@Iaman: Granted, I ignore your ninja and it's like you don't even exist.
I wish that I could bestow immortality to anyone of my choice.
Granted, however it is at the cost of their sanity and doing so gives them an unhealthy obsession with cheese and cats. The first person you bestow immortality on is your significant other; who then kills you and conquers the world and turns the entire earth and moon into giant cheese factories, and institutes a mandatory cat breeding program and identification program and everyone must have a cat with them at all times or else they are arrested by the Nazi-KGB-Stormtrooper police squad and subject to become special ingredients for the very special "head cheese."
Later the cats form a hive-mind out of sheer numbers and imprison the earths former ruler within it's core. The cats then proceed to spread out across the entire universe turning all available matter into cats, however the cats eventually collapse under their own combined gravity into a single super-condensed particle, which then after several quadrillions of years explodes in a new Big Bang, eventually a new Earth, exactly identical to the first forms, and goes through an almost exactly similar history eventually leading to you granting immortality to your significant other, and time continues to loop from there.
I wish that I would never use the lyrics of a song in a wish again. As it almost killed the thread last time.