
5x Dull Wooden Arrows [equipped]
Peasant clothes
No money
Valor: 0
Honor: 0
HP: 1/3 [-2]
Attacks at 1d6 +1
Blocks 1
Scavenging I
Shoddy Short Sword [equipped]
Iron Skullcap [equipped]
Broken Bottle
Peasant clothes
No money
Rough Steaks
Valor: 1
Honor: 1
Name: Lork Pedelbum
HP: 1/3 [-2]
Attacks at 1d5 +1
Blocks 0
Lucid Dreaming I
Shoddy Long Knife [equipped]
Peasant clothes
No money
Valor: 1
Honor: 1
Name: Xaver Dunik
HP: 2/2 [-2]
Attacks at 1d4
Blocks 0
Peasant clothes
No money
Valor: 0
Honor: 0
1d5 attack
4 HP + 0 block
Leaves Carcass
1d4 + 1 attack
3 HP + 1 block
Bounty of 1 Valor and 1 Honor
Armed Noble/Citizen
1d4 + 1 attack
2 HP + 0 block
Bounty of 1 Valor and 1 Honor
The Baron
1d7+1 attack
8HP +1 block
Bounty of 2 Valor and 3 Honor