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Author Topic: [SG] Vesohin  (Read 4441 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Vesohin: P2, Press Start to Join
« Reply #15 on: February 11, 2015, 09:34:06 pm »

You are Basgi of the Clan Quinn

Growing up, your childhood was...

1. Perfect. Your parents loved you dearly and you strove to be a good child. You weren't necessarily well-liked by the other kids, but nobody bullied you.
2. Average. Your parents loved you and cared for you to the best of their abilities, flawed and human though they were, and you acted much like any other child.
3. Troubled. Your parents were apathetic at best. Other children bullied you mercilessly. You still have scars on your hand from a particularly vicious incident involving the village bully and a burning stick.

As a child, you enjoyed...

1. Play-fighting! You would often face off against the other kids in mock-duels with sticks as swords and pans as shields.
2. Exploring! You loved to wander through the forests and imagine what might be just around the next corner - often to your parents' consternation.
3. Listening to stories! Whenever a minstrel or entertainer would pass through the village, you would be the first one there to hear both news from the outside world and old tales of heroes and villains.
4. Bullying others. You might have been bullied sometimes, but really, you were the village bully.
5. Helping others! You could usually be found wherever there was a need. Helping with chores, farmwork, and, more than anything else, helping the clan's druid heal the wounded.

Your father was a...

1. Warrior
2. Blacksmith
3. Shepard
4. Trader
5. Trapper
6. Druid

...but you always dreamed of becoming a...

<What was your dream?>


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Vesohin: P2, Press Start to Join
« Reply #16 on: February 11, 2015, 09:40:48 pm »

We had a Perfect childhood, we enjoyed Play-Fighting and our father was a Trapper.
Ya'll need Jesus. Just sayin'.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Vesohin: P2, Press Start to Join
« Reply #17 on: February 11, 2015, 10:35:11 pm »



  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Vesohin: P2, Press Start to Join
« Reply #18 on: February 11, 2015, 10:39:14 pm »

Gah... I missed it again...

We dream of becoming a great Warrior, stronger than anyone in the land!

Also, this describes us quite nicely:

Spoiler (click to show/hide)
Ya'll need Jesus. Just sayin'.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Vesohin: P2, Press Start to Join
« Reply #19 on: February 12, 2015, 12:24:18 am »

Your name is Basgi of Quinn. Your childhood was nearly perfect: your parents both loved you to a fault, and you did your best to please them. Your father was a trapper; a dangerous job in the northern foothills. Though you never were the sharpest tool in the shed, you still remember the basics of tracking game and laying snares that your father had taught you.

Your fondest memories, however, are of the idyllic summer days when the cool mountain air would turn warm, and your friends and you would pretend to be mighty heroes from stories. You would arm yourselves with sticks and have epic duels, your imaginations clothing you in burnished armor and turning the sticks into deadly swords. Sometimes when your father returned in the afternoon he would join in, pretending to be some terrible villain or legendary beast for you to slay.

Your greatest dream is to one day be a great warrior. Not a great warrior; the greatest warrior! A mighty hero, stronger than anyone else in the land!

You're sure you'll get there eventually. You just need to keep moving. Where was it you were moving in particular?

1. To Gobhan, the largest town in Quinn's holdings.
2. West towards Tiryn.
3. Seeking out a band of warriors to join within Quinn's holdings.

<Also, describe your physical appearance. For the sake of expedience, you are also eighteen years old.>


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Vesohin: P2, Press Start to Join
« Reply #20 on: February 12, 2015, 12:50:28 am »

Number 2. We need to get out peeps to meet up....

Also, We are a big buff dude, blonde hair, flat-top haircut and he does have a beard...
Ya'll need Jesus. Just sayin'.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: [SG] Vesohin
« Reply #21 on: February 12, 2015, 02:18:06 am »

Number 2. We need to get out peeps to meet up....

You could have them go off in different directions, if you wanted. As they say, the plot, ah, finds a way. That said, I appreciate the consideration!

You said goodbye to your family, promising that you'd return someday. As you left, your parents gave you a parting gift: a sturdy sword, well-crafted and plain. Travelling alongside a small band of pilgrims, you set out west towards the coast. Days of walking passed, and you often rested your hand on the sword's hilt and wondered if you had chosen the right path. When your thoughts turned towards home, you remembered why you had left in the first place, and your resolve strengthened.

It was the morning of the fifth day of travelling that you first saw the sea. From high in the foothills, your vision passed over the trees' canopy and you saw the vast expanse of water. That same afternoon you reached your destination at last: the city of Tiryn, seat of the Tiras clan, and the birthplace of your legend.

You descended towards the mass of cramped wooden buildings and narrow streets. Your destiny awaited you.

    Another pause. Another paper. Another page. The candlelight illuminated the faint, melancholy smile on his face as he continued to write.

You've lived in the vast forests of the Cialagh your whole life. You are a...

1. Man
2. Woman the name of...

<What is your name? (First name only)>

You were born into a family of the clan...

1. Tiras: Clan Tiras lies on the western edge of the Cialagh, on the shores of the Northern Sea. The clan is one of the strongest militarily, and holds sway over many of the surrounding clans. They primarily use their power to gain wealth through tributes and trading, but they also maintain order. Before their rise, bloody clan wars often tore the region apart. Since Tiras rose to power, clans have been much more leery about gathering allies and marching to battle. The clan originated in the bitterly cold north, and is proud of its heritage.
2. Quinn: Clan Quinn is native to the foothills along the northern edge of the Cialagh. In the mountains, powerful spirits make their homes, and living in the foothills is dangerous. Nevertheless, the people of Quinn survive through tenacity and stoic fortitude. Fortunately for them, their mines produce enough iron and silver to draw the attentions (and wealth) of the surrounding clans, most of which the clan is on good terms with. Most of them.
3. Fealen: Clan Fealen controls a swath of land in the southeast corner of the Cialagh. The area is peaceful and pastoral. The only spirits to menace them are minor pests on the level of rats or rabbits. Their economy revolves around herding in the open meadows that appear the farther south you travel in the forest. However, just past the mountains to the south lie foreign lands, and the barbaric spirits there are greater and more terrible than any that menace the clans. But they never travel past the mountains. ...Right?

« Last Edit: February 12, 2015, 02:25:46 am by Araph »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: [SG] Vesohin
« Reply #22 on: February 12, 2015, 02:42:54 am »

We are a Man by the name of Lurm. We are of the clan Tiras.

Also, are other races involved in this?
Ya'll need Jesus. Just sayin'.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: [SG] Vesohin
« Reply #23 on: February 12, 2015, 04:05:24 pm »

You are Lurm of the Clan Tiras

Growing up, your childhood was...

1. Perfect. Your parents loved you dearly and you strove to be a good child. You weren't necessarily well-liked by the other kids, but nobody bullied you.
2. Average. Your parents loved you and cared for you to the best of their abilities, flawed and human though they were, and you acted much like any other child.
3. Troubled. Your parents were apathetic at best. Other children bullied you mercilessly. You still have scars on your hand from a particularly vicious incident involving the village bully and a burning stick.

As a child, you enjoyed...

1. Play-fighting! You would often face off against the other kids in mock-duels with sticks as swords and pans as shields.
2. Exploring! You loved to wander through the forests and imagine what might be just around the next corner - often to your parents' consternation.
3. Listening to stories! Whenever a minstrel or entertainer would pass through the village, you would be the first one there to hear both news from the outside world and old tales of heroes and villains.
4. Bullying others. You might have been bullied sometimes, but really, you were the village bully.
5. Helping others! You could usually be found wherever there was a need. Helping with chores, farmwork, and, more than anything else, helping the clan's druid heal the wounded.

Your father was a...

1. Warrior
2. Blacksmith
3. Shepard
4. Trader
5. Trapper
6. Druid

...but you always dreamed of becoming a...

<What was your dream?>


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: [SG] Vesohin
« Reply #24 on: February 12, 2015, 04:08:34 pm »

Our childhood was Perfect, we enjoyed Listening to stories and our father was a Druid.

We also dream to become a most powerful wizard, with knowledge of every arcane art!
Ya'll need Jesus. Just sayin'.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: [SG] Vesohin
« Reply #25 on: February 12, 2015, 04:59:41 pm »

Your name is Lurm of Tiras. Your father was one of the clan's druids, and he would often let you sit nearby and watch as he concocted potions and performed rituals. He never let you come with him on dangerous assignments, but sometimes you would tag along when he dealt with minor spirits. Over the years, you gained a fairly solid understanding of the basics of alchemy and a few druidic rituals.

As much as you enjoyed learning about druidism, your favorite times were those when your father would return from a dangerous task and tell the story of how his fellow druids and him overcame a mighty spirit and averted disaster. They had an edge to them that reminded you of the tales you would hear from a skald about ancient heroes.

You dreamed of becoming a true wizard. Not a druid, bound by rituals and rites, but a sorcerer, capable of hurling fire and lightning from your hands and commanding spirits to do your bidding! You rarely talked about your dream for fear of the derision that would surely come from the others, but whenever you saw a hedge wizard or magician, you couldn't help but wonder what you might learn from them...

If nothing else, you're in the right place to pursue that goal. The city of Tiryn is the only settlement in the Cialagh that sees travelers from across the world: spirit-binders and shamans from far south, exorcists from the east, and hedge wizards and druids from within the region itself. But where were you within the city?

1. Near the clan chief's castle.
2. Wandering around the docks.
3. Walking just outside the city's walls.

<Also, describe your physical appearance. For the sake of expedience, you are also eighteen years old.>


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: [SG] Vesohin
« Reply #26 on: February 12, 2015, 05:03:43 pm »

Near the clan castle. Also, Lurm is a thin man, with a half-grown beard. He has black hair and is quiet by nature.
Ya'll need Jesus. Just sayin'.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: [SG] Vesohin
« Reply #27 on: February 12, 2015, 05:42:46 pm »

It was a cold morning when you set out. You left your home near the center of town that day, determined to pursue the art of wizardry in whatever capacity you could. Striding through the narrow streets, weaving your way between the pedestrians and pack animals, you began on your journey, wherever it may take you.


The city bustles with activity around you: merchants bartering, travelers and citizens milling about, donkeys braying and people shouting. The noise is foreign to you and the air smells like shit. Nothing back in the forest would have prepared you for this.

It's exciting! Almost like an adventure already!

As you become more accustomed to the cavalcade of new sensory inputs, you feel a little more at ease. You could even say that you're Fealen alright, ah ha ha okay that's enough of that. You wander through the streets, considering your options.

You know that...
- You have enough to barter to last at least a couple days without needing work.
- If absolutely necessary, you could probably get by as a blacksmith's assistant, but you'd prefer not to have to.

<What do you do?>

(Also, feel free to ask questions about whether or not Siob would already know something if you want to check before deciding on actions.)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: [SG] Vesohin
« Reply #28 on: February 12, 2015, 05:51:45 pm »

What equipment do we have?

Also, Search the city for a market place. When we have found it, go to the posting board and read what is on it...
Ya'll need Jesus. Just sayin'.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: [SG] Vesohin
« Reply #29 on: February 12, 2015, 06:58:25 pm »


What equipment do we have?

Tucked neatly away inside your rucksack are a few items of clothing, enough food for another two days, and a few items you brought for bartering: a few ornate knives you made yourself and several copper trinkets.

Also, Search the city for a market place. When we have found it, go to the posting board and read what is on it...

You follow the main street farther into the city and it quickly opens up into a large plaza. Pack animals are being led to and from stalls that line the sides of the clearing as vendors and buyers haggle over pricing. Standing on an elevated platform near the far end of the square, a town crier rings a bell and shouts over the din of the market.

Which is fortunate, because you, uh. You can't read. You never learned how.

Making your way over to the small crowd milling about near the crier, you can hear what the man is saying.

"...calls all loyal clansmen of Tiras to his banner, to reclaim the north! Join the campaign, for the glory of the clan! In other news, the druids warn all citizens to avoid the southern wharf until further notice! Ill omens abound, 'tis best to stay well clear of the place. This very evening, the Firmire auction begins! The herds and possessions of Ruadh of Lachan have been seized and will be put on sale to any merchant who cares to bid! Be advised that a group of travelers from the south have asked any able-bodied men of skill or steel to join them on an expedition east by northeast -"

Now THAT is the kind of news you were hoping for.

"- and can be found in the the Gilded Lantern Inn near the clan-chief's palace!"


The city bustles with activity around you: merchants bartering, travelers and citizens milling about, donkeys braying and people shouting. The noise is foreign to you and the air smells like shit. Nothing back in the foothills would have prepared you for this.

It's nothing like you had pictured the start of your adventures feeling like.

The sound presses down on your ears and the acrid smell stings your eyes, but you press on through the winding streets and consider your options.

You know that...
- You have enough to barter to last at least a couple days without needing work.
- If necessary, you could probably get by as a short term laborer on the docks or working as a guard for a trader.

<What do you do?>
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