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Author Topic: D&D 5e: The Tyranny of Dragons. IC Thread: A Much Delayed End.  (Read 120022 times)

My Name is Immaterial

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Re: D&D 5e: The Tyranny of Dragons. IC Thread: Chapter 2: Raiders' Camp
« Reply #420 on: September 22, 2015, 01:25:50 am »

<The [pink worm meat] with the [big fleshy meat sacks] and I am going to take the worm. Why do you care, [pink worm meat]?>

The camp is filled with campfires, and one could easily grab a burning branch from one and light the tent on fire.
When it comes to malodorous substances... that's a bit harder.
(Medicine: 12+3)
Your thoughts stray to the medicine kit you keep in your bag. The right mix of herbs could create quite the stink, but it might not be enough to get everyone out.
(Secret rolls... Failed!)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: D&D 5e: The Tyranny of Dragons. IC Thread: Chapter 2: Raiders' Camp
« Reply #421 on: September 22, 2015, 07:09:45 am »

Arwen chuckles, his grin sharp and malicious.

"<Take the worm? Really? They let weaklings like YOU do that? Maybe I'll try too....>"

Goading the Kobold, hooray!

My Name is Immaterial

  • Bay Watcher
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Re: D&D 5e: The Tyranny of Dragons. IC Thread: Chapter 2: Raiders' Camp
« Reply #422 on: September 22, 2015, 11:29:52 am »

(Intimidate: 5+3)
The kobolds snicker at your taunts. <Once my siblings eat them from the inside out,> the lead kobolds says, with a pound of spite in their voice, <then we can take the worm too, and see how long you last.>


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: D&D 5e: The Tyranny of Dragons. IC Thread: Chapter 2: Raiders' Camp
« Reply #423 on: September 25, 2015, 08:16:21 am »

Arwen shrugs and looks towards the cave.

<"Hm. Anyway, if you'll excuse me, I have more important things to be doing.">

And without waiting for a response, he begins to make his way towards that ominous, enticing cave.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: D&D 5e: The Tyranny of Dragons. IC Thread: Chapter 2: Raiders' Camp
« Reply #424 on: September 25, 2015, 08:31:35 am »

Johanna thought there would be a distraction, sooner or later...

"Well. I will need a short time to pray, and cleanse my soul in preparation of this task-it would not do for me to fail because I was taken unaware. Let us meet back here in an hour or two, say?"

Action: Prevaricate
Dwarmin's fell gaze has fallen upon you. Sadly, Your life and your quest end here, at this sig.

"The hats never coming off."

My Name is Immaterial

  • Bay Watcher
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Re: D&D 5e: The Tyranny of Dragons. IC Thread: Chapter 2: Raiders' Camp
« Reply #425 on: September 25, 2015, 11:57:31 am »

On his approach, Arwen notices a figure tied to some sort of crucifix in the shape of an X. In the light of the sun that has sunk below the walls of the cliff, it's hard to make out who they are from this distance, or any other details for that matter.
But Arwen has a dragon to fight, and BDSM enthusiasts are none of his concern today.
At the entrance to the cave, he finds six cultists, with higher quality gear than most of those he's previously fought, standing guard. They look at him with bored glares.
"What do you want, mercenary? Nursery's off-limits to your kind."

(Prevaricate: 13)
The kobolds hiss at this suggestion, but Johanna's new-found cultist friends glare at them, and they grudgingly accept.
<One hour, [pink meat]. And Ipmeerk goes with you, to make sure you don't run!>
A kobold slips out of the reptilian tangle to stand by Johanna's side and glare at the wizardess.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: D&D 5e: The Tyranny of Dragons. IC Thread: Chapter 2: Raiders' Camp
« Reply #426 on: September 25, 2015, 12:13:31 pm »

Arwen shrugs, acting like he's not really sure why he's here either, but notes the tied up figure for later. He pats his companion (The drake not the elf) on the head, looking to the cultists.

"I was called here. I don't know why myself..."

My Name is Immaterial

  • Bay Watcher
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Re: D&D 5e: The Tyranny of Dragons. IC Thread: Chapter 2: Raiders' Camp
« Reply #427 on: September 25, 2015, 12:35:33 pm »

(Charisma: 14+1)
"You hear to see Cyanwrath, then?" The cultist looks you up and down, chuckling. "Ya, I can see it now. Imma need yer weapons 'fore you can go in."

From behind the guards, you can hear some weak moaning, and make out some splayed figures


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: D&D 5e: The Tyranny of Dragons. IC Thread: Chapter 2: Raiders' Camp
« Reply #428 on: September 25, 2015, 12:50:56 pm »


Arwen nods and hands over his sword. He also tries to get a better look at the figures behind the guards before he goes in.

My Name is Immaterial

  • Bay Watcher
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Re: D&D 5e: The Tyranny of Dragons. IC Thread: Chapter 2: Raiders' Camp
« Reply #429 on: September 25, 2015, 06:38:58 pm »

The figures are writhing slightly in pain, clutching their grotesquely distended stomachs as they lie on the rocky ground.
One of the guards sees Arwen peering into the torchlight at the figures, and laughs. "This is what happens when the false take the worm. Tiamat knows the truth in our hearts, merc."
The guards who asked for his sword also demands that Arwen turn over his handaxes, and once he does so, another guard escorts Arwen, along with his companions, through the cavern. "Only step where I step; the passages are trapped."
The first chamber they pass through is badly light; the entire right half shrouded in darkness. This chamber leads to a 10-foot drop-off. To the right, broad steps are roughly hewn into a natural stone ramp. The cavern below is carpeted with a profusion of fungi ranging from a few inches high to nearly as high as Arwen is tall. Two paths lead through the fungi: one on the right and one on the left. The guard leads Arwen down the stairs, telling him to not step on the third to last step; it's trapped. Once among the fungi, she leads Arwen and co. along the left path in the next chamber.
The next chambers is large, and empty, save for a few stalagmites and a spear with a pitted blade lying on the floor, by a path to another chamber to the west. The guard and Arwen pass through this one quickly.
The guard leads Arwen through a trapped passage, telling to avoid walking in the middle, and into a chamber split in two. Half is a pit, while Arwen and the guard encounter some kobolds and cultists milling around busily on the upper half of the chamber. The pit is shrouded in shadow, and he can't get a good look at it. The upper half has wooden stairs leading into the darkness, and a rack full of implements: long poles with lassos at the end, leashes and collars, sharp prods, mock weapons and human-sized dummies made of sailcloth. The drake growls and slinks closer to its master, away from the pit.
Picking up the pace, the group passes a cave full of the sounds of reptilian jubilation, and a foul stench of wine, urine and mold assaults their noses. On the stairs leading up to it, the guard points out another trapped step to avoid.

After more stairs up, and then some down, they reach their destination. This chamber has been enlarged and reshaped from its original form. The floor and three of the walls are smooth and stalactites and stalagmites have been polished into gleaming columns. Every surface glistens with moisture, and the air is warm and humid. The flat walls of the chamber are decorated with shallow abstract carvings of dragons. Dragons' tails coil into intricate patterns and knots that flow across the walls. The creature portrayed in the northwest corner stands out: a five-headed dragon, rising from an erupting volcano. Other dragons, which seem dwarfed by the five-headed monstrosity, flock to its side. A small, wooden chest with silver and mother-of-pearl inlays sits on the floor in the corner, in front of the monstrous dragon carving. Above it hovers a ball of inky purple blackness about the size of a large child's ball. Black-purple tendrils emanate from it, and stretch throughout the room. Beyond that, you can see nine blue half-dragons inside. There are two entrances to the room, and there are two half-dragons guarding each. Four more are standing watch over the largest half-dragon of the group, who is in quiet prayer over a corpse with their back turned to the door. A large tendril from the black ball is wandering over the corpse's body.

You are stopped at the entrance by that entrance's guards.
<Why do you dare disturb this ritual,> the half-dragon demands in a hushed voice.
<This one,> the guard replies in equally hushed voice, gesturing at Arwen, <was called for by your master.>
<He called for no such thing.> The half-dragon switches to heavily accented Common to address Arwen, saying "Explain this interruption," <[pink worm meat].>


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: D&D 5e: The Tyranny of Dragons. IC Thread: Chapter 2: Raiders' Camp
« Reply #430 on: September 25, 2015, 07:06:52 pm »

"<I can speak Draconic just fine, thank you. And that's peculiar... One of the Red Hand told me Cyanwrath had called for me... He must have been mistaken.>"

So there was Cyanwrath. Soon, he'd have his rematch. But not now. Not here. For now, he needed information. What was that ball? What was it guarding? What the HELL was going on in this freaking cave?! He was curious about the other paths, the ones they hadn't taken, but he couldn't just run yet. Not until he'd found his answers. Or until Cyanwrath learned he was here. If that happened Arwen was gonna FLEE.

My Name is Immaterial

  • Bay Watcher
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Re: D&D 5e: The Tyranny of Dragons. IC Thread: Chapter 2: Raiders' Camp
« Reply #431 on: September 25, 2015, 10:35:41 pm »

(Deception: 16+1)
The eyes of the half-dragon narrow at the sound of this. <You will take me to this Red Hand, gold-blade. They were not mistaken: they made a big mistake. Those who make mistakes should be... corrected. You may go, claw of the Queen.> The guard bows, and leaves quickly.
The dragon-man hefts a greataxe from where it rested against the wall, and puts a heavy hand on your shoulder, pushing you along, back through the cave.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: D&D 5e: The Tyranny of Dragons. IC Thread: Chapter 2: Raiders' Camp
« Reply #432 on: September 26, 2015, 10:59:30 am »

"I am insulted you question my faith this way. I will not be tailed around like a prisoner in chains. Is my word not enough? Surely, there is no way out of our well fortified camp, is there? I have no where else to go. Perhaps I should fry your little friend, so I can have some peace and quiet!"

She made a motion to shoo him away.

Action: Bluff my way out!
Dwarmin's fell gaze has fallen upon you. Sadly, Your life and your quest end here, at this sig.

"The hats never coming off."


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: D&D 5e: The Tyranny of Dragons. IC Thread: Chapter 2: Raiders' Camp
« Reply #433 on: September 26, 2015, 11:20:27 am »

Arwen picks up his sword on the way out, a new idea forming. Maybe THIS would be the best way to fight them. By having them fight themselves. He leads the half-dragon to the Red Hand's camp, and points someone out discreetly, at random.

"That's the one.'

My Name is Immaterial

  • Bay Watcher
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Re: D&D 5e: The Tyranny of Dragons. IC Thread: Chapter 2: Raiders' Camp
« Reply #434 on: September 26, 2015, 02:28:02 pm »

(Deception: 8+0)
<Just try and lay a grubby finger on her, and see what happens, rock-eater. She stays with you.>

As Arwen and the half-dragon enter the Red Hand Camp, a few cultists give them nasty looks, and a few break off to tail the group.
After a look around, Arwen points to a cultist playing a card game with a few others. It seems to be poker, but with blood instead of chips or money. A dessicated cultist lies where they fell, probably after loosing too much blood.
The half-dragon strides forward zealously, and grabs the cultist Arwen indicated by the neck, lifting her into the air, with an inhuman strength. Instantly, her companions go for their weapons, along with the cultists that were trailing behind the group. Unfazed, the half-dragon begins to interrogate the cultist.
"You thought it would be funny to interrupt my master," <[pink worm meat]?!>
"What?! I don't know what you're talking about!"
"My master grows tired of your antics and lies, Red Hand scum. Let your fate be a lesson for those who would screw with the Cobalt Claw!"
The half-dragon throws the cultist to the ground, plants a heavy clawed foot on her chest, and raises his greataxe above his head.
The rest of the Red Hand Cultists seem frozen, but once that axe falls, they are primed to surge forward with an unholy wrath, directed at the half-dragon, and you, by association.
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