I still stand with my "you can handle it with only the target lock" idea. More than one monster at a time is harder like that, but it's usually better to try and get the enemy to fight 1v1 (either dung bombs or smoke), so that doesn't matter, I think.
Sword and Shield is beginner-friendly not just because it's fast, but also because of that extra guard option while you learn how to time your dodges and attacks. I say it's nice until you get to the monsters whose legs are taller than you. At that point, you can look for something new. (You'll get what I mean, I think. If you can pass under the monster, it might be time for a new weapon type. Or the SnS might just be perfect for your rhythm).
My tips for starting:
-Read all the text. Most of the time you'll find useful hints or tips.
-As a new player, I really advise playing all the tutorial/weapon guide quests you'll unlock. They give you a feel for the various weapons and give some guidance on the weak and strong points and basic combos.
-Try the bow and bowguns, but don't use them. Toying with ammo/coatings is a chore and you have less defense,
-Harvest everything. Especially bugs and ores. Always carry at least 5 bug nets and 5 iron pickaxes. You'll need materials to upgrade or craft gear, so it's worth investing time as soon as possible. I believe the tutorial part also covers this.
About the fluidity of combat... I never had a problem with it. It's sort-of like Dark Souls (as mentioned while I took a break while writing this), but in a way more enjoyable way (subjective opinion, I never liked DS, but love MH from the start). It's basically 98% Capcom boss fights after the intro part. Skill is more important than gear and there are no stats, so there's that. Gear is still important though. Especially good weapons. A pro can beat the strongest enemy in the game naked (after a lot of practice), but not if he doesn't have a weapon that deals enough damage to kill it in 45 mins...
Well yeah, basically nothing that hasn't been said or written before either here, on the wiki or in the game. Still, it's a great game once you get into it. And I'll be honest: The demos seem to be pretty bad so far. The MH3U demo felt terrible. MH3U itself was heaven.
Man, I've gone and written a long and meaningless post again. I should limit myself to a set number of words or characters...