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Author Topic: D&D 5e: The Tyranny of Dragons. IC Thread: A Much Delayed End.  (Read 119951 times)


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Throwing the kobold back, Mirella staggered for a moment.  Raising a hand to her chest, she pulled out her "This...hold on, Johanna, we can still fight.  Selūne, I call upon your aid.  Shine your healing light upon us, that we may protect those in need."  As she did this, she slipped the strap on the back of her shield from her arm with a quick jerk, letting it slide down her arm right into her hand as she went into a defensive posture. 

Move to C11; Channel Divinity: Preserve Life (10 HP restored to self)
Reequip Shield (+2 AC), wielding quarterstaff as a one-handed weapon (1d6 damage)

My Name is Immaterial

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The moon peeks through the clouds, and Mirella becomes illuminated in the silvery light, and her wounds knit closed. The light does not fully heal her, and she feels that more holy healing power is still hers to use, but not on her.
(Con save... Failure! 11 damage!)
The kobold in between the fighter and the cleric is hit by the spray, and takes only a small breath, but it was enough. They seize up and fall to the group, twitching.

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It is Arwen's turn.
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You know the drill. Pew pew all sneaky like.
You fool. Don't you understand?
No one wishes to go on...


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Arwen begins laughing madly, ignoring the blood and injuries as he swings for one of the kobolds.


My Name is Immaterial

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(Attack: 13+6, Success! Insta-kill!) (Second Wind: 5+2)
Violence makes for great comedy. And you know what they say: laughter is the best medicine.
(Attack: 10+6, Success! Insta-kill!)
And the last one bites the dust!

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Johanna nodded.

"What sort of God do they prey to, here? We need to convince them to open me here, Mirella. You know more Gods than I do."

Action: Knowledge Religion check. Who is this a church to, anyway? Can I tell? Churches to various Gods usually have architectural similarities, especially popular ones. Or maybe there's a useful weather vane holy symbol. Probably wouldn't be that obscure of a question, you'd think. Also, the mayor should have mentioned it. :p

Religion Knowledge +3
Dwarmin's fell gaze has fallen upon you. Sadly, Your life and your quest end here, at this sig.

"The hats never coming off."

My Name is Immaterial

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(Religion: 3+3)
The iconography of roses and grain suggests that this temple is dedicated to Chauntea, a Goddess of life and fertility.


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Johanna nodded at her revelation.

"Might as well try, eh?" She said, walking over to the door and knocking politely.

She tried to talk to anyone listening at the door, quickly.

"You folk in there? We're gonna need you to open the door, and quick-if we're to get all of ye outta there. We're friends-Tarbaw Nighthill and Escobert The Red sent us. We killed all the Kobolds out here...more are coming, though. Now, I know you have every reason to doubt my words, but I hope I convince ya!

I know this is a temple blessed o' Chauntea-I follow Lathander, myself. It can't be a coincidence. Lathander and Chauntea are lovers in the halls of the Gods...Lathander's Sun, feeding Chauntea's Green Earth with their love. I can remember a song from my youth, when I was a girl on my uh, da's knee...maybe you all remember it?"

Johanna sung quickly at that point-it was not a beautiful voice, but there was a certain grace and proud symmetry to it, and indeed love shone in her words-or at least she hoped it did.

"Oh Sweet Dawning, why doest you labor?"
"I must plant my seeds, lest neighbor eat neighbor."
"My sun is still shining, and your plants are still growing-so why not adjourn just a moment, before the great Gloaming?"
"Adjourn as you will, Lathander the Easy. Not even Gods or Goddesses can be ever-roaming."
"The birds are singing, the water is springing! I can understand you point, only so much-but, how long must the Sun wait for your soft touch?"
"The birds would not sing if Aerdrie was lazy. If  Istishia slept in, the waters would be hazy! Be you just man, Low God or Greater, first finish your labor-we can all then comes later!"

...I know there's a lot more-Lathander's pretty insistent, and Chauntea's continues to play hard to get, from what I recall, though it has a nice ending-but, we're short on time. So open the door, if ye trust us! If I'm a stinking Cultist, you think I'd come up with such a silly trick as to sing ye a happy children's song in the middle of a bloody battlefield~!?"
« Last Edit: May 10, 2015, 02:06:04 pm by Dwarmin »
Dwarmin's fell gaze has fallen upon you. Sadly, Your life and your quest end here, at this sig.

"The hats never coming off."

My Name is Immaterial

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Johanna finishes her song, and the time after she finishes seems to move like molasses, as the foot falls of kobold and cultist draw ever nearer.
At the last second, you hear a bolt slide back and the wooden doors swing open, and you rush in, slamming the doors behind you.
In your rush, you almost bowled over an elderly half-elf dressed in a simple brown robe, adorned with the roses and grain of Chauntea.
"Did the Governor send you? Thank Chauntea! We've," He says, gesturing to the dozens of townsfolk, quietly huddled in small groups, with many praying at the various altars, "been stuck here without knowing if rescu-"
He is rudely interrupted by the sound of someone trying to bash down the temple doors, and the small screams that accompany it from the almost panicking tourists.
If rescue was coming. Sounds like they've finally brought out the battering ram. I'm Eadyan Falconmoon." He looks over his shoulder with a worried face.
"Those doors are older than me, but I'm not sure how much longer they can stand. Please, friends, tell me you have a plan."


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" there a way up to the roof? We need to distract 'em...Johanna Stonesthrow, by the way...nice to meet ya..."

((OOC: btw, did I get my extra spell slot when I leveled? Or do I have to rest to take advantage of that? I only ask in the interest of fairness, if we get level-up abilities on level-up. I know I still have to prepare my new spells on a new day. I could really use a spell right now, to distract these guys. Assuming we can get up the roof. :P ))
Dwarmin's fell gaze has fallen upon you. Sadly, Your life and your quest end here, at this sig.

"The hats never coming off."


  • Bay Watcher
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"Well, what's the plan? Perhaps I should have stayed outside and lured away the group at the back door."
You fool. Don't you understand?
No one wishes to go on...


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"No, hopefully we can lure them away without risking you. I've got just enough magic for one more trick...I hope..." Johanna said, trying to concentrate enough to draw power just one more time...

"If I can manage the juice and get to the roof, I can create an illusion of a God on top of the temple. Mirella can call on her God for the special effects-a bit o' thaumaturgy for the flash and bang-and Arwen can use his most beastly Draconic voice to shout from on high. I'll even toss a firebolt for effect!

We should draw them away from the back door, and then you can scout ahead , Pea-making sure no one is lingering. Then we all make like rabbits and, get outta here.

I'm thinking to bring an image of Lathander down from the Heavens to protect his girl, Chauntea. I mean, he probably won't mind me bearing false witness for a good cause..."
She says.

((OOC: Here's where the GM says there's no way up to the roof. Or I don't get my extra spell. Hail mary plan! :P))
Dwarmin's fell gaze has fallen upon you. Sadly, Your life and your quest end here, at this sig.

"The hats never coming off."


  • Bay Watcher
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Mirella paused for a moment.  "I apologize, but that seems perilously close to blasphemy.  The gods rarely lend their favor to those who would invoke their image falsely."  She looked at the huddled tourists as they stayed close to the massive altar to Chauntea and the other gods and goddesses around the walls as the front doors bowed under another blow, dust falling from the eaves.  "I...I will assist, however, if there is no other way.  To permit the deaths of all these people would be contrary to all I've learned."

"If we can get to the roof, however, we might be able to simply escape across the roof of the building south of us.  That is, the one we passed approaching here.  If we can find something to cross the gap, we could cross there.  Alternately, we could simply use this rope and climb down to the alley."
« Last Edit: May 18, 2015, 10:15:04 am by Culise »


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"Lathander's word says, 'Consider the consequences of your actions so that your least effort may bring the greatest and best reward'. What's better than using some wind, words, wits and a touch of magic to get outta here without blood being spilled on either Goodly Deity would condemn us for that, surely-we're not doing this for any gain, not even for ourselves. We could escape if we wanted, fight out way out. These people can't.

Would you truly believe in Selune with all your heart, if she would rather everyone here die to swords and fire? Life ain't a book, girl-the Gods help us sometimes, but they're not down here on the ground, either-except in spirit, I suppose. If Lathander doesn't want to come down himself and deal with this, well, we got to do the best we can.

In any case, we need their attention away from where ever we get these people out...if they chase us, not everyone will make it to safety."
Dwarmin's fell gaze has fallen upon you. Sadly, Your life and your quest end here, at this sig.

"The hats never coming off."


  • Bay Watcher
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Mirella smiled gently at Johanna's reproachful words, turning them aside without taking offense at her misunderstanding.  "I do believe I did say that to do otherwise would be contrary to all I've learned.  I would merely prefer an alternative that did not involve falsely invoking the avatar of a god, but I believe firmly that Selūne and Lathander would forgive this transgression, undertaken in the name of saving those lives around us here.  There is one point I would wish to correct you on, however.  So long as clerics and paladins exist, so long as the gods grant us their power to use in their name, they are with us in more than spirit."

She sighed slightly.  "That said, for alternatives, we could invoke their commanding dragon with my Thaumaturgy to mimic a voice as powerful as its own, but having never heard it ourselves, this might be a dangerous proposition.  Thaumaturgy will only work on the caster's voice - that is, myself - and the dragon may not be female.  If one or two of us leave over the north, we could provide a more conventional distraction without the risk of them seeing through it.  The alternatives are not simply to summon a false Lathander or leave these people to die, and I would not accept the latter even if you did wish it."
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