The smith is quite taken a back by Adrik's bluntness, and blusters "Well, if you don't want any of my stock, I say GOOD DAY SIR," before stomping off to shout at one of his apprentices.
Arwn, missing the universe's hint, heads off to the temple to Chauntea in his search for books on magic. The elderly half-elf priest, Eadyan Falconmoon, greets Arwen at the gates of temple. They lie in ruins after the raid, and everyone is too busy repairing their own homes to aid the temple, Falconmoon explains. While putting a kettle on for tea, Falconmoon listens to Arwen's request.
"I would think that your wizard friend, the dwarf, that she would be your first stop for magical tutelage. In my time on this world, I've seen quite a bit of magic. Cast quite a bit of it too. When I was just about your age, I was an adventurer too, if you can believe it. Not much, mind you; Chauntea only needed my arm for a short time. Thanks to your help, I avoided most of the raiders that night, but not everyone was so lucky. I heard many stories, stories of things I hadn't heard of for ages. Dark, dark magic. Magic that should have been banished long, long ago. And it was, I had thought, but apparently not. Take my advice, son," the priest says, handing Arwen a warm mug of a thin tea, "your cleric friend, wassername, Marelli, she's got it right. Arcane magic's only going to take you so far in this fight. You need the favor of the gods themselves. If you're looking to wield magical power, the gods grant it to anyone who believes as they do. Of course, they're notoriously fickle."