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Author Topic: Roll To Dodge - Holy Warfare  (Read 4640 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Roll To Dodge - Holy Warfare
« on: February 02, 2015, 01:40:33 am »

Yes, I purposely stopped my other RTD. I realized I overdid it and actually made it backfire on me. Sorry for those who actually wanted to continue it. Hopefully, I'll be able to learn a few things from this RTD to help me in my future ones.

Roll to Dodge - Holy Warfare

Modelled after the Fate/EXTRA series' Holy Grail War.

Running RTD Standard 1.3. No special rules.

The Game
Roll To Dodge, PvP Edition. That's a pretty good summary of this game at first glance, though I've honestly never tested out how well RTD mechanics hold up when players are against each other rather than with each other. This game plays out more like Mafia than RTD, as there is a healthy amount of subterfuge and emphasis on gathering intel.

You are a powerful mage lord, one of many residing in the golden city of Arcania. From within your vast mansion, you conduct research using magic to achieve impossible deeds and cement your place in history as a legend. You are rich, famous, powerful and can be said to lack nothing.

However, recently you have become dissatisfied. A holy artifact has descended from the heavens, known as the Holy Grail. The Grail only descends once every 60 years, and it is said that the one who obtains it will have any wish granted, no matter how impossible it is.

As a mage lord, you are naturally inclined obtain this artifact and use it for your benefit. However, it is not as easy as merely obtaining it -- the Grail has a will of its own and will only bestow a wish upon one who it deems worthy. The worthy one must first kill all others who seek the Grail; only then will the miracle be realized.

Although you are a powerful mage, you have very little in the way of actual combat ability and thus have decided to augment your strength by incarnating yourself as a legendary hero of the past.

You have also contacted the Holy Church at the heart of the city, which agrees to act as a neutral supervisor for the battle over the Holy Grail. They dispatch one of their Executor robots, CA.ST.ER, to enforce a daytime ceasefire and to announce any casualties.

Now, in terms of actual setting -- you are situated within your mansion to start, one of the many mansions of the mage lords within the city. The city is vast, but you know where the other lords' mansions are and will not have to search for them. There are many tens of thousands of commoners and peasants who you can suck life force from if you are desperate for Mana. It is the middle of winter, so the days are short and the night is long.

Only one may obtain the Holy Grail. And you are determined to be that one.

Rules & Gameplay
Basic rules of the game:
  • This is a simple battle royale to the death. Last man standing is the winner.
  • You will pick a famous legendary hero of the past to be your "avatar". This avatar will be who you role-play for the duration of the game.
  • You will gain a set of fixed abilities and passives based on the hero you have chosen. As choices in heroes are virtually unlimited (you get the freedom to pick any famous historical figure, even those in myth), you can pick whatever hero you would like to play as.
  • All standard RTD mechanics come into play, with the exception that actions are submitted to me in PM rather than being posted in the topic. Actions will not be posted in the turns, only the results of the actions. In other words, you will generally act in secret to eliminate your opponents. Also, a [6] is no longer an overshot and [1] is no longer an extreme failure -- [1] will be treated mostly the same as [2] and [6] will be treated mostly the same as [5].
  • Turns will be split into two phases: Day and Night. During the Day phase, all attacks against other players are prohibited and will autofail. The Day phase is intended to act as an intel-gathering stage and also a time to lick any wounds you may have acquired. During the Night phase there are no restrictions on actions and this is where the battles will take place. Note that the cycle will be 1 Day Phase followed by 5 Night Phases.

Detailed rules:
  • The name and abilities of the legendary hero you have chosen as your "avatar" will remain secret to start. However, as the game progresses and you interact with the other players, you will begin to receive clues to the other players' hero names. Correctly guessing an enemy player's hero name gives you +1 in all your rolls against that player and reveals their statuses and abilities to you completely, giving you an enormous advantage against said player.
  • For the sake of limiting guess spamming, you are limited to making three guesses as to any given player's identity. After the third incorrect guess, I will simply no longer respond to any attempt you make to guess that player's identity. Note that this is 3 guesses per player, not 3 guesses in total.
  • Each hero will be given a unique ability known as a Noble Phantasm. The Noble Phantasm represents a weapon or ability that your hero was famous for using in his life. This ability is always extremely powerful and useful but if used will instantly compromise your true name to anyone who sees it. In other words, it's a dangerous and powerful trump card.
  • If you cannot decide on a hero to play as, you may request me to pick one for you. I will do my best to give you a fair chance, but there are no guarantees.
  • Any eliminations will be announced at the beginning of each Day phase. If you happen to waste an action just to find out the target is already dead and you weren't aware of it, tough luck.
    Once you are killed you are permitted to continue influencing the battle royale by communicating with players still living as a "ghost". Whether or not you want to do this is up to you.

  • The hero you decide to play as must be human and must be from the past. In other words, you cannot choose gods or beings from the future as your avatar. There is some leniency in this rule; humans with divine blood, for example, are still acceptable choices.
  • It's not required for your hero to have actually existed. Mythological heroes such as those in legend and religion are perfectly valid choices.
  • Your heroes have to reach a certain level of fame in order to be considered valid. I will not consider random fictional characters as valid "legendary heroes". As a loose rule of thumb: if a Wikipedia article exists for your hero, it is a valid choice.
  • How powerful your hero is depends on how famous it is. The more famous of a hero you pick, the more powerful it will be. However, picking a famous hero also makes it far easier for other players to guess your true name. If you pick an obscure historical figure as your avatar, your power will be limited but it will be nearly impossible for anyone to find out your true name. How much risk you wish to take with your hero is entirely up to you.
  • Note that no matter which hero you pick, its abilities will be superhuman and you will be given much more leniency on which actions are considered "autofail". Doing an action such as "I run vertically up the wall of a skyscraper to quickly get to the top" will not be an autofail and is a perfectly valid action, for example.

Mana Pool
Each player will also have a Mana Pool. Mana in the pool will regenerate at a slow pace and can be consumed to give you a tactical advantage. The default size of each player's Mana Pool is 3, although certain heroes may have higher or lower capacities based on how much of a role magic played in their legends.

The uses of your Mana Pool are as follows:
  • Your hero's Noble Phantasm will usually require some Mana to activate. The amount of Mana varies from hero to hero.
  • Command Spell: You may consume 1 Mana to temporarily empower yourself and give you a +1 bonus to all your rolls for the turn in which this ability is used. This even goes as far as to affect combat rolls such as dodge and damage, but does not stack. Counts as a free action.
  • Spiritual Healing: You can consume 2 Mana to heal yourself to full health, healing any wounds and negative statuses. This ability can only be used in the Day phase and will take up the entire turn. This is the only way to heal yourself, unless your hero happens to have healing powers (this is rare and will be balanced accordingly, so take note).
  • Scrying: You can consume 1 Mana to discern the amount of Mana an enemy player currently has plus see what actions the player underwent this turn. This ability cannot be detected, but will take up your entire turn. You will usually, but not always, find hints as to the target's true name using this ability.

Your options for gaining Mana are highly limited:
  • All players will regenerate 1 Mana at the beginning of each Day phase. This is the safest source of Mana, and it is guaranteed.
  • Killing an enemy player results in adding their remaining Mana to yours, up to your max Mana capacity.
  • You may absorb Mana from the life force of innocent villagers (see Special Actions).

Special Actions
There are a few special actions you can perform:
  • You can specify that you perform an action stealthily. Doing this imposes a -1 penalty on your action but greatly reduces the amount of information any potential observers can obtain on you. The Assassin class cannot use this ability because they're already permanently stealthy.
  • At any time, rather than performing a specific action you may opt to "watch the entire area". If you do this, you will not gain specific information towards any player but will instead receive a rough overview of all the actions that were undertaken that turn. This counts as an action and uses up your turn.
  • You may absorb Mana from the life force of innocent villagers. Doing this gives 1 Mana level, but will be detected by every other player, making it a risky thing to do as it will give all players a piece of information on you. Also, those poor villagers never did anything against you, you monster.

  • Each player will be assigned one of the seven Classes. The class you are assigned will add an additional, guaranteed passive to your character.
  • Classes will be hidden from enemies at the start but will be revealed to another player as soon as you make contact for the first time.
  • There will only be at most one of each class. You can use this with process of elimination to determine which player has which class.
  • You cannot choose which class you will recieve. You can influence it by picking a hero that matches up with the class's attributes and weapon, but it is not guaranteed.

Spoiler: "Saber" (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: "Lancer" (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: "Archer" (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: "Rider" (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: "Caster" (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: "Berserker" (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: "Assassin" (click to show/hide)

Area Map & Location Rules
Below is the area map.  This is important, because a big problem in RTD normally is the lack of a detailed map so y'all get confused sometimes with locations and distance.

How the map will work is: If you and another player are within vision range of each other (1 tile by default, NOT diagonally, only up/down/left/right), or you happen to cross paths while moving, you will see each other.  At that point it is up to you to decide what to do next.

Note the various terrain features:
  • Holy Church: You may enter the Holy Church at any time during the game.  While in the Holy Church you cannot attack others nor be attacked, but you also cannot perform any actions whatsoever, including controlling summons.  The only action you are permitted to perform while under the sanctuary of the Church is to leave.  You may stay at the Holy Church for a total of 3 turns throughout the game before being kicked out and barred from further entry.
  • Mana Fountain: Standing on a Mana Fountain tile allows you to regenerate 1 Mana every turn as long as you are the only one standing on the tile.  If there is more than one person standing on the Mana Fountain tile, the tile has no effect.
  • Mist-covered Area: Reduces vision by one tile.  The only way to see someone in a mist-covered area is to be on the exact same tile as them (assuming you have no vision bonuses), or to use Scrying.  The vision penalty goes both ways however, as you cannot see outside while you are in a misty area.
  • Observation Tower: Increases vision by one tile.  This stacks on top of any vision bonuses you may normally have.
  • You can raze terrain features.  More specifically, if you are the only person standing on a specific terrain feature, you may burn down the feature and permanently remove it from the map.  You can only burn down the Towers and the Mana Fountains; Mist-covered Areas and the Holy Church cannot be razed.  If you visit the Holy Church with a torch in hand you will be burned at the stake.  Heretic.
Also, the spawn points are just that -- spawn points.  Technically it's the mansion you had as a mage lord.  The spawn points will be randomized, and you won't know which one is yours until the game begins.

Just for kicks.
  • 1st Place: The champion of the battle royale will receive an instant +200% skill progress in any skill of their choice in any one of my future RTDs. They also receive eternal bragging rights.
  • 2nd Place: The first runner-up will receive an instant +100% skill progress in any skill of their choice in any one of my future RTDs.
  • 3rd Place: The second runner-up will receive an instant +50% skill progress in any skill of their choice in any one of my future RTDs.
  • 4th to 7th Place: All other players will receive a consolation prize of +20% skill progress in any skill of their choice in any one of my future RTDs.

A striked out name indicates the player is eliminated. (Maximum : 7 Players)
  • Briehn
  • Kevak
  • zomara0292
  • playergamer
  • Salsacookies
  • pencil_art
  • mastahcheese
« Last Edit: February 05, 2015, 09:44:39 pm by Caster »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Roll To Dodge - Holy Warfare
« Reply #1 on: February 02, 2015, 02:03:52 am »


Will unlock after I fix this crucial thing.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Roll To Dodge - Holy Warfare
« Reply #2 on: February 02, 2015, 05:03:16 pm »


- Forgot to make status cards. (Completely done)

For those who want to join, please PM me your hero.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Roll To Dodge - Holy Warfare
« Reply #3 on: February 02, 2015, 07:09:38 pm »

Please be aware that you must pick 1 hero and 1 hero only.

There will never be 2 of the same class in a game. If you choose a hero who's obviously 100% worthy of a certain class, I'll have to read their history more thoroughly to determine a second class.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Roll To Dodge - Holy Warfare
« Reply #4 on: February 02, 2015, 09:06:48 pm »

Do they need to be a mythological character or can they be from a work of fiction?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Roll To Dodge - Holy Warfare
« Reply #5 on: February 02, 2015, 09:49:59 pm »

Do they need to be a mythological character or can they be from a work of fiction?

Basic rules of the game:
  • This is a simple battle royale to the death. Last man standing is the winner.
  • You will pick a famous legendary hero of the past to be your "avatar". This avatar will be who you role-play for the duration of the game.
  • You will gain a set of fixed abilities and passives based on the hero you have chosen. As choices in heroes are virtually unlimited (you get the freedom to pick any famous historical figure, even those in myth), you can pick whatever hero you would like to play as.
  • All standard RTD mechanics come into play, with the exception that actions are submitted to me in PM rather than being posted in the topic. Actions will not be posted in the turns, only the results of the actions. In other words, you will generally act in secret to eliminate your opponents. Also, a [6] is no longer an overshot and [1] is no longer an extreme failure -- [1] will be treated mostly the same as [2] and [6] will be treated mostly the same as [5].
  • Turns will be split into two phases: Day and Night. During the Day phase, all attacks against other players are prohibited and will autofail. The Day phase is intended to act as an intel-gathering stage and also a time to lick any wounds you may have acquired. During the Night phase there are no restrictions on actions and this is where the battles will take place. Note that the cycle will be 1 Day Phase followed by 5 Night Phases.

Characters in myths are viable. Fictional heroes/villains will also be viable, however, anything other than a hero/villain will not be. Nonetheless, provide at least a wiki page of the sort.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Roll To Dodge - Holy Warfare
« Reply #6 on: February 02, 2015, 09:59:03 pm »

(Is Simo Hayha famous enough?)
A troll, most likely...But I hate not feeding the animals. Let the games begin.
Ya fuckin' wanker.   

My sigtext


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Roll To Dodge - Holy Warfare
« Reply #7 on: February 02, 2015, 10:33:28 pm »

(Is Simo Hayha famous enough?)

No, sorry.

For future references, 

Please PM me any and all questions you have.
Also be aware that you do not decide the class of your hero. His/her history and I decide.

Also, if your 'hero' is famous for a discovery, I most likely won't accept it due to the fact that it really isn't much of being a 'hero'.
« Last Edit: February 02, 2015, 10:39:19 pm by Caster »


  • Bay Watcher
  • I don't kill people but when I do it's slow.
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Re: Roll To Dodge - Holy Warfare
« Reply #8 on: February 02, 2015, 10:41:48 pm »

What about the Viking that fought off 40 odd troops at the Battle of Stamford Bridge?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Roll To Dodge - Holy Warfare
« Reply #9 on: February 02, 2015, 10:44:56 pm »

What about the Viking that fought off 40 odd troops at the Battle of Stamford Bridge?

I wouldn't accept it due to the fact that it's not a really 'famous' person in history.


  • Bay Watcher
  • I don't kill people but when I do it's slow.
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Re: Roll To Dodge - Holy Warfare
« Reply #10 on: February 02, 2015, 10:50:19 pm »

But, But the Statistics! Ah well, PTW.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Roll To Dodge - Holy Warfare
« Reply #11 on: February 02, 2015, 11:08:23 pm »

But, But the Statistics! Ah well, PTW.
Please be aware that no turns (excluding last one) will be posted in the thread. The only thing that will be posted in this thread are when I announce a turn, death, or the last turn.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Roll To Dodge - Holy Warfare
« Reply #12 on: February 03, 2015, 12:00:40 am »

We need 1 more player to begin the war.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Roll To Dodge - Holy Warfare
« Reply #13 on: February 03, 2015, 04:16:42 pm »

Harry Baldman has resigned from the war. The church seeks a new Mage Lord.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Roll To Dodge - Holy Warfare
« Reply #14 on: February 03, 2015, 10:33:14 pm »

If the Grail doesn't pick a new Mage Lord within 24 hours, the church will forcibly start the Holy Warfare.
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